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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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Well to be fair, Doggin was definitely going to go along with this plan. It helps keep him alive...and any of us in the same position (whether scum or town) would do the same. I see what you're saying with slats, dan x, and even myself (though you didn't name me). Quite frankly, there's like 9 million things going on right now, and I'm going to be honest I'm completely confused

it's all focused at DPR..

Is my problem..

and it's being driven by 2 of my top 4 susicious, targetting a third (DPR) and the 4th is going crazy asking to be voted to..

the whole thing stinks

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And i don't know why everyone is willing to believe two of the more suspicious players in the game, one of them unveiling an up to now never before seen ability, the other hinting at a weird role and earlier breadcrumbing that bleedin likely "invented" roles for these games.

You'd think most would pause and consider it a bit, or atleast approach it more cautiously, but here we are, like dominos we have slats, dan x and doggin all going for it without a moments pause..

I don't know yet what the right or wrong play is, but I'm know i don't like how quickly everyone has lept at this too good to be true scenario..


I'm truly clueless at this point. Again, props to scum so far.

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Its mostly because there's no legitimate downside.

JVoR gives us a read on DPR, the dies. If he says DPR is scum and flips innocent, we lynch DPR. If DPR flips innocent, then JVoR must have been symping me, and we vote me off (that's not going to happen, since I know I'm not scum). If JVoR flips scum, we shake our heads, lynch me tomorrow, and move on.

The only downside anyone is suggesting is that JVoR is a symp, will lie about DPR, reveal as innocent on death, and get Wes wrongly lynched. But - again - why would a symp do this?

Also, please note that while proclaiming that JVoR was a symp, DPR also argued that JVoR and I hatched this plan together

As Wes knows, if JVoR is a symp and I'm scum, we would not be in communication at all, so JVoR could not be a "symp running a Doggin plan."

If it's such a safe plan, then why haven't you volunteered, eh cupcake?

And I was thinking that Slats was the Symp.

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And i don't know why everyone is willing to believe two of the more suspicious players in the game, one of them unveiling an up to now never before seen ability, the other hinting at a weird role and earlier breadcrumbing that bleedin likely "invented" roles for these games.

You'd think most would pause and consider it a bit, or atleast approach it more cautiously, but here we are, like dominos we have slats, dan x and doggin all going for it without a moments pause..

I don't know yet what the right or wrong play is, but I'm know i don't like how quickly everyone has lept at this too good to be true scenario..

Personally, I don't like how he refuses to investigate doggin and will probably ignore myself and crusher, 2 on his "surefire" list. It's all about their legitimate target. Of course this plan came out when doggin was close to being lynched, good timing.

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And i don't know why everyone is willing to believe two of the more suspicious players in the game, one of them unveiling an up to now never before seen ability, the other hinting at a weird role and earlier breadcrumbing that bleedin likely "invented" roles for these games.

You'd think most would pause and consider it a bit, or atleast approach it more cautiously, but here we are, like dominos we have slats, dan x and doggin all going for it without a moments pause..

I don't know yet what the right or wrong play is, but I'm know i don't like how quickly everyone has lept at this too good to be true scenario..

Because I'm town, and this sounds completely, 100% plausible to me.

I feel very, very good right now about JVoR and Doggin based on what I was told by Bleedin.

I'd be thrilled if DPR turns up innocent, but the way he's squirming I really think he won't.

Trying Crusher's NG, either. He's volunteering. It's possible he's a Godfather who'd love to be investigated like this.

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Because I'm town, and this sounds completely, 100% plausible to me.

I feel very, very good right now about JVoR and Doggin based on what I was told by Bleedin.

I'd be thrilled if DPR turns up innocent, but the way he's squirming I really think he won't.

Trying Crusher's NG, either. He's volunteering. It's possible he's a Godfather who'd love to be investigated like this.

So you're a team then?

And I guess both Crusher and I are godfathers? I see CTM's point exactly.

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Its mostly because there's no legitimate downside.


I'm aware of the obvious scenarios.. what concerns me are the ones that aren't so obvious..

you know, like the role jvor described and the one you are alluding too..

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If it's such a safe plan, then why haven't you volunteered, eh cupcake?

I've offered to be findered like 8 times already today.

Odds are it will happen tonight no matter how this turns out

And I was thinking that Slats was the Symp.

So . . .

You're thinking JVoR and I are straight mafia teammates?

And here's how you think it will play out:

JVoR says you're guilty. Gets lynched. Somehow, despite being mafia, flips innocent.

So you get lynched. You flip innocente.

*gasp* goes the rest of the game. Wes was right. I get lynched and flip scum.

To recap - it's a two for one trade: you (1 townie) for me and JVoR (2 scum).

But you're unwilling to do that??

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If it's such a safe plan, then why haven't you volunteered, eh cupcake?

And I was thinking that Slats was the Symp.

If I'm the symp, then JVoR will turn up scum right after he reveals his investigation, right? Or does he have some other role that will allow him to turn up innocent after he dies when he's guilty as hell.

You are seriously reaching here.

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Because I'm town, and this sounds completely, 100% plausible to me.

I feel very, very good right now about JVoR and Doggin based on what I was told by Bleedin.

I'd be thrilled if DPR turns up innocent, but the way he's squirming I really think he won't.

Trying Crusher's NG, either. He's volunteering. It's possible he's a Godfather who'd love to be investigated like this.


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I'm aware of the obvious scenarios.. what concerns me are the ones that aren't so obvious..

you know, like the role jvor described and the one you are alluding too..

Yeah, I'm aware. But I'm not going to talk myself out of something that seems like the right play based on the info I have because I'm afraid that something unknown might make it the wrong play.

If that's how you play, you can't do anything at all in this game. After all, what if the guy you lynch is a bomb?

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Because I'm town, and this sounds completely, 100% plausible to me.

I feel very, very good right now about JVoR and Doggin based on what I was told by Bleedin.

I'd be thrilled if DPR turns up innocent, but the way he's squirming I really think he won't.

Trying Crusher's NG, either. He's volunteering. It's possible he's a Godfather who'd love to be investigated like this.

Yes, i was just thinking the thread needed more cryptic the mod told me so comments..

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Because I'm town, and this sounds completely, 100% plausible to me.

I feel very, very good right now about JVoR and Doggin based on what I was told by Bleedin.

I'd be thrilled if DPR turns up innocent, but the way he's squirming I really think he won't.

Trying Crusher's NG, either. He's volunteering. It's possible he's a Godfather who'd love to be investigated like this.

Lynch me and find out. Make sure your on my train. Go ahead. Do it slats. Slats rhymes with fats you would think we get along better.

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I've offered to be findered like 8 times already today.

Odds are it will happen tonight no matter how this turns out

So . . .

You're thinking JVoR and I are straight mafia teammates?

And here's how you think it will play out:

JVoR says you're guilty. Gets lynched. Somehow, despite being mafia, flips innocent.

So you get lynched. You flip innocente.

*gasp* goes the rest of the game. Wes was right. I get lynched and flip scum.

To recap - it's a two for one trade: you (1 townie) for me and JVoR (2 scum).

But you're unwilling to do that??

You know what everyone on this thread wants to see more of?

Not you and me bicker about semantics and sceanarios :P

If you are voluunteering for "JVoR's" plan, then great. I'm sure everyone will be delighted to get on with the day.

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So you're a team then?

And I guess both Crusher and I are godfathers? I see CTM's point exactly.

We are not a team. It's just that their reveals ring 100% true to me.

Doggin and DPR are the big fish here. If we're going to pull a gambit like this, it should be to get a big fish cleared or cooked. I just don't think it works nearly as well to have him investigate Doggin. Not when they've been accused of being in cahoots for pages and pages now.

And you don't have to get defensive with me, I'm not accusing you of anything. But I have been on Crusher for a while, and I know when I've been a Godfather in the past, I welcomed investigations.

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You know what everyone on this thread wants to see more of?

Not you and me bicker about semantics and sceanarios :P

If you are voluunteering for "JVoR's" plan, then great. I'm sure everyone will be delighted to get on with the day.

So that was, again, a "no" to the "are you willing to trade your life for two scum" question?

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Ok -- we currently have:

a train on Doggin for people who believe this is a set up

a train on DPR, for the people who follow this plan of JVOR's

Crusher self-voting, daring them to try out this plan

Vic self-voting, daring them to try out this plan

and lastly,

JVOR, who IF he's town isn't going to want to waste his investigation. IF he's scum, he's loving this...

Because fact of the matter is most of these people are probably town. And I have no clue how all of you think you're doing us good. A million different directions right now is not helping.

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I think JVoR's and Doggin's reveals are really suspect, but I don't see any danger in following their plan. We're lynching JVoR today no matter what, right? If he's scum we got scum, and if he's innocent we have a result? I really don't care who he investigates. Unless I'm missing some other power they could have, I don't know. I also am having trouble thinking of characters they could be. But I'm okay with testing JVoR on DPR, Doggin, Crusher, Vicious, or whoever else has been thrown out there.

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We are not a team. It's just that their reveals ring 100% true to me.

Doggin and DPR are the big fish here. If we're going to pull a gambit like this, it should be to get a big fish cleared or cooked. I just don't think it works nearly as well to have him investigate Doggin. Not when they've been accused of being in cahoots for pages and pages now.

And you don't have to get defensive with me, I'm not accusing you of anything. But I have been on Crusher for a while, and I know when I've been a Godfather in the past, I welcomed investigations.

I'm not being defensive. I'm just mocking the fact that you're dismissing this going elsewhere. The idea seems good but the fact you guys are locked into only one person is the concerning part. In all honesty it seems like the plan is protect doggin at all costs and get DPR lynched.

Right, their reveals ring true with you. But what does that have to do with what Bleedin (the mod) told you about them. I'm open to both being investigated, it's the way you guys are approaching it that has me befuddled.

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Yeah, I'm aware. But I'm not going to talk myself out of something that seems like the right play based on the info I have because I'm afraid that something unknown might make it the wrong play.

If that's how you play, you can't do anything at all in this game. After all, what if the guy you lynch is a bomb?

Again, lets not compare this to a mundane situation. 2 weird roles, 2 highly suspicious players going after a third.

jvor's reveal was to protect you, but he refuses to sacrifice himself and confirm you by investigation. I don't get it, why would a townie with a power reveal himself to save another townie, which he should, theoretically, have no legitimate information on.

Slats refusing to even look in your direction is strange in the same way. At minimum you've severly muddied the waters, borderline lied (the gambit thing), created wifoms's and imaginary teams, got into a huge pissing match based on identity politics, claimed a crazy role, yet both Slats and Jvor are so convinced of your innocence??? how???

There's only 3 reasons I can think of for that... and 2 of them are anti-town

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Yes, i was just thinking the thread needed more cryptic the mod told me so comments..

Yeah well, it is what it is. I think you'll find JVoR, Doggin, and I are all townies. How you choose to find that out will be up to the town.

But you're a bright guy, CTM, and I'm a little concerned that you're not a lot more interested in DPR right now and his squirming over the possibility of being investigated.

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Yeah well, it is what it is. I think you'll find JVoR, Doggin, and I are all townies. How you choose to find that out will be up to the town.

But you're a bright guy, CTM, and I'm a little concerned that you're not a lot more interested in DPR right now and his squirming over the possibility of being investigated.

He's the minority atm, my pursueing him will just add to the chorus on that..

And i still don't know what to make out of all of this other then my gut is saying do not trust

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I'm not being defensive. I'm just mocking the fact that you're dismissing this going elsewhere. The idea seems good but the fact you guys are locked into only one person is the concerning part. In all honesty it seems like the plan is protect doggin at all costs and get DPR lynched.

Right, their reveals ring true with you. But what does that have to do with what Bleedin (the mod) told you about them. I'm open to both being investigated, it's the way you guys are approaching it that has me befuddled.

Bleedin told me nothing about them. Their reveals ring true to me based on what I know of my role. That's all.

If DPR is lynched and turns up innocent, then Doggin's the lynch the next day. There's no way it's beneficial to the scum to trade players one for one this early in the game. None.

This really has nothing to do with protecting Doggin, who's already volunteered to be lynched tomorrow. It has more to do with clearing or cooking DPR.

You don't see his reactions here as probably scummy?

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Yeah well, it is what it is. I think you'll find JVoR, Doggin, and I are all townies. How you choose to find that out will be up to the town.

But you're a bright guy, CTM, and I'm a little concerned that you're not a lot more interested in DPR right now and his squirming over the possibility of being investigated.

So, doggin has an unkown ability that is unleashed after some night action which he thinks will occur tonight.

Jvor is a 1 time day time finder role that only works for players at L-1

And you have some ability that is enough like both of them that you feel you confident in vouching for them?

wheres pacturd with ninjarat gifs when I need him.. That useless idiot

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Bleedin told me nothing about them. Their reveals ring true to me based on what I know of my role. That's all.

If DPR is lynched and turns up innocent, then Doggin's the lynch the next day. There's no way it's beneficial to the scum to trade players one for one this early in the game. None.

This really has nothing to do with protecting Doggin, who's already volunteered to be lynched tomorrow. It has more to do with clearing or cooking DPR.

You don't see his reactions here as probably scummy?

Ok, so, pretty much everyone is claiming to have a role at this point?

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I'm not being defensive. I'm just mocking the fact that you're dismissing this going elsewhere. The idea seems good but the fact you guys are locked into only one person is the concerning part. In all honesty it seems like the plan is protect doggin at all costs and get DPR lynched.

Right, their reveals ring true with you. But what does that have to do with what Bleedin (the mod) told you about them. I'm open to both being investigated, it's the way you guys are approaching it that has me befuddled.

Vic, I like this better than the grandstanding. Bottom line, JVoR is free to investigate whoever he wants, including me or you.

He thinks DPR - the guy who is fighting investigation and who won't trade himself for two scum, is the best target. Not surprisingly, I agree with him. I'm not sure how anyone could not agree with him, given how Wes is acting.

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Bleedin told me nothing about them. Their reveals ring true to me based on what I know of my role. That's all.

If DPR is lynched and turns up innocent, then Doggin's the lynch the next day. There's no way it's beneficial to the scum to trade players one for one this early in the game. None.

This really has nothing to do with protecting Doggin, who's already volunteered to be lynched tomorrow. It has more to do with clearing or cooking DPR.

You don't see his reactions here as probably scummy?

Actually, I DO see them as scummy. But I also see doggin's actions as scummy. It's you and JVoR who are pushing this idea hard and JVoR is outright refusing the possibility of investigating doggin. That's what is making me leery about it.

Doggin did volunteer, but it's easy to do it when the person doing the investigating is publicly saying they wont' investigate you.

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So, doggin has an unkown ability that is unleashed after some night action which he thinks will occur tonight.

Jvor is a 1 time day time finder role that only works for players at L-1

And you have some ability that is enough like both of them that you feel you confident in vouching for them?

wheres pacturd with ninjarat gifs when I need him.. That useless idiot

Anyone else find the irony in Pac being absent, and NOW it's more chaotic than usual?

Go figure :P

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So that was, again, a "no" to the "are you willing to trade your life for two scum" question?

Yeah, that would be a "no". Just like your "no." You can set them on the shelf together.

I've got to step out for a few hours, so you three have a blast trying to clean and cook me. heh

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