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Getting Peyton Manning the answer for Jets QB conundrum with Mark Sanchez


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the acquiring team is on the hook for the $28 million bonus.

Without a renegotiation in a trade Manning's cap charge is $14.4 million.

Cut Sanchez and thats $19.4 million in the QB position or an extra $5 million in cap to have Manning over Sanchez, which is a no brainer.

how is the bonus applied ? how many players would the jets have to cut to make room, and can you give an example ? (pace, moore, etc)

and what do you think the colts would want in return ?

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how is the bonus applied ? how many players would the jets have to cut to make room, and can you give an example ? (pace, moore, etc)

and what do you think the colts would want in return ?

Sanchez is pretty much all it would take. You remove around $14.5 million in cap charges by cutting him. He carries $5 million in dead cap, but the Jets will have at least $9 million in room with him on the roster. So dumping him and getting Manning will leave the Jets will about $4 million in room with no cuts. Hunter and Smith off the top of my head are around $5 million in savings but I cant imagine either coming back anyway at least under their current deals. The real repercussions would likely be lack of funds to resign Pouha and the fact that the team is going to be forced to sign an extension with Dustin Keller (who Im not fond of long term though I think he will have a really big year next season with either Sanchez or Manning).

I saw some media folks on Twitter mention that Manning would cost some twos. I dont buy that at all. If he is moved before the draft I think he costs a 1 in 2012, a 2 in 2012 that can become a 1 if he is active for 16 games (both regular season and playoffs), and a 3 in 2013 that can accelerate to a 2(active for 16 games) or a 1 (AFC Championship appearance). Even with the lack of Super Bowl wins this is the premier QB of the generation. You pay a kings ransom for him even if he is going to be 36 next year. The Colts point is going to be that Manning is far better than Favre (true) who was good until about 40 and at least as good as Elway (probably true) who won a SB at 37 and 38 and Montana and Marino who played at a playoff level until they were 37 or so.

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No thats just the story from the press about how great a guy Peyton is and how he did a deal to be Colt friendly. His dead cap cost would be $16 million though the Colts would get a $5.6 million credit if they cut him so its a $10.4 million net hit. Thats cheaper than keeping him ($17 million cap, $35.4 million cap commitment), but still a high charge. Most likely the way the deal goes is the two sides restructure to push Peytons option bonus into early May, That gives the Colts time to shop the Luck pick and decide who they want- Luck or Manning. If its Luck they can have a month or so to trade Manning before OTAs officially end and 2 months before camps begin. By doing that scenario the Colts get their $5.6 million credit plus conditional draft picks and the acquiring team is on the hook for the $28 million bonus. I believe because there are no material changes to the contract the acquiring team can also renegotiate if need be to tack an extra year onto the deal to lower the immediate cap charge.

Without a renegotiation in a trade Manning's cap charge is $14.4 million. Cut Sanchez and thats $19.4 million in the QB position or an extra $5 million in cap to have Manning over Sanchez, which is a no brainer. If they extend by a year the Manning cap falls to $13 million and the team would only have $18 million invested in the QB spot in 2012. Unless Manning is just disgruntled with the Colts (and considering they paid him $26.4 million this year and could have weaseled their way out of $3 million by IRing him and they chose not to I cant see him being unhappy) he will do whatever he can to give that team the flexibility to work out a trade for him. Highly unlikely hes a free agent.

Ah crap. Thanks, Jason. I thought it sounded too altruistic to be true.

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peep at mannings career

1 SB win...before neck surgery...and shotty !

try again

what is the trade ?

Mannings never had a defense like he'd have here

And the schotty thing is honestly too foolish to respond to, if manning heathy we'd have a top 5 offense if ps jets was coordinating

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Also Jason's right, my guess is they renegotiate and add language that gives manning the right to dictate where he goes (if it's not there already ) or even a poison pill he can exercise if he wants out

This stands a good chance of being moot however as the colts can easily beat Jacksonville and lose the pick

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This is not gonna happen....you guys are torturing yourselves. Same sh*t the Knicks did with Lebron. Peyton will be on the Colts next year and Brees will be on the Saints.

Sanchez will be here under a new OC and start to take the steps forward we all hoped for.

Pretty much the same thing that was said regarding Favre.

Manning I think there is a chance because of where Indy picks in the draft (if they don't screw it up and win), who's available there, and Manning due a gargantuan bonus.

Brees I agree there is no shot, as much as I dream this would happen. Even they tagged him and we were willing to give up 2 firsts (like lots of teams would), I can't see us being the highest bidder with our cap situation. Even if it got that far, which it wouldn't, I can't see the Saints not matching any contract offer he gets while tagged.

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Pretty much the same thing that was said regarding Favre.

Manning I think there is a chance because of where Indy picks in the draft (if they don't screw it up and win), who's available there, and Manning due a gargantuan bonus.

Brees I agree there is no shot, as much as I dream this would happen. Even they tagged him and we were willing to give up 2 firsts (like lots of teams would), I can't see us being the highest bidder with our cap situation. Even if it got that far, which it wouldn't, I can't see the Saints not matching any contract offer he gets while tagged.

Ya I can see it 'maybe' happenin knowin tanny.

Plus w/manning u dont need a OC,,, he calls all his own plays on field, lol

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Sanchez is pretty much all it would take. You remove around $14.5 million in cap charges by cutting him. He carries $5 million in dead cap, but the Jets will have at least $9 million in room with him on the roster. So dumping him and getting Manning will leave the Jets will about $4 million in room with no cuts. Hunter and Smith off the top of my head are around $5 million in savings but I cant imagine either coming back anyway at least under their current deals. The real repercussions would likely be lack of funds to resign Pouha and the fact that the team is going to be forced to sign an extension with Dustin Keller (who Im not fond of long term though I think he will have a really big year next season with either Sanchez or Manning).

I saw some media folks on Twitter mention that Manning would cost some twos. I dont buy that at all. If he is moved before the draft I think he costs a 1 in 2012, a 2 in 2012 that can become a 1 if he is active for 16 games (both regular season and playoffs), and a 3 in 2013 that can accelerate to a 2(active for 16 games) or a 1 (AFC Championship appearance). Even with the lack of Super Bowl wins this is the premier QB of the generation. You pay a kings ransom for him even if he is going to be 36 next year. The Colts point is going to be that Manning is far better than Favre (true) who was good until about 40 and at least as good as Elway (probably true) who won a SB at 37 and 38 and Montana and Marino who played at a playoff level until they were 37 or so.

txs !

my opinion remains that with the new rookie wage scale, the colts will draft luck and keep manning

but the scenario is not as impossible as I had thought

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A new QB is not going to fix the issues on the defensive side of the ball or the offensive line. You bring in a contract like Mannings and you won't be able to afford to fix other issues.

We keep talking about this defense which to an extent is valid, however, putting points on the board would certainly help out the defense as well as playing to the best strength of this defense which is the Corners. Our offense NEVER puts up points to make the opposing offense a one dimensional team.

And let me say again, im not into getting manning if we have to give up sanchez, but if we can get manning and have sanchez learn from him a few years then I'll certainly sacrifice one year of a defensive upgrade given that this is still a top 5 defense.

The defense is only the problem when they have to shut other teams out week in and week out. Thats not a problem in my book. Let us get an offense who can consistenly put points on the board and that will make this defense instantly better.

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