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The BIG PICTURE 2011 is: Jets should be #6 in AFC when all said and done

Darth Vader

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Despite appearances....

Give the Pats the AFCE.

Give the someone the AFCW...that div has beaten each other out of the WC.

Give the Texans the AFCS.

Give the Ravens or Steelers the AFCN. The other is the #5 seed.

So you have for sake of example:

1.NE (cakewake rest of schedule)

2.Houston (easier divisional road than AFCN)

3.Baltimore (tiebreaker on Pitt)




Where's everyone else:

AFCE: Jets 5-5, Buff 5-5, Miami 3-7

AFCW:Oak 6-4, Denver 5-5, SD 4-5 and losing, KC 4-5 and playing NE mon nite

AFCS:Tennessee 5-4 (losing big to ATL), JAX 3-7, Indy 0-10

AFCN: Pittsburgh 7-3, Cincy 6-4, Cleve 4-6

So here are the teams with greatest chance and how we stack:









The only team we lose the straight head to head tiebreak is Denver. But does anyone think that the Tebow Train is going not to lose steam at some point? I can't believe that that team will run the table. Cincinnati has a rookie QB and plays a series of tough divisional games versus Pitt and Balt and also Hou. I expect them to lose all of those games. Pittsburgh is a shoe in.

We hold the tie breaker (H2H) vs SD and Buffalo and can put Buffalo on the ropes next week after they have hit rock bottom. KC - we will have the opportunity to beat them and i expect we will. and Tenn still is yet to play TB, NO and Hou. SD after Chi they have also BAL, DET, OAK....

The Jets have Buf, Wash, KC, Phlliy, NYG, Mia.

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jets are #9 right now and you need to take the bengals a wee bit more seriously

c'mon we all now it's going to be 3-3 at the half next week the jets are going to take buffalo lightly

washington put up a fight today, and we all know the jets will have their hands full with desean jackson, vick and mccoy, and xmas eve with the gmen raping sanchez won't be a lot of fun and the dolphins are playing well

this is an 8-8 team

with some luck

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We also lose the head to head tiebreaker against Oakland; to make the #6 seed we've gotta hope that Oakland stumbles a couple games. The texans are gonna drop a few do to the ineptitude that is Matthew Leinart and Cincy does have a couple tough divisional games coming up. But after the hole we've put ourselves in, we just have to worry about winning out; if the jets win out than they deserve to be in the playoffs, if they don't, well they have to look back at all the squandered opportunities. Yes they got screwed with the scheduling with the sh*tty three week stretch of away games and than the crappy 4 game layover out to denver, but those are games that still should have been won.

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We also lose the head to head tiebreaker against Oakland; to make the #6 seed we've gotta hope that Oakland stumbles a couple games. The texans are gonna drop a few do to the ineptitude that is Matthew Leinart and Cincy does have a couple tough divisional games coming up. But after the hole we've put ourselves in, we just have to worry about winning out; if the jets win out than they deserve to be in the playoffs, if they don't, well they have to look back at all the squandered opportunities. Yes they got screwed with the scheduling with the sh*tty three week stretch of away games and than the crappy 4 game layover out to denver, but those are games that still should have been won.

oakland will likely win the AFCW at this point. if they dont that means they will have at least lost 2 games. we dont need oak to stumble. we want them to win...

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jets are #9 right now and you need to take the bengals a wee bit more seriously

c'mon we all now it's going to be 3-3 at the half next week the jets are going to take buffalo lightly

washington put up a fight today, and we all know the jets will have their hands full with desean jackson, vick and mccoy, and xmas eve with the gmen raping sanchez won't be a lot of fun and the dolphins are playing well

this is an 8-8 team

with some luck

again. the bengals have a rookie QB. and the play BALT, PITT and HOU. not likely to maintain their artificial start.

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They really arent. There was no reason for the Jets to lose that game.

I'm not confident in this team at all.

they can run the FB and stop the run...they're pretty good and peaking...we should not have lost...but the loss wasn't bc we played BAD. The things we did bad are correctable. hence we should not inflate that loss.

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They really arent. There was no reason for the Jets to lose that game.

I'm not confident in this team at all.

I think they're 4-1 under Tebow. Yeah they play the AFC West and all, but 4-1 is 4-1. No game is easy in the NFL. They kinda remind me of the 09 Jets. They may not have the best defense in the NFL, but their offense is great at grinding slowly and that makes their defense even better.

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again. the bengals have a rookie QB. and the play BALT, PITT and HOU. not likely to maintain their artificial start.

They have been very competitive against both of the other powers in the AFCN, and Houston is far from an intimidating team... who is their QB now, Leinart? LOL. I bet you the Bengals will be our #1 rival for the wildcard.

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they can run the FB and stop the run...they're pretty good and peaking...we should not have lost...but the loss wasn't bc we played BAD. The things we did bad are correctable. hence we should not inflate that loss.

A fumble, a pick six, a shanked punt, 2 missed FG's, gave up a 95 yard game winning drive, 3 of 14 on 3rd down. And that was following a game with very similar mistakes...yeah, we played horrible, 2 games in a row.

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they can run the FB and stop the run...they're pretty good and peaking...we should not have lost...but the loss wasn't bc we played BAD. The things we did bad are correctable. hence we should not inflate that loss.

I actually agree that they have a decent shot at the playoffs, but the things they do bad are always correctable. They still never correct them. Especially on offense.

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A fumble, a pick six, a shanked punt, 2 missed FG's, gave up a 95 yard game winning drive, 3 of 14 on 3rd down. And that was following a game with very similar mistakes...yeah, we played horrible, 2 games in a row.

i will guarantee u that those things will happen with markedly decreased frequency...its just improbable to continue like that...

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I think they're 4-1 under Tebow. Yeah they play the AFC West and all, but 4-1 is 4-1. No game is easy in the NFL. They kinda remind me of the 09 Jets. They may not have the best defense in the NFL, but their offense is great at grinding slowly and that makes their defense even better.

20th rated pass defense, 16th rush defense. The Jets scored 1 TD.

Tebow did nothing for 58 minutes a game.

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dude there are only a handfull of teams giving up less ypc than the broncos...

Looks like there is 14 teams that do it better. Color me not impressed.


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they can run the FB and stop the run...they're pretty good and peaking...we should not have lost...but the loss wasn't bc we played BAD. The things we did bad are correctable. hence we should not inflate that loss.

I've been hearing that word "correctable" for a long time now.

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It's important for us that Oakland wins the West AND Baltimore win the North, as we lose wildcard tiebreakers with both those teams.

I believe both Denver and Cincy will falter down the stretch, as both have pretty tough schedules.

#6 is there for the taking if the Jets take care of business and beat the teams they should.

That said, THAT is a big "IF" the way we're playing right now.

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The 6th seed is going to come down to Jets and Cincy. Cincy has the tougher schedule, but as the Jets have proved, they can lose to anybody.

Unless Sanchez picks up his game, Hunter learns to passblock, and Eric Smith proves he is an NFL starter then games against Chiefs, Skins, and Fins will be toss ups

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I'll take it, though I don't know what kind of sig we would have... not gonna ask you to sport a dolphins sig or anything.

no, nothing like that

just for 1 week

if you win, I'll sport something like a pic of rex smiling, with a quote like "don't ever bet against me Larz"

how 'bout you ?

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