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Was Yaz a Steroid User?

Lil Bit Special

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Seriously, There is no reason to do this. even if Yaz did roid it up. I'd rather not know about it. no need to sully the images of dead and retired men.


Baseball needs to address roids and put an end to it.

Make a decision on the Roid area.

Either allow the records and or strike them from the record books.

Put an asterik near Bonds records. A-Rods and Big Papi's records. "* - Failed a drug test."

Let people draw their own conclusions.

I would like to watch the Little League World Series and not suspect that the 6 foot 200 lb 12 year old is on something.

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Baseball needs to address roids and put an end to it.

Make a decision on the Roid area.

Either allow the records and or strike them from the record books.

Put an asterik near Bonds records. A-Rods and Big Papi's records. "* - Failed a drug test."

Let people draw their own conclusions.

I would like to watch the Little League World Series and not suspect that the 6 foot 200 lb 12 year old is on something.

Agreed. Baseball does itself no favors with the guessing games. Put it on their plaques if they are found out. And that's it. Let people reach their own conclusions.And soemhwere in the HoF explain that roids became prevalent in the 1990s and affected the record book dramatically.To beat themselves up like this is pointless.

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