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Please play football


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Pleeeeeeeeeeaseeeee!!! The Jets are my only hope!!!!

Since 1990, about ~21 years rooting for Jets, Mets, Knicks and Islanders and ZERO championships and the Jets are MY ONLY HOPE

You are my only hope of seeing a championship before I die. And I say this as a 28 year old. PLEAAAAAAAASE PLAYY!!!!

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Yeah, this lockout is seriously happening at the worst possible time. No NFL season would hurt the Jets future, I feel. Sanchez needs to be developing and Revis needs to keep working with Wilson.

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Since we know that you like to watch professional football, what would you replace it with?

Nature abhors a vacuum.

I don't know what will replace it, but guaranteed that something will. That's life.

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Nature abhors a vacuum.

I don't know what will replace it, but guaranteed that something will. That's life.

Not necessarily. Many great civilizations have been found buried beneath the sands of time, replaced by nothing.

Damn I'm freaking philosophical, ain't I? :lol:

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