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Scott wasn't done after his EPIC rant...


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I've heard rex referred to as a good coach countless times. they were talking him up pretty greatly yesterday

I guess it depends on what channel you watch... I am unfortunately waiting for FIOS in my hood, and only get basic. So I watched FOX.

The only thing those dipsh*ts had to say about Rex?

Someone put emphasis on the word "big" I think in making a marginally intelligent point... and Bradshaw just went into his own world and explained why he just doesn't like Rex. Nothing to do with the game, just that he doesn't like Rex. Then they all got quiet, and cut to commercial.

So... there you have it.

Apart from that, the Boston radio jerkoffs do nothing BUT poke fun at his weight, call him retarded and now the jokes with the feet of course.

I've gotten chubby in my 30's as many people do... and I joke about my chubbiness openly. That said, I only welcome other joking from friends... its sorta the unwritten rule. If some jagoff I didn't know cracked on my beer belly for some gay reason, I'd pop 'em.

All that said... all I see this as is "a reason" among many "reasons" for the Jets to be pissed off and playing like mad men for their coach. Whatever fuels the fire is fine by me...

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All that said... all I see this as is "a reason" among many "reasons" for the Jets to be pissed off and playing like mad men for their coach. Whatever fuels the fire is fine by me...

at the end of the day, thats all that matters..

i'm sure you here a lot more up there.. where you up there in the 90's when parcells left.. I'm pretty sure boston radio was regularly calling him fat tuna back then.. par for the course

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Not kidding at all. Guy calls himself and his brother fat, calls even more attention to it saying things like "lets get a damn snack" and hoarding M&M's or whatever on hard knocks, and you guys honestly expect his weight to be off limits? He puts it out there. Parcells weight was mentioned, as is reid's.. none of these guys encouraged it the way rex does.

To act all offended about a reporter calling rex fat while laughing with rex as he calls his brother fat is homerifically hypocritical, it just is. Ir memory serves, he even made fun of mangini for his weight loss.. his persona he puts out there is that of a fat clown, whose serious about football.. i don't know what you'd expect in response..

So, in your mind, there's no distinction between making fun of yourself and your own family, and other people making fun of you and your own family?

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So, in your mind, there's no distinction between making fun of yourself and your own family, and other people making fun of you and your own family?

I don't see how in the context of this discussion, but that's not the only distinction here and I'm not really interested in debating this tangential point. You think someone who gets offended by fat jokes should be immune cause there's a familial relationship, I don't. Either way, it's not the point.

When he joked with Mangini about his recent weight loss (and weight struggles) and alluded to it being temporary? that's different too, right? Or when mangini fired back?

It's funny how the same exact situation can be interpreted so differently depending on which team you root for. It's almost like there should be a word for this phenomenon

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I don't see how in the context of this discussion, but that's not the only distinction here and I'm not really interested in debating this tangential point. You think someone who gets offended by fat jokes should be immune cause there's a familial relationship, I don't. Either way, it's not the point.

When he joked with Mangini about his recent weight loss (and weight struggles) and alluded to it being temporary? that's different too, right? Or when mangini fired back?

It's funny how the same exact situation can be interpreted so differently depending on which team you root for. It's almost like there should be a word for this phenomenon

The difference is, you're a person who doesn't think anyone should be offended by anything. Personally, I'm not offended by anything said about Rex, because most people who say it are idiots. But, my point is that the players, like Scott, being upset about it is totally legit.

As far as Mangini, him and Rex are obviously friendly, and both have had weight issues. It's one thing to joke within a community, it's another thing to be made fun of it from the outside. No different than race or religion to be honest.

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The difference is, you're a person who doesn't think anyone should be offended by anything. Personally, I'm not offended by anything said about Rex, because most people who say it are idiots. But, my point is that the players, like Scott, being upset about it is totally legit.

And not hypocritical at all? Aren't they doing the same thing LT accused the pats of? "it's classless when someone does it to them, but when they do it it's different". This is the same guy that cried about the pats celebrating on his field, and has no problem with what we did last night. Or deion branch, who took issue with it, but I'm sure would've been fine with what the pats did had he been here. As I said, i think it's great that this motivates the team, and what is says about the way they feel as a team. Doesn't make it anymore right then my dad's constant complaining about the unemployment situation, while he has a son whose been collecting for months (for legit reasons, in his head). It's typical human behavior, so in a sense, I guess it is legit..

As far as Mangini, him and Rex are obviously friendly, and both have had weight issues. It's one thing to joke within a community, it's another thing to be made fun of it from the outside. No different than race or religion to be honest.

ha.. i knew this was coming..

and lastly, I do think people should be offended by things, just generally not things that come out of some idiots mouth.. I'm "offended" by tons of things people do..

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And not hypocritical at all? Aren't they doing the same thing LT accused the pats of? "it's classless when someone does it to them, but when they do it it's different". This is the same guy that cried about the pats celebrating on his field, and has no problem with what we did last night. Or deion branch, who took issue with it, but I'm sure would've been fine with what the pats did had he been here. As I said, i think it's great that this motivates the team, and what is says about the way they feel as a team. Doesn't make it anymore right then my dad's constant complaining about the unemployment situation, while he has a son whose been collecting for months (for legit reasons, in his head). It's typical human behavior, so in a sense, I guess it is legit..

I understand what you're saying here. But, I think the difference between what the Pats did in SD and what the Jets did in NE was that the Pats went to mid-field and did the Merriman dance on their logo. The Pats also did the 'fly boys' celebration. So, it's not just celebrating, it's using the other team's celebration to rub their face in it. As far as I'm concerned, there's a big difference.

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LT got killed for complaining about the Pats lacking class, and I think he learned from that. Now he doesn't care at all because he saw how many people defended the Patriots. Class is a bullsh*t term. Any honest Patriots fan doesn't give two sh*ts about "class" and will call Branch out for whining about it, like Alk did.

Welker was benched precisely because all he did was unify the Jets more and make them play harder. The Steelers will probably run their mouths too, which is great. The Packers probably won't say much though. If there is any class, it's the Packers and Saints most likely. Those two teams generally won't say anything and will respect other teams and opponents. Virtually everyone else will run down opponents. The Jets won't run you down but will actually prop themselves up for the most part, which is different. The exception of course is Revis, who will run down people.

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Excerpt from Tim Graham Article on ESPN:

Even so, the Jets wouldn't be denied. They backed up their boastful claims and profane insults and walloped the Patriots in their own building.

"We beat them the first game, check. They came back and beat us, check," Jets linebacker Bart Scott said. "We came in when it counted the most, checkmate."

As Scott spoke, Ihedigbo kept at it: "They all doubted us, Bart!"

"We just let you guys build them up, let them read those things," Scott continued, "and Wes Welker can go kick rocks."

The Jets won, as many prognosticators said they perhaps could, by running well (120 yards) and converting third downs (46 percent compared with the Patriots' 36 percent).

"You all probably thought I was arrogant and just talking out the side of my face," Scott said of the bold proclamations the Jets made during the week. "Look at our roster, look at their roster. We got better players all across the field.

"Perception isn't reality all the time. I guess the cream rised to the top."

And another

Patriots coach Bill Belichick refused to discuss the fake punt.

"You got the guru on the other side," Scott said sarcastically. "You talk about how great he is. Maybe you guys'll start giving our coach some credit for knowing what he's doing.

"I love my coach. Let me tell you something: I would die for that man."

Bart Scott is the mother ******* man!

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And not hypocritical at all? Aren't they doing the same thing LT accused the pats of? "it's classless when someone does it to them, but when they do it it's different". This is the same guy that cried about the pats celebrating on his field, and has no problem with what we did last night. Or deion branch, who took issue with it, but I'm sure would've been fine with what the pats did had he been here. As I said, i think it's great that this motivates the team, and what is says about the way they feel as a team. Doesn't make it anymore right then my dad's constant complaining about the unemployment situation, while he has a son whose been collecting for months (for legit reasons, in his head). It's typical human behavior, so in a sense, I guess it is legit..

ha.. i knew this was coming..

and lastly, I do think people should be offended by things, just generally not things that come out of some idiots mouth.. I'm "offended" by tons of things people do..

I think that's the point. The Pats claim they are "above all that" and whine like bitches when anybody celebrates, but they do it all the time. The Jets do seem to try to take everything personally, but I didn't hear much about them crying about any other teams celebrations or disrespect.

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I understand it quite well.. i was the fat kid in school until the summer before 10th grade, and got fat again in college.. and can currently stand to lose about 40lbs.. i've never not had a gut, even in my best shape (which is about 240 at 6'2''. I've always been a "big guy", i just lifted a lot of weights so I carried it well

I came to talk football and walked into an episode of Dr. Phil... just wtf is going on here?

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**** you Tom Jackson!, **** you Keyshawn! Love having this guy on the Jets!

I was in a restaurant here in New Hampshire (business trip) and I played this waiting for the good to come out... wow did I get dirty looks.

SAL PAL looks like he has a brick in his pants.

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Its ******* brilliant on Rex's part. He gives the team confidence and motivation by drawing all the attention/scrutiny upon himself (and not our sometimes skittish qb, soon to be free agent WR's with pending criminal cases, replacement Rt, absent probowl NT, absent starting safety/captain of the defense, CB with 16 kids).

He puts out a constantly positive message that "despite whatever happened, we believe we're the best team in football." Not a message of arrogance, but straight up confidence. Cojones Mangus

When things are good, the media criticizes Rex's Bravado (team feels disrespected and confident).

When things are bad, it keeps the confidence up and focuses the pressure on Himself correcting the problem ... as bart said: "HAving our Backs."

Belli needs soldiers

Rex needs passionate warriors

They said this team would implode.

We have the tightest locker room in the league.

A team that believes in itself.

Its an all around solid plan for handling this team with the NY Media

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