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Mark Sanchez Is What He Is, (and that's all that he is)


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Oh yeah, the list certainly goes on, but I just find it particularly amusing that the two guys generally considered the best young QBs in the game hadn't done a damn thing in their careers when they were in the league as long as Sanchez currently is.

Doesnt matter, they pass the eye test. Too bad for them, they dont pass the eye test with the helmet off.

Sanchez is the smexy

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See, I dont think he's letting plays develop fully. He wants to get the ball out fast because when holds it, he seems to be at his worst. When the ball is coming out fast, he's typically playing well. He knows that and I think thats why he decides who's open quickly and rushes to the check down rb/te now.

In terms of seeing the whole field, he doesnt even try to. Thats my point. He wants the ball out so damn quick that you cant possibly survey the whole field. Thats why you'll see on some plays guys break free down field but he's already zero'd in on the receiver nearest to him/check down.

I dunno, he's a frustrating player. First drive, he was perfect. Next drive, first throw...pick. Then we get a drive we came up short, Holmes ran his route too short...but Mark delivered a nice ball, punt. Next drive, kids perfect...would have like to seen him throw on 3rd 2 but we ran Greene into Mangolds a$$ for 1 yard and settle for the FG. Next drive, was just weird...some really weird playing calling. Pass in the flats to Connor, reverse with Cro, penalty first and 25, pass in the flats to Mulligan. LT up the gut. 3rd and long....Sanchez throws a head scratcher...locked on Holmes, Mathis read his eyes the whole way.

Then he was gun shy the rest of the day. My brother kept saying, he looks like he went out and partied to hard last night. lol

I think the difference between Mark and the great ones is that Mark is a slow processor, like Testaverde was and, to an extent, Eli is. If the play shakes out like he expects it to, he's golden. But, if something goes awry--a disguised coverage, a scheme shift, a receiver breaks wrong--I don't think he processes or mentally adjusts to that as fast as the elites seem to do, and that will always relegate him to being a good, not great, quarterback. Again, not a slam against Sanchez, really. Just a statement of the obvious.

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I think the difference between Mark and the great ones is that Mark is a slow processor, like Testaverde was and, to an extent, Eli is. If the play shakes out like he expects it to, he's golden. But, if something goes awry--a disguised coverage, a scheme shift, a receiver breaks wrong--I don't think he processes or mentally adjusts to that as fast as the elites seem to do, and that will always relegate him to being a good, not great, quarterback. Again, not a slam against Sanchez, really. Just a statement of the obvious.

Agreed. Definitely is the case...which is why I'm saying he's at his best when he's in the 3 step drop, get the ball out as quick as possible. Whenever he holds the ball longer than 3 seconds, I gasp the second the ball leaves his hands. Hate that feeling.

I do believe that this can be corrected and its why I'm not in the camp of "the book is closed" eventhough I have my reservations. He's only 24. He's got plenty of time to get better. Further, in the immediate, you can obviously win with a QB like that and I do believe you can win with a SB with a QB like that. Big Ben was the same way when he won his first.

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I like his arm. But even I can see the way he locks down on a single receiver in big spots. That could change.

He absolutely does NOT. I've heard Santonio praise him many times, saying that "in pittsburgh, they locked down, not here..,." Hardknocks was one of those times. 1050 am another. I've yet to hear a complaint from anyone, including cotchery was fell from grace during the Sanchez era or Clowney who was dismissed before getting a chance to shine.

But, forget that and look at the boxscore. That's about as evenly distributed a passing attack as you can get. I have seen guys lock on to one receiver. In fact that is often the case, where a team has one 1000+ guy and the rest are around 500. A simple glance at our numbers tell a different story AND Burress hasn't even gotten going!! He single-handedly saved Eli from the B word.

Another small fact, out of many, that is being overlooked is that our running game has sucked thus far.

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He absolutely does NOT. I've heard Santonio praise him many times, saying that "in pittsburgh, they locked down, not here..,." Hardknocks was one of those times. 1050 am another. I've yet to hear a complaint from anyone, including cotchery was fell from grace during the Sanchez era or Clowney who was dismissed before getting a chance to shine.

Exactly, his teammates haven't complained about him on camera. And that's that. Sounds like we've foiled yet another crime boys.

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Im having Richard Todd flashbacks

Are you nuts??? Did you SEE Todd play?? He WAS a 6th overall pick and compared to Sanchez, he was a BUST. By this time in year three, besides having a garbage record and not even sniffing the playoffs' a$$ and besides only going two more games before being a cheerleader, Mr. Todd had 17 TD and 33 INT (Sanch 33 and 36 lol) and the best thing is that, unlike Sanchez who has improved--from 20 int to 12int--- Toddy was just warming up!! Still ahead for Todd were a legendary 30 int season, a 26 int season, a 19 a 22.......haha.....

I have seen Richard Todd play, and Sanchez, sir, is no Richard Todd. Richard Todd was an interception artist. He did it like no other, so please give the man his respect. There isn't a QB in the league (besides maybe Eli) who can throw INTs like Turd could. PLEASE at least keep this "debate" somewhat reasonable.

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This is hardly true. It's getting increasingly weird to see people getting accused of having some sort of agenda when they point out that Sanchez hasn't played well. He hasn't played well. Period. People are allowed to say this.

In what universe is over 60% comp , over 500 yards, 4td, 3int more importantly 2-0 with an ANEMIC running game, and already a fourth quarter comeback and a game winning drive (my favorite qb stat) NOT playing well??? On what planet? That is ludicrous.I'm not gonna waste time mentioning all of the QB's doing worse, like Rivers with four picks, or cutler, Orton, Vick, Manning, Flacco Braford under 60 percent...but mostly the 19 guys who lost a game, and I wont bother comparing his running game to the 'elite' qb's in the league.

How do you ignore stats? He has a line that is identical to Matt Ryan, and I seriously doubt they are calling for his head in atlanta; they love him. lol smh

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Exactly, his teammates haven't complained about him on camera. And that's that. Sounds like we've foiled yet another crime boys.

But you left out the rest of my post where I say look at the stats. haha That is blatant. Gimme a break. I've shown in every which way, by all means and measurements how this who;e idea is bogus. He is improving. He is on par with mostly all elite qb's JUDGING FROM THE STATS. He is on pace to have a pro bowl year. He is a fourth quarter winner, a big game winner.......

so you take my bottom of the barrel argument.... hahaha btw since when are NFL receivers shy about dissing a QB on camera. Have fun this week rooting for the jets....but against Sanchez.... :confused0058: He's gonna have a great game behind a rookie center and a spinning OL, check it out

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In what universe is over 60% comp , over 500 yards, 4td, 3int more importantly 2-0 with an ANEMIC running game, and already a fourth quarter comeback and a game winning drive (my favorite qb stat) NOT playing well??? On what planet? That is ludicrous.I'm not gonna waste time mentioning all of the QB's doing worse, like Rivers with four picks, or cutler, Orton, Vick, Manning, Flacco Braford under 60 percent...but mostly the 19 guys who lost a game, and I wont bother comparing his running game to the 'elite' qb's in the league.

How do you ignore stats? He has a line that is identical to Matt Ryan, and I seriously doubt they are calling for his head in atlanta; they love him. lol smh

Hold on, let me get back to you. I have to consult my thesaurus.

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Sanchez hasnt been terrible. He's never going to be Peyton...but the running game has gotten worse since he's been here too. Shonn Greene has been awful if anyone.

if the defense continues to create turnovers(which is flukey, but we're due) we can get to where we need to be with what Sanchez is currently doing. It also helps that Nick Folk has been very good so far.

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He absolutely does NOT. I've heard Santonio praise him many times, saying that "in pittsburgh, they locked down, not here..,." Hardknocks was one of those times. 1050 am another. I've yet to hear a complaint from anyone, including cotchery was fell from grace during the Sanchez era or Clowney who was dismissed before getting a chance to shine.

But, forget that and look at the boxscore. That's about as evenly distributed a passing attack as you can get. I have seen guys lock on to one receiver. In fact that is often the case, where a team has one 1000+ guy and the rest are around 500. A simple glance at our numbers tell a different story AND Burress hasn't even gotten going!! He single-handedly saved Eli from the B word.

Another small fact, out of many, that is being overlooked is that our running game has sucked thus far.

I'm about to give RJF a heart attack.

Just because Sanchez has fairly evenly distributed production among his receivers doesn't mean he doesn't lock on to receivers. When people say someone is locking onto a receiver they don't mean he is constantly throwing to the same guy over and over. What they mean is that on a given play the QB will stare down the receiver he intends to throw to, thereby telegraphing his pass to the defense.

Sanchez does, at times, lock onto his receivers, but I don't think its nearly as often as some on here seem to think it is. He did it more often in week two after getting hit a bunch in week one. This is fairly normal for a young QB, they get hit a lot one game and they try to get rid of the ball quicker in the next which can lead to them not going through their progressions and locking onto a receiver. It was the main reason he threw the two picks against the Jags.

This should happen less and less as the o-line rounds back into form and protects him better. The more comfortable he feels, the less pressure he feels, the more time he has, etc...

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I'm about to give RJF a heart attack.

Just because Sanchez has fairly evenly distributed production among his receivers doesn't mean he doesn't lock on to receivers. When people say someone is locking onto a receiver they don't mean he is constantly throwing to the same guy over and over. What they mean is that on a given play the QB will stare down the receiver he intends to throw to, thereby telegraphing his pass to the defense.

Sanchez does, at times, lock onto his receivers, but I don't think its nearly as often as some on here seem to think it is. He did it more often in week two after getting hit a bunch in week one. This is fairly normal for a young QB, they get hit a lot one game and they try to get rid of the ball quicker in the next which can lead to them not going through their progressions and locking onto a receiver. It was the main reason he threw the two picks against the Jags.

This should happen less and less as the o-line rounds back into form and protects him better. The more comfortable he feels, the less pressure he feels, the more time he has, etc...

Did.... did you just admit something negative.... about Sanchez?

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I'm about to give RJF a heart attack.

Just because Sanchez has fairly evenly distributed production among his receivers doesn't mean he doesn't lock on to receivers. When people say someone is locking onto a receiver they don't mean he is constantly throwing to the same guy over and over. What they mean is that on a given play the QB will stare down the receiver he intends to throw to, thereby telegraphing his pass to the defense.

Sanchez does, at times, lock onto his receivers, but I don't think its nearly as often as some on here seem to think it is. He did it more often in week two after getting hit a bunch in week one. This is fairly normal for a young QB, they get hit a lot one game and they try to get rid of the ball quicker in the next which can lead to them not going through their progressions and locking onto a receiver. It was the main reason he threw the two picks against the Jags.

This should happen less and less as the o-line rounds back into form and protects him better. The more comfortable he feels, the less pressure he feels, the more time he has, etc...

Heart attack, engage. I'm not so sure how I feel about you being so reasonable. Good month for anchor sales?

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In what universe is over 60% comp , over 500 yards, 4td, 3int more importantly 2-0 with an ANEMIC running game, and already a fourth quarter comeback and a game winning drive (my favorite qb stat) NOT playing well??? On what planet? That is ludicrous.I'm not gonna waste time mentioning all of the QB's doing worse, like Rivers with four picks, or cutler, Orton, Vick, Manning, Flacco Braford under 60 percent...but mostly the 19 guys who lost a game, and I wont bother comparing his running game to the 'elite' qb's in the league.

How do you ignore stats? He has a line that is identical to Matt Ryan, and I seriously doubt they are calling for his head in atlanta; they love him. lol smh

Well, technically he didnt lead a game winning drive against Dallas. Revis did. The offense failed to move the chains after the pick and Folk hit a clutch FG. However, we should be proud he didnt do anything stupid like throw a pick or take a sack that would have put us out of FG range.

Otherwise, I love your passion. Sanchez is the man.

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Heart attack, engage. I'm not so sure how I feel about you being so reasonable. Good month for anchor sales?

It's been fairly strong so far, if we finish the month strong we get our quarterly kicker bonus so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Sanchez is a work in progress. I like a lot of what I've seen so far and some that I didn't like. No one was more ambivalent about the pick than me. As a die-hard ND fan I friggin' hated Sanchez when he was at USC.

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Given all of the other factors you conveniently left out? I dunno, Earth?

haha what factors? What is left? He is completing over 60%. He has over 500 yards. He has one fourth quarter comeback/game winning drive. The running game is 28th in the league and he is still 2-0. He has spread the ball around evenly..please tell me what is left out. I did mention the 3 picks; is that it?? Oh, yes I did leave out 26 passing first downs (next to 6 rushing first downs--- 2 of which were HIM!!) Also "left out" of those numbers are things like the fact that Santonio Holmes cut his route short of the marker as Sanchez delivered a strike, but just shy or the fact that 2 of these HORRIBLE interceptions that are killing us so bad came in the first quarter of a blowout....

So, what exactly have I left out?? I'm dying to hear...

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Meant lancemehl. Not sure if you were joking.

lol Funny Ratliff thibng. Should we go back and search for pro-Clemens threads. That's silly. Unlike Ratliff though, and lucky for me, we will actually get to SEE Sanchez play. I'm seeing it every week and I am having the time of my life. What can I say?? No, EY, this isn't an argument. I'm trying to help long suffering fans enjoy something that they won't allow themselves to enjoy.

He brings up Ratliff....haha (not to mention, I'd love to see where I called for him to start over anyone who is decent....which leaves out Kellen Clemens.......silly)

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