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JN Mafia Thread: Superheroes Unite!

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I'm not buying the Pac case. He's giving me a frustrated innocent vibe right now, though admittedly I don't know you guys or your styles that well.

First, if Pac was the vig, I'd have been attacked by now. 2nd, if pac were the cop, he'd have investigated me by now. If that were the case, he'd have gotten an innocent and not be attacking me.

Speculation. Yes, I see that you are one of the more formidable players on this site, but there are other players who are just as likely to be targetted for investigation. Such as, for example, Doggin.

Then, there is the fact that we have two groups. Pac is apart of neither. He's not an avenger, as I know the final member, Im also confident that capt america is in the game, as someone who knows the avengers but they don't know him. This player made two posts hinting towards knowledge of Doggin that he otherwise was unlikely to make. That player is not Pac.

I'm not sure there are TWO mason groups in this game.

Smashmouth, a member of the fantastic 4, went after Pac, now, we can't be certain that this group knows each other, but there is one player, who defended smash, who also fits the mold of the fantastic 4. Irish Jet is the invisible woman. At one point he said, 'I can't get into this game, can someone vote for me?'. On the surface, does that me vote for me, or vote for (in lieu of me). Irish, the Invisible Woman, votes in secret... It explains the 10 votes on SMC. Irish, you said you disagree that I'm innocent, and I assume you're secretly voting for me... I ask you to reconsider. There is another player who didn't see it on Smash but I'm not 100 sure he's a member yet.

This depends on the Fantastic Four knowing each other's identities. While it is certainly a possibility, like I said, I'd lean more towards the Avengers being a mason group, unless I'm mistaken in my recollections.

So, that leaves us with very little for pac. The only out I can see is if he is wolverine, the vig, and did not shoot me... Do we believe that? Or he is the cop, and I am godfather... Both are significantly less likely than scum.

Unless there are multiple cops with differing sanities in the game.

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because they were arrogant and lazy and can't take the ten minutes to fully spell out and elaborate on their cases? EY is convincing because of the manner in which he presents his case seems logical and thought out and based in reason. Jif is based on intuition and reading people smc smash and yourselfs arguments are based on emotion, insults and laziness. How hard is it to write a post saying " ey is guilty and here is why... and then list at least 2-3 examples of his scummy behavior" stop assuming things are and should be obvious. Not everyone shares your perspective. Arsis sure does not.

I would like to be able to spend all morning going back and forth but I'd rather not get fired. I'm home now and will be for a couple hours. Let me read that "case" of his again.

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Speculation. Yes, I see that you are one of the more formidable players on this site, but there are other players who are just as likely to be targetted for investigation. Such as, for example, Doggin.

While I'm typically an early name for investigation under normal circumstances, I've taken down two innocent players thus far...

If you were the cop, wouldn't you submit my name?

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I would like to be able to spend all morning going back and forth but I'd rather not get fired. I'm home now and will be for a couple hours. Let me read that "case" of his again.

Don't spend all morning. Take 15 minutes and address it properly and thouroughly so it can be done with and we can move on. If you're a townie arsis does not want to waste any more time on you.

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because they were arrogant and lazy and can't take the ten minutes to fully spell out and elaborate on their cases? EY is convincing because of the manner in which he presents his case seems logical and thought out and based in reason. Jif is based on intuition and reading people smc smash and yourselfs arguments are based on emotion, insults and laziness. How hard is it to write a post saying " ey is guilty and here is why... and then list at least 2-3 examples of his scummy behavior" stop assuming things are and should be obvious. Not everyone shares your perspective. Arsis sure does not.

Incidentally I resent the implication that my play has been lazy. It's not my job to go back and paste 50 quotes because someone hasn't been reading thoroughly.

As far as the use of insults that is only towards the guys that I like (and in a couple cases have met). I can fill a book with the names I've been called in this thread.

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Incidentally I resent the implication that my play has been lazy. It's not my job to go back and paste 50 quotes because someone hasn't been reading thoroughly.

As far as the use of insults that is only towards the guys that I like (and in a couple cases have met). I can fill a book with the names I've been called in this thread.

Who said anything about quoting 50 posts...Arsis did not. Arsis said organize your arguments in one post that is laid out in a logical and coherent manner. Look at what EY did. he presented his case and train of though for review. Whether his conclusions turn out to be right or wrong is beside the point. Ey laid out all of his thoughts and ideas. Pac says that he does not have the time to present his case and implies it is obvious. If you were an outside observer who would you believe in this situation?

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Irish Jet is the invisible woman. At one point he said, 'I can't get into this game, can someone vote for me?'. On the surface, does that me vote for me, or vote for (in lieu of me). Irish, the Invisible Woman, votes in secret... It explains the 10 votes on SMC. Irish, you said you disagree that I'm innocent, and I assume you're secretly voting for me... I ask you to reconsider. There is another player who didn't see it on Smash but I'm not 100 sure he's a member yet.

That's impressive, I have to say but it's wrong. I am not the invisible woman and I have no post restriction. I have just been inactive. I was not responsible for there being 10 votes on SMC and I'm not voting for you right now.

Also my post earlier where I said I disagree, I wasn't saying that I was most suspicious of you, I was disagreeing with what JiF said about you and how you don't play with this sort of aggression as scum. I've seen you play pretty aggressively as scum before and it's concerning me that people are backing off of you for that paticular reason.

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That's impressive, I have to say but it's wrong. I am not the invisible woman and I have no post restriction. I have just been inactive. I was not responsible for there being 10 votes on SMC and I'm not voting for you right now.

Also my post earlier where I said I disagree, I wasn't saying that I was most suspicious of you, I was disagreeing with what JiF said about you and how you don't play with this sort of aggression as scum. I've seen you play pretty aggressively as scum before and it's concerning me that people are backing off of you for that paticular reason.

Well, I wouldn't expect you to just admit it.

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Who said anything about quoting 50 posts...Arsis did not. Arsis said organize your arguments in one post that is laid out in a logical and coherent manner. Look at what EY did. he presented his case and train of though for review. Whether his conclusions turn out to be right or wrong is beside the point. Ey laid out all of his thoughts and ideas. Pac says that he does not have the time to present his case and implies it is obvious. If you were an outside observer who would you believe in this situation?

His cases against SMC and Smash were clearly presented as well. Just because you got to a restaurant and order something that looks great on the menu doesn't mean it's not going to taste like **it.

My case is based on 2 main points.

- He's twice led the town to the lynching of innocent players with paper thin cases. The lynches weren't about substance but rather a sustained attack of their character. You yourself admitted to voting for SMC and Smash because they were "arrogant and brash". Did you ever think the reason they were acting that way is because they were frustrated that EY's manipulation was actually winning over voters? How many times does one guy have to be grossly incorrect for people to stop giving his opinion so much weight?

- Something about the Smash modkill didn't seem right. JVOR doesn't strike me as the type of mod who has an itchy trigger finger (especially in a game he spent so much time in creating). IMO someone was PMing JVOR screaming at him to MK Smash.

Having been on a scum team with EY before I can tell you that he will not hesitate to PM a mod threatening to "blow up the thread" because of what he percieves to be unfair play. I think what happened is he was ticked off his case against Smash was about to be derailed and he frantically PMd JVOR to get him whacked. Anyone who has played with EY knows this is possible.

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That's impressive, I have to say but it's wrong. I am not the invisible woman and I have no post restriction. I have just been inactive. I was not responsible for there being 10 votes on SMC and I'm not voting for you right now.

Also my post earlier where I said I disagree, I wasn't saying that I was most suspicious of you, I was disagreeing with what JiF said about you and how you don't play with this sort of aggression as scum. I've seen you play pretty aggressively as scum before and it's concerning me that people are backing off of you for that paticular reason.

Here's a shocker for ya... In EY's numerous lists of heros my name is no where to be found.

The guy is either scum playing very well or clueless town.

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His cases against SMC and Smash were clearly presented as well. Just because you got to a restaurant and order something that looks great on the menu doesn't mean it's not going to taste like **it.

My case is based on 2 main points.

- He's twice led the town to the lynching of innocent players with paper thin cases. The lynches weren't about substance but rather a sustained attack of their character. You yourself admitted to voting for SMC and Smash because they were "arrogant and brash". Did you ever think the reason they were acting that way is because they were frustrated that EY's manipulation was actually winning over voters? How many times does one guy have to be grossly incorrect for people to stop giving his opinion so much weight?

- Something about the Smash modkill didn't seem right. JVOR doesn't strike me as the type of mod who has an itchy trigger finger (especially in a game he spent so much time in creating). IMO someone was PMing JVOR screaming at him to MK Smash.

Having been on a scum team with EY before I can tell you that he will not hesitate to PM a mod threatening to "blow up the thread" because of what he percieves to be unfair play. I think what happened is he was ticked off his case against Smash was about to be derailed and he frantically PMd JVOR to get him whacked. Anyone who has played with EY knows this is possible.

So how has the scum team you're on now decided to play the game?

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That's impressive, I have to say but it's wrong. I am not the invisible woman and I have no post restriction. I have just been inactive. I was not responsible for there being 10 votes on SMC and I'm not voting for you right now.

Also my post earlier where I said I disagree, I wasn't saying that I was most suspicious of you, I was disagreeing with what JiF said about you and how you don't play with this sort of aggression as scum. I've seen you play pretty aggressively as scum before and it's concerning me that people are backing off of you for that paticular reason.

No. EY is aggressive in any role. The difference in when he is scum or town is that as scum, he will let other theories formulate and actually help give them steam to keep your head spinning.

This game, he is playing with blind folders on and going after a specific player extremely hard and isnt even recognizing other theories. Its a one way street, which is typically a sign he's town.

Why the F would he play this way if he is scum and why the F would the cop not have investigated him? EY is town I'm 98% sure of it because I doub their is GF in this game...just a hunch.

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His cases against SMC and Smash were clearly presented as well. Just because you got to a restaurant and order something that looks great on the menu doesn't mean it's not going to taste like **it.

My case is based on 2 main points.

- He's twice led the town to the lynching of innocent players with paper thin cases. The lynches weren't about substance but rather a sustained attack of their character. You yourself admitted to voting for SMC and Smash because they were "arrogant and brash". Did you ever think the reason they were acting that way is because they were frustrated that EY's manipulation was actually winning over voters? How many times does one guy have to be grossly incorrect for people to stop giving his opinion so much weight?

- Something about the Smash modkill didn't seem right. JVOR doesn't strike me as the type of mod who has an itchy trigger finger (especially in a game he spent so much time in creating). IMO someone was PMing JVOR screaming at him to MK Smash.

Having been on a scum team with EY before I can tell you that he will not hesitate to PM a mod threatening to "blow up the thread" because of what he percieves to be unfair play. I think what happened is he was ticked off his case against Smash was about to be derailed and he frantically PMd JVOR to get him whacked. Anyone who has played with EY knows this is possible.

So, you've rebuked nothing, just that you don't like how I took down two town players.

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No. EY is aggressive in any role. The difference in when he is scum or town is that as scum, he will let other theories formulate and actually help give them steam to keep your head spinning.

This game, he is playing with blind folders on and going after a specific player extremely hard and isnt even recognizing other theories. Its a one way street, which is typically a sign he's town.

Why the F would he play this way if he is scum and why the F would the cop not have investigated him? EY is town I'm 98% sure of it because I doub their is GF in this game...just a hunch.

If I was scum why the F would I:

- unvote SMC on the 10th vote and be posting frequently around the time of his death? What would be the point of drawing so much attention to myself when it's clear he's gone?

- abandon the easier case on Kleck in favor of going after EY? Why wouldn't I NK him?

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No. EY is aggressive in any role. The difference in when he is scum or town is that as scum, he will let other theories formulate and actually help give them steam to keep your head spinning.

This game, he is playing with blind folders on and going after a specific player extremely hard and isnt even recognizing other theories. Its a one way street, which is typically a sign he's town.

Why the F would he play this way if he is scum and why the F would the cop not have investigated him? EY is town I'm 98% sure of it because I doub their is GF in this game...just a hunch.

I agree with this, outside of the godfather thing, can you expand.

Anotehr point, I don't think we should be assuming you are innocent just because you were the first time and apparently part of a mason team. In fact, it's probably less likely that you come back as an innocent because of you ability to confirm other innocents based on your last role..

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If I was scum why the F would I:

- unvote SMC on the 10th vote and be posting frequently around the time of his death? What would be the point of drawing so much attention to myself when it's clear he's gone?

- abandon the easier case on Kleck in favor of going after EY? Why wouldn't I NK him?

I can think of plenty of reasons why you would do both. And most have them been metioned already. I'm confused as to why you would actually think those 2 points are strong cases in your defense.

Let me ask you this...if I was to tell you the I know for a fact 100% that EY is innocent. Who would be your other choice?

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I can think of plenty of reasons why you would do both. And most have them been metioned already. I'm confused as to why you would actually think those 2 points are strong cases in your defense.

Let me ask you this...if I was to tell you the I know for a fact 100% that EY is innocent. Who would be your other choice?

I agree with Chan and Slats eluded to earlier. It's more likely that you're scum than not.

I didn't want to have to say it but I think a tell was when JVOR announced you were playing he said "details" had to be worked out. What details would need to be worked out if you were innocent? Why not just let you back in and pick up where you left off.

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No they haven't Boopsie. Just like they haven;'t listen to a thing I have said about CTM and EY in cahoots. Boith of these players lead the town astray in every game they play. Unless EY slips up and decides he wants to be modkilled or Pac decides to slap CTM around like the little briany b1tch he is.

So Im the next logical choice because of my spat with Smash and my slow 2nd day, because packing a family of 7 to the beach for a week might not take some of my time.

Anyhow, Im going to continue to catch up on this thread becore I go play thunder frisbee with my sons.

By the way Speedos' rule!!!!!

So, lets review; attack me and EY, suck up to jif, you have to shoehorn yourself into some speedos to play frisbee and..


Thanks for stopping by.. At what time will you be back to offer something resembling a defense???

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What is your case against EY other than he was wrong?

You've never been wrong in a game of mafia? You're wrong about me. And you're wrong about EY.

Let me ask you this...if I was to tell you the I know for a fact 100% that EY is innocent. Who would be your other choice?

What makes you guys so completely sure about EY?

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I agree with Chan and Slats eluded to earlier. It's more likely that you're scum than not.

I didn't want to have to say it but I think a tell was when JVOR announced you were playing he said "details" had to be worked out. What details would need to be worked out if you were innocent? Why not just let you back in and pick up where you left off.

So you're claiming to be in cahoots with Chan and Slats now?

What possible sense does it make to allow a player who was clean and the leader of a mason group back in the game as scum?

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I still like Crusher. I don't have a problem with how fast his train picked up because I've gotten a strong hero vibe from everyone that was on it (klecko, sharrow, norway, Arsis) except for CTM. I have more of a problem with it stalling again just like it did on day 1. Could be that scum are trying to deflect away from him by helping go after Pac, who I also get a slight hero vibe from. I think it would be dumb for scum to play the way he has drawing this much attention to himself. Especially when Smash and SMC got lynched in part while doing the same.

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I could make a guess like that, but I'm going to wait until you're dead first.

If my death is what it takes to expose you than I'll happily martyr myself. Sadly I think even after it's been shown to be a horrible mistake you might still be able to convince some that you were in the right.

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So you're claiming to be in cahoots with Chan and Slats now?

What possible sense does it make to allow a player who was clean and the leader of a mason group back in the game as scum?

What? I said I agree with what they were saying.

Andy why do people keep insisting there's one (or even 2!) mason groups in the game? Is this a fact or opinion?

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I still like Crusher. I don't have a problem with how fast his train picked up because I've gotten a strong hero vibe from everyone that was on it (klecko, sharrow, norway, Arsis) except for CTM. I have more of a problem with it stalling again just like it did on day 1. Could be that scum are trying to deflect away from him by helping go after Pac, who I also get a slight hero vibe from. I think it would be dumb for scum to play the way he has drawing this much attention to himself. Especially when Smash and SMC got lynched in part while doing the same.

I don't get the hero vibe from norway or sharrow at all. Chan is definitely scum but there's not a strong enough case to be made against him just yet.

I was stunned at how quickly the train got moving with Crusher. The only possible explanation is that scum were jumping on board hoping for a quick lynch. I know I am clean and I know Arsis is clean. The other three.... meh, not so much.

While none of them are defending Pac, none of them are jumping to vote him off either. Chan is still trying to make the Crusher case as it falls apart.

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