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Activate Kenrick Ellis


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There's one major flaw with your logic here. To start this NFL season, teams have been passing the ball at a record rate. At this point, run-stuffing DTs is far from the biggest defensive priority. But just like every other year, as the weather gets colder teams are going to start passing less and running more. That means when the games count the most, the Jets will have their young, enormous DT prepared, healthy and ready to go. Don't think for a second this hasn't been part of Rex's plan all along and assuming the Jets games still mean something that late into the season, having that when it matters most will be huge. Outside of maybe an OL or safety (assuming there was one available at that spot that would be good enough), what position do you think would be exactly contributing all that much right now anyway? Perhaps an OLB, but the Jets weren't exactly going to predict BT's injury.

I agreed!!! K.Ellis will be usefull in the future, this year or next one...WHO KNOW'S??!!! Pouha is the one best DLineman we have like Devito and others...Wilkerson is damn good player for a rookie. Marcus Dixon is showing his magic on the Dline. I don't understand why the guys doesn't like E. Smith...he is good (ok he showing sometimes problems in the defense in game, like tackled with the helmet). Smith is a good and will be probable great DB!!! But i miss one of goods DB's....Kerry Rhodes. When i saw the headline about the Jets is trading him and claimed Pool for DB's spot i dont liked too much. Ok, some on of you guys will not agreed with me in that case. Thats fine. Coming back to Dline, we have one of the best dlines in the NFL!!! Those 2 games we loose was awful...horrible to see, but this thing happend with the teams who is reaching a big goal, like us: SUPER BOWL!!! I heard this expression sometime in my life: Offense win games, but DEFENSE WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! For exemple: Baltimore haven't offense to win a game, but the D# won the super bowl against Giants...a great job for entire team...they have and will continue have been one of the best D# in the NFL! Wilkerson, Pouha, Dixon, KENRICK ELLIS, Devito....they are a great D-Line of the Jets and make the others teams heard about it what we doing with our Dlinemens!!! Okay!!!

Bye the Way - GO JETS...GO JETS GO!!!!

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That whole concept would be rediculous...if it were true. I haven't seen anyone write off Ellis. The knock has been whether or not he was the value pick, or whether or not he was an unneeded luxury. The guy may turn out to be the next Warrent Sapp. Which would be awesome considering we took Kyle Brady over Sapp in 1995 (facepalm). Drafting two DL with the first two picks when you have plenty of other needs may have been a bit nearsighted. Ellis not cracking the active roster just adds a bit of fuel to the discussion.

My point exactly.

Hopefully bleedin is right and Ellis is able to make a contribution this year.

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Right, but the point was that after being a decent enough situational/depth player Reed became a starter when Ferguson left and was absolutely awful. Whatever the reason for his lack of size was, he was simply too small to hold up as a NT and got tossed off the ball play after play. It's not that I actually think it was anything that really meant a damn, but the point being that Pouha turned out to be a pretty good player despite not being able to beat out a complete bum his rookie year (or Dwayne Robertson for another 2 years after that in the 3-4), yet some are trying to write off Ellis 4 games into his rookie year because he hasn't yet beat out Pouha? The whole concept is ridiculous.

I really just wanted to tell a story about hanging out with low-level Jets players like James Reed, Kenyatta Walker, and Jason Glenn. I know it's a far cry from ballin' with Vince Carter or playing a high stakes poker game with David Garrard and Marcus Stroud, but it's still a cherished memory for me.

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That whole concept would be rediculous...if it were true. I haven't seen anyone write off Ellis. The knock has been whether or not he was the value pick, or whether or not he was an unneeded luxury. The guy may turn out to be the next Warrent Sapp. Which would be awesome considering we took Kyle Brady over Sapp in 1995 (facepalm). Drafting two DL with the first two picks when you have plenty of other needs may have been a bit nearsighted. Ellis not cracking the active roster just adds a bit of fuel to the discussion.

Wilkerson was drafted to be a day one starter at DE, as the Jets planned to move on from Ellis. Despite the fact that they both play on the DL, it's completely different positions and that has nothing to do with the Jets decision to draft Ellis. Ellis was drafted thinking ahead to the future, it was anything but near-sighted. They did it knowing the team had nobody at NT behind Pouha and he's already getting up there in years. If Pouha was the one who had been knocked out for the year instead of Turner or BT and the Jets had drafted a backup OL or OLB who would be sitting behind those guys and not addressed the NT position, Tanny would be getting crucified for that instead. The Jets had plenty of positions where they could have used upgrades in depth (which is the most you could typically expect out of a third round pick as a rookie), NT was included on that list and Ellis was a far rarer, higher upside player than the vast majority of what you're going to find at that spot in the draft.

In hindsight sure it would be nice if the Jets drafted an OLB, OL or safety who was ready to start, but there was no way to know that the season was going to start off as it has and is there even any evidence such a player existed at any of those positions at that spot in the draft? If you think the Jets should have done more to solidy the depth at other positions that are clearly lacking during the offseason, be it through the draft or FA then that's one thing, but trying to single out one pick based on the first 4 weeks of the season with no viable alternative presented is a little much. Ellis may be inactive, but he's also one injury away from being a starter, and let's not forget the Jets went almost the entire year last year with only one active NT on game days, and part of that is simply personnel choices for a team that tends to go very DB-heavy on game day.

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I really just wanted to tell a story about hanging out with low-level Jets players like James Reed, Kenyatta Walker, and Jason Glenn. I know it's a far cry from ballin' with Vince Carter or playing a high stakes poker game with David Garrard and Marcus Stroud, but it's still a cherished memory for me.

OMG, so jealous.

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I agreed!!! K.Ellis will be usefull in the future, this year or next one...WHO KNOW'S??!!! Pouha is the one best DLineman we have like Devito and others...Wilkerson is damn good player for a rookie. Marcus Dixon is showing his magic on the Dline. I don't understand why the guys doesn't like E. Smith...he is good (ok he showing sometimes problems in the defense in game, like tackled with the helmet). Smith is a good and will be probable great DB!!! But i miss one of goods DB's....Kerry Rhodes. When i saw the headline about the Jets is trading him and claimed Pool for DB's spot i dont liked too much. Ok, some on of you guys will not agreed with me in that case. Thats fine. Coming back to Dline, we have one of the best dlines in the NFL!!! Those 2 games we loose was awful...horrible to see, but this thing happend with the teams who is reaching a big goal, like us: SUPER BOWL!!! I heard this expression sometime in my life: Offense win games, but DEFENSE WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! For exemple: Baltimore haven't offense to win a game, but the D# won the super bowl against Giants...a great job for entire team...they have and will continue have been one of the best D# in the NFL! Wilkerson, Pouha, Dixon, KENRICK ELLIS, Devito....they are a great D-Line of the Jets and make the others teams heard about it what we doing with our Dlinemens!!! Okay!!!

Bye the Way - GO JETS...GO JETS GO!!!!


awesome. reinstate Post of The Week. i'm voting for Pedro. Pedro Perrone.

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Wilkerson was drafted to be a day one starter at DE, as the Jets planned to move on from Ellis. Despite the fact that they both play on the DL, it's completely different positions and that has nothing to do with the Jets decision to draft Ellis. Ellis was drafted thinking ahead to the future, it was anything but near-sighted. They did it knowing the team had nobody at NT behind Pouha and he's already getting up there in years. If Pouha was the one who had been knocked out for the year instead of Turner or BT and the Jets had drafted a backup OL or OLB who would be sitting behind those guys and not addressed the NT position, Tanny would be getting crucified for that instead. The Jets had plenty of positions where they could have used upgrades in depth (which is the most you could typically expect out of a third round pick as a rookie), NT was included on that list and Ellis was a far rarer, higher upside player than the vast majority of what you're going to find at that spot in the draft.

In hindsight sure it would be nice if the Jets drafted an OLB, OL or safety who was ready to start, but there was no way to know that the season was going to start off as it has and is there even any evidence such a player existed at any of those positions at that spot in the draft? If you think the Jets should have done more to solidy the depth at other positions that are clearly lacking during the offseason, be it through the draft or FA then that's one thing, but trying to single out one pick based on the first 4 weeks of the season with no viable alternative presented is a little much. Ellis may be inactive, but he's also one injury away from being a starter, and let's not forget the Jets went almost the entire year last year with only one active NT on game days, and part of that is simply personnel choices for a team that tends to go very DB-heavy on game day.

No argument here on any of this, though I do think we had suficent depth at NT. Giving up the 2nd rounder for Cromartie is basically the reason we're even having this discussion. We probably go OLB if we still have the 2. There really is no perfect situation for Ellis unless he starts immediately. There's bound to be a debate while he's inactive because of all of the baggage he's hauling.

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Wilkerson was drafted to be a day one starter at DE, as the Jets planned to move on from Ellis. Despite the fact that they both play on the DL, it's completely different positions and that has nothing to do with the Jets decision to draft Ellis. Ellis was drafted thinking ahead to the future, it was anything but near-sighted. They did it knowing the team had nobody at NT behind Pouha and he's already getting up there in years. If Pouha was the one who had been knocked out for the year instead of Turner or BT and the Jets had drafted a backup OL or OLB who would be sitting behind those guys and not addressed the NT position, Tanny would be getting crucified for that instead. The Jets had plenty of positions where they could have used upgrades in depth (which is the most you could typically expect out of a third round pick as a rookie), NT was included on that list and Ellis was a far rarer, higher upside player than the vast majority of what you're going to find at that spot in the draft.

In hindsight sure it would be nice if the Jets drafted an OLB, OL or safety who was ready to start, but there was no way to know that the season was going to start off as it has and is there even any evidence such a player existed at any of those positions at that spot in the draft? If you think the Jets should have done more to solidy the depth at other positions that are clearly lacking during the offseason, be it through the draft or FA then that's one thing, but trying to single out one pick based on the first 4 weeks of the season with no viable alternative presented is a little much. Ellis may be inactive, but he's also one injury away from being a starter, and let's not forget the Jets went almost the entire year last year with only one active NT on game days, and part of that is simply personnel choices for a team that tends to go very DB-heavy on game day.

Thats the point though. Rex has stated that this is the most talented roster he has ever had and the Jets are going to win the superbowl this year. So if that is the case, why did they look toward the future and draft a DT in the 3rd round who most likely will be inactive on gamedays, as they tend to be very DB-heavy, when we do have other areas of need? You say the Jets have nobody behind Pouha, but Rex has talked up Dixon and MTV.

Maybe they overestimated the rest of the roster and felt that they could draft Ellis in the 3rd.

Maybe they thought his talent was to great to pass up.

Maybe they felt there was no talent worth taking at other positions at that spot.

Maybe as you said Ellis will be a factor for us in the second half.

Who knows but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

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Thats the point though. Rex has stated that this is the most talented roster he has ever had and the Jets are going to win the superbowl this year. So if that is the case, why did they look toward the future and draft a DT in the 3rd round who most likely will be inactive on gamedays, as they tend to be very DB-heavy, when we do have other areas of need? You say the Jets have nobody behind Pouha, but Rex has talked up Dixon and MTV.

Maybe they overestimated the rest of the roster and felt that they could draft Ellis in the 3rd.

Maybe they thought his talent was to great to pass up.

Maybe they felt there was no talent worth taking at other positions at that spot.

Maybe as you said Ellis will be a factor for us in the second half.

Who knows but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

If Rex was coaching the Jags he would be saying that he is going to win the Super Bowl, and has the best roster he ever had. Just the way he is.

If after the previous 43 posts you don't understand why teams draft future prospects for players that are getting old, I guess you'll never understand

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Actually I was right in the Holmes thread and three people who bashed me (one of whom invited me to eat a crow that he shat upon...complete with sound effects) were absolutely wrong as the thread bore out. I am also not wrong that many teams were scared off by Ellis' legal issues, substance abuse issues and the fact that he was thrown out of his first college. I am also not wrong that DeVito is a good, not great lineman that holds the fort, and even though he was an undrafted FA, he is active when Ellis is not. None of these things are debatable. The only debate is whether or not Sione is high-end JAG or exceptional at his position. If that means I'm on fire with things I'm wrong about well...then I guess you're right. Bottom line is Ellis, if he beats his Agg. assault charges and puts down the spliff, can be a helluva player. But I think he was a luxury pick after we just drafted Wilkerson, had DeVito, Sione, Pito, and others on the roster, and needed an OLB, OL, Safety and TE. I also think the Powell and McKnight picks were luxury picks that we honestly could have done without, None of those three have made the active roster either, which kind of proves that point, I think. Bottom line, my negative rants have had one common theme...I don't like Mike Tannenbaum and think he is incredibly overrated. Holmes was a bad decision, the recent drafts have had no impact and we are thin in critical areas. This is what has pissed me off more than anything.

I think I've learned that I dont agree with any of your opinions. ;-). Personally, I like the guy responsible for developing the most talented teams we've ever had. Dont care to go into detail. Just know I disagree with everything you have to say...no matter if I actually agree.

I really just wanted to tell a story about hanging out with low-level Jets players like James Reed, Kenyatta Walker, and Jason Glenn. I know it's a far cry from ballin' with Vince Carter or playing a high stakes poker game with David Garrard and Marcus Stroud, but it's still a cherished memory for me.

You just couldnt help yourself could you? Got to brag about how cool you think you are. Well, luckily nobody gives a **** about you so you're stories fell on deaf ears. Where as my stories result in extreme jealousy for losers like you.

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I give a sh*t. That was the best celebrity story I've ever heard on JN. Way better than the one dude with the David Garrard mahjong story.

Did I tell you about the time that I was at a bar and Butch Huskey and Lenny Harris volunteered information to me and my friends that Mike Piazza was juicing?

Man, I gravitate toward scrub athletes the way JiF attracts BBW's. It's a whole different type of planet theory.

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This is 100% correct. More and more teams are going to 3-4 D's These guys become more and more valuable. Ellis looks like he is going to be a good one. Needs to learn about pad level. Playing behind Pouha is excellent for him to learn.

A lot of these guys go very early in the draft. If we had passed on him and reached for some fat RT, 3 years from now I suspect we would be cursing Tanny "How could that dope have passed on Ellis for that fat waste?

Reaching for need is always a bad idea. Then again maybe he will be a bust, and some of you can bump this thread up in 3 years and say. "Gee look how smart I was" Win Win situation

Hey, I was less than thrilled we passed on Gabe Watson through the top of round 4 (another planet theory guy with borderline first round grades) back in '06, pissing on and on about it at the time, and he stinks on ice. So what the hell do I know?

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If Rex was coaching the Jags he would be saying that he is going to win the Super Bowl, and has the best roster he ever had. Just the way he is.

If after the previous 43 posts you don't understand why teams draft future prospects for players that are getting old, I guess you'll never understand

If he had taken the Jags to 2 consecutive AFC championship games he would have a valid point. If after the previous 43 posts you dont understand that we had enough other guys on the Dline to make Ellis inactive every week thus far, I guess you'll never understand.

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If he had taken the Jags to 2 consecutive AFC championship games he would have a valid point. If after the previous 43 posts you dont understand that we had enough other guys on the Dline to make Ellis inactive every week thus far, I guess you'll never understand.

LOL Rex announced he was going to win the Super Bowl 2 years ago even before he sat down at his desk.

What's to understand? The Jets had a good D line last year with two aging players. They replaced them. Ellis contract was up, Pouha's wasn't. They want to make sure they still have a good D line two years from now. Wilkerson is playing lights out. Ellis played well in camp, but clearly needs some coaching. Pouha is still playing at a high level. Ellis will be ready (hopefully) when Pouha's contract is up.

Simple. Good selection.

As I said in my initial post in this thread I would like to see Ellis get some playing time, but not at the expense of a productive player which at this point would probably be Dixon

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I really just wanted to tell a story about hanging out with low-level Jets players like James Reed, Kenyatta Walker, and Jason Glenn. I know it's a far cry from ballin' with Vince Carter or playing a high stakes poker game with David Garrard and Marcus Stroud, but it's still a cherished memory for me.

Aaron Glenn's brother? Awesome!

Did I tell you about the time that I was at a bar and Butch Huskey and Lenny Harris volunteered information to me and my friends that Mike Piazza was juicing?

Man, I gravitate toward scrub athletes the way JiF attracts BBW's. It's a whole different type of planet theory.

Big Beautiful Women's?

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TheJetsStream Manish Mehta

Jets D-Coordinator Mike Pettine says Kenrick Ellis may be active this week. "It's on the table." Coaches will discuss tomorrow/Saturday #nyj

They have been saying that for a few weeks. He'll get in sooner rather then later. Might be a good week to give the Pats a different look. Two legitimate NT's instead of a NT, and a DT. Could be interesting,

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They have been saying that for a few weeks. He'll get in sooner rather then later. Might be a good week to give the Pats a different look. Two legitimate NT's instead of a NT, and a DT. Could be interesting,

Seems a little odd that it'd be this week. Dixon has looked good, but I guess that Ellis may pass him on the depth chart. This week they will probably need all hands on deck with the DBs. Assume that Maybin sticks in place of Bryan Thomas, but they will still need McIntyre to give a blow to Westerman and Pace. They may not need the extra OLBs if they are playing Smith at LB, but in that case they will probably want Cook active. If Mangold is active they will still need to have all the other Olinemen active in case he can't finish. I guess it could just be last week's roster with Ellis in place of Thomas.

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Seems a little odd that it'd be this week. Dixon has looked good, but I guess that Ellis may pass him on the depth chart. This week they will probably need all hands on deck with the DBs. Assume that Maybin sticks in place of Bryan Thomas, but they will still need McIntyre to give a blow to Westerman and Pace. They may not need the extra OLBs if they are playing Smith at LB, but in that case they will probably want Cook active. If Mangold is active they will still need to have all the other Olinemen active in case he can't finish. I guess it could just be last week's roster with Ellis in place of Thomas.

I think it all depends on the game plan, while the Jets obviously rotate guys around on the line and go with a lot of different looks, when it comes to a true 3-4 alignment Dixon is much more of a DE while Ellis is a true NT. I agree that this seems like an odd week since the Pats are obviously a much more pass-heavy team and it's that start to the season that I think has at least played some part in Ellis being inactive, as Pouha has been the only real NT they've had active for these games. The only thing I could think is if the team potentially thinks Ellis could help bring an inside rush, or if they simply want to make sure they have plenty of guys to rotate in and keep fresh due to the Pats' high-powered offense.

Of course, part of it could also simply be that Pettine was asked about that directly and responded that way because he isn't going to give out any information on their plans for Sunday one way or another.

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I agree with both BG and 27. It is kind of an odd week for it. Here's my uninformed guess.

Maybin has really been quick off the edge, but gets taken a bit wide almost every time. AS 27 pointed out a few weeks ago, Maybin has a big motor, and was successful last week because he didn't quit.

One thing about Ellis is, he is huge, and strong. Also with a good motor. Perhaps they are hoping that he can get a big push with his strength, make Brady step back right into Maybin's speed rush.

You have a huge high motor guy coming from the front, and a really fast high motor guy coming from the side or rear, could cause problems.

A few early hits could change the Pats game plan. Just a guess

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Did I tell you about the time that I was at a bar and Butch Huskey and Lenny Harris volunteered information to me and my friends that Mike Piazza was juicing?

Man, I gravitate toward scrub athletes the way JiF attracts BBW's. It's a whole different type of planet theory.

Now we're busting out these type of stories? If I told all my C level run ins, I' d have to have my own forum.

Well this is JiF we're talking about so:

Big? Without question.

Beautiful? I wouldn't bet on it.

Women? 50-50 shot.


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Thats the point though. Rex has stated that this is the most talented roster he has ever had and the Jets are going to win the superbowl this year. So if that is the case, why did they look toward the future and draft a DT in the 3rd round who most likely will be inactive on gamedays, as they tend to be very DB-heavy, when we do have other areas of need? You say the Jets have nobody behind Pouha, but Rex has talked up Dixon and MTV.

Maybe they overestimated the rest of the roster and felt that they could draft Ellis in the 3rd.

Maybe they thought his talent was to great to pass up.

Maybe they felt there was no talent worth taking at other positions at that spot.

Maybe as you said Ellis will be a factor for us in the second half.

Who knows but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

He's 6'4 350 pounds without being fat, and he comes from a school that's added some really talented DTs to the NFL recently (Langford and Dixon being two guys in the AFC East). That's plenty of reason to use a 3rd round pick on a down the road DT if you add some context.

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I agree with both BG and 27. It is kind of an odd week for it. Here's my uninformed guess.

Maybin has really been quick off the edge, but gets taken a bit wide almost every time. AS 27 pointed out a few weeks ago, Maybin has a big motor, and was successful last week because he didn't quit.

One thing about Ellis is, he is huge, and strong. Also with a good motor. Perhaps they are hoping that he can get a big push with his strength, make Brady step back right into Maybin's speed rush.

You have a huge high motor guy coming from the front, and a really fast high motor guy coming from the side or rear, could cause problems.

A few early hits could change the Pats game plan. Just a guess

Thrue!!! Brady said many things about our great team...ITS TIME TO SHUT UP HIS DAMN MOUTH!!!! S. Ellis will start against Jets...maybe...i think he will. Ok, but now he (Ellis) don't understand and will not understand the great D he miss...he was afraid becuase the HC will put Wilkerson in his place....thats why he move out to Pats!!!! Its some a guess!!! Flgreen say something i agreed totally with him!!! Jets will have a great gameplans and gameplays for the pats...and...owww...we do not forget about or best CB....Derallle Revis...and his island!!! How many time Revis put brady on ice with some great passes?? Revis will become a moust value corner in the entire league, and his island will grow!!! Lol!!! Hopefully he will end his career in the Jets like others and CM (Curtis Martin). Waiting for the game...3 day ahead!!! damn.. i can't wait this three days!!!

Go Jets GO!!!! Like the Fireman Ed says: J-E-T-S!!! JETS!!! JETS!!!

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Seems a little odd that it'd be this week. Dixon has looked good, but I guess that Ellis may pass him on the depth chart. This week they will probably need all hands on deck with the DBs. Assume that Maybin sticks in place of Bryan Thomas, but they will still need McIntyre to give a blow to Westerman and Pace. They may not need the extra OLBs if they are playing Smith at LB, but in that case they will probably want Cook active. If Mangold is active they will still need to have all the other Olinemen active in case he can't finish. I guess it could just be last week's roster with Ellis in place of Thomas.

Most likely will be Mauga....Also I think activating Kenrick for the Pats would be a good idea. Let him have Dixon's active spot for a couple weeks and see if we benefit any better. An alignment of Mo, Bo, and Ellis sounds freaking beastly against the run. Thats 985 lbs. for the Pats run game in only 3 men. I'd like to see Kenrick lined up at DE on rookie Nate Solder LT a few times, see how he'd deal with 350 lbs. of pure motor.

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Hey, I was less than thrilled we passed on Gabe Watson through the top of round 4 (another planet theory guy with borderline first round grades) back in '06, pissing on and on about it at the time, and he stinks on ice. So what the hell do I know?

Don't feel bad Sperm, remember I once thought Kellen Clemens was the next Brett Favre. :biggrin:

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I don't know if Mauga is a good player to move in to OLB spot, backup to the startes in this role, cause i do not have any info for that!!! Better...someone can explain me how good the Mauga is for the D# of the Jets?? Hope the Mauga is a good player for our Defense!!!

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Most likely will be Mauga....Also I think activating Kenrick for the Pats would be a good idea. Let him have Dixon's active spot for a couple weeks and see if we benefit any better. An alignment of Mo, Bo, and Ellis sounds freaking beastly against the run. Thats 985 lbs. for the Pats run game in only 3 men. I'd like to see Kenrick lined up at DE on rookie Nate Solder LT a few times, see how he'd deal with 350 lbs. of pure motor.

Do you mean Mauga will be inactive for Ellis or in to give a blow to Pace and Westerman? I don't think either is likely. Mauga is the #3 ILB and a key special teamer so he will probably be active. Mauga has never played OLB, so I don't see why they'd start doing that now when McIntyre has been on the team and active through the first 4 games. The only way I could see them doing that with Mauga is if they were flexing somebody else to OLB like Scott or rolling Smith up from safety and playing Mauga at ILB.

As for Ellis vs the Pats: What run game? They aren't going to want beef against the Pats. They are going to want coverage and speed to gang tackle. I hear about Ellis having a motor all the time, but while he tries to run sideline to sideline outrunning him isn't exactly a problem for your average back, TE or WR. IMO this would be a bad game to start him out in matchup-wise, but if Ellis is playing better than Dixon or any of the others by all means activate him. I'd expect him to be more likely to play against teams like the Ravens and Steelers than the Pats. I think the coaches should have a pretty good idea if playing him would be a benefit, even if we don't and it's not worth letting him play just so we can see what we have. They should know what the have (their opinion of our 2011 offensive line notwithstanding).

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Do you mean Mauga will be inactive for Ellis or in to give a blow to Pace and Westerman? I don't think either is likely. Mauga is the #3 ILB and a key special teamer so he will probably be active. Mauga has never played OLB, so I don't see why they'd start doing that now when McIntyre has been on the team and active through the first 4 games. The only way I could see them doing that with Mauga is if they were flexing somebody else to OLB like Scott or rolling Smith up from safety and playing Mauga at ILB.

As for Ellis vs the Pats: What run game? They aren't going to want beef against the Pats. They are going to want coverage and speed to gang tackle. I hear about Ellis having a motor all the time, but while he tries to run sideline to sideline outrunning him isn't exactly a problem for your average back, TE or WR. IMO this would be a bad game to start him out in matchup-wise, but if Ellis is playing better than Dixon or any of the others by all means activate him. I'd expect him to be more likely to play against teams like the Ravens and Steelers than the Pats. I think the coaches should have a pretty good idea if playing him would be a benefit, even if we don't and it's not worth letting him play just so we can see what we have. They should know what the have (their opinion of our 2011 offensive line notwithstanding).

McIntyre is out for Sunday

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