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The Media Needs to Ask Sanchez This Question NOW


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I know you guys Troll JetNation, so here it is people:\

When you interview Mark Sanchez next time, here is the question:

"Mark would you be willing to be the back up to Peyton Manning for the betterment of the team and your development as a QB"?

There you go folks.....

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I know you guys Troll JetNation, so here it is people:\

When you interview Mark Sanchez next time, here is the question:

"Mark would you be willing to be the back up to Peyton Manning for the betterment of the team and your development as a QB"?

There you go folks.....

the question should be:

Mark, when r u gonna grow some balls and over ride a Schitty call and throw the ball 50 yds downfield?

there YOU go...

Nice thread. Excellent idea.

Crusher thinks the question should be, "How long will it take for you to clear your locker out for MR Manning?"

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Nice thread. Excellent idea.

Crusher thinks the question should be, "How long will it take for you to clear your locker out for MR Manning?"

I can see ESPN and 660 today coming up with this and taking credit for it....just remember where you heard it first!

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I can see ESPN and 660 today coming up with this and taking credit for it....just remember where you heard it first!

Is is the type of stupid debate Michael Kay loves to froth over for hours on end, yelling into the microphone like a buffoon. Francesa is lucky Michael Kay has, essentially the same time slot.

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Is is the type of stupid debate Michael Kay loves to froth over for hours on end, yelling into the microphone like a buffoon. Francesa is lucky Michael Kay has, essentially the same time slot.

Exactly...an spot on when you look at the big picture....

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