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The economy...sorry for the rant!


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When the economy starts affecting school teachers employment, something has to give. Broward County, Florida just laid off 700 teachers and my daugher, who teaches high school honors English is one of the 700.

When the Florida lottery started years ago, one of the recipients of the millions being collected would go towards the school system...what a joke. I guess they'll being saying thanks to the lottery, a lot more teachers would have been laid off.:soapbox:

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When the economy starts affecting school teachers employment, something has to give. Broward County, Florida just laid off 700 teachers and my daugher, who teaches high school honors English is one of the 700.

When the Florida lottery started years ago, one of the recipients of the millions being collected would go towards the school system...what a joke. I guess they'll being saying thanks to the lottery, a lot more teachers would have been laid off.:soapbox:

Sorry to hear that -- last I checked lots of teaching jobs in the Houston area if that helps --

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Nobody in the private sector gets pensions?

The firms that provide pensions to their employees are getter smaller and smaller in numbers, for sure. I think I can name maybe three, off the top of my head, that do.

So, what happened to all this stimulous, redevlopment money that was supposed to rejuvinate the economy? Oh, I know, health care cost scare? Nope....I know....rising gasoline price scare? No - wait, people are distracted by this oil spill - yeah! Hey, employment up last month! Woo-hooo - seasonal jobs here I come!


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a big problem with the education system is the number of support staff employed by school systems. about 50% of all school district employees are not even teachers.

school spending per student has gone up by about 50% while reading and math scores have remained flat. there is almost no correlation between $$ for education and student achievement.

in washington DC, we spend over $16,000 per student per year and we have one of the worst school systems in the country.

$$ is not the problem.

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