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ok, there is a squirrel stuck in my stove pipes


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and I'm looking for reasonable suggestions

I have a wood burning stove, with double wall metal pipe that goes up 2 stories and through the attic.

I heard something, and looked in the stove, and the little shelf where the pipe comes into the back of the stove, there is a full grown squirrel looking at me

so I put gloves on, close the flue, put the old cats upstairs, closed the doors to prevent it escaping, and tried to coax it out

the little guy gets scared, howl/growl/yowls at me and scampers UP the pipe about 5 feet above the damper (amazing, I guess it just powered right through it) and has been there for 2 hours

I don't want to call the animal catcher guy just yet, will not entertain any "kill it" ideas, and don't want it to die in there and stink my house up

is there a reasonable approach to this or do I just have to suck it up and pay someone to come get it ?

oh, and make all the hampster jokes good ones ;)

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Good luck. Squirrels are destructive mean bastards. If you lit a fire he would die from smoke inhalation or heat. Only problem is what if he doesnt fall down where you can reach him. It would be a perfect scenario to reach in grab the little bastard by the neck and toss him out the front door. I really wanna hear how this turns out. When its all done you better install a chimney cap on that pipe.

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My old GF worked in the emergency room and had a similar issue when the string on a gerbil's tail broke and got stuck in the gay guys a$$.

Next time you shove an acorn up your a$$ and bend over make sure you tie fishing line to the squirrels tail before you send it down the habittrail tube so it can get into your "stove pipe"

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Im really curious to hear how this worked out. Squirrels got into my old firehouse and tore down part of a drop ceiling and a bunch of insulation it was a mess.

Drop ceiling and insulation are child's play. They ATE through the wood. They had gotten in through a damaged corner of my grandfather's old house. We replaced it with new wood and they continue to eat at the spot. Every spring there are gnaw marks. We ended up putting flashing damn near everywhere, but they are the bane of my existence.

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I have an outdoor squirrel problem. They have shredded my expensive grill cover, chewed the fence ties on a chain link fence and are now working on a plastic deck box. As soon as I can get to Cabelas to purchase the high-tech pellet gun its gonna be war.

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I have an outdoor squirrel problem. They have shredded my expensive grill cover, chewed the fence ties on a chain link fence and are now working on a plastic deck box. As soon as I can get to Cabelas to purchase the high-tech pellet gun its gonna be war.

Sqirrels, next to my wife, nothing could be cuter and yet more evil. I say you hit'em with paintballs. That way you can track them by color. Always know who your dealing with, you don't want to mess with The Sqirrel Don--too dangerous. Take out the fuzzy foot soldiers and enforcers first. Then they will fear you.

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Sqirrels, next to my wife, nothing could be cuter and yet more evil. I say you hit'em with paintballs. That way you can track them by color. Always know who your dealing with, you don't want to mess with The Sqirrel Don--too dangerous. Take out the fuzzy foot soldiers and enforcers first. Then they will fear you.

Paint balls will only piss them off more. These bastards are literally chewing my chain link fence poles. My objective is too thin the herd. My backyard is very accomodating for a squirrel hunt. I want them to fear entering my property. I just need to be careful when disposing of the dead, my garbage hauler inspects the garbage.

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the most common suggestion I am getting is start a fire or somehow kill it. I have given up on a peaceful ending, the sucker is too fast to think I can catch and release it.

I do also want to find out how he got in. we had our roof shoveled off recently, maybe they accidentally broke the cap off or whatever.

I had a good suggestion to get a chimney sweep in (it's due anyway) because they drop a rope down the pipes to bring up their brush, and in theory the little bastard will ride up the brush or rope.

problem is they area all so busy no one will call me back ....

might have to get the animal guy in here

I feel like such a suburban dweeb, lol

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smoke it out?... can it get out the top?

I thought of that, but he's done so much scratching, I can already see a small pile of "dust" at the bottom of the pipe, and I really don't need a fire right now. he's about 15 feet short of the top. I may have to try to motivate him before my daughter names him , lol

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I thought of that, but he's done so much scratching, I can already see a small pile of "dust" at the bottom of the pipe, and I really don't need a fire right now. he's about 15 feet short of the top. I may have to try to motivate him before my daughter names him , lol

Do you have a metal chimney liner or is (was) he scraping away & crumbling your terracotta?

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I thought of that, but he's done so much scratching, I can already see a small pile of "dust" at the bottom of the pipe, and I really don't need a fire right now. he's about 15 feet short of the top. I may have to try to motivate him before my daughter names him , lol

one time when my daughters were little I went Publix and bought a live lobster to have for dinner. My daughters ended up playing with it on the kitchen floor and naming him Larry-I felt so bad dropping him in the boiling water while my daughters creid "don't do it dad". What a crappy dinner that turned out be.

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so here is the story as related to me by my wife

she gets an animal guy to come over. he places a trap in the stove and says he'll be back in a few hours. he baits it with caramel corn. while he is gone, my wife hears the door close, then sees the bastard grab the bait and play with the door and scoot back up the pipes :angry:

so the guy comes back, and the trap is still empty. he decides to rebait it and wait. while they're waiting, they see the flue handle turn, and the bastard is heading for the trap !! he somehow makes it passed the trap and my wife traps him by turning the flue handle and holding it so he can't go back up. animal guy grabs the poker and somwehow gets the bastard in the trap. HOORAY !!!


so here is where I wish I was home. he asks my wife to open the front door, and lets it go on our front steps !

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one time when my daughters were little I went Publix and bought a live lobster to have for dinner. My daughters ended up playing with it on the kitchen floor and naming him Larry-I felt so bad dropping him in the boiling water while my daughters creid "don't do it dad". What a crappy dinner that turned out be.

I was in a dock side restaurant in maine with my wife years ago, and we went to the tank to pick out our dinner from the live lobsters, she cried and we had pizza :D

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Squirrels are supposed to be let go miles from your home. I hope he doesnt find his way back in. Next call or you need to get the chimney cap on. How much did he charge?

we have a cap, but after this winter I'm sure there is damage up there somewhere. he was under $100. my only hope is the thing is near death, it was in there for a few days. my wife said the guy was holding the door closed with his hand and seemed to be worried it would get out. turns out they are the "animal lover" typ of company and always try to make sure the animal is safe. I'm cool with that, but our backyard borders 50 acres of woods, he could have at least tried to get it back there and not just dropped it right outside or front door !

oh well, at least I don't have dead squirrel odor in my house or a chimney fire....

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If theres damage to the vent pipe you need to address it if your still using the stove. You wouldnt want the house to fill with smoke or worse carbon monoxide. Squirrels sometimes dont just enter they make nests. Id have it checked or shut down the unit. Be safe.

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If theres damage to the vent pipe you need to address it if your still using the stove. You wouldnt want the house to fill with smoke or worse carbon monoxide. Squirrels sometimes dont just enter they make nests. Id have it checked or shut down the unit. Be safe.

oh, I hear ya, no more fires for us. chimney sweep coming over the next week to give us quotes. I'm sure I need work


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so here is where I wish I was home. he asks my wife to open the front door, and lets it go on our front steps !

oh, I hear ya, no more fires for us. chimney sweep coming over the next week to give us quotes. I'm sure I need work


I hope a week is soon enough. He'll probably be back in with half the family by then. BTDT

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