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Hey we are doing a fan reaction thing and need some good quotes (20 words or less) on these topics:

  • The Jets charging season ticket holders up to 50% of their balance during the lockout?
  • Rex Ryan

  • NY Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer
  • What do you expect from the Jets defense in 2011?

What say you JetNation?

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Rex Ryan- you either love him or hate him depending on whether you are a Jet fan or not.

Season ticket holders are fleeced by ownership.

Frank you could use up to 20 words per topic. :D

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Season Ticket Holders being charged:

Corporate Servitude...

i.e The owners of NFL football teams acting as if they are the owners of the season ticket holder.

Rex Ryan:

It's awfully convenient when your coach and your mascot are one in the same.

Brian Schottenheimer:

The master of disguising the offense. Give the guy a break, it's tough to make so much talent appear so mediocre so often.

2011 Jets Expectations:

I expect the Jets to get screwed by the ref's and for me to apologize about getting so pissed after our 2 losses.

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Season Ticket Holders being charged:

Corporate Servitude...

i.e The owners of NFL football teams acting as if they are the owners of the season ticket holder.

Rex Ryan:

It's awfully convenient when your coach and your mascot are one in the same.

Brian Schottenheimer:

The master of disguising the offense. Give the guy a break, it's tough to make so much talent appear so mediocre so often.

2011 Jets Expectations:

I expect the Jets to get screwed by the ref's and for me to apologize about getting so pissed after our 2 losses.

^Awesome. You need to post more.

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With the money fans save on game day parking, food and beer during the lockout they can easily afford to pay the 50%.

NY Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer

Depends on who you ask. The optimist thinks he will someday figure out playcalling, the realist wants a new co-ordinator, the delusional love him and the pessimist has no hair!

What do you expect from the Jets defense in 2011?

Without Kris Jenkins the SuperBowl press conferences might not be as much fun!

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Hey we are doing a fan reaction thing and need some good quotes (20 words or less) on these topics:

  • The Jets charging season ticket holders up to 50% of their balance during the lockout?
  • Rex Ryan

  • NY Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer
  • What do you expect from the Jets defense in 2011?

What say you JetNation?

1) The Jets have themselves to blame for their diminishing amount of season ticket subscribers.

2) Rex Ryan has branded the New York Jets and finally gave the team an identity.

3) Every coordinator in the league is criticized, Schotty helped a young qb go to the AFC Champ game 2 years in a row

4) The Jets defense will be always be good under Rex...they will not become elite until they get a pass rusher

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•The Jets charging season ticket holders up to 50% of their balance during the lockout?

And the Jets wonder why they dont sell out. They treat the fans terribly.

•Rex Ryan

Going to be regarded as the greatest coach in team history even if he never wins the Super Bowl

•NY Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer

Not the best or the worst. Certainly not the solution if Sanchez isnt elite

•What do you expect from the Jets defense in 2011?

A similar performance to 2010, frustrating at times with flashes of greatness.

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Hey we are doing a fan reaction thing and need some good quotes (20 words or less) on these topics:

  • The Jets charging season ticket holders up to 50% of their balance during the lockout?
  • Rex Ryan

  • NY Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer
  • What do you expect from the Jets defense in 2011?

What say you JetNation?

1) Doesn't matter to me

2) Rex = mancrush

3) Schotty = F&*( H!m

4) Administrators of Pain

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Hey we are doing a fan reaction thing and need some good quotes (20 words or less) on these topics:

  • The Jets charging season ticket holders up to 50% of their balance during the lockout?
  • Rex Ryan

  • NY Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer
  • What do you expect from the Jets defense in 2011?

What say you JetNation?

1. Woody - must be going broke if he is charging people for nothing. If he is not going broke then he is a thief.

2. Ryan - is changing the culture of a franchise, and it was needed. The Jets have Swagger, it was there in spots from time to time back in the day, but there is a confidence that seemes to have become ingraned in this team and it is great.

3. Schottenhiemer - If only he was as smart as he thinks he is.......

4. I am just hoping to see the Jets defense this year......

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•The Jets charging season ticket holders up to 50% of their balance during the lockout?

Say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude. At least it's an ethos.

•Rex Ryan

He's been great, but New York sports history is littered with murdered corpses of coaches who used to be geniuses.

•NY Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer

Pennington, Favre, Sanchez: It takes a talented man to make three vastly different quarterbacks all look like the same guy.

Check it:

Average NFL ranking: YPG: 20th; 3rd Down%: 14th; PPG: 16th; YPP: 20th

2010: 11th ypg, 15th 3rd down%, 13th ppg, 19th ypp

2009: 20th ypg, 20th 3rd down%, 17th ppg, 21st ypp

2008: 16th ypg, 13th 3rd down%, 9th ppg, 13th ypp

2007: 26th ypg, 19th 3rd down%, 25 ppg, 25th ypp

2006: 25th ypg, 4th 3rd down%, 18th ppg, 24th ypp

•What do you expect from the Jets defense in 2011?

They'll take one step back to take two steps forward, trading "solid" for "spectacular," gambling for more sacks and INT's.

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* The Jets charging season ticket holders up to 50% of their balance during the lockout?

I don't agree with this at all. How can they expect the fans to pay for something that they themselves are preventing from happening? If there is no season, there is no reason at all people should be charged. It's garbage like this that ensures I will NEVER be a season ticket holder. Pure greed.

Rex Ryan

The best thing to hit the NY Jets since green and white.

NY Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer

He's a great coach, but an average play caller at best.

What do you expect from the Jets defense in 2011?

A bigger, stronger defensive line and better pass rushing. They'll be near the top again, no question.

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