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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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I'm just going to throw this out there and its not because you guys are trying to get me lynched, but its been pissing me off all game. I'm all for supporting whatever Hess has done in this game, even if that means the dead can still participate...but you guys are no help. In fact, you're hurting the game. Wwwbgay is pushing a lynch on me, a townie, for what reason? How does this benefit the town whatsoever?

All you ****s are doing is creating more confusion than we already have. Maybe once you die, you try to help scum. I have no F'ing clue...but there hasnt been a helpful post from a dead person yet.

///end rant

In the dozen or so posts I've made since dead, there are 5 posts that were totally game related. That percentage is astronomically higher than many people for game related content versus total # of posts. So, in short, GFY.

Hehe....my bad. Glad people noticed I was repping posts. I posted before checking my PMs.....oops. That's why I had to delete my post, but you can't totally delete it unless you have mod powers, so I just left a "." there.

That is the dumbest ******* thing I've ever heard. So the Doc counters, you say you're lying and we vote you off. Then if you don't flip demon, guess what? The mafia now know who the Doc was. Dumbest. Plan. Ever.

Having said that, I can only surmise that you're either a man with an awful plan, or a demon. Town's choice.

To be fair, Pac was hammer-happy as scum last game. This strikes me more as 'cautious townie'. While not always attributable to Pac, it still isn't inherently suspicious.

Nope. That's still retarded. But Smash isn't a bad place to apply pressure. Still think you pricks outta just lynch Dan, but that might just be my bias speaking.

Btw, major ping here. I'll go ahead and link these 2. If Dan flips demon at any point, I'd be looking closely at Sharrow due to this post.

Anybody know why Vic's last few posts have just been quoting my Spidey pic and saying nothing? Can't be silenced, as he's already posted multiple times since Hess said somebody was silenced.


Vic, if you can speak, say something ****er.

Also, Lily, I see you at the bottom of the page. You might be alt-tabbed out, but if not - say something!

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And that makes sense. Sometimes you'll catch somebody, and sometimes you won't. That's mafia. But the Ape is deluded if he thinks he's got anybody's "number".

You need to relax. I had you last game, what I can't embellish for laughs? Light up, or shut up.

JVOR and Crusher are the only people I'm confident in saying "I have their number" about. JVOR I've nailed as scum multiple times this year, Crusher too... but then I think everyone knows when he's scum, haha... :D

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No need to quote posts - it's already been done for all of them.

Dan: general attitude thus far...just off. Post have been quoted and this topic has been discussed.

Jack: hell, I've gone back and forth with him for a couple of days now. My points on him have been made.

AVM: meh....this is my maybe. Just a gut, supported with some of the case made on him thus far.

i've got a town read on dan now

jack i'm up for lynching, especially now because people are building cases off of whose voting him, presuming he's innocent, which i don't

AVM is where my votes at.. I think the overreaction was strange and hasn't really been addressed..

I'm also thinking about switching to vic, in between funny pics, he's been pushing dan which is a safe vote for scum, i think.. And also no talk of going after inactives yet, which he almost always does as town. And i know it's sketch, but the whole I'm going to gym can't defend thing was questionable, then reappearing at 9pm made it seem more suspicious. (not to mention the ape's claim of him dissappearing and reappearing, which would suggest he checked it on his iphone at some point) Feels a bit like the old dissappear to lose heat thing. (which i'd include jack and lily in that bucket too)

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It's not my fault that you don't follow my guidance. You guys lynched 80 for barely more reason than you lynched me for. I stated twice that there is something fishy about that initial Jack train but no one even responded to me.

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In the dozen or so posts I've made since dead, there are 5 posts that were totally game related. That percentage is astronomically higher than many people for game related content versus total # of posts. So, in short, GFY.

It's also very helpful that a dead player is the first one this game to play "poke the Ape." Put a sock in it.

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In the dozen or so posts I've made since dead, there are 5 posts that were totally game related. That percentage is astronomically higher than many people for game related content versus total # of posts. So, in short, GFY.

Thats my point douchey...its filling up the game with poop and its a total distraction. And now you have an idiot lobbying a lynch on a townie.

Whatever, I'm just not going to pay attention, like I typically do with your or wwwbgay post. ;)

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i've got a town read on dan now

jack i'm up for lynching, especially now because people are building cases off of whose voting him, presuming he's innocent, which i don't

AVM is where my votes at.. I think the overreaction was strange and hasn't really been addressed..

I'm also thinking about switching to vic, in between funny pics, he's been pushing dan which is a safe vote for scum, i think.. And also no talk of going after inactives yet, which he almost always does as town. And i know it's sketch, but the whole I'm going to gym can't defend thing was questionable, then reappearing at 9pm made it seem more suspicious. (not to mention the ape's claim of him dissappearing and reappearing, which would suggest he checked it on his iphone at some point) Feels a bit like the old dissappear to lose heat thing. (which i'd include jack and lily in that bucket too)

It's official. You're an idiot.

I wrote going to the gym FROM MY IPHONE. And I logged in when I was working last night. Want me to show you my out box from last night when I sent emails to correspond me being on my work laptop from home?

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"Ok deadies, we need to concentrate here. Let's either start scumhunting with a quickness, or GTFO of this thread. The alivies (wtf is that?) have a point....we need to either help move the game along, or leave it alone. What say you?!"

Oh, and @ Ape: DIAF. But with <3.

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It's official. You're an idiot.

I wrote going to the gym FROM MY IPHONE. And I logged in when I was working last night. Want me to show you my out box from last night when I sent emails to correspond me being on my work laptop from home?

heh, at least you didn't say your an idiot..

And as i said, that wasn't the primary reason

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You need to relax. I had you last game, what I can't embellish for laughs? Light up, or shut up.

JVOR and Crusher are the only people I'm confident in saying "I have their number" about. JVOR I've nailed as scum multiple times this year, Crusher too... but then I think everyone knows when he's scum, haha... :D

I have Doggin's number. Just sayin.

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Wait. And how is Dan a safe vote for scum and I'm not? Nearly everyone is a "safe vote for scum" because we always play with the same people and additionally we've all had our epic games as scum.

Dan is very hard to lynch, so voting and pushing her is a good way to seem like your scum hunting without actually getting blood on your hands...

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Interesting how much JiF has to repeat that he's a townie.

Meh. He's defending from a dead player that randomly lied and said the mod told him. I know you probably would have admitted that if a train built, but that's not the point. Start with your evidence, not a lie. This is why Jack is up for a lynch.

I have Doggin's number. Just sayin.

Me too. It's in my cell phone.

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"Ok deadies, we need to concentrate here. Let's either start scumhunting with a quickness, or GTFO of this thread. The alivies (wtf is that?) have a point....we need to either help move the game along, or leave it alone. What say you?!"

Oh, and @ Ape: DIAF. But with <3.

What would be helpful is if the dead people actually started a dead QT, figured sh*t out there - and then brought actual consensus-driven advice back into the game thread. I don't really want to argue with dead players, or watch anyone else argue with them and I sure as **** don't want to watch deadies argue amongst themselves... This would let those of us still alive continue to chase our tails without the additional headache that is your broken egos carrying on about dumb sh*t while failing to win the game for a second time as a zombie.

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Dan is very hard to lynch, so voting and pushing her is a good way to seem like your scum hunting without actually getting blood on your hands...

Right. Because I had her run up to what, L-1? And then everyone cooled on her. I was even wavering due to her behavior. So right, me pushing a case of a hard lynch and casing her and pushing it is a good way without getting blood on my hands.

Tell me genius, how am I going to scum hunt when we got Simple Jack going full retard with the Lily thing. I mentioned JC as another person I had weird feelings on but the monkey did point out he was similar last game as town so I've cooled on that.

I am not going after inactives because honestly that would be anyone out side of you, me, Simple jack, Ape, JiF and..... AVM? Everyone else has been pretty inactive. I have my suspicions on some but I'm not going to launch an all out attack if it's a minor feeling.

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The lie was partly for fun and partly to prompt a reaction from JiF. I pulled it back as soon as I saw JiF's overly casual response. Not sure what to make of that response though. It doesn't smell extremely bad and is a bit of a WIFOM.

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This game feels like there's about 6 people posting. So it's hard to get a serious conversation or train going because it's us 6 idiots yelling at one another.

Stop silencing people then, Vicious! :D

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Dan is very hard to lynch, so voting and pushing her is a good way to seem like your scum hunting without actually getting blood on your hands...

she's very hard to lynch cause queers like you try to play footsie with any female who posts on a message board.

stop "macking" and start stacking votes on her.

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Helpful. ;-)

I know a lot of my posts are pure jackassery... but, I'm not carrying on about how much help I'm giving the town, when really starting arguments with other dead players and the most argumentative player playing.

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Hess... control your ghosts buddy... why the eff do we have to endure Wombtwat and Verballs arguing when they are dead. You should double-kill them.

They're not my ghosts, they're the houses. I just keep them around for fun. Especially the hot ones like Nae. ;)

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"Ok deadies, we need to concentrate here. Let's either start scumhunting with a quickness, or GTFO of this thread. The alivies (wtf is that?) have a point....we need to either help move the game along, or leave it alone. What say you?!"

Oh, and @ Ape: DIAF. But with <3.

Are you telling me what to do in MY house?


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