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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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Self-voting is scummy, but so is drive-by bringing somebody to L-1.

Between the 2, though, I'm more inclined to side with Song.

Also, I'd like to see Pac die in a glorious explosion. No reason, really....just because.

If folks flop back to CTM, I'll join up.

I understand that. Which is part of the reason I did it. Trying a wombat tactic here. lulz

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jeez, so slimy... 1) I'm not looking to quit right now, like i was last night and 2) I'm protesting that you and JC are coming up with a plan that involves possibly 2 townies dying ( and if pac is really willing to hammer, I doubt he's scum)..

Haha... and you are equally as slimy, because first off... the plan was Pac's idea, and second, because last night you were willing to be lynched which would have ALSO cost us whatever you are and most likely a townie... so last night, it was an okay plan... today when your being called on to follow through with it, its not a good plan.

The only added variable to this scenario that wasn't there last night, is Pac volunteering to hammer. Which is an indicator to me that he's either roleless, or you are scum, and you'll die, but it'll be a great bus move by Pac if he's scum with you.

You are enormously full of sh*t.

If you are a bomb, I'm guessing its a scum bomb.

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And that is why I'm cool with joining the CTM train. The whole thing feels orchestrated.

This is why I'm getting burnt out, what am I protesting? Me dying or ape trying to arrange a plan that involves someone other then him hammering.... (cause he thinks it's a hammer bomb)

And i'm not even protesting, I said I found it suspicious.. jesus

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Leelou (3) - AVM, CTM, Ape

Ape (1) - Nolder

Crusher (1) - Vic

Brett (1) - Pac

Nolder (1) - Crusher

Not Voting (2) - Verbal, Smash

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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Haha... and you are equally as slimy, because first off... the plan was Pac's idea, and second, because last night you were willing to be lynched which would have ALSO cost us whatever you are and most likely a townie... so last night, it was an okay plan... today when your being called on to follow through with it, its not a good plan.

The only added variable to this scenario that wasn't there last night, is Pac volunteering to hammer. Which is an indicator to me that he's either roleless, or you are scum, and you'll die, but it'll be a great bus move by Pac if he's scum with you.

You are enormously full of sh*t.

If you are a bomb, I'm guessing its a scum bomb.

No a$$hole, last night I was pissed off, willing to take a time off mafia, and excited to take one of you with me as in a surprise explosion.. Now what I'm saying is that I found it suspicious that you would try and push Pac into this plan, cause I think you figure I'm a bomb and would like nothing more then for me to take someone out whose not aligned with you

You are a slimy, slithering hairy serpent

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This is why I'm getting burnt out, what am I protesting? Me dying or ape trying to arrange a plan that involves someone other then him hammering.... (cause he thinks it's a hammer bomb)

And i'm not even protesting, I said I found it suspicious.. jesus

You just stated that you are not ready to quit right now .... and calling this "my plan" when its something that Pac suggested - and you painting it as scummy to be discussing it, when its an extension of the play you claim to have been making last night, with a bit of safeguarding, is a protest if you ask me.

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No a$$hole, last night I was pissed off, willing to take a time off mafia, and excited to take one of you with me as in a surprise explosion.. Now what I'm saying is that I found it suspicious that you would try and push Pac into this plan, cause I think you figure I'm a bomb and would like nothing more then for me to take someone out whose not aligned with you

You are a slimy, slithering hairy serpent

I say it again, what I was discussing with Pac is an extension of your own play from last night. You were content last night to get lynched as a bomb, and take out anyone. Here we have a situation where the town can test your reveal seemingly with controlled risk, since Pac said he's willing to hammer.

One of two things will happen.

You will have told the truth, and Pac will probably die with you. But then we get both of your alignments and context for D2 casing... and we lose a bomb and likely a roleless townie, because why else would Pac volunteer. I see this as pro-town, because it doesn't cost us any real power roles early on - and it removes your reveal wifom.

Or... you will have lied, and you will be lynched and flip scum. Also, pro-town and then we have to decide whether Pac was being uber townie martyr or busing you.

I'm talking scenarios out loud, which I'm sure you'll continue to try to spin as scummy. I always discuss scenarios out like this though, to ensure I've considered all variables.

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This is why I'm getting burnt out, what am I protesting? Me dying or ape trying to arrange a plan that involves someone other then him hammering.... (cause he thinks it's a hammer bomb)

And i'm not even protesting, I said I found it suspicious.. jesus

I never said you were protesting anything. But the self-vote, coupled with the reveal, seems contrived. That's all. Is it geniune burnout from you? Perhaps? Are you crafty enough to use that potential to your advantage? Perhaps.

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I say it again, what I was discussing with Pac is an extension of your own play from last night. You were content last night to get lynched as a bomb, and take out anyone. Here we have a situation where the town can test your reveal seemingly with controlled risk, since Pac said he's willing to hammer.

One of two things will happen.

You will have told the truth, and Pac will probably die with you. But then we get both of your alignments and context for D2 casing... and we lose a bomb and likely a roleless townie, because why else would Pac volunteer. I see this as pro-town, because it doesn't cost us any real power roles early on - and it removes your reveal wifom.

Or... you will have lied, and you will be lynched and flip scum. Also, pro-town and then we have to decide whether Pac was being uber townie martyr or busing you.

I'm talking scenarios out loud, which I'm sure you'll continue to try to spin as scummy. I always discuss scenarios out like this though, to ensure I've considered all variables.

I disagree with the bold - scum would love for us to take out 2 townies today, and eliminating a bomb from play that could have potentially killed one of them later on.

That being said, I just get the impression that CTM knew all this and is playing the part.

Either way, you're looking more and more eager for this to happen.

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I disagree with the bold - scum would love for us to take out 2 townies today, and eliminating a bomb from play that could have potentially killed one of them later on.

That being said, I just get the impression that CTM knew all this and is playing the part.

Either way, you're looking more and more eager for this to happen.

I always play eager.

I kicked the idea around when Pac mentioned it, but as CTM continues to make a fuss, I realize just how insincere he was about being burnt out last night. He doesn't want to die, not ONE bit.

Frankly, I'm not suggesting ANYTHING different that the play CTM tried to make last night, if he is a bomb, except we have a volunteer, who I fully expect to back out at the last minute anyway.

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The Trinity Killer. For decades he evaded police and the FBI. With no known identity, he was dubbed the "Trinity Killer" by Frank Lundy. He was so named because of his recurring pattern of three killings.

First, he would kill a young woman in a bathtub by slicing her femoral artery with a straight razor while putting her in a choke hold, and holding up a small mirror so that he can see her face as she dies.

His second victim is a married mother of two, whom he kidnaps and forces to jump to her death from an abandoned building.

His third victim is a father of two, whom he bludgeons to death with a hammer. At each site he places a small sample of his sister's ashes, and arranges the victim's arm to point at the ash. He has repeated this cycle in different cities all over the United States.

Now, he has settled on Miami as his current city of choice to kill in threes again. But who is he?

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I always play eager.

I kicked the idea around when Pac mentioned it, but as CTM continues to make a fuss, I realize just how insincere he was about being burnt out last night. He doesn't want to die, not ONE bit.

Frankly, I'm not suggesting ANYTHING different that the play CTM tried to make last night, if he is a bomb, except we have a volunteer, who I fully expect to back out at the last minute anyway.

And the fact that I woke up this morning and unvoted wasn't a hint that i was no longer wanting to bow out?

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And the fact that I woke up this morning and unvoted wasn't a hint that i was no longer wanting to bow out?

I'm not denying you no longer want to bow out, I'm saying you never wanted to. Not sure what you aren't following here.

I don't think you are a town bomb. I think you gave us a reveal that makes you hard to kill, and hard to vet, and it obviously comes with a change of heart to cover up the way you played last night.

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I'm not denying you no longer want to bow out, I'm saying you never wanted to. Not sure what you aren't following here.

I don't think you are a town bomb. I think you gave us a reveal that makes you hard to kill, and hard to vet, and it obviously comes with a change of heart to cover up the way you played last night.

I think you are likely not town aligned, know that i likely have no reason to lie and are trying orchestrate my lynch preferably with a townie hammering..

I can be vetted as soon as the cop is exposed, if they are worried about a watcher..

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I think you are likely not town aligned, know that i likely have no reason to lie and are trying orchestrate my lynch preferably with a townie hammering..

I can be vetted as soon as the cop is exposed, if they are worried about a watcher..

No. I'm not trying to orchestrate your lynch.. or I'd be voting you.

What I'm doing is calling you on being full of sh*t last night. You've done a complete 180. Your plan last night was NOT pro-town for the exact reasons you are stating that my interest in Pac's idea to lynch you and test you is not pro-town.

What I'm also doing, and I said this earlier, is seeing if Pac will make good on the uber townie martyr statement of calling you on your bluff. The fact that you can't see I'm calling him on his bravado bluff speaks to how ******* dumb you can be... or scummy. Your call.

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My girl just told me a co-worker gave her Celtics tickets. I'll be at the game tonight, and with clients tomorrow. It's time for someone else to drive... bunch of wallflowers.

**** bastketball - watch a hockey game.

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My girl just told me a co-worker gave her Celtics tickets. I'll be at the game tonight, and with clients tomorrow. It's time for someone else to drive... bunch of wallflowers.

Does your girl have to wear those blind dark glasses and carry a walking stick to make believe your a service animal to get you into public places.

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Meh.. my position really hasn't changed. If you guys want to lynch CTM, I'll hammer. Reason is simply because it's my busy month and I don't want to get trapped in a retard war for 2 weeks that hurts my brain.

If you want my "real" vote it's Smash or Brett.. either one is fine by me.

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**** bastketball - watch a hockey game.

We do when we get tickets. I don't turn down free tickets on an otherwise boring night of the week. I'll go eat hot dogs and watch overpaid a-holes slack off until the final 2 minutes, no problem!

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Does your girl have to wear those blind dark glasses and carry a walking stick to make believe your a service animal to get you into public places.

Does your wife have to wipe that canyon of a fat a$$ of yours after your 8 sh*ts a day?

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Leelou (3) - AVM, CTM, Ape

Ape (1) - Nolder

Crusher (1) - Vic

Brett (1) - Pac

Nolder (1) - Crusher

Not Voting (2) - Verbal, Smash

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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and another thing.. I don't know where this phony idea about me being afraid to hammer came from but it's bunk. I've hammered plenty and will continue to do so as I see fit.

You hammer lots... you also dance around hammers just as much. Now, find some feces and take a nap.

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