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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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Freakin' sucks Cano hurt his wrist today.

Nice work guys who the **** do you trust now ? So what this is a reveal with 2 already down ?

You can let your scummates cry to Pac in the QT thread about an MK, but I didn't break the rules in anything I said.

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Freakin' sucks Cano hurt his wrist today.

You can let your scummates cry to Pac in the QT thread about an MK, but I didn't break the rules in anything I said.

Scummates ? your gonna look like a retard when I come up clean . Sharrow nice god damn job balocking yet anothere freakin reveal. you guys really crack me up.

My vote is Sharrow because his reveal stinks and the timing stinks thanks for giving scum exactly what they needed. Do wtf you want

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Quick post @ CTM. Just because of who all Sharrow would clear as non-GF scum if he WAS. Everyone on the last train, for example, and I believe the other train he was on. I seem to remember thinking Sharrow and Wombattt were the only possible combo that could work with Sharrow, but the last lynch cleared that in my mind. Like I said, I'm going to need to look at it good later tonight.

Also...if anyone would be gunshy on Sharrow, it'd be me. I'm inclined to believe him, and honestly...with SMC, Vic, and Hess all unable to claim Doc it comes down to Sharrow either being GF or Doc for me, and I buy the doc reveal. We know you can't be, or you'd be jumping down Sharrows throat right know. It can't be the Ape that's the doc, as he's also already revealed. Wombats reaction doesn't really make me feel like he's the doc either (though that was 100% my guess as to who the Doc was). That leaves Sharrow and Smash.

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Quick post @ CTM. Just because of who all Sharrow would clear as non-GF scum if he WAS. Everyone on the last train, for example, and I believe the other train he was on. I seem to remember thinking Sharrow and Wombattt were the only possible combo that could work with Sharrow, but the last lynch cleared that in my mind. Like I said, I'm going to need to look at it good later tonight.

Also...if anyone would be gunshy on Sharrow, it'd be me. I'm inclined to believe him, and honestly...with SMC, Vic, and Hess all unable to claim Doc it comes down to Sharrow either being GF or Doc for me, and I buy the doc reveal. We know you can't be, or you'd be jumping down Sharrows throat right know. It can't be the Ape that's the doc, as he's also already revealed. Wombats reaction doesn't really make me feel like he's the doc either (though that was 100% my guess as to who the Doc was). That leaves Sharrow and Smash.

you buy the doc reveal with the timing ? Do me a favor and vote me the hell off.

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I'm ok with lynching Smash too, but since we're trusting AVM, who do we want on the lynch? We already know that Wombat, Hess, CTM, the Ape, and CTM won't show up scum to him. So should it be 5 of them them, Tom, and one of either Vic or SMC but not both on the lynch vote?

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Actually, maybe we can't learn about both Tom and Vic/SMC in the same lynch.

6 to lynch. If it includes SMC, Hess, Tom, CTM, I28, and Wombat, then...

If it shows 2 scum, then it would tell us that both SMC and Tom are town, but..

if it only shows 1 scum, we only know that it's either SMC or Tom, we don't know that it's not Vic and Tom, or just SMC.

So I'm not sure if we want both Tom and either Vic or SMC on it.

Tbh, I would rather have Vic on the lynch than SMC since SMC doesn't seem to fear having his name there.

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Not manupulated it was day 2 and 4 and they didn't use it (their power) over me either day. I'm on a cruise and can't get a pm now if I wanted to. My vote is just my vote skimming the sh*t out of the thread.

I didn't mean to neg rep this btw.. I was hitting reply to say have fun on the cruise.

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2 of - Wombat, JC, Nae, Crusher, SMC, JiF, Brett, AVM, Vic/Song, DPR, CTM, JVoR

2 of - JiF, BG, SMC, Verb, ViC, DPR, Hess, Wombat, DanX, Ape, Crusher

2 of - JC, Smash, Sharrow, Wombat, Ape, Crusher, JVor, Hess, Dan X, CTM

1 of - SMC, Dan X, Vic, Wombat, Ape, CTM, Hess, AVM

1 of - Vic, SMC, Ape, AVM, DPR, Sharrow, CTM

Brett, Nae, JIF, JVOR, BG, JC, Dan, DPR, Verbal, and AVM removed:

2 of - Wombat, Crusher, SMC, Vic/Song, CTM

2 of - SMC, ViC, Hess, Wombat, Ape, Crusher

2 of - Smash, Sharrow, Wombat, Ape, Crusher, Hess, CTM

1 of - SMC, Vic, Wombat, Ape, CTM, Hess

1 of - Vic, SMC, Ape, Sharrow, CTM

Remove Crusher from the scum totals & votes:

1 of - Wombat, SMC, Vic/Song, CTM

1 of - SMC, ViC, Hess, Wombat, Ape

1 of - Smash, Sharrow, Wombat, Ape, Hess, CTM

1 of - SMC, Vic, Wombat, Ape, CTM, Hess

1 of - Vic, SMC, Ape, Sharrow, CTM

Like Wombat said, between day 1 & day 4, Hess and the Ape are cleared:

1 of - Wombat, SMC, Vic/Song, CTM

1 of - SMC, ViC, Wombat

1 of - Smash, Sharrow, Wombat, CTM

1 of - SMC, Vic, Wombat, CTM

1 of - Vic, SMC, Sharrow, CTM

Also as he said, between day 1 and 2, CTM is cleared:

1 of - Wombat, SMC, Vic/Song

1 of - SMC, ViC, Wombat

1 of - Smash, Sharrow, Wombat

1 of - SMC, Vic, Wombat

1 of - Vic, SMC, Sharrow

days 1, 2, and 4 are the same (Wombat, SMC, Vic) so it leaves:

1 of - Wombat, SMC, Vic

1 of - Smash, Sharrow, Wombat

1 of - Vic, SMC, Sharrow

If I'm scum, it clears Vic and SMC from the 3rd list, which would mean Wombat is scum from the first list. But, because there is only one scum between Smash, me and Wombat, that's impossible.

All results in AVM vs Smash.

Which makes me wonder why he's attacking me instead of AVM.

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Sharrow is right. If AVM is telling the truth and the assumptions we have made about who reads as scum hold, then Smash has to be scum. I should have thought of progressively eliminating cleared players from the lists. Makes it a lot easier.

Vote: Smash

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Sharrow is right. If AVM is telling the truth and the assumptions we have made about who reads as scum hold, then Smash has to be scum. I should have thought of progressively eliminating cleared players from the lists. Makes it a lot easier.

Vote: Smash

You guys certainly put a lot of faith in these claims. Gotta love the way this went down AVM claims then Sharrow comes right in with no pressure and claims Doc. Good luck .

Sharrow Im not attacking you Im just questioning your quick reveal with no pressure giving no one else the chance to come in. If the doc is not pressured I think it best to stay in hiding rather than tip off the scum. I dont trust AVM's reveal but if you guys want to kill me have at it. Not much more for me to say.

Oh I forgot to mention you guys are gonna love my role too bad its wasted > youll find out when you kill me I guess.

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I want a chance to reveal because your going to kick yourselves in the a$$. Did you guys consider if people were framed in your little vote scheme ?

Because the numbers are too clean for a framer. I work under the assumption Crusher counted, because it seems to obvious. They would have had to frame perfectly, and the JVoR train, for example would have had to have NO REAL NON-GF SCUM on it aside from Crusher. So it'd have to be a train entirely worked up of townies.

Let's see if it's possible...

The players NOT on the train (that aren't currently dead, or me) are SMC, Vic, and TS. If this were the case, they would have had to choose NOT to frame anyone on the 80, Naeann, Crusher, AND Verbal trains, as both SMC and Vic are both on all those trains. That, of course, would also mean that either SMC or Vic are the GF, and TS would HAVE to be a non-GF scum.

Either way, Sharrow is clean. Has to be if you're correct and there is a Framer. I don't buy it.

I'm about to vote Smash, as I don't think a no lynch could change things.

Before I do, I do want to talk it out though (no lynch). Theoretically, what would we do? Regardless there are going to be holes and questions. If Smash is telling the truth, and there is a framer, theres almost no way we can tell. If we put SMC, Vic, and TS (or Smash, Vic, and TS) and it comes back two (what we would want), it could be the other duo as all scum would have to do is frame. This was what I essentially figured...once I reveal, I'm useless, so I needed to be ready to go.

Answer me this -- is there a scenario currently where Vic is NOT scum? Is there really one any of us have thrown together where TS isn't scum?

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Before I do, I do want to talk it out though (no lynch). Theoretically, what would we do? Regardless there are going to be holes and questions. If Smash is telling the truth, and there is a framer, theres almost no way we can tell. If we put SMC, Vic, and TS (or Smash, Vic, and TS) and it comes back two (what we would want), it could be the other duo as all scum would have to do is frame. This was what I essentially figured...once I reveal, I'm useless, so I needed to be ready to go.

Answer me this -- is there a scenario currently where Vic is NOT scum? Is there really one any of us have thrown together where TS isn't scum?

Discounting any theories that include you being scum...

For Vic not being scum, I got SMC, Smash, and Wombat Godfather or SMC, Smash, and I28 Godfather. Either with TS being the 4th.

I think Tom is only town if there are only 3 scum left.

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Discounting any theories that include you being scum...

For Vic not being scum, I got SMC, Smash, and Wombat Godfather or SMC, Smash, and I28 Godfather. Either with TS being the 4th.

I think Tom is only town if there are only 3 scum left.

Is not the correct play then to kill Tom then?

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I had to fly back out to Ohio today. I just wrapped up reading all this mess...

My original list of scum to Pac on like Day 2 was CTM, Crusher, Vic, Smash and Jetscode. Damn me for being obsessed with DPR.

The only reason AVM makes all that crap up if he is scum, is because he wants to trump Dan and Slats. Even still, he could have come to the table with a convoluted case far less elaborate... I believe him.

I think no lynch is the wrong choice here... not surprised to see it coming from CTM.

Most of the scenarios you guys have broken down have Vic and Tomshane as scum.

Vote Vic

If Vic flips scum, and we still think there's a GF, look no further than CTM the guy that served Vic the opportunity to reveal. Besides, has anyone played a scummier game? Does all the power he has make more sense for a cockroach or for Tony Montana? Intelligent and hard to kill????

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I had to fly back out to Ohio today. I just wrapped up reading all this mess...

My original list of scum to Pac on like Day 2 was CTM, Crusher, Vic, Smash and Jetscode. Damn me for being obsessed with DPR.

The only reason AVM makes all that crap up if he is scum, is because he wants to trump Dan and Slats. Even still, he could have come to the table with a convoluted case far less elaborate... I believe him.

I think no lynch is the wrong choice here... not surprised to see it coming from CTM.

Most of the scenarios you guys have broken down have Vic and Tomshane as scum.

Vote Vic

If Vic flips scum, and we still think there's a GF, look no further than CTM the guy that served Vic the opportunity to reveal. Besides, has anyone played a scummier game? Does all the power he has make more sense for a cockroach or for Tony Montana? Intelligent and hard to kill????

You like Vic over TS?

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You like Vic over TS?

You guys all said TS is definitely scum if there are 4, but only if there are 4 right?

Meanwhile the impression I got was Vic was more of a sure thing? I may have read it wrong - its been a long day.

All I saw when I re-read is Vic, Smash, TS as scum... and thoughts of a GF, and CTM selling me up the river as a GF and begging you guys for a no lynch. Continuing his string of scummy play.

I thought Vic was scum before he revealed, and even after it. Which was why I had him rolled into my Verbal theory. Lemme re-read some more... SMC is cleared right? Did he say he "knows" that Smash is scum? I would move to Smash if we somehow cleared SMC.

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i really hope nobody buys what this freaken ape is selling..

he wants to believe avm, but then lynch a 50/50 shot instead of the surefire shot..

also, he was hounding dpr right out of the gate, but DPR wasn't one of his favorite on day 1 and day 2... bs

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You guys all said TS is definitely scum if there are 4, but only if there are 4 right?

Meanwhile the impression I got was Vic was more of a sure thing? I may have read it wrong - its been a long day.

All I saw when I re-read is Vic, Smash, TS as scum... and thoughts of a GF, and CTM selling me up the river as a GF and begging you guys for a no lynch. Continuing his string of scummy play.

I thought Vic was scum before he revealed, and even after it. Which was why I had him rolled into my Verbal theory. Lemme re-read some more... SMC is cleared right? Did he say he "knows" that Smash is scum? I would move to Smash if we somehow cleared SMC.

I mean my read is honestly Vic, Smash, and TS. Not sure on the GF. Vic could potentially not be scum if we're looking at SMC, Smash, and Vic. SMC could potentially be paired with Smash. Unless there is a framer, Smash is 100% scum, and I don't buy that there's a framer honestly. If there is a framer it's Vic, SMC, and TS I think I figured, with no other possible combinations.

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