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Does Anyone in the NFL Respect Rex Anymore?


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Uh no they dont Bit . When Manning gets pressured he gets happy feet. When Brady gets pressured he gets extremely frustrated we showed that last year in the playoffs. Even yesterday Rodgers was pretty frustrated and taking a lot of hits at one point he got hit 3 times in a row and I was kind of surprised they didnt just hand the ball off couple of times he got hammered. It makes a big difference for any QB weather you want to believe that or not.

Actually he's kind of right. There's pressure and there's pressure. Hunter is an absolute embarrassment as a starter but I see plenty of QBs side-step it when there's pressure from one direction (particularly when it's not even his blind side) and buy the receivers an extra second. Hell, QB's do it to our guys every week (and I'm not referring to someone with freak speed for a QB like Vick, which isn't a fair comparison). Every elite QB doesn't just stand in the same place in the pocket like a dummy for 3-5 seconds. They buy time. We've had pass rushers unsuccessfully try to chase down Brady his whole career. Usually they don't touch him and he's certainly not faster than Sanchez.

So while I'm not going to pretend that he's the lone thing lacking on this team, but Sanchez has no awareness. He rushes throws when he's got a good pocket and holds the ball when he's under pressure.

In his favor I will say this much, and that is that yesterday was the first time I saw him step up in the pocket - and buy an extra second or so in the process - more than once in a football game.

I do wonder to what extent having no real DE/OLB pass-rusher on the team (except Maybin who really is just fast and not a guy with pass-rushing moves or power) makes it more difficult for the OL to prepare on a week-to-week basis. It's no excuse, but practicing against Jamal Westerman and Calvin Pace is probably not adequate preparation for the Babins and Wares of the league.

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Actually he's kind of right. There's pressure and there's pressure. Hunter is an absolute embarrassment as a starter but I see plenty of QBs side-step it when there's pressure from one direction (particularly when it's not even his blind side) and buy the receivers an extra second. Hell, QB's do it to our guys every week (and I'm not referring to someone with freak speed for a QB like Vick, which isn't a fair comparison). Every elite QB doesn't just stand in the same place in the pocket like a dummy for 3-5 seconds. They buy time. We've had pass rushers unsuccessfully try to chase down Brady his whole career. Usually they don't touch him and he's certainly not faster than Sanchez.

So while I'm not going to pretend that he's the lone thing lacking on this team, but Sanchez has no awareness. He rushes throws when he's got a good pocket and holds the ball when he's under pressure.

In his favor I will say this much, and that is that yesterday was the first time I saw him step up in the pocket - and buy an extra second or so in the process - more than once in a football game.

I do wonder to what extent having no real DE/OLB pass-rusher on the team (except Maybin who really is just fast and not a guy with pass-rushing moves or power) makes it more difficult for the OL to prepare on a week-to-week basis. It's no excuse, but practicing against Jamal Westerman and Calvin Pace is probably not adequate preparation for the Babins and Wares of the league.

I agree I have seen QB's step up nicely and it is something that takes time to develop but I think it will come. Only reason I defend Sanchez is because I see that hes capable and Ive seen the same type of growing pains in previous greats Like Manning for instance. Only time will tell

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yes they respect Rex within the league. Schotty too.

unlike message board posters, the people who work in the league understand that not everyone can win, every week. they also understand that nothing is easy.

they are 8-6 and still on pace for a playoff appearance. That's worthy of respect. Rex also has a ring from his baltimore days. it could be way worse.

Agreed. I'm pretty sure that coaches around the league respect Rex. When you get to the playoffs and knock off Peyton Manning and Tom Brady back-to-back in their own buildings, there isn't a single NFL coach that is sleeping on what Rex is capable of.

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I certainly don't respect him. The Eagles knew his playcalls! His tricks don't work anymore. There's no way things get better, this I assure you. The fact that he associates with men like Schittenheimer makes this even more obvious...Schitty probably taught him how to be predictable.

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I certainly don't respect him. The Eagles knew his playcalls! His tricks don't work anymore. There's no way things get better, this I assure you. The fact that he associates with men like Schittenheimer makes this even more obvious...Schitty probably taught him how to be predictable.


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I certainly don't respect him. The Eagles knew his playcalls! His tricks don't work anymore. There's no way things get better, this I assure you. The fact that he associates with men like Schittenheimer makes this even more obvious...Schitty probably taught him how to be predictable.

Don't you know coaching is completely irrelevant in the NFL and has absolutely no impact whatsoever on the on-field performance?

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Ha! Exactly...the NFL is about match ups and the Jets match up horrible vs. the Eagles...it happens.

The Ravens got rolled by San Diego - does anyone respect John Harbaugh?

The Packers got beat by the Chiefs - does anyone respect Mike McCarthy?

The Giants got rolled by the Deadskins - does anyone respect Coughlin?

I could go on...

Jets fans are retarded. People like Primate giving themselves a pat on the back for "calling it"....whatever. Rex is fine. The team isnt very talented. Would I like to see them better prepared, sure, but its gets ridiculous with every loss we start to question Rex. The OP is notorious for it.

Rex cant make the players hold on to the ******* Football. Thats got nothing to do with "preperation". Does the league respect Rex? abso****inglutely. Dumbasses

I actually agree with you. Good post. Same old Jet fans dumping on the HC before the season is even over.

Rex has gotten more out of this over rated team for a 3rd season in a row.

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Don't you know coaching is completely irrelevant in the NFL and has absolutely no impact whatsoever on the on-field performance?

ROTFL so you're so saying the PLAYERS factor in on Sundays? Lol how cute and naive. They're merely pawns in the genius games of human chess that coaches play against each other 16+ times a year. That's why coaches get the big bucks and respect in this game.

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Actually he's kind of right. There's pressure and there's pressure. Hunter is an absolute embarrassment as a starter but I see plenty of QBs side-step it when there's pressure from one direction (particularly when it's not even his blind side) and buy the receivers an extra second. Hell, QB's do it to our guys every week (and I'm not referring to someone with freak speed for a QB like Vick, which isn't a fair comparison). Every elite QB doesn't just stand in the same place in the pocket like a dummy for 3-5 seconds. They buy time. We've had pass rushers unsuccessfully try to chase down Brady his whole career. Usually they don't touch him and he's certainly not faster than Sanchez.

So while I'm not going to pretend that he's the lone thing lacking on this team, but Sanchez has no awareness. He rushes throws when he's got a good pocket and holds the ball when he's under pressure.

In his favor I will say this much, and that is that yesterday was the first time I saw him step up in the pocket - and buy an extra second or so in the process - more than once in a football game.

I do wonder to what extent having no real DE/OLB pass-rusher on the team (except Maybin who really is just fast and not a guy with pass-rushing moves or power) makes it more difficult for the OL to prepare on a week-to-week basis. It's no excuse, but practicing against Jamal Westerman and Calvin Pace is probably not adequate preparation for the Babins and Wares of the league.

I agree.....good post

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Well, here we are..at 8-7....A place not to many of us thought we would be. Many of us thought we would hold the line and finish 10-6, 11-5..I posted back in August that I believed this team could finish at 12-4 and be fighting for the number one seed.

I get the fact that Rex is Rex or so he says...but with Rex being Rex...we are now just jokes again.

Good coaches learn from mistakes made and adjust. Some take years to reach the "good coach status".

Please take note that in 2008 with a healthy Favre we got to 8-3. Then he injuried his bicep and our season took a dump. Our defense played well that year. And it wasn't Rex it was Mangini....

So people don't by the hype about the 2009 and 2010 AFCC games we played....we were on that course before Rex got here. We were and still are a QB away. Was Shotty that bad back in 2008? I believe it's the situation we are in with Sanchez. Can Shotty deliver when our QB has regregressed? Should we have run the ball more?

We are here at 8-7 because of the following at the very least:

1. The Raiders game....up 17-7 and we can't close the deal both on offense and defense.

2. The Second Pats game.

3. The Denver game....up 13-10 and we can't close the deal both on offense and defense again.

With all the bravado..with all the boasts....with all the loud mouth talking. If we win 2 out of the 3 games above no one cares about anything because we are in the playoffs.

But we are not...and something needs to change....and from what I saw from our QB...it really sucks because we are stuck with him and the growing pains when we as a team since 2008 have been ready to really take the next step. But instead of taking the next step, we as a team have regressed. The only bright stop is Revis.

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