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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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A double voter could be a town or a scum role. It could possibly be controlled either way. We've definitely seen double voters who had to PM the mod to have their vote count twice. I think SMC had a one-time double vote in a game... but don't trust me, I don't have the memory for individual games that a lot of you have. Just don't see anything conclusive coming from running up a train on Doggin.

Again, I dont see how it could hurt. Its a theory and the worst case scenario, isnt that bad. I feel like good outways the bad...based on a theory. Is it wild, maybe, I dont know. Clearly you guys think it is. I dont remember exactly but I'm pretty sure others wanted to do this as well.

Either way, its not a productive conversation rebirthed by the attention diverting monkey. We didnt do it, we're clearly not going to do it, we can all move on.

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I'd expect Brett to have a better reveal because he's good at this game and more experienced than the other two. We've seen townies get tripped up on honest reveals and lynched here on many occasions.

That said, I'm content with my vote on JF80 for the time being... although that means we're waiting around until 11PM to hear what he has to say now?

Just don't see any merit in this at all.

A double voter could be a town or a scum role. It could possibly be controlled either way. We've definitely seen double voters who had to PM the mod to have their vote count twice. I think SMC had a one-time double vote in a game... but don't trust me, I don't have the memory for individual games that a lot of you have. Just don't see anything conclusive coming from running up a train on Doggin.

I suppose so that means we wait. Have we gotten an updated vote count?

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Most of the time double voting is town and most of the time vote stealing is antitown. I know I've had a double voting power tons of time, been town every time, and I hate it the most out of any power even being vanilla. ^^

Anyway I'm down with voting J80, but should we wait for him to come back? I think he's like at 9 votes now. I don't like not giving people a chance to defend themselves when they are out, so I'm going to withhold my vote for now.

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A double voter could be a town or a scum role. It could possibly be controlled either way. We've definitely seen double voters who had to PM the mod to have their vote count twice. I think SMC had a one-time double vote in a game... but don't trust me, I don't have the memory for individual games that a lot of you have. Just don't see anything conclusive coming from running up a train on Doggin.

I couldn't believe all those words they were writing since I've been gone. I assume a double voter would HAVE to PM that fool BG and that the power may only be able to be used once or twice. Why are they wasting their time with that?

I'm a hardcore MFin' legend.

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Again, I dont see how it could hurt. Its a theory and the worst case scenario, isnt that bad. I feel like good outways the bad...based on a theory. Is it wild, maybe, I dont know. Clearly you guys think it is. I dont remember exactly but I'm pretty sure others wanted to do this as well.

Either way, its not a productive conversation rebirthed by the attention diverting monkey. We didnt do it, we're clearly not going to do it, we can all move on.

It can hurt because a +1 vote townie is a pretty big asset to lynch for the cause of not finding anything out about double voters... which is where the odds are at this point. Doggin as a townie is usually an asset. So that is what you would have us lynch in order to "maybe" catch a double voter. You framed it as an "either/or" scenario, when the reality is there could be countless variables that impact and thus dilute the odds of finding what it is you wanted to go looking for by lynching Doggin. I don't believe in lynching a guy who says he is town, for a situation with odds as bad as this. Plain and simple.

That is why I think it was a scummy, and if nothing else stupid, agenda to push. Couple that with the handful of other stupid things you wanted us to focus on like the post restriction and the similarly "either/or" scenario you put forth between CTM and JVOR and you've got a nice body of sh*tty things you've tried to get us to chase down.

Now... Nobody is questioning me for calling you out on this stuff, however they are questioning you for the pure sh*t you've fed back to me as response. So, don't assume to tell us to brush it under the rug and move on... and don't try to spin this into me being a diversion, when you've been on the other end of the conversation and especially after you just dropped a vote on Brett for no good reason.

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I couldn't believe all those words they were writing since I've been gone. I assume a double voter would HAVE to PM that fool BG and that the power may only be able to be used once or twice. Why are they wasting their time with that?

I'm a hardcore MFin' legend.

Exactly my point... a conclusion which I think any semi-seasoned mafia player could come to quickly. Which is why I think JIF pushing to lynch Doggin as a means to catch a double voter was scummy.

At this point, there isn't much about the JIF has approached or explained his play that I don't find scummy. Its a lot of words, I know, but you should read 'em.

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Slats, you are correct that I, as Lando, had a double vote power in BG's Star Wars game. I used it to lynch DPR.

BUT, IIRC, CTM had a double vote power in the Superhero game and CTM was Lex Luthor. So, the power has been used for good and evil.

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And yes, it can't be avoided that this post probably looks scummy. <3 CTM. :P


Slats, you are correct that I, as Lando, had a double vote power in BG's Star Wars game. I used it to lynch DPR.

BUT, IIRC, CTM had a double vote power in the Superhero game and CTM was Lex Luthor. So, the power has been used for good and evil.


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Slats, you are correct that I, as Lando, had a double vote power in BG's Star Wars game. I used it to lynch DPR.

BUT, IIRC, CTM had a double vote power in the Superhero game and CTM was Lex Luthor. So, the power has been used for good and evil.

As I said....

A double voter could be a town or a scum role. It could possibly be controlled either way. We've definitely seen double voters who had to PM the mod to have their vote count twice. I think SMC had a one-time double vote in a game... but don't trust me, I don't have the memory for individual games that a lot of you have. Just don't see anything conclusive coming from running up a train on Doggin.


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It can hurt because a +1 vote townie is a pretty big asset to lynch for the cause of not finding anything out about double voters... which is where the odds are at this point. Doggin as a townie is usually an asset. So that is what you would have us lynch in order to "maybe" catch a double voter. You framed it as an "either/or" scenario, when the reality is there could be countless variables that impact and thus dilute the odds of finding what it is you wanted to go looking for by lynching Doggin. I don't believe in lynching a guy who says he is town, for a situation with odds as bad as this. Plain and simple


I never said to lynch him, I said to test it. Worst case scenario is he dies, and I dont find his power all that valuable to be honest. He's going to be NK'ed...which is why I said 10 pages ago I'm not going to stick with my theory.

That is why I think it was a scummy, and if nothing else stupid, agenda to push. Couple that with the handful of other stupid things you wanted us to focus on like the post restriction and the similarly "either/or" scenario you put forth between CTM and JVOR and you've got a nice body of sh*tty things you've tried to get us to chase down.

Who pushed it, I suggested. Explained my theory...you act as if I put the game on hold to try this out. I mentioned it, people didnt like or didnt say anything. I wasnt the only one who thought for some reason or another to test teh Doggin.

Talking about the restriction didnt hurt the game. It was a discussion. We talked about other games it was in, scum or town. It wasnt an unproductive conversation, it was super early in day 1. I moved on a long time ago. Dont see it as being scummy.

I never voted CTM or JVOR, I surely wasnt pushing hard, just mentioned it a couple of times because neither JVOR or CTM has commented on it nor has many others...AVM did. I actually find that strange.

Now... Nobody is questioning me for calling you out on this stuff, however they are questioning you for the pure sh*t you've fed back to me as response. So, don't assume to tell us to brush it under the rug and move on... and don't try to spin this into me being a diversion, when you've been on the other end of the conversation and especially after you just dropped a vote on Brett for no good reason.

Its your opinion that I'm throwing your sh*t back at you. I am assuming that this is to be brushed under the rug because there is nothing dangerous or scummy my conversation with about pac, my idea to test or saying I think CTM or JVOR could be scum.

And you are a diversion. I moved on a while ago, you brought it back to life with this case against me. Did you expect me not to defend? Your whole style is fling poo to get response because you always have some grand scheme in mind. Nothing I've done has diverted a train. Meanwhile, you are still diverting the trains with a deadline looming, and I'm voting for the top 3 trying to get the game moving.

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I never said to lynch him, I said to test it. Worst case scenario is he dies, and I dont find his power all that valuable to be honest. He's going to be NK'ed...which is why I said 10 pages ago I'm not going to stick with my theory.

Who pushed it, I suggested. Explained my theory...you act as if I put the game on hold to try this out. I mentioned it, people didnt like or didnt say anything. I wasnt the only one who thought for some reason or another to test teh Doggin.

Talking about the restriction didnt hurt the game. It was a discussion. We talked about other games it was in, scum or town. It wasnt an unproductive conversation, it was super early in day 1. I moved on a long time ago. Dont see it as being scummy.

I never voted CTM or JVOR, I surely wasnt pushing hard, just mentioned it a couple of times because neither JVOR or CTM has commented on it nor has many others...AVM did. I actually find that strange.

Its your opinion that I'm throwing your sh*t back at you. I am assuming that this is to be brushed under the rug because there is nothing dangerous or scummy my conversation with about pac, my idea to test or saying I think CTM or JVOR could be scum.

And you are a diversion. I moved on a while ago, you brought it back to life with this case against me. Did you expect me not to defend? Your whole style is fling poo to get response because you always have some grand scheme in mind. Nothing I've done has diverted a train. Meanwhile, you are still diverting the trains with a deadline looming, and I'm voting for the top 3 trying to get the game moving.

I'm scummy this game and the last game I was as well. I like opening up on my thoughts after a day phase or so goes by after I have enough information and me doing so makes me look like a scumball as town. I was actually suspecting you more earlier on because you hadn't mentioned it because you usually keep an eye on me. Though I'm kind of surprised you find Jetsfan80 as a town read. What makes you feel that way?

I was partly voting Jetsfan80 earlier on to get pressure on him to develop a better read but he hasn't really done much for me to want to get off him. I tried to do the same thing with Brett earlier but he posted once or twice and then his train mysteriously died and he's been pretty under the radar after that. CTM definitely got a bug up his butt after I went after Jetsfan and that still strikes me as odd even if he keeps saying i'm exaggerating his point.

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I never said to lynch him, I said to test it. Worst case scenario is he dies, and I dont find his power all that valuable to be honest. He's going to be NK'ed...which is why I said 10 pages ago I'm not going to stick with my theory.

This caught my attention. Really setting up the WIFOM of "Why is Doggin still alive".. So scum can intentionally not kill him to lead a lynch on him later.. and your planting the seed early for that set-up. Not even saying IF he gets killed.

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I'm scummy this game and the last game I was as well. I like opening up on my thoughts after a day phase or so goes by after I have enough information and me doing so makes me look like a scumball as town. I was actually suspecting you more earlier on because you hadn't mentioned it because you usually keep an eye on me. Though I'm kind of surprised you find Jetsfan80 as a town read. What makes you feel that way?

I was partly voting Jetsfan80 earlier on to get pressure on him to develop a better read but he hasn't really done much for me to want to get off him. I tried to do the same thing with Brett earlier but he posted once or twice and then his train mysteriously died and he's been pretty under the radar after that. CTM definitely got a bug up his butt after I went after Jetsfan and that still strikes me as odd even if he keeps saying i'm exaggerating his point.

I dont know why JF80 is giving me a town read, he just is...cant really articulate it. Just seems like he's trying to play a little more under control not really scummy.

You didnt star bothering me until the CTM convo. Something wasnt right there, I dont know what, again a gut instinct but it was an odd exchange. Not sure who bothered me...my struggle is, I got JF80 as town, and he was kind of in the middle of it but I do see how CTM has kind of been protecting him. But since I'm leaning town on JF80, I feel like CTM might have saw what I saw.

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This caught my attention. Really setting up the WIFOM of "Why is Doggin still alive".. So scum can intentionally not kill him to lead a lynch on him later.. and your planting the seed early for that set-up. Not even saying IF he gets killed.

I'm not the first person to bring up this point.

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brett (5) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin, Jetsfan80, JiF

war ensemble (3) - Jetscode, brett, Song

Jetsfan80 (9) - JVOR, Vicious, Pac, slats, Crusher, SMC, CTM, Kristen, Dan

Song (1) - Sharrow

JiF (1) - I28

CTM (1) - AVM

i'm unvoting for now if he's at l-2... for fear of double voter

i'll be on all night to hammer if need be


I'm scummy this game and the last game I was as well. I like opening up on my thoughts after a day phase or so goes by after I have enough information and me doing so makes me look like a scumball as town. I was actually suspecting you more earlier on because you hadn't mentioned it because you usually keep an eye on me. Though I'm kind of surprised you find Jetsfan80 as a town read. What makes you feel that way?

I was partly voting Jetsfan80 earlier on to get pressure on him to develop a better read but he hasn't really done much for me to want to get off him. I tried to do the same thing with Brett earlier but he posted once or twice and then his train mysteriously died and he's been pretty under the radar after that. CTM definitely got a bug up his butt after I went after Jetsfan and that still strikes me as odd even if he keeps saying i'm exaggerating his point.

you strike me as odd

all i did was vote you cause i thought war and jf80 were the easiest lynches today and didn't like the rats scurring to them when doggin died down. You were the one that belabored the point cause you were shocked I wasn't also compelled to vote jf80. Then you took it further by trying to skew the conversation as me defending jf80, which is the postion you forced me to take by saying it was scummy of me not to be suspicious. I defended him as possibly neutral, not town. Want me to multiquote it for you?

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I dont know why JF80 is giving me a town read, he just is...cant really articulate it. Just seems like he's trying to play a little more under control not really scummy.

You didnt star bothering me until the CTM convo. Something wasnt right there, I dont know what, again a gut instinct but it was an odd exchange. Not sure who bothered me...my struggle is, I got JF80 as town, and he was kind of in the middle of it but I do see how CTM has kind of been protecting him. But since I'm leaning town on JF80, I feel like CTM might have saw what I saw.

ur coasting and you eat cack

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Your the first person to state it so matter-of-factly. Everyone else has said Doggin would make a strong target as a NK, but not that he is GOING to be NKd.

queer gotcha stuff.. the ape said it earlier too i think.. both are wrong.. the town will be forced to deal with doggin at some point, until/when/if there's an innocent on him

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i'm unvoting for now if he's at l-2... for fear of double voter

i'll be on all night to hammer if need be


you strike me as odd

all i did was vote you cause i thought war and jf80 were the easiest lynches today and didn't like the rats scurring to them when doggin died down. You were the one that belabored the point cause you were shocked I wasn't also compelled to vote jf80. Then you took it further by trying to skew the conversation as me defending jf80, which is the postion you forced me to take by saying it was scummy of me not to be suspicious. I defended him as possibly neutral, not town. Want me to multiquote it for you?

Up until I left today I was the only one voting Jf80. You were the one that voted me over it claiming I had some position or motive for going after him over some "veteran" or some other bullsh*t like that and that was before anyone voted Jf80.

And ditto to you striking me as odd.

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Up until I left today I was the only one voting Jf80. You were the one that voted me over it claiming I had some position or motive for going after him over some "veteran" or some other bullsh*t like that and that was before anyone voted Jf80.

And ditto to you striking me as odd.

The fact is that i said we and jf80 were the easy lynches today.. and look whose our 2 choices near deadline. Just cause you can get the signifigance of that through yer thick head doesn't make me scum

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Hey, 80 - now would be a good time to reveal.


I am a 1-time day vig. One time throughout the game, during a day phase I have the ability to kill one player. If a player was protected during the prior night phase, they will still be protected throughout the following day phase.

I win with town.

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I am a 1-time day vig. One time throughout the game, during a day phase I have the ability to kill one player. If a player was protected during the prior night phase, they will still be protected throughout the following day phase.

I win with town.

So... take that shot yet?

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I am a 1-time day vig. One time throughout the game, during a day phase I have the ability to kill one player. If a player was protected during the prior night phase, they will still be protected throughout the following day phase.

I win with town.

I figured you were either cop/doc/vig. At least we didnt out the cop or the doc. I'll stay put on Bret.

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I am a 1-time day vig. One time throughout the game, during a day phase I have the ability to kill one player. If a player was protected during the prior night phase, they will still be protected throughout the following day phase.

I win with town.

was that u who shot?

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