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Astros confirm Oswalt has requested a trade


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Boston. Wakefield's getting old, time to replace.

What? First, Wakes is only in the rotation because Beckett is hurt. Lester, Buchholz, Lackey, Dice-K, and Beckett is the rotation when healthy. Second, the Sox have a lot of money already tied up into the rotation and don't need anymore there. Third, I don't think Oswalt would survive the AL East, nonetheless the AL as a whole. I doubt the Sox are players for Oswalt, especially since the Astros would probably want Buchholz, but that doesn't make much sense since Clay is figuring it out and is much younger that Roy.

I'd pass.

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The Sox do not need a bat. They need to get healthy. Ellsbury is back this weekend and Cameron will follow. They've both been out for a while and still the Sox have a top offense in the AL. Observe:

AL Ranks

4th in runs

2nd in 2Bs

2nd in HRs

2nd in OPS

Now please stop with your ridiculous claim the Sox need a bat.

1-they play in Fenway so they can score runs in bunches to pad stats (18 of 43 games they scored 3 runs or less)

2-Tampa and NYY have better pitching for Boston to have to deal with (Tampa's pitching is amazing this year)

3-Ellsbury is a 100 OPS+ guy...he won't do much to help offensively besides steal bases whenever he actually gets on base

4-Mike Cameron? are you effing kidding me? why did I bother replying to someone who thinks Mike Cameron will help his team offensively.....

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Mets -- Ollie has been banished and with Maine and Niese on the DL Oswalt could end up with the Mets-- their pitching staff is a mess and Oswalt would fit in pretty nicely. But what do they give up

Yeah the last couple of years this has been a wish for Met fans- now in desperation we ned to do something to change this team.

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Oh, by the way, the Sox have only been shut out 2 times. And played a much harder schedule than either the Rays or the Yankees.

At least try to not make up stuff.

CC, do you really think you will see another title for your sox before the bugs come crawling for you?

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Consistancy? Really? I'm not going to debate someone who cannot even spell the words he wants to use.

The Red Sox offense is fine. Their pitching has been the culprit early on. That is quite obvious. And the pitching will come around.

And no Yankee fan should complain about a field giving a home field advantage. Every other team that comes to Fenway gets to hit there too.

spelling mistakes are so fun to point out aren't they :D

anyways the Sox need more than Mike Cameron and Jacoby Ellsbury to help

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CC, do you really think you will see another title for your sox before the bugs come crawling for you?

I'm pretty young. I'm almost positive I'll see another one. I've already seen 2 more than a lot of Red Sox fans. I should consider myself lucky.

[quote name='Blackout

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