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It starts with Tannenbaum


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O line fail. 50 mil for Santonio. Drafting poorly (Sanchez and Wilson and Vlad...oh my!). Pissing away draft picks like a drunken sailor. Not resigining Braylon, Cotch, Woody. The death of the spirit of the NYJ due to the hiring of dickheads and the release of solid character guys. The punter situation. I could go on but then I'll get TL:DR.

Next: Schottenheimer: Just a bad coach. Should be an assistant, nothing more.

Next: Rex. Lack of holding guys accountable has caused a serious lack of discipline resulting in bonehead plays, diva mentality and sloppy penalties. Succeeded with Mangini's players. Has not made smart decisions with personal (Holmes, a captain?). Bad.

Next: Sanchez. Shows some improvement, then sucks. Jury still out, but not promising.

Woody: Pulled the trigger on Mangini--but hasn't had the sack to take out Schottenheimer. Traded the building of a solid foundation for the building a media darling in order to sell PSL's. Has bilked the fans out of cash, causing a huge loss of passionate fans in the stands.

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O line fail. 50 mil for Santonio. Drafting poorly (Sanchez and Wilson and Vlad...oh my!). Pissing away draft picks like a drunken sailor. Not resigining Braylon, Cotch, Woody. The death of the spirit of the NYJ due to the hiring of dickheads and the release of solid character guys. The punter situation. I could go on but then I'll get TL:DR.

Next: Schottenheimer: Just a bad coach. Should be an assistant, nothing more.

Next: Rex. Lack of holding guys accountable has caused a serious lack of discipline resulting in bonehead plays, diva mentality and sloppy penalties. Succeeded with Mangini's players. Has not made smart decisions with personal (Holmes, a captain?). Bad.

Next: Sanchez. Shows some improvement, then sucks. Jury still out, but not promising.

Woody: Pulled the trigger on Mangini--but hasn't had the sack to take out Schottenheimer. Traded the building of a solid foundation for the building a media darling in order to sell PSL's. Has bilked the fans out of cash, causing a huge loss of passionate fans in the stands.

I agree mostly with the "media darlings" including the front office... What business do Tannenbaum and Ryan have doing TV shows and Movies??? They should be at the training facility all offseason preparing for next year.

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Woodhead. Ihedigbo. Lowery. Weatherford.

The Jets must've given up 100+ yards in field position each week with the difference between Weatherford and Conley. There was nothing about Conley nor Weatherford's cap number than justified that one move.
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The Jets must've given up 100+ yards in field position each week with the difference between Weatherford and Conley. There was nothing about Conley nor Weatherford's cap number than justified that one move.

I said this multiple times and everyone told me the punter didn't matter.

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Tanny re-made the team in Rex's image...can't fault him for that...

Yep, that's all he's been doing. You DO NOT want to lose Tannenbaum. He is the salary cap wiz kid of the NFL imo. As far as player evaluation I believe, for the most part, he leaves that to scouts and coaches.

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