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PC gurus.. I need advice..


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My lap top is running like molasses, all of the windows "redraw" themselves, I type and letters appear 30 seconds later, etc.

The task mngr is showing something "vsmon.exe" & "TeaTimer.exe" taking a lot of memory...

I tried to restore the computer back to last week when it was running ok but it's still acting quirky.

Any suggestions? (Assuming I can actually get back here to read them later.)


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My lap top is running like molasses, all of the windows "redraw" themselves, I type and letters appear 30 seconds later, etc.

The task mngr is showing something "vsmon.exe" & "TeaTimer.exe" taking a lot of memory...

I tried to restore the computer back to last week when it was running ok but it's still acting quirky.

Any suggestions? (Assuming I can actually get back here to read them later.)


Find where TeaTimer.exe is located on your computer... it's probably the SpyBot scanner (which while good for preventing malware, is a resource hog), but if it's located in C:\Windows (or C:\WinNT) or C:\Windows\System32, then it may be a piece of malware masquerading as SpyBot.

vsmon.exe is a Zone Alarm process. I'm going to assume that these two programs are being run intentionally, which is certainly not a bad practice - but there is a performance impact associated, as they need to scan files/processes and monitor network traffic in real-time.

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Are you running Vista or XP?

Find where TeaTimer.exe is located on your computer... it's probably the SpyBot scanner (which while good for preventing malware, is a resource hog), but if it's located in C:\Windows (or C:\WinNT) or C:\Windows\System32, then it may be a piece of malware masquerading as SpyBot.

vsmon.exe is a Zone Alarm process. I'm going to assume that these two programs are being run intentionally, which is certainly not a bad practice - but there is a performance impact associated, as they need to scan files/processes and monitor network traffic in real-time.

Running XP.

Ok.. I'll check the local of TeaTimer...

Zone Alarm & Spybot have been on my computer for some time now, running in tandem, w/o ill effects. This all started happening last night.

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Do you have anti-virus software? Zone Alarm and Spybot are good, but they don't stop viruses. I'd run Lavasoft's Ad-Aware, too. Defraging the hard drive never hurts, but it doesn't sound like that's at the root of your problem.

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Do you have anti-virus software? Zone Alarm and Spybot are good, but they don't stop viruses. I'd run Lavasoft's Ad-Aware, too. Defraging the hard drive never hurts, but it doesn't sound like that's at the root of your problem.

I have Norton Utilities.. not sure if it is current, though.

I'll try the Lavasoft too. Thank you!

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To those who answered, I thank you..

It seems my computer was infected by a virus, which is why I have not been back to check the thread since I started it. Thankfully I have a pc geek family member who will fix it over the w/e.. until then, I have to borrow hubby's computer when available.

The people who create these viruses suck, btw.

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