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Guys who need to be replaced next season.


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So... what you're saying is that after finishing with 10-11 wins despite some serious injuries and suspensions... we need to replace 2/3 of the team's starters in one offseason.

What, that doesn't seem reasonable to you? Have you learned nothing from "we were a kicker away from the AFC Championship Game"?

We were only 8 wins/losses away from being the worst team in the league. Therefore the team needs to be gutted. Oh, and replace the entire coaching staff while we're at it. And then change the team name, move cities, and turn it into a lacrosse team instead of playing football.

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When you cut 11 guys and replace them with 3 guys you're going to be off on your net cap savings. You haven't replaced the other 8 players on the roster who will add up to another $2.6M if none of the 8 of them make a dollar more than the rookie minimum, and if the rookie minimum remains the same in 2011 as it is in 2010. Since there's little chance of all of them being replaced with rookie-minimum players a savings of $23M is probably at least $5M off (depending on who those low-salary replacements are).

A "monster" pass rusher, if an available one exists by the time free agency starts, is going to eat up somewhere in the neighborhood of $11M per year by himself. A playmaking safety, also assuming one exists in FA, will be another $6M (at least as much as we gave Rhodes 3 years ago). Now you've got a couple million max for the combination of BE, Holmes, and Harris combined. This is what happens when so many player acquisitions are guys who are (or are about to become) top-5 or at worst top-10 earners for their respective positions.

I was going to make your standard post in these types of threads, but I'm glad you beat me to it.

Bottom line, gutting the team of expensive players who aren't living up to their contracts does not improve the team. And whatever cap savings due materialize (after replenishing the roster with a minimum of minimum salary warm bodies) could easily be spent on one or two guys who also don't live up to their contracts. The talent on the roster starts to spiral downwards pretty fast playing this game if you're not really good at replacing it.

I don't know how worth it BE and Holmes both are. Truth is, they don't seem to complement each other very well. Either that or they're not being used together correctly. Both have demonstrated atrocious hands - Holmes worse than Edwards this year - and I don't think retaining both is worth bypassing on - or weakening us at - another position. I'd take Cromartie and one of them over retaining both. It's a lot easier to find a #2 WR than it is to find a #2 CB as good as Cromartie (tackling skills notwithstanding).

I agree with the majority of this post, and just quoted the section where I disagree.

As far as I can tell, Mark Sanchez is the team's biggest investment - by far. The careers of Rex and Tanny are probably closely linked to the success of Sanchez. If Mark does not pan out, the Jets will have a huge hole not only in their salary cap, but at the most important position on the field.

WR is a difficult position to draft, and one that often takes a long time to develop in the pros. If the Jets only retain one, the fallback option will be to move Jerricho Cotchery back into a starting position, and he's been shaky this year, too. After that, you've got Brad Smith (almost certainly gone) and... what exactly? There's a Logan Payne on the practice squad, but I'd need Thor1000 to tell me what he's capable of. It's not like there's great depth at TE (despite great numbers) after Keller, either. Or at RB, where LT's future could be in doubt in 2011. Are we going to bank on guys like Joe McKnight and Jeff Cumberland to make big contributions next year? I think we're already sorta banking on McKnight with Brad Smith about to get paid by someone else.

I think they need to make the effort to retain both these guys. Obviously within reason, but neither has had a huge season this year, and both have off field issues. Something within reason could (should?) be possible.

We're also talking about replacing some of these guys thru the draft. Has Cromartie already cost us a 2nd round pick in 2011? Or if we don't resign him, is it still a 3rd? That has to be a consideration, too.

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I think Revis sucks this year compared to last. Still good, maybe great, but not insane. I think it's because he's hurt. They've been talking about that hamstring all year. I'm not surprised. I think that's why the scheme has changed. Not much sense in funneling the ball towards Revis if he isn't right there.

How can you even tell? They don't throw it anywhere in a 10 yard radius of him.

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What, that doesn't seem reasonable to you? Have you learned nothing from "we were a kicker away from the AFC Championship Game"?

We were only 8 wins/losses away from being the worst team in the league. Therefore the team needs to be gutted. Oh, and replace the entire coaching staff while we're at it. And then change the team name, move cities, and turn it into a lacrosse team instead of playing football.

Agree on all things. Except does this mean we have to change the uniform? I don't want to change the uniform, I love our uniforms... but I think we should actually add NY/NJ/LI/WesternCT to the logo somehow that would look good and not leave much white space.

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Here’s my take on it for what it’s worth.

Brunnell: 1.3 million really isn’t much for a back up QB. Rex, and Sanchez both seem to like him. He will get a chance to play Sunday. If he shows anything. Keep him. If not Bye

Cromartie: IMO played really well this year. I want to keep him. Problem is, as pointed out above, because of the Revis contract that will be difficult to do. I would still try. If he is happy here, and willing to ink a creative, pro team contract with incentives. Sign him. If not I hate to see him go, but there will be a cap next season or no football.

Ellis: I really like the guy. He is at the end of his career. I would try to get him signed to a short term contract that the Jets can bail on at the end of 2011 if he takes a major dive.

Gholston: IMO the worst bust in the history of the NY Jets. With that said if all the Jets save is 400,000 you have to give the guy one more year to see if he can develop into a 3-4 sack a year guy. Saying that gave me a bad taste

Pace: Can’t cut the guy and just cough up 2 million. Will be on the team

TRich. It’s time. Make him an asst coach or something

Taylor: Sure didn’t turn into the 15 sack monster Rex had guaranteed, but did have a productive season. The Saftey in the Steelers game was worth his salary. Depends on how the Jets search for a pass rusher goes.

LT: Started off the season great. Seems to have hit a wall. Might be time for him to take a walk. Maybe bring C. Washington back in for a look.

Woody: Still playing at a very high level. I think one of the problems with the running game as late is his absence. Don’t want to trust the season to Vlad just yet. See if he’ll rework his contract. I would have him on the team one way or another next season.

Jenkins: if he is will to rework his contract to close to vets min. Give him another shot. If not Bye

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Sperm, Integ, slats, I don't think this is as bad as you're making it out:

Brunell-back up serioulsy who cares

Cro- ok I don't agree with not resigning him but one could say lets see where they are at with Wilson's development by next year.

Ellis- could retire...possibly

Gholston- as good as gone

Pace- he clearly states NOT cutting

TRich- will retire

Taylor- could/should retire

Bryan Thomas- agument could be made this position needs to upgraded with youth and a pass rush possibly via draft

LT- could/should retire

Woody- could/should retire...possibly

Jenkins- could/should retire

So...besides Cro and Thomas I don't see where he's so off...especially if they start to go with a youth movement. Plus some of these guys have to be gone if you want to keep Holmes, Edwards, Harris.

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next season our defense needs more retooling than anything

Revis stays obviously, Cro needs to be resigned, we need to get rid of pool and get a playmaking Free safety, we may even want to sign a capable SS in case leonhard's rehab doesn't go as planned.

and I really hope the FO signs another CB; wilson has been a disappointment but i hope he does better next season, drew coleman has played better this season but with that said he is still drew coleman. Lowery is probably better off playing safety.

David harris must be resigned, scott stays. Jason taylor should go, bryan thomas, and gholston should be released as well, and we need to get a serious pass rushing olb either in FA or in the draft.

Jenks said he would be back, pouha has been great, ellis is on the last year of his contract and is too old to be resigned for the deal he probably wants.

on offense:

OL ducasse will eventually take over damien woody's RT position so we eventually will have to replace brandon moore at RG.

QB sanchez remainds starter obviously, if brunell is done, i really hope we bring pennington back as a backup qb/qb coach.

RB its time for Greene and Mcknight to take over, and if LT wants to come back id welcome him back, but if he doesnt i think we should sign a veteran RB to share the load.

FB i doubt we are going to keep 2 FBs on the roster next year and that probably means its T rich's time to retire and conner will take over.

TE were fine here with keller and hartsock

WR - it pains me to say it but we will not be able to keep all 3. I love cotch and he is all heart, but he may end up being the odd man out. Braylon is the deep threat, Santonio is a big play threat all over the field, and cotch is somewhere in the middle, but if we choose to sign braylon and santonio, i think we should trade Cotch for draft picks considering san diego already has our 2nd round pick for the upcoming draft from the cro trade. we should also try to pick up a true slot receiver or resign brad smith and use him in those situations as well.

but i think it goes without saying that our biggest need in regards to replacement is that we need passrushers, and d linemen that can free up blitzers and even get pressure on their own with a 3 to 4 man rush.


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So... what you're saying is that after finishing with 10-11 wins despite some serious injuries and suspensions... we need to replace 2/3 of the team's starters in one offseason.

So you say 2/3 of the teams starters, I named 11 guys, 22 guys start so thats 1/2 of the starters not 2/3. Now lets examine the 11 players, Mark Brunnell, 97 year old back up QB, so were down to 10, Kris Jenkins a guy who started 1 game and got hurt and we all know is not coming back as a major staple of this starting defense, so were down to 9, Jason Taylor another 98 year old situational pass rusher who had to start a few games cause of Pace's injury we all know he was a waste of money, and should not be here next year, so were down to 8, TRich is our starter, but his replacement IS on the roster and TRich will be retiring so we know we have to replace him anyhow, so were down to 7, Gholston need I say more, we are down to 6, Brian Thomas will not be here but he is a starter so I wont count him, still at 6, Pace as I posted is not going anywhere, so im gonna cut down the guys to 10 instead of 11 originally posted, LT was not supposed to be the starter this year and shouldnt be the starter right now so im gonna say were down to 5 and thats about 1/5 to 1/6 of the teams starters douche.

Just about every NFL team replaces 5 starters every year if not more, stop being an a$$hole just to be an a$$hole and come in here and giving no insite to the post, if you dont like the idea of getting rid of some of these guys fine give me reasons and stop being so negative towards everyones posts.

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Sperm, Integ, slats, I don't think this is as bad as you're making it out:

Brunell-back up serioulsy who cares

Cro- ok I don't agree with not resigning him but one could say lets see where they are at with Wilson's development by next year.

Ellis- could retire...possibly

Gholston- as good as gone

Pace- he clearly states NOT cutting

TRich- will retire

Taylor- could/should retire

Bryan Thomas- agument could be made this position needs to upgraded with youth and a pass rush possibly via draft

LT- could/should retire

Woody- could/should retire...possibly

Jenkins- could/should retire

So...besides Cro and Thomas I don't see where he's so off...especially if they start to go with a youth movement. Plus some of these guys have to be gone if you want to keep Holmes, Edwards, Harris.

Thank you Hess someone who actually got the jist of the post.

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So you say 2/3 of the teams starters, I named 11 guys, 22 guys start so thats 1/2 of the starters not 2/3. Now lets examine the 11 players, Mark Brunnell, 97 year old back up QB, so were down to 10, Kris Jenkins a guy who started 1 game and got hurt and we all know is not coming back as a major staple of this starting defense, so were down to 9, Jason Taylor another 98 year old situational pass rusher who had to start a few games cause of Pace's injury we all know he was a waste of money, and should not be here next year, so were down to 8, TRich is our starter, but his replacement IS on the roster and TRich will be retiring so we know we have to replace him anyhow, so were down to 7, Gholston need I say more, we are down to 6, Brian Thomas will not be here but he is a starter so I wont count him, still at 6, Pace as I posted is not going anywhere, so im gonna cut down the guys to 10 instead of 11 originally posted, LT was not supposed to be the starter this year and shouldnt be the starter right now so im gonna say were down to 5 and thats about 1/5 to 1/6 of the teams starters douche.

Just about every NFL team replaces 5 starters every year if not more, stop being an a$hole just to be an a$hole and come in here and giving no insite to the post, if you dont like the idea of getting rid of some of these guys fine give me reasons and stop being so negative towards everyones posts.

He did it to me yesterday. Dude has next to no Integrity if you ask me. On a scale of 1-100 he's maybe a 28.

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So you say 2/3 of the teams starters, I named 11 guys, 22 guys start so thats 1/2 of the starters not 2/3. Now lets examine the 11 players, Mark Brunnell, 97 year old back up QB, so were down to 10, Kris Jenkins a guy who started 1 game and got hurt and we all know is not coming back as a major staple of this starting defense, so were down to 9, Jason Taylor another 98 year old situational pass rusher who had to start a few games cause of Pace's injury we all know he was a waste of money, and should not be here next year, so were down to 8, TRich is our starter, but his replacement IS on the roster and TRich will be retiring so we know we have to replace him anyhow, so were down to 7, Gholston need I say more, we are down to 6, Brian Thomas will not be here but he is a starter so I wont count him, still at 6, Pace as I posted is not going anywhere, so im gonna cut down the guys to 10 instead of 11 originally posted, LT was not supposed to be the starter this year and shouldnt be the starter right now so im gonna say were down to 5 and thats about 1/5 to 1/6 of the teams starters douche.

Just about every NFL team replaces 5 starters every year if not more, stop being an a$$hole just to be an a$$hole and come in here and giving no insite to the post, if you dont like the idea of getting rid of some of these guys fine give me reasons and stop being so negative towards everyones posts.

Was your bottom lip quivering when you typed this?

Excuse me if I am pumped for the playoff run and don't agree with your laundry list of guys that need to be replaced. Also, if you couldn't tell that I said "2/3 of the team" as an intended exaggeration, then blame yourself... not me. If you want to be technical, 11 players is about 1/5 of the entire team and still unrealistic. Look at the Patriots, they trade back in the draft every year, draft like 10 guys and then end up cutting a bunch of rookies. A team that wins 9-10 games in successive years, usually doesn't need 10 new players, except in the eyes of the fans.

This is NOT the time to discuss roster purging - which is what I call it when you discuss turning over 10+ players in one off-season. Do we need to upgrade some positions? Yes. Should it over-shadow the fact that we just witnessed one of the better Jets seasons in the past decade? No.

"Negative towards everyone's posts?" Sorry - I didn't realize it was considered negative if you don't whine like the rest of the grown men on the site.

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Sperm, Integ, slats, I don't think this is as bad as you're making it out:

Brunell-back up serioulsy who cares

Cro- ok I don't agree with not resigning him but one could say lets see where they are at with Wilson's development by next year.

Ellis- could retire...possibly

Gholston- as good as gone

Pace- he clearly states NOT cutting

TRich- will retire

Taylor- could/should retire

Bryan Thomas- agument could be made this position needs to upgraded with youth and a pass rush possibly via draft

LT- could/should retire

Woody- could/should retire...possibly

Jenkins- could/should retire

So...besides Cro and Thomas I don't see where he's so off...especially if they start to go with a youth movement. Plus some of these guys have to be gone if you want to keep Holmes, Edwards, Harris.

My comment was intended to be tongue-in-cheek... in light of the fact we just made the playoffs. Ya know?

Whatever, he called me a$$hole a bunch of times... I'll play along. This is a dumb ******* thread and he should eat a peen. (And get a sense of humor.)

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I have made a list of guys I would like to be replaced, mostly because of high price tag that is not giving the production at the cost.

Mark Brunnell 2010 salary 1m, 2011 1.3m (if cut savings of 1.3 mill)

Cromartie, 2010 salary 1.7m 2011 0

Ellis (mostly cause of age and price tag) 2010 3.3, 2011 0

GHOLSTON 2010 5.4m 2011 6.2m (if cut cap savings of 400k) that sucks

Pace 2010 7m 2011 7.1m (if cut -1.9 mill) so he is not getting cut

TRich (gonna be his decsion to retire) 2010 527k 2011 0

Taylor 2010 1.75 mill 2011 2.275mill (if cut saves 2.275 mill

Brian Thomas 2010 4.85 mill 2011 3.7 mill (if cut saves 3.7 mill)

LT 2010 1.9 mill 2011 3.3 mill (if cut saves 2.4 mill)

Woody 2010 5.6 mill 2011 4.2 mill (if cut saves 3.2 mill)

Jenkins (face it he just cant stay healthy and wastes salary cap space) 2010 3.9 mill 2011 6.4 mill (if cut saves 4.6 mill)

Total 2010 salarys 36.9 mill

Projected 2011 salarys of players under contract 34.5 mill

If all cut except Gholston and Pace cause its not worth it. Savings of 22.975 mill, that sounds like enough to get BE, Holmes, and Harris, then we would need to do a lot of salary restructure to fill out a very good team.

Do you guys think getting rid of these guys would free up enough money to sign BE, Holmes, Harris, a monster pass rusher, and a play making Safety, and still fill out the rest of the roster?

In the spirit of not being an "a$$hole" or "negative to everyone (or just you)."

Mark Brunnell 2010 salary 1m, 2011 1.3m (if cut savings of 1.3 mill) - GONE

Cromartie, 2010 salary 1.7m 2011 0 - KEEP

Ellis (mostly cause of age and price tag) 2010 3.3, 2011 0 - GONE

GHOLSTON 2010 5.4m 2011 6.2m (if cut cap savings of 400k) that sucks - GONE

Pace 2010 7m 2011 7.1m (if cut -1.9 mill) so he is not getting cut - KEEP

TRich (gonna be his decsion to retire) 2010 527k 2011 0 - GONE

Taylor 2010 1.75 mill 2011 2.275mill (if cut saves 2.275 mill - GONE

Brian Thomas 2010 4.85 mill 2011 3.7 mill (if cut saves 3.7 mill) - KEEP

LT 2010 1.9 mill 2011 3.3 mill (if cut saves 2.4 mill) - KEEP, Restructure

Woody 2010 5.6 mill 2011 4.2 mill (if cut saves 3.2 mill) - KEEP

Jenkins (face it he just cant stay healthy and wastes salary cap space) 2010 3.9 mill 2011 6.4 mill (if cut saves 4.6 mill) - GONE

Realistically, I think they get rid of the old dudes primarily. Except LT, I think they'll find a way to bring him back 1 more year. It would be "nice" if Ellis retired a Jet, because don't look now but he has been one of the better life-long Jets players we've had the past few decades.

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In the spirit of not being an "a$$hole" or "negative to everyone (or just you)."

Mark Brunnell 2010 salary 1m, 2011 1.3m (if cut savings of 1.3 mill) - GONE

Cromartie, 2010 salary 1.7m 2011 0 - KEEP

Ellis (mostly cause of age and price tag) 2010 3.3, 2011 0 - GONE

GHOLSTON 2010 5.4m 2011 6.2m (if cut cap savings of 400k) that sucks - GONE

Pace 2010 7m 2011 7.1m (if cut -1.9 mill) so he is not getting cut - KEEP

TRich (gonna be his decsion to retire) 2010 527k 2011 0 - GONE

Taylor 2010 1.75 mill 2011 2.275mill (if cut saves 2.275 mill - GONE

Brian Thomas 2010 4.85 mill 2011 3.7 mill (if cut saves 3.7 mill) - KEEP

LT 2010 1.9 mill 2011 3.3 mill (if cut saves 2.4 mill) - KEEP, Restructure

Woody 2010 5.6 mill 2011 4.2 mill (if cut saves 3.2 mill) - KEEP

Jenkins (face it he just cant stay healthy and wastes salary cap space) 2010 3.9 mill 2011 6.4 mill (if cut saves 4.6 mill) - GONE

Realistically, I think they get rid of the old dudes primarily. Except LT, I think they'll find a way to bring him back 1 more year. It would be "nice" if Ellis retired a Jet, because don't look now but he has been one of the better life-long Jets players we've had the past few decades.

I realise they are in the playoffs and all but there's really nothing wrong looking down the road and discussing it in one thread. Although I know there is a name-calling argument here to boot, I'm just saying, I like talking about this stuff, even with the playoffs to look forward to.

Woody, LT and BT might be gone too, and that might not be a bad thing if it frees up more cap space to resign or sign other players.

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I realise they are in the playoffs and all but there's really nothing wrong looking down the road and discussing it in one thread. Although I know there is a name-calling argument here to boot, I'm just saying, I like talking about this stuff, even with the playoffs to look forward to.

Woody, LT and BT might be gone too, and that might not be a bad thing if it frees up more cap space to resign or sign other players.

Like I said, my initial response was tongue-in-cheek. If I thought he was off-base with any of the stuff in his initial post, I might have responded with something serious, but it was all pretty much what I'd expect the Jets FO to be thinking about next off-season. So I busted his chops.... which he responded to really well. :rolleyes:

Honestly, there just seems to be a lot of whining and "maybe next year" conversations going on around here... given the fact we are in the playoffs and about to win 11 games for the first time since 1998, and only the 2nd time since 1985. Yeah. Think about that for a second bro... we should be dancing in the mother****ing streets. Not thinking about roster purging when we have January football to play.

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Like I said, my initial response was tongue-in-cheek. If I thought he was off-base with any of the stuff in his initial post, I might have responded with something serious, but it was all pretty much what I'd expect the Jets FO to be thinking about next off-season. So I busted his chops.... which he responded to really well. :rolleyes:

Honestly, there just seems to be a lot of whining and "maybe next year" conversations going on around here... given the fact we are in the playoffs and about to win 11 games for the first time since 1998, and only the 2nd time since 1985. Yeah. Think about that for a second bro... we should be dancing in the mother****ing streets. Not thinking about roster purging when we have January football to play.

Understood. That's fair. However far they get in the playoffs this year I'm still worried about next year. I would personally rather see those 9 players gone (excluding Pace and Cro from the original 11) if it meant that was the only way to keep SH, BE, DH and Cro. Which it might be. I'm just being greedy that even if they make a spash in the postseason I want a possible dynasty in the making (optimistically speaking of course). Anyway I hear ya.

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Get rid of either Holmes or Edwards. Cotch is more than capable of being a number two reciever. The passing game actually was better at the beginning of the year with Edwards, Keller, and Cotch.

Interesting seeing that it could be said the Jets probably lose at least 2 games and aren't making the playoffs without Holmes.

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Understood. That's fair. However far they get in the playoffs this year I'm still worried about next year. I would personally rather see those 9 players gone (excluding Pace and Cro from the original 11) if it meant that was the only way to keep SH, BE, DH and Cro. Which it might be. I'm just being greedy that even if they make a spash in the postseason I want a possible dynasty in the making (optimistically speaking of course). Anyway I hear ya.

Haha... a dynasty? Are we both still watching the Jets team that can't seem to win the must-win games?

I tell ya what...

For next year, I hope this year's draft class plays a role in addressing some of the holes that might be left by old players... Wilson, McKnight and Ducasse need to arrive. Connor just needs to be on the field. This is how the draft works for good teams. You don't see the players they draft until a year or so after the fact... no more immediate needs addressed by the draft. Only sh*t teams do this annually.

Beyond that? We need a real pass rushing OLB. That is the ONLY dire need this team has.

Should we add a veteran QB that can play behind Sanchez? Sure. Is it worth fretting over now? Hardly. Do we need a DE? Maybe, but don't forget we lost some depth there this year to injury and they will be returning.

Adding players to your system when you DON'T absolutely need them and developing them from within is how you sustain success long-term. You can't buy a championship in the NFL. I like that we have 11 wins and have gotten little contribution from last year's draft class. I don't think any of those guys will bust - I think it means they were afforded the opportunity to learn.

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Get rid of either Holmes or Edwards. Cotch is more than capable of being a number two reciever. The passing game actually was better at the beginning of the year with Edwards, Keller, and Cotch.


Look back at this year, and some of the biggest and most damaging drops in key spots of important games were made by... Cotchery.

I like him too - but I'd be lying if I advocated him being one of our top 2 WRs again. He is slow and he was once sure-handed, but not this year. Easily one of the most likable guys on the team though.

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Haha... a dynasty? Are we both still watching the Jets team that can't seem to win the must-win games?

I tell ya what...

For next year, I hope this year's draft class plays a role in addressing some of the holes that might be left by old players... Wilson, McKnight and Ducasse need to arrive. Connor just needs to be on the field. This is how the draft works for good teams. You don't see the players they draft until a year or so after the fact... no more immediate needs addressed by the draft. Only sh*t teams do this annually.

Beyond that? We need a real pass rushing OLB. That is the ONLY dire need this team has.

Should we add a veteran QB that can play behind Sanchez? Sure. Is it worth fretting over now? Hardly. Do we need a DE? Maybe, but don't forget we lost some depth there this year to injury and they will be returning.

Adding players to your system when you DON'T absolutely need them and developing them from within is how you sustain success long-term. You can't buy a championship in the NFL. I like that we have 11 wins and have gotten little contribution from last year's draft class. I don't think any of those guys will bust - I think it means they were afforded the opportunity to learn.

Well, I'm using the word dynasty loosely, tongue in cheek myself. But I'm just saying yeah, as a fan you that's what you're looking for however ridiculous as it sounds in reality. You want them to win the Super Bowl this year, right. That's why we're so excited about the playoffs. And of course you want them to be just as good next year, no? Bah, lol, ok Dynasty was quite an overstatement.

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Making an argument about who the Jets should keep at WR based solely on drops and/or fumbles is not going to get you far. It's terrifying that Edwards seems to be the only one this year that can hold onto the ball.

Holmes also dropped a potential game winning pass in Miami, and that catch he made against the Texans wasn't the hardest thing in the world. Remember when Cotch grabbed that one pass in New England, pinned it against his head, and managed to retain possession even though he was interfered with? Or how bout the time he hurt his groin, sucked it up, and made that amazing diving catch?

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Was your bottom lip quivering when you typed this?

Excuse me if I am pumped for the playoff run and don't agree with your laundry list of guys that need to be replaced. Also, if you couldn't tell that I said "2/3 of the team" as an intended exaggeration, then blame yourself... not me. If you want to be technical, 11 players is about 1/5 of the entire team and still unrealistic. Look at the Patriots, they trade back in the draft every year, draft like 10 guys and then end up cutting a bunch of rookies. A team that wins 9-10 games in successive years, usually doesn't need 10 new players, except in the eyes of the fans.

This is NOT the time to discuss roster purging - which is what I call it when you discuss turning over 10+ players in one off-season. Do we need to upgrade some positions? Yes. Should it over-shadow the fact that we just witnessed one of the better Jets seasons in the past decade? No.

"Negative towards everyone's posts?" Sorry - I didn't realize it was considered negative if you don't whine like the rest of the grown men on the site.

The name calling was out of line I apologize. And I do have a sense of humor, but some people like myself and Hess (he said so not me) like talking about this stuff, and your post trys to undermine the whole thread with said "humor" and I did not appreciate it, end of story.

And its pretty funny (see I have a sense of humor) that you went through the post seriously and agreed with about 75% of it.

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The name calling was out of line I apologize. And I do have a sense of humor, but some people like myself and Hess (he said so not me) like talking about this stuff, and your post trys to undermine the whole thread with said "humor" and I did not appreciate it, end of story.

And its pretty funny (see I have a sense of humor) that you went through the post seriously and agreed with about 75% of it.

I like to bust chops.

Happy New Year... my resolution is to continue to bust chops.

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Making an argument about who the Jets should keep at WR based solely on drops and/or fumbles is not going to get you far. It's terrifying that Edwards seems to be the only one this year that can hold onto the ball.

Holmes also dropped a potential game winning pass in Miami, and that catch he made against the Texans wasn't the hardest thing in the world. Remember when Cotch grabbed that one pass in New England, pinned it against his head, and managed to retain possession even though he was interfered with? Or how bout the time he hurt his groin, sucked it up, and made that amazing diving catch?

It wasn't "solely" based on drops. It was based on the fact that he is slow, no longer runs precise routes and no longer is as sure-handed or clutch as we once thought he was... making him an ill fit for #1/2 WR.

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