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Yeah Devito got hurt...however we're pretty deep there. Pouha has been an animal...if he wasnt so unknown he'd be getting pro bowl votes this season. He's a beast.

Meh, we are deep...but DeVito is much better than anyone on that depth.

hes great but is no kris jenkins

He's no Big Jenk...thats for sure. But he stays healthy. ///knocks on wood

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I don't think there's really any question that the Jets DL has been the top performing unit, top to bottom on this entire team. As already stated, both Pouha and DeVito are very talented, and vastly underrated, players for the Jets and along with Wilkerson provide a very good starting unit. Additionally, that area has the best depth on the team without question, with Dixon and Pitoitua both playing plenty and performing well this season, as well as Ellis who has performed well when given the opportunity to play.

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I don't think there's really any question that the Jets DL has been the top performing unit, top to bottom on this entire team. As already stated, both Pouha and DeVito are very talented, and vastly underrated, players for the Jets and along with Wilkerson provide a very good starting unit. Additionally, that area has the best depth on the team without question, with Dixon and Pitoitua both playing plenty and performing well this season, as well as Ellis who has performed well when given the opportunity to play.

On defense, the Jets have the hard part already taken care of. They have a talented and deep D-line. They have some good corners. They have the system well in place. Now only if they actually gave a **** about the Safety position and maybe got some linebackers who aren't slow as molasses we'd be in business.

I'm not exactly pining for Rhodes or Lowery back necessarily, but what the **** are the Jets doing trading away safeties just to get some low draft picks? And then proceeding to not draft or bring in a FA replacement for them?

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On defense, the Jets have the hard part already taken care of. They have a talented and deep D-line. They have some good corners. They have the system well in place. Now only if they actually gave a **** about the Safety position and maybe got some linebackers who aren't slow as molasses we'd be in business.

I'm not exactly pining for Rhodes or Lowery back necessarily, but what the **** are the Jets doing trading away safeties just to get some low draft picks? And then proceeding to not draft or bring in a FA replacement for them?

Completely agree. The Jets have put absolutely no effort into the safety position and considering how many years it's been a problem, it really is baffling. They're getting rid of players, bringing in nobody to replace them and then just letting guys who sucked as backups become starters by default. The LB position is an issue and is just getting worse. Harris is the only one of them who isn't on the wrong side of 30 and as you pointed out, their lack of speed is becoming an even bigger issue as they all get older. After his season-ending injury BT's time as a Jet is likely done, or at the very least their ability to count on him as a starter, and given how much Scott has been pulled from the field lately by his #1 fan in Rex, you have to imagine the Jets have to be looking to replace him in the not-so-distant future as well. It's obviously nice that they have a solid foundation in place at DL and CB, but there's definitely still work to be done.

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The D-line is good but it still lacks a pass-rushing threat. Every time we rush 3 or 4 guys we never seem to get any push towards the QB. The only time we seem to get a solid pass rush is when we send in LB's and DB's on a blitz. It would be great to get a pass rush without sending 7-8 guys.

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Completely agree. The Jets have put absolutely no effort into the safety position and considering how many years it's been a problem, it really is baffling. They're getting rid of players, bringing in nobody to replace them and then just letting guys who sucked as backups become starters by default. The LB position is an issue and is just getting worse. Harris is the only one of them who isn't on the wrong side of 30 and as you pointed out, their lack of speed is becoming an even bigger issue as they all get older. After his season-ending injury BT's time as a Jet is likely done, or at the very least their ability to count on him as a starter, and given how much Scott has been pulled from the field lately by his #1 fan in Rex, you have to imagine the Jets have to be looking to replace him in the not-so-distant future as well. It's obviously nice that they have a solid foundation in place at DL and CB, but there's definitely still work to be done.

Yup - we need safties and LBs.

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On top of his excellent season...arguably his best though 2010 was also awesome...Pouha is an excellent mentor for the young guys. I think he plays a big role in just how quickly Wilkerson has assimilated himself.

Maybe those injury years from '05-'08 are a long term blessing in disguise?

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On top of his excellent season...arguably his best though 2010 was also awesome...Pouha is an excellent mentor for the young guys. I think he plays a big role in just how quickly Wilkerson has assimilated himself.

Maybe those injury years from '05-'08 are a long term blessing in disguise?

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