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Why is Woody sitting down with Jeremy Schaap?


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Because they showed up to camp.

Also, they realize they don't have an irreplaceable skill.

Punish them for showing up to camp, the hits keep on coming!

You still think MEvi$ replaces 6 positions that need to be retained, there really is nothing else to say.

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Punish them for showing up to camp, the hits keep on coming!

You still think MEvi$ replaces 6 positions that need to be retained, there really is nothing else to say.


I want to win a Super Bowl. And I'm willing to take the gamble. Plus, it is much easier to replace any of the other six positions than a lockdown CB.

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I want to win a Super Bowl. And I'm willing to take the gamble. Plus, it is much easier to replace any of the other six positions than a lockdown CB.

You are going to have to replace more than just 1 of those positions, and it will not be easy!

Everybody here wants to win a Super bowl!

The difference is the rational ones understand that if they don't win it all this year they'd like to have chance in the future.

Giving into MEvi$ unreasonable demands would seriously hamper that, and in no way is worth it.

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You are going to have to replace more than just 1 of those positions, and it will not be easy!

Everybody here wants to win a Super bowl!

The difference is the rational ones understand that if they don't win it all this year they'd like to have chance in the future.

Giving into MEvi$ unreasonable demands would seriously hamper that, and in no way is worth it.

Regardless of what happens this year with Revis, we aren't going to be able to retain the flux of talent on our roster.

I'd rather go out guns blazing than pinching pennies in "hopes" that the future is intact.

The future is now — wake up!

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Regardless of what happens this year with Revis, we aren't going to be able to retain the flux of talent on our roster.

I'd rather go out guns blazing than pinching pennies in "hopes" that the future is intact.

The future is now — wake up!

Not caving improves our chances to retain the flux of talent on our roster.

You only see things 1 way, if they cave and don't win this year they're screwed.

The all or nothing stance is not worth it, you need to wake up!

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What is this clown shoe doing?

Not for nothing...but at least Revis isnt whoring himself in front of the cameras. Its crazy to me how the fans have suddenly forgotten how Woody wiped us over the coals with the new stadium(that's going to be quieter than church come game day) and now he's the hero because he's refusing to give the best player the Jets have had since JWN a new deal.

Its bizarre.

Where were you during OTA's? Me thinks you missed Mevi$ at his finest. He started this whole fiasco by vocalizing his frustrations to the media channeling his inner Sprewell and lying about an injury. He is punk who is lied to his team, hc, owner and who has proved his word means sh*t.

Woody is doing the right thing. He's claimed the contracts proposed by Mevi$ camp is not team friendly. And thats what this is about, the NY Jets, not Darrelle Mevi$. No one man is bigger than the team and Woody is using the media to make his case just as Mevi$ has. Good for him

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Where were you during OTA's? Me thinks you missed Mevi$ at his finest. He started this whole fiasco by vocalizing his frustrations to the media channeling his inner Sprewell and lying about an injury. He is punk who is lied to his team, hc, owner and who has proved his word means sh*t.

Woody is doing the right thing. He's claimed the contracts proposed by Mevi$ camp is not team friendly. And thats what this is about, the NY Jets, not Darrelle Mevi$. No one man is bigger than the team and Woody is using the media to make his case just as Mevi$ has. Good for him

Please MEvi$ could do no wrong! :blink:

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No one man is bigger than the team and Woody is using the media to make his case just as Mevi$ has.

Can you point me in the direction of the E:60 special starring disgruntled CB Darrelle Revis?

An interview after a practice is one thing — a headlining spot on an "investigative reporting" show is entirely different.

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Where were you during OTA's? Me thinks you missed Mevi$ at his finest. He started this whole fiasco by vocalizing his frustrations to the media channeling his inner Sprewell and lying about an injury. He is punk who is lied to his team, hc, owner and who has proved his word means sh*t.

Woody is doing the right thing. He's claimed the contracts proposed by Mevi$ camp is not team friendly. And thats what this is about, the NY Jets, not Darrelle Mevi$. No one man is bigger than the team and Woody is using the media to make his case just as Mevi$ has. Good for him

I just find it funny...after all of the crap Woody has put the fans through with the new Stadium...he's now trying to look like the hero.

As a fan it frustrates me...and if I were a season ticket holder who lost my lower level seats and NOW I have to listen to the owner say he's not going to pay the teams best player...I'd be a little pissed.

How quickly we forget Woody escorting fans out of the old Stadium because they had signs that ripped the PSL's. Yeah- he's really a man of the people.

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I hope so, and I hope it's a reasonable one.

Do you think he holds out all of today and loses a year of eligibility?

They are?

Band wagoners! :D

Yeah on First Take they have Skip Bayless playing cornerback for the JETS :lol:

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There isn't a cap this year. Beef up his guaranteed money in the signing bonus and you won't have that problem.

The problem with that is Revis absolutely cannot be trusted to be given a significant portion of his new contract in a signing bonus. Simply put, he cannot be trusted to honor his contract in a situation that pays him more now and less later. He's proven that undoubtedly, you can't even argue with that.

There's also been whispers from even before this whole Revis fiasco that there could be penalties built into the new CBA for teams that try to take advantage of the uncapped year like that. It could be complete BS, but if not that would certainly play into it.

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I just find it funny...after all of the crap Woody has put the fans through with the new Stadium...he's now trying to look like the hero.

As a fan it frustrates me...and if I were a season ticket holder who lost my lower level seats and NOW I have to listen to the owner say he's not going to pay the teams best player...I'd be a little pissed.

How quickly we forget Woody escorting fans out of the old Stadium because they had signs that ripped the PSL's. Yeah- he's really a man of the people.

Why does Woody Johnson have to be a man of the people? When did that become a prerequisite for owning a NFL franchise?

He's not saying he won't pay him. He's saying he won't pay Revis what he's demanding (tear up his current deal and replace it with a long-term deal averaging >$15M per season).

The Jets have displayed a willingness to discuss changing his contract to pay him more, but only a great fool would cave in to those ludicrous demands. Least of all to cave into that while the player is under contract for 3 more years at far less and he's not in a bidding war with any other teams.

However I do agree with you that Woody should not be doing this interview. If Revis gave one first then I think it would be ok, but this is a poor PR move to me. Just leak Revis's demands like any other respectable team would. But don't send the owner out there.

Of course if it was Jerry Jones doing the same thing I doubt anyone here would find it so distasteful.

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Why does Woody Johnson have to be a man of the people? When did that become a prerequisite for owning a NFL franchise?

He's not saying he won't pay him. He's saying he won't pay Revis what he's demanding (tear up his current deal and replace it with a long-term deal averaging >$15M per season).

The Jets have displayed a willingness to discuss changing his contract to pay him more, but only a great fool would cave in to those ludicrous demands. Least of all to cave into that while the player is under contract for 3 more years at far less and he's not in a bidding war with any other teams.

However I do agree with you that Woody should not be doing this interview. If Revis gave one first then I think it would be ok, but this is a poor PR move to me. Just leak Revis's demands like any other respectable team would. But don't send the owner out there.

Of course if it was Jerry Jones doing the same thing I doubt anyone here would find it so distasteful.

True- but you know Jerry would be flashing 3 rings while doing so.

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Not in the least.

Actually, I'm rooting for it NOT to happen.

The anti-Revis faction is, in fact, rooting for it to happen.

I want the man paid handsomely and back on the field ASAP.

You guys? Well, let's just say you care way too much about your billionaire owner's piggy bank.

Anti-Revis? Hardly. We root for the uniform in the modern era, not the player in it. These are not the New York Revises. They are the New York Jets.

Revis is not being a team player by holding out like this and he is not demonstrating his alleged desire to be a Jet for his entire career.

I won't root for a player who calls himself a team player and a team leader and then goes out and demands a contract which would hamper the team's ability to sign other key players that will make this a successful team in the long haul.

The real truth needs to be stated to Revis. He plays in New York and as such certain opportunities will arise over time that wouldn't be presented to him if he played in Cleveland or Kansas City or Miami or Dallas that will net him significantly more money than Aso can dream of.

Unfortunately, Revis has chosen to seek out a trophy. He needs the temporary title of "highest paid cornerback in the NFL" for some reason. The understandable problem the Jets have with this is what is Revis going to do when someone gets an even bigger deal?

The Jets should not be forced to pay for the Raider's mistakes. The Raiders were a bad team that was forced to overpay to keep their own free agent, remember the outrageous deal they gave to Tommy Kelly a year or two ago? I mean the kid is a pretty good player but is he so good that he deserved what was the largest contract ever given to a D-lineman at the time?

The Jets are not in the same position as the Raiders. The Jets have not been the NFL's worst team over the last eight years like the Raiders have. The Jets don't have a doddering old fool with a questionable grip on reality running their football operations like the Raiders have.

The Jets have also repeatedly stated their desire to pay Revis handsomely. Hell, they broke with their own policy of not renegotiating with multiple years left on contracts by approaching Revis about re-doing his deal. The Jets are clearly trying to build a dynasty. If Revis wants to be part of that dynasty, and reap the amazing rewards that are sure to go with with it, he needs to compromise here.

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It definitely wouldnt look as bad. Woody would have a lot more ground to stand on if he fielded 3 Super Bowl winners.

See, I think Woody has more ground to stand on now being we haven't had one in 40 years. If you can tell me how we can pay Revis without jeopardizing our other contracts that are due, I'm all for it.

You don't send the rest of the flock to the slaughter house to feed one.

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We'll see what happens when Boldin out-muscles Cro for a ball in the end zone.

no one can really takes sides here until we know what each side has offered.

for all we know jets offered HUGE money, but revis camp is holding out for crazy al raider money.

on othe rhand, for all we know, jets have low balled really bad and said 'honor your contract, here is a peace offering scrap'..

point is , we dont know,,,

i am sure you are not in favor of jets paying stupid amount of money if thats what revis is asking for,,there has to be limits for future cap reasons.

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Can you point me in the direction of the E:60 special starring disgruntled CB Darrelle Revis?

An interview after a practice is one thing — a headlining spot on an "investigative reporting" show is entirely different.

I agree. But again, I doubt Woody asked E:60 to to this interview. There isnt much going on right now in the NFL as entertaining as the Jets and Revis.

Do I wish he was doing it? No, not really. But I'm bent out of shape about it.

I just find it funny...after all of the crap Woody has put the fans through with the new Stadium...he's now trying to look like the hero.

As a fan it frustrates me...and if I were a season ticket holder who lost my lower level seats and NOW I have to listen to the owner say he's not going to pay the teams best player...I'd be a little pissed.

How quickly we forget Woody escorting fans out of the old Stadium because they had signs that ripped the PSL's. Yeah- he's really a man of the people.

Honestly, I'm not a season ticket holder, so I cant say I know what its like. I bought 2 season tix to the Jags this year just so the community doesnt lose their team. They cost my less than a grand...so I get where fans could be frustrated who were life time holder and are being forced out for PSL.

But Woody is willing to pay his best player. Just not if it compromises the future of the team. I think any logical fan should be able to see he is putting HIS team first, no 1 on player on HIS team. I'm with Woody on his stance. Its the right thing to do. We have too many important pieces to let one player handcuff us with an uncertain future.

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Really? I seriously doubt that.

When the "Pay Revis" chants go off Monday night we'll see how many really support him.

This is because the vocal minority (i.e. the 10-15 posters on JetNation replying in every single Revis thread) think they speak for the entire fan base. I know plenty of people who don't post on message boards that are still on Revis' side because they still remember the raping Woody gave them over their PSLs/season tickets.

People who scream the loudest or most often usually are proven wrong more often than not.

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This is because the vocal minority (i.e. the 10-15 posters on JetNation replying in every single Revis thread) think they speak for the entire fan base. I know plenty of people who don't post on message boards that are still on Revis' side because they still remember the raping Woody gave them over their PSLs/season tickets.

People who scream the loudest or most often usually are proven wrong more often than not.

Thats because those people don't know any better.

I'm all for having an opinion and bringing fact to the table to back it up. But can't stand people screaming to 'Just pay the man'. There's a reason the Jets are doing what they're doing. They're not trying to pull one over on anyone.

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I know plenty of people [...] that are still on Revis' side because they still remember the raping Woody gave them over their PSLs/season tickets.

What does the team building an overpriced new stadium have to do with not wanting to put the team in future cap hell in refusing to cave in to a player's unreasonable demands when he has 3 years left on his existing deal?

That's like me saying that I supported the MTA workers going on strike because they had raised my train ticket by 10%. They are two situations that, aside from involving a common party, have almost nothing to do with each other.

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There's a reason the Jets are doing what they're doing.

somewhere along the way the Jets forgot that winning games is the reason for everything.

ownership is expected to step up and try to win, every year. Not go on ESPN and say they don't really need their best player.

They had better win games and lots of em without Revis.

If they don't pay him _and_ lose games it will be very very ugly.

no one's gonna want to talk about years remaining or cba uncertainty if they lose games.

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Side note- this new Stadium was completely unneccesary.

What was exatly wrong with the old one?

And this has what to do with the Revis holdout?

I understand that you're upset you couldn't keep your season tickets, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the way the Jets and Woody Johnson are handling Revis's contract situation.

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Both sides are playing with fire here. After the Baltimore game(if Revis is still holding out) one side will gain a ton of leverage.

If Boldin goes for 10 and 150 and a touchdown in a Jets loss....the Jets and Woody will be the laughing stock of the league. If the Jets win and keep Boldin in check...Revis will be on an even hotter seat.

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And this has what to do with the Revis holdout?

I understand that you're upset you couldn't keep your season tickets, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the way the Jets and Woody Johnson are handling Revis's contract situation.

Im not gonna say woody's broke... but according to Forbes latest rankings the team has 68% debt to value. The team is valued over a Bil. That means Woody has debt in the high hundreds of millions on this stadium. 9 figures of debt.

I'm no CPA but perhaps there is a cross over between investment in labor and capital expenditures.

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And this has what to do with the Revis holdout?

I understand that you're upset you couldn't keep your season tickets, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the way the Jets and Woody Johnson are handling Revis's contract situation.

I dont have season tickets. I never had season tickets...and I think the Revis contract and the treatment of the fans has everything to dow with eachother.

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