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Mets ace Santana (elbow) scratched from next start


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Micheal Kay was saying the Yankees didn't sign him because scouts were saying he wasn't going to last through his contract.

I hope this isn't the case, but if he does in fact break down it would make Cashman look good for not pulling the trigger on Hughes.

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i don't feel bad for any of the Mets fans on this forum (well, the majority)

but I feel bad for their season ticket holders.

thought they were getting Reyes, WRight, Beltran, Santana and K-rod for a full 162 game season

well, they still got K-rod.....

and Wright's coming back in a few weeks I hear.

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Poor poor Mess....feel bad for them, and their fans

Especially Dierk

Don't feel bad for me, my old friend.

You get what you deserve in life, and the mets are getting what they deserve.

If you have the highest payroll in the NL, you should be able to shoulder injuries and still be competitive.

They have been mismanaged and gotten excactly what they deserve.

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I'm still waiting to see how great they will be now that Willie's gone. :baby:

Is that YOU sucking that pacifier ? Does it make you feel better to suck on it when you think of Willie being canned ? Willie was let go, all managers are at some point. Grow up and GET OVER IT.

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Don't feel bad for me, my old friend.

You get what you deserve in life, and the mets are getting what they deserve.

If you have the highest payroll in the NL, you should be able to shoulder injuries and still be competitive.

They have been mismanaged and gotten excactly what they deserve.

That is a good post. That is what high payroll should get you, depth, no doubt. Last year when the Yankees lost Posada, they should have been able to overcome it. They didn't (they had many more problems than that, just using it to make the point).

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Is that YOU sucking that pacifier ? Does it make you feel better to suck on it when you think of Willie being canned ? Willie was let go, all managers are at some point. Grow up and GET OVER IT.
What do I care, I root for one team, CLOWN.

I was told the muts would be so much better post Willie, and I watched them choke again and now totally collapse.

This: :baby: = How bad YOU suck! :rl:

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What do I care, I root for one team, CLOWN.

I was told the muts would be so much better post Willie, and I watched them choke again and now totally collapse.

This: :baby: = How bad YOU suck! :rl:

You obviously DO care, because you seem to want to comment on the Mets all the time. I would term that as caring a lot.

And, if you believe that Willie Randolph was any kind of elixir for managing the Mets, you have affirmed what I think of your knowledge of baseball equates to.

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You obviously DO care, because you seem to want to comment on the Mets all the time. I would term that as caring a lot.

And, if you believe that Willie Randolph was any kind of elixir for managing the Mets, you have affirmed what I think of your knowledge of baseball equates to.

I comment on the mets all the time?:rl: How many fingers did it take you to count them all?

I don't care about that or what you think of my baseball knowledge or any other knowledge for that matter. You obviously do though to make up such BS!

Good for Willie, I'm glad you think he did a bad job with the mets, I'm still waiting for that joke of an organization to come up with someone to do better!:rl:

I told you they would choke after they fired Willie and they did! Who cares about that?:rl:

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I comment on the mets all the time?:rl: How many fingers did it take you to count them all?

I don't care about that or what you think of my baseball knowledge or any other knowledge for that matter. You obviously do though to make up such BS!

Good for Willie, I'm glad you think he did a bad job with the mets, I'm still waiting for that joke of an organization to come up with someone to do better!:rl:

I told you they would choke after they fired Willie and they did! Who cares about that?:rl:

So, you joined this site in December 2008, yet you told me they would choke after they fired Willie?

You really are a bit delusional

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So show me where you told me that then.
Listen I'm not going to spend time searching through old threads, that's how much I care.

I know what I said, and I don't care what you believe either way. I also did not mean I told you personally anyway, but I did post it in here over a year ago.

I hope the Mets do better next year, I have nothing against that team or their players.

You won't catch me rooting for the Phillies or the Braves, If the Yankees can't win I have no problem with the Mets winning.

It's the cry baby ass fans I have a problem with, not that I'm calling you one of them.

The only issue I have with you is that you think I care and said I comment on the Mets all the time, both are the farthest things from the truth.

I care about the Yankees in baseball, and that's pretty much it, unless they need help.

Now if you're one of those ride the ped sux jock to make you feel better about the mets tanking, well then now you know how I feel.

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Listen I'm not going to spend time searching through old threads, that's how much I care.

I know what I said, and I don't care what you believe either way. I also did not mean I told you personally anyway, but I did post it in here over a year ago.

I hope the Mets do better next year, I have nothing against that team or their players.

You won't catch me rooting for the Phillies or the Braves, If the Yankees can't win I have no problem with the Mets winning.

It's the cry baby ass fans I have a problem with, not that I'm calling you one of them.

The only issue I have with you is that you think I care and said I comment on the Mets all the time, both are the farthest things from the truth.

I care about the Yankees in baseball, and that's pretty much it, unless they need help.

Now if you're one of those ride the ped sux jock to make you feel better about the mets tanking, well then now you know how I feel.

And your non-caring continues.

You are as prescient as my lawn mower

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