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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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Pac, you had a crappy reveal and even worse decisions on who to NK, just take the L as we take our victory laps.

The crappy reveal was based on a role I saw off the mafia wiki called the "actor". He can only vote if it causes a lynch.. so yeah... it's been used like a lot.. I shouldn't have assumed anyone would bother to look it up. guess everyones wrong about me making that role up.

Our NK's were genius. Killed Smash and Hess... you know, guys with guns that could have killed us.

go ahead and bash away though.. I know it must be fun.

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The crappy reveal was based on a role I saw off the mafia wiki called the "actor". He can only vote if it causes a lynch.. so yeah... it's been used like a lot.. I shouldn't have assumed anyone would bother to look it up.

Our NK's were genius. Killed Smash and Hess... you know, guys with guns that could have killed us.

go ahead and bash away though.. I know it must be fun.

To win? Yea. It is.

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Pac, the NKs did you in because you killed the players that could kill townies and double up on vest shots. A bunch of us have vests so with you killing the SKs, there was no way the scum could win the game. And, the actor claim was why I asked you what was the reward for the vote requirement. The thing is, from my PM, I knew Mod80 did a tradeoff. He said Im a miller, but I also got BPV. I wanted to see if you got something for it.

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Dude, your still the Miller and should be policy lynched...just saying...

That's totally the kind of lynch I was thinking about when I put CTM at L-1 *palmface*

Song is my heart song. I'll save myself for her

Awwwww. You pull my heart strings

PAC didn't tell you to self vote?

Im the hair grabbing, rough kind. JC is the rightan for the job.

Then I am definitely glad you are saving yourself for me, I like it rough.

Bye Lils!!! <3

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The crappy reveal was based on a role I saw off the mafia wiki called the "actor". He can only vote if it causes a lynch.. so yeah... it's been used like a lot.. I shouldn't have assumed anyone would bother to look it up. guess everyones wrong about me making that role up.

Our NK's were genius. Killed Smash and Hess... you know, guys with guns that could have killed us.

go ahead and bash away though.. I know it must be fun.

LOL, you mean the guys you needed to help you win the game? No, you didn't mean that because you're dumb.

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LOL, you mean the guys you needed to help you win the game? No, you didn't mean that because you're dumb.

Yep. Once the SK die it was like shooting fish in a bucket. I would say for three good players they sucked donkey balls in their choices.

Truth is the play of monkey and their poor NK choices cost them the game. After losing JiF, best damn scum hunter ever the town was on the ropes. But when monkey head faked with suggesting he may be LD the entire tone of the game changed. I was all over monkey until and he pressured me back. Until I gave him a good post to LD and then I noticed his game play was attenuated to a more sophisticated fact finding mission. This is obvious because he was immediately targeted for death. He set this entire victory up.

CTM sucks at mafia should take lessons from monkey maybe go read some of monkey's DM game dominations.

Pac I thought played well until he killed himself. Then he played like a girly boy.

All the serial killers where awesome. Even Brett, where I was upset my sweet Boopsie was taken so soon, but can;t argue the brilliance of killing best scum hunter ever.

I am off to church then Im going to the "Old Country Bugffet" and do damage like Ape playing mafia.. SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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BTW I could think of a 5 page Death Scene to end this that barely involves poor Lily except to say she was a victim of unfortunate circumstance. How she never asked for such a horrible fate being stuck with CTM and Pac. And then the rest would be an ultra longwinded diatribe about the inept, insufferable romantic failures of Dexter and Stepdad.

...I digress.

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BTW I could think of a 5 page Death Scene to end this that barely involves poor Lily except to say she was a victim of unfortunate circumstance. How she never asked for such a horrible fate being stuck with CTM and Pac. And then the rest would be an ultra longwinded diatribe about the inept, insufferable romantic failures of Dexter and Stepdad.

...I digress.

So write it up. Not like 80's doing anything

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