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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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I think he slipped...didnt read the scene and let everyone else do the work for him and then started back tracking.

The problem with your theory is that if I'm scum under no circumstances do I intentionally make that mistake on thread when the freakin death scene is a couple posts above mine hahah.. what would I be trying to accomplish with that??

My phone sucks and I hate playing on it. I have to keep shifting around the screen to try and see complete posts. I skimmed it and saw who was dead and assumed scum killed JC because they obviously didn't shoot one of their own.

I think your scumtell kinda sucks anyway.. Why wouldn't I want to talk about the person who was killed the previous night? I don't think it creates this "confusion" you think it does.

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The problem with your theory is that if I'm scum under no circumstances do I intentionally make that mistake on thread when the freakin death scene is a couple posts above mine hahah.. what would I be trying to accomplish with that??

My phone sucks and I hate playing on it. I have to keep shifting around the screen to try and see complete posts. I skimmed it and saw who was dead and assumed scum killed JC because they obviously didn't shoot one of their own.

I think your scumtell kinda sucks anyway.. Why wouldn't I want to talk about the person who was killed the previous night? I don't think it creates this "confusion" you think it does.

... which is what makes it a wifom.

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I thought you put her at L1, nevermind - L2 is good enough for a reveal, no ninja hammer threat.

I counted before I did, but thanks for double checking.

The problem with your theory is that if I'm scum under no circumstances do I intentionally make that mistake on thread when the freakin death scene is a couple posts above mine hahah.. what would I be trying to accomplish with that??

My phone sucks and I hate playing on it. I have to keep shifting around the screen to try and see complete posts. I skimmed it and saw who was dead and assumed scum killed JC because they obviously didn't shoot one of their own.

I think your scumtell kinda sucks anyway.. Why wouldn't I want to talk about the person who was killed the previous night? I don't think it creates this "confusion" you think it does.

I went back and read it...and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt for now. It would be a very clever play and I'd tip my hat if you pulled it off. The tell is a legit tell, or was. lol

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Other than Pac, I'd like to see Vic and Lily take more heat today.

Vic's excuse for D1 was that it was D1, but where did he go on D2? I'm sure he'll blame me and CTM for his lack of engagement, but I expect more from him when he's town... I just don't get the impression he is "scum hunting."

Lily is another one that has skated around the action, except her votes have been more scummy too.

Major project given to me Thursday


Got robbed this weekend

Resulted in insane work

Those are my reasons for inactivity. I'll be around more now. If you want a reveal just run me up and I'll reveal.

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... which is what makes it a wifom.

When I was scum before Slats made a very good point as my scummate. Anything you say after a death scene can be looked at as sketchy so why say much at all. If I was scum I would have taken that advice in that situation.. especially on the heels of taunting CTM the way I did lol.

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***Sirens start blaring***

Two cops make their way into the building.

"Who called the police?" asked an employee.

"We received a call saying that a Dunder Mifflin employee was carrying some drugs. Now we have a warrant here and we're going to search each of you and your desks."

The employees stood along the wall. JiF looked particularly eager to get frisked.

"Nothing" said the officer patting down the employees.

"What's this?" said the officer going through the desks.

It looks like weed...but it's stuck in Jello.

"That's it? Weed in Jello? At least if it was usable weed, we could smok...we could arrest the party responsible"

"What a waste of time"

The two officers left.

"What was that about?" said an employee.

A bag of drugs (one-time use item to get someone arrested and eliminated from the game. Item was exempt from the passing rules) has been rendered useless and is out of the game.


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When I was scum before Slats made a very good point as my scummate. Anything you say after a death scene can be looked at as sketchy so why say much at all. If I was scum I would have taken that advice in that situation.. especially on the heels of taunting CTM the way I did lol.

So then why are you questioning my theory? You boob.

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Oh **** off, you were questioning the overall merit.

Well the way I see it the overall merit is crapola. Are we supposed to just ignore who died? If JC had been killed by scum I was wondering why they'd do that. There seemed to be plenty of people willing to vote him (myself included).

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The employees stood along the wall. JiF looked particularly eager to get frisked.



Speaking of which, I got picked to get patted down in Airport Security on the way back in...dude...I was violated. Dude literally goes so far up the leg to check you that they touched my balls. Stuck his hand in my a$$ crack and was sticking his hands in and along my waste band.

Good thing they didnt do that to me on the way into Nicaragua. You cant smoke that weed down there so I pack it in my trousers (well, I used to before I knew they started doing that. This time I just packed in my board bag :D

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So I guess this is what Lily was waiting for? She wanted to reveal changes her mind 20 mins later is now at L2 I've seen her at the bottom of the screen half the time, Mod scene, nobody is fired, and Lily's gone.

She was just on too so she knows she's at L-2. Dont like. Probably checking with her scummates what to do.

Well the way I see it the overall merit is crapola. Are we supposed to just ignore who died? If JC had been killed by scum I was wondering why they'd do that. There seemed to be plenty of people willing to vote him (myself included).

Are you reading? I've explained my rational. You didnt give us anything other than stating the obvious and stating it was a curious choice. If you actually dissected the decision, it would be a different story.

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So I guess this is what Lily was waiting for? She wanted to reveal changes her mind 20 mins later is now at L2 I've seen her at the bottom of the screen half the time, Mod scene, nobody is fired, and Lily's gone.

Lily has been all over the map this game, now that she is at L-2 shes gone . This is an obvious stall tactic of scum and what we might hear if she gets back in time to reveal is a bunch of crap.

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I'm waiting for Lily but I'd be willing to vote there. She was one I hoped would get more pressure today.

These bizarre posts aren't making me feel any better about her. Looks like we may get a DPR like reveal coming up. Conversion Checker anyone?

I'd actually like to reveal today and was going to ask to, but if my train builds again, I guess I won't have to ask.

I have info. Not sure how valuable it is and since we aren't even allowed to hint, I'd better not say any more.

You know what? After thinking it over, what I have isn't that valuable, so I'll take back my request to use up a reveal.

I know that looks like a contradiction, but it's really not. You'll understand after my reveal, if it comes to that. Unless you're scum, in which case you already know what's going on, I'm sure.

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I have a storm with a possible Tornado heading straight for my house (Lewisville Tx 25 miles north of Dallas) its about 35 miles out so Im going to be out back watching the situation. Oklahoma is getting hammered, this sh*t is getting out of hand now. back in a few.

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I have a storm with a possible Tornado heading straight for my house (Lewisville Tx 25 miles north of Dallas) its about 35 miles out so Im going to be out back watching the situation. Oklahoma is getting hammered, this sh*t is getting out of hand now. back in a few.

Stay safe Smash.. hope it passes. It's unreal what's happening down south this year.

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Well the one heading for my house just fell apart thank god. So just a regular Thunderstorm. Im not sure if you guys watched the live footage today in oklahoma but they had an f4 -f5 on live streaming video and it was 1/2 a mile wide and it traveled across 2 counties and into a third. At one point the Tornado was so wide the edges were outside the cameras view its went up to a mile wide could you imagine that. Those poor people in Joplin :(

Thanks guys I think the positive thoughts helped beat down that nasty storm :)

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Well the one heading for my house just fell apart thank god. So just a regular Thunderstorm. Im not sure if you guys watched the live footage today in oklahoma but they had an f4 -f5 on live streaming video and it was 1/2 a mile wide and it traveled across 2 counties and into a third. At one point the Tornado was so wide the edges were outside the cameras view its went up to a mile wide could you imagine that. Those poor people in Joplin :(

Thanks guys I think the positive thoughts helped beat down that nasty storm :)

A half a mile wide? Holy sh*t.

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I don't know who said I was on, but I've been gone for over an hour - getting food for my daughter and eating with her. Maybe my laptop doesn't sign off right away when I close it. Don't know. Don't particularly care.

What I wanted to tell you this morning was something scum already knows, so I thought it would be good for town to know. I was the one they shot at last night. I was JC's partner (modified lover.) Now, I'm just a townie, so my death won't matter except for numbers. Scum won't be interested in me anymore, so there's no reason for the town not to know. Then when Slats asked me if it would benefit anybody but me, I realized that it wouldn't.

Also, while I'm revealing, I had the mallard night one (investigative item) and got a town read. I don't feel the need to share that info, unless MOST of you think I should. It had a 33% chance of a result, 33% of not working, and 33% of breaking. I don't believe it was destroyed by the destroyer, but by its own percentage.

Awaiting further questions....

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I don't know who said I was on, but I've been gone for over an hour - getting food for my daughter and eating with her. Maybe my laptop doesn't sign off right away when I close it. Don't know. Don't particularly care.

What I wanted to tell you this morning was something scum already knows, so I thought it would be good for town to know. I was the one they shot at last night. I was JC's partner (modified lover.) Now, I'm just a townie, so my death won't matter except for numbers. Scum won't be interested in me anymore, so there's no reason for the town not to know. Then when Slats asked me if it would benefit anybody but me, I realized that it wouldn't.

Also, while I'm revealing, I had the mallard night one (investigative item) and got a town read. I don't feel the need to share that info, unless MOST of you think I should. It had a 33% chance of a result, 33% of not working, and 33% of breaking. I don't believe it was destroyed by the destroyer, but by its own percentage.

Awaiting further questions....

Understand why you backed off offering to reveal now, my apologies. Also agree with not revealing the investigative result (obviously).

With that said...the questions obviously going to come up on Lilys alignment. By the way the scene was written up, and the test JC was given and all, I'm not inclined to believe she's scum whatsoever. I think all things considered, 3rd party is possible...but I'm wary of going down that Wizard of Oz road again if we go after her. As far as I'm concerned she needs to take the back burner for now.

@Smash -- glad everythings ok man, keep an eye out and continue to stay safe. Nasty stuff out your way.

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my only problem with that reveal is JVoR said:

"The person fired was Jetscode1, A.K.A Kelly Kapoor (townie), A.K.A Modified Lover. (Did not know partner's alignment. Did not share a quicktopic. Passed a test, then chose to be fired in place of lover, instead of taking both down.)"

Why would JVoR have added the bolded?

She could still be scum or SK and started n1 with an item. I'm not getting the warm and fuzzies like AVM and JiF seem to be.

Lily were you told JC's alignment? Did you know who your partner was?

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my only problem with that reveal is JVoR said:

"The person fired was Jetscode1, A.K.A Kelly Kapoor (townie), A.K.A Modified Lover. (Did not know partner's alignment. Did not share a quicktopic. Passed a test, then chose to be fired in place of lover, instead of taking both down.)"

Why would JVoR have added the bolded?

She could still be scum or SK and started n1 with an item. I'm not getting the warm and fuzzies like AVM and JiF seem to be.

Lily were you told JC's alignment? Did you know who your partner was?

Good questions.

I think JVOR included that to not assume the other lover is town, as the would essentially clear that player and no mod likes that...especially JVOR. And also to show JetsCode risked his life blindly. JMO

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