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Has "The Formula" worked before?


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No once again if you read my posts I make it clear that Sanchez is ALSO part of the problem. He is fixable IMO guys like Slauson and Hunter are just getting beat physically and in that respect you either have it or you dont. We know Sanchez has the physical ability. Also when it comes to WR its been a revolving door and by signing guys like Plax and Mason all you do is once again enhance the revolving door. if none of this makes sense to you guys then im not sure your looking at this from a team perspective on offense your just taking the simple way out and blaming it all on the QB. When you listen to most QB's talk they all point to the fact a QB must have time with his receivers to get used to them and them to him, its common football knowledge so with the CBA shortened offseason and 3 new WR's one of which was a rookie I guess Sanchez was supposed to be Immune to those opinions of guys who actully play the game ?

EY your a regular comedian. :) All I was saying with the Manning comparison if he was a JET you would hate him based on his stats his first five years because within his first 5 years he has every single thing you claim to hate about QB's which you have stated on numerous occasions. You wont admit that of course, you would rather crack jokes. IF Im wrong about Sanchez I'll gladly admit it when the time comes we're just not near that time yet IMO

Hogwash. You talk in circles. Plenty of QB's have success without the ever so important "chemistry"....Christian F'ing Ponder has a great rapport with Percy Harvin and he's a rookie. Andy Dalton with AJ Green both rookies. Matt Moore with all his WR's, his first year in the system. Hassellbeck had it going with Washington and Britt. Cam Newton with Steve Smith and the TE's. I dont give a **** what anyone has told you or what you've heard - these guys are doing it with no problems but its a problem with Sanchez. You make no sense dude. This isnt trivial.

And your Manning comparison is stupid. I now feel I should comment on it. Its stupid stupid stupid. Anyone could see what that guy was going to be by year 2. Nobody knows what Sanchez will be by year 3. F your stupid stats. Comparing the 2 in any fashion whatsoever is moronic. <3

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Hogwash. You talk in circles. Plenty of QB's have success without the ever so important "chemistry"....Christian F'ing Ponder has a great rapport with Percy Harvin and he's a rookie. Andy Dalton with AJ Green both rookies. Matt Moore with all his WR's, his first year in the system. Hassellbeck had it going with Washington and Britt. Cam Newton with Steve Smith and the TE's. I dont give a **** what anyone has told you or what you've heard - these guys are doing it with no problems but its a problem with Sanchez. You make no sense dude. This isnt trivial.

And your Manning comparison is stupid. I now feel I should comment on it. Its stupid stupid stupid. Anyone could see what that guy was going to be by year 2. Nobody knows what Sanchez will be by year 3. F your stupid stats. Comparing the 2 in any fashion whatsoever is moronic. <3

You see JIF you make these blanket statements like "these guys are doing it with NO PROBLEMS' which is what I call HOGWASH.

Its nice Cincy Gave Daulton a stud WR like Green, Its nice Ryan has Roddy White and Julio Jones and a HOF TE and a great RB, its nice Drew Brees has a load of talent around him At every single skill position as does Tony Romo and Aaron Rodgers, and Ben Rapist, and Tom Brady even the Raiders have better skill players as do the Eagles and Giants did I cover all the Playoff teams did i forget to mention the Lions and the Chargers ? . The Jets are at best Middle of the pack in Skill players and I fully expected them to be somewhere in the bottom 3rd in the league on offense the reason we are not getting any better is because our defense is not what it used to be, on offense its still the same old crap.

This team does not make the playoffs this year because they ignored the issues on the offensive line and the glaring problems at safety. losing our deep threat in Edwards was also a bad move because they could have signed him long term and also got plax to help in the red zone. Sanchez is the least of this teams problems and he will get better every year just like he did this year in spite of all the freakin stupidity.

I think your take on what Im trying to say is stupid. But I didnt come out and call you stupid like you called me. Honestly I could care less at this point what you guys think when it comes to my example because i know with 100% certainty if Manning were here you would all be doing the same damn thing your doing now to Sanchez you just stubbornly refuse to admit it and I think its funny to be honest. Once again all the things you point out about Sanchez Manning did worse his first 5 years in the NFL ....Known Playoff Choker, INT Machine, Happy Feet in the pocket and once again he had 10 times the talent Sanchez has and Mannings talent was Young players the team picked to build around him , Harrison, Wayne, Pollard, Edg James, Faulk (first year) But wait Sanchez has Greene, McKnight (lol), broken down LT, Plax for maybe a year or 2 , Holmes Keller .... LOL at the comparison. LOFL

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You see JIF you make these blanket statements like "these guys are doing it with NO PROBLEMS' which is what I call HOGWASH.

Its nice Cincy Gave Daulton a stud WR like Green, Its nice Ryan has Roddy White and Julio Jones and a HOF TE and a great RB, its nice Drew Brees has a load of talent around him At every single skill position as does Tony Romo and Aaron Rodgers, and Ben Rapist, and Tom Brady even the Raiders have better skill players as do the Eagles and Giants did I cover all the Playoff teams did i forget to mention the Lions and the Chargers ? . The Jets are at best Middle of the pack in Skill players and I fully expected them to be somewhere in the bottom 3rd in the league on offense the reason we are not getting any better is because our defense is not what it used to be, on offense its still the same old crap.

This team does not make the playoffs this year because they ignored the issues on the offensive line and the glaring problems at safety. losing our deep threat in Edwards was also a bad move because they could have signed him long term and also got plax to help in the red zone. Sanchez is the least of this teams problems and he will get better every year just like he did this year in spite of all the freakin stupidity.

I think your take on what Im trying to say is stupid. But I didnt come out and call you stupid like you called me. Honestly I could care less at this point what you guys think when it comes to my example because i know with 100% certainty if Manning were here you would all be doing the same damn thing your doing now to Sanchez you just stubbornly refuse to admit it and I think its funny to be honest. Once again all the things you point out about Sanchez Manning did worse his first 5 years in the NFL ....Known Playoff Choker, INT Machine, Happy Feet in the pocket and once again he had 10 times the talent Sanchez has and Mannings talent was Young players the team picked to build around him , Harrison, Wayne, Pollard, Edg James, Faulk (first year) But wait Sanchez has Greene, McKnight (lol), broken down LT, Plax for maybe a year or 2 , Holmes Keller .... LOL at the comparison. LOFL


Sanchez sucks. End of discussion.

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EY my points are very clear. I put up the Peyton Manning arguement, not to compare the QB's, but to show that it is possible to get better. It really took Peyton about 5 years to start playing consistently good football even after year 3 his numbers dropped severely in year 4 and 5. We are in year 3 with Sanchez and he has already shown the good traits of being clutch in the 4th Quarter and in the Playoffs as well. Im not sure why I have to get ripped for pointing that out. Manning did not win a SB until year 8 and through year 7 had the label of choker .

Its already been pointed out, not only by me, but many others, that the Jets have Issues in a lot of areas on Offense INCLUDING the QB. The Offensive line is not what it used to be and they dealt with Injuries early in the year that almost got our QB killed, Our RB's are really not much to talk about , and our WR's have been a revolving door, add all that in with the crappy play calling of our Offensive Coordinator and the problem goes well beyond just the QB yet at times most of you QB haters just refuse to acknowledge that. For the sake of arguement you just push everything aside.

I thought the Peyton 5 year example would at least give you guys some hope that it can be turned around but when you seem to be blinded by hate and push back on every example I see Im wasting my time and its really no wonder a lot of other Sanchez supporters dont bother posting in that regard. Im not argueing with a whole fan base here Im arguing with the same 5 or 6 posters I have in years past and i should realize thats impossible, problem is Im just as hard headed as you are.

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gotta give smash props, the sharks are circling and he keep flailing his bloody stumps at them..

i still say the bigger problem is that sanchez is mismatched, this team has been sb ready for three years and the qb was always going to need time to develop.. that being said, if sanchez went to a bad team and started right away he might be close to being out of the league by now..

if tanny/rex were this confident they'd field such a good defense so quickly, it's inexcusable that they went into 09 with sanchez and clemens as the only viable qb;'s

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gotta give smash props, the sharks are circling and he keep flailing his bloody stumps at them..

i still say the bigger problem is that sanchez is mismatched, this team has been sb ready for three years and the qb was always going to need time to develop.. that being said, if sanchez went to a bad team and started right away he might be close to being out of the league by now..

if tanny/rex were this confident they'd field such a good defense so quickly, it's inexcusable that they went into 09 with sanchez and clemens as the only viable qb;'s

Perhaps, but it's all relative... after all, just weeks before the draft we were discussing the upcoming Clemens/Ratliff/Ainge QB competition.

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What your saying here is true he is playing average right now and inconsistent but you do see some greatness at times and that should give you some hope.

well i think the only hope is that he is playing this way because of his relative inexperience at the qb position and that it still looks like th egame hasn't slowed down for him yet. if you figure that he only played for 1 college season then you could argue that he has the same experience as a 4 starter at this point....but possibly even better since he's been getting 3 years of that experience at a much higher level of play. that and th efact that it's obvious the game still moves fast for him. he rushes throws and get fluched frm th epocket instead of standing in and delivering the pass sometimes. that is a symptom of the game feeling too fast for him still imo. that said...there i sno guarantee that he will ever be better or it will ever really slow down for him. his accurace worries me.....because he's very erratic with it. anyway if we can get a healthy peyton manning you have to do it.....it's realyl a no brainer. only person who should be untouchable is revis and possibly mangold.

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My two cents (Which is probably what it worth here now)

I don't think there is any set timetable for a QB to develop.

Some are great right out of the gate (Marino)

Some take their lumps for a year and then emerge. (Elway, Manning)

Some sit on the bench for a couple of years and then play, struggle and then emerge (Rogers)

Some never develop (Leaf, Nagle)

I look at other guys like Flacco, Matt Ryan, Josh Freeman and all are having issues. Do they all suck ? We saw how bad Flacco can be during the Jets game. Against Ariziona he was horrible in the first half and stunning in the second half. Freeman has been a trainwreck this season.

Sanchez, erratic play is absolutely maddening. There are times in his career where he has made great throws and there have been more than plenty WTF was that throw in his career. Does that mean the Jets should give up on him ? I don't know. I do know the Jets have paid him a ton of money to be their future at QB and if he isn't stepping up in 2012 it would not surprise me if the Jets drafted another QB.

Phil Simms told a story on the radio once about how the Giants offense was struggling during their 86 Super Bowl season and Parcells pulled Simms aside one day and told him to go out and just throw the football, I'll take the heat if we continue to struggle but just go out there and throw the football and don't worry about anything else.

That Sunday the Giants walked into Minnesota and Simms hit Bobby Johnson on a 4th and 18 to a game the Giants were probably going to lose and ended winning.

Just a thought.

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