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New York Jets Mafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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The Jets lockerroom debated and debated and debated some more. Lots of finger pointing was going on, but certainly not a lot of agreement. So Woody Johnson started to get impatient and gave them one more day to figure out their recommendation, or he would cut whoever the hell he felt like. So debate quickly started to heat up and focus shifted to a last few people. In the end, it was AVM who ended up catching the brunt of the rush to judgment. AVM didn't fight it too much and seemed convinced in the long run, this move could possibly help the team. So the members of the Jets lockerroom went to Woody Johnson and handed him AVM on a silver platter.

AVM seemed to fight Woody a little harder. He reminded Woody how talented he was, what a team leader he was and overall how important to the team he was. With Woody clearly unimpressed, for some reason, AVM started to complain about Jay Cutler. Woody had finally heard enough, and sent him packing.

"Hollywood" Kerry Rhodes has been cut.


Night 2 has begun.

Night Actions are due by 9:30 PM Friday.

Thanks for taking me out with some dignity BG, great game so far!

Great game guys, I had an absolute BLAST. Well played by everyone so far! Hopefully the next one won't fall in the middle of exam week so I can join. Good luck, go Jets!!!!

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Defense of your manipulation - yes

Defense of my actions - no

I made it very clear why I was doing what I did and would do it again..

Norway acted scummy as hell. The evidence was all there against him. I would make the same case OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. He aligned himself foolishly with Doggin in the night phase.

Doggin was guilty. No question.


You decide :biggrin:

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FTR, I'm drunk. Again.

+1 - wife got too many bottles of wine (I said "wife," so I'm straight even though I'm chugging chardonnay...kinda)

And with that, I bid everyone goodnight. Be back on the morrow (working from home so I should be on the majority of the day).

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+1 - wife got too many bottles of wine (I said "wife," so I'm straight even though I'm chugging chardonnay...kinda)

And with that, I bid everyone goodnight. Be back on the morrow (working from home so I should be on the majority of the day).

I was at a launch party/show for a women's dress line.

I have nothing to 'straighten that out' with.

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Doggin, trying to get a speed lynch on me when I said I might not even be back to the game all night is the a very, very scummy thing to do. This after you admit that you have no real case on me?

Now my Sharrow vote is scummy? I think my reason was very logical. Although I was wary that AVM had an anti town role, I stated that I did not want to lynch him because A) he had stood up to everyone's scrutiny B) he might have a real role that helps the town (but not terribly likley) and c) that I felt more comfortable voting for a guy like Sharrow, who had just stayed under the radar all game.

I never said that I felt Sharrow was scum. Just that I was not gonna punish the guy that faced the heat from everyone, and reward the guy who stayed under the radar.

The fact that you keep fabricating baseless cases against me is confusing but I'm left with no other possibility, 100% sure, that you're scum.

Well, enjoy your nightkill.

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Doggin, trying to get a speed lynch on me when I said I might not even be back to the game all night is the a very, very scummy thing to do. This after you admit that you have no real case on me?

Now my Sharrow vote is scummy? I think my reason was very logical. Although I was wary that AVM had an anti town role, I stated that I did not want to lynch him because A) he had stood up to everyone's scrutiny B) he might have a real role that helps the town (but not terribly likley) and c) that I felt more comfortable voting for a guy like Sharrow, who had just stayed under the radar all game.

I never said that I felt Sharrow was scum. Just that I was not gonna punish the guy that faced the heat from everyone, and reward the guy who stayed under the radar.

The fact that you keep fabricating baseless cases against me is confusing but I'm left with no other possibility, 100% sure, that you're scum.

Well, enjoy your nightkill.

tommorrow should be fun :D

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I was just thinking that same thing... lol.

I think you should review why Slats should get the NK again..


Assuming everything the town knows is true, (slats innocent, vic cop, you rolefinder) I would kill slats personally as a confirmed innocent.. (also Slats was a savant last game, so the quicker I can eliminate him the better)

You will get lynched if you live too long, and a SK, if exists, might whack you out anyway as you might have the only role that can find him (like an FBI agent). I wouldn't risk the cross kill and your role doesn't seem like a direct threat to scum

Now they may take a shot at Vic, hoping to outguess the doc, but that probably depends on how many of them Vic has been suspicious of, and how many of them are godfather type characters.

Sorry slats, but I'd still shoot you. I doubt they'll listen to me however, going for VIc or Pac might be too much for them to pass up..

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I was just thinking that same thing... lol.

I think you should review why Slats should get the NK again..

Haha. :rim: ...this is why nobody likes you. :bash:

If either of us are alive tomorrow, we'll be a big part of the discussion.

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Haha. :rim: ...this is why nobody likes you. :bash:

If either of us are alive tomorrow, we'll be a big part of the discussion.


I really don't think they'll shoot at you. I play a more patient game usually and the allure of killing a power role will be strong..

Plus, as you said, I still suspect you are the godfather, so that might help you

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Started writing up the lists ... aside from the master list, I know we want one on the AVM vote. Are there any requests for separate lists for specific trains? (SMC or Pac, maybe?)

BTW, I dream of becoming a mod one day solely for the pleasure of posting vote counts. ;) Too bad it's not part of a mod's job to post these kinds of lists, too, haha.

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Started writing up the lists ... aside from the master list, I know we want one on the AVM vote. Are there any requests for separate lists for specific trains? (SMC or Pac, maybe?)

BTW, I dream of becoming a mod one day solely for the pleasure of posting vote counts. ;) Too bad it's not part of a mod's job to post these kinds of lists, too, haha.

You are a maniac lol..

Thanks a ton. This is why I will never vote to lynch you until it is obvious you are scum..

re: modding, anyone can do it, as long as you think you can put together a balanced game.. Playing in an english major nerds game sounds interesting..

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Here's the big one. Again, I tried as best as I could to paraphrase/quote people's explanations for voting - at the time they cast their vote. Keep in mind people sometimes provided more detailed explanations prior to that, which I tried to refer to when those posts were nearby and easy to find. And towards the end, I sometimes referenced people's past explanations (from when we had the Top 3 lists going around to narrow things down), since people had already explained themselves a few times.

I color-coded people's names because I'm neurotic.




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You are a maniac lol..

Thanks a ton. This is why I will never vote to lynch you until it is obvious you are scum..

re: modding, anyone can do it, as long as you think you can put together a balanced game.. Playing in an english major nerds game sounds interesting..

Yeah, I'll definitely have to play more games before I gain a sense of what makes a game balanced, but the thought of modding a game is appealing. :P

I won't be making lists on other trains for now, since I'm going to bed, but if people decide tomorrow they want lists for other trains to make it easier to look at, I can do that, too.

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Doggin, trying to get a speed lynch on me when I said I might not even be back to the game all night is the a very, very scummy thing to do. This after you admit that you have no real case on me?

Weak, Norway, very weak. A speed lynch? Could you point to the post of mine that even suggested anything like that?

And "no real case"? What part of multiple unvotes, odd interactions, weird reasons for voting and voting players I think are clearly innocent doesn't add up to a legitimate suspicion?

This post is a classic case of "protesting too much" - a typical scumtell, because scum often feel the need to over argue against accusations they know are true. Just another suspicious act to add to the pile.

Now my Sharrow vote is scummy? I think my reason was very logical. Although I was wary that AVM had an anti town role, I stated that I did not want to lynch him because A) he had stood up to everyone's scrutiny B) he might have a real role that helps the town (but not terribly likley) and c) that I felt more comfortable voting for a guy like Sharrow, who had just stayed under the radar all game.

It's plausible, but not necessarily true, particularly as I've gotten a very innocent vibe from Sharrow throughout, based on what he's said when he has posted. Your buddy CTM says the same thing, btw.

I never said that I felt Sharrow was scum. Just that I was not gonna punish the guy that faced the heat from everyone, and reward the guy who stayed under the radar.

"reward"? "punish"? What happened to looking for scum? Because your approach to voting indicates that you already know who's who.

The fact that you keep fabricating baseless cases against me is confusing but I'm left with no other possibility, 100% sure, that you're scum.

Protesting too much, again. Because, you know, it's entirely impossible that anyone could find anything you did scummy . . . :rolleyes:

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Weak, Norway, very weak. A speed lynch? Could you point to the post of mine that even suggested anything like that?

And "no real case"? What part of multiple unvotes, odd interactions, weird reasons for voting and voting players I think are clearly innocent doesn't add up to a legitimate suspicion?

This post is a classic case of "protesting too much" - a typical scumtell, because scum often feel the need to over argue against accusations they know are true. Just another suspicious act to add to the pile.

It's plausible, but not necessarily true, particularly as I've gotten a very innocent vibe from Sharrow throughout, based on what he's said when he has posted. Your buddy CTM says the same thing, btw.

"reward"? "punish"? What happened to looking for scum? Because your approach to voting indicates that you already know who's who.

Protesting too much, again. Because, you know, it's entirely impossible that anyone could find anything you did scummy . . . :rolleyes:

This is why you're the master of manipulation. So you press a non-existant case against me, and I should just ignore it? So I don't post when I'm not facing any heat, you find it suspicious. I respond to your "evidence" and you find it suspicious. ](*,)

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Weak, Norway, very weak. A speed lynch? Could you point to the post of mine that even suggested anything like that?

And "no real case"? What part of multiple unvotes, odd interactions, weird reasons for voting and voting players I think are clearly innocent doesn't add up to a legitimate suspicion?

This post is a classic case of "protesting too much" - a typical scumtell, because scum often feel the need to over argue against accusations they know are true. Just another suspicious act to add to the pile.

It's plausible, but not necessarily true, particularly as I've gotten a very innocent vibe from Sharrow throughout, based on what he's said when he has posted. Your buddy CTM says the same thing, btw.

"reward"? "punish"? What happened to looking for scum? Because your approach to voting indicates that you already know who's who.

Protesting too much, again. Because, you know, it's entirely impossible that anyone could find anything you did scummy . . . :rolleyes:

And I love the "protest too much rhetoric", btw. :biggrin:

But when accused of scumines, I'm gonna, you know, defend myself.

First bolded: You were sure hoping you'd get a speed lynch. I was on record as saying that I wasn't sure whether I'd make it back to the game until this morning. What an opportune time to try a dramatic "unvote - vote Norway, who's comin' with me?"

Second bolded: Also documented was the idea that we were ALL unsure of who to vote for. The whole reason we had that crazy vote matrix going was because no one seemed especially dirty. To single me out is silly. My theory was to let the players, who I didn't think were especially scummy off the hook, and vote for a mor einactive player. You may not like it, but it's not scummy.

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Morning came and the newspaper reports were out. Rumors were swirling about the late night activities of one Dan X. Woody Johnson saw this, and he was none too happy. As it turns out, the reports stated that there were rumors that Dan X had hit the bars last night, and things got out a little out of hand. Reports on everything from fights with midgets to encounters with tranny hookers made things look not so good for Dan X. He pleaded with Woody, trying to convince him that he never even left his house last night. Woody told him to prove it, but he had no means to do so, so Mr. Johnson took action.


Nick Mangold has been suspended.

But the night wasn't done yet. Once again, Woody Johnson had a visitor. And once again, his visitor had some not too kind words to say about someone else in the Jets lockerroom. This time, the person in question was Sharrow. At first Woody wasn't sure what to think, but as his visitor went on, Woody became more and more convinced that what he was saying about Sharrow was true. Finally, Woody decided he had enough and didn't need to hear any more, he was going to make things right, or so he thought.


David Harris has been benched.

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