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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Out of rep...lol

Ape is the bad cop - he roughs up the scum, and the town.

Ape often relies on the cool, calm and collected townies to sort through the reactions he creates.

This is the way of teh mafia... post Ape-pocolypse. Deal with it twatty von twatsenberger.

Also "gaype" is CTM's joke... what were you saying about stealing material?

Gaype is the evolution of your name. That not stealing material. Its being a part of evolution. Darwin and sh*t.

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oh I was never planning on joining that game

I don't know you guys well enough to really participate in it

the best I could do is maybe spam spidey pics if I got Vic or threaten to hammer people and fall through if I was Pac

If you're gonna spam spidey you better DO IT RIGHT.

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Gaype is the evolution of your name. That not stealing material. Its being a part of evolution. Darwin and sh*t.

Get your own material. 2006 JIF is no different than 2012 JIF, except that 2006 JIF had a better chance of helping the town because you'd probably never even played mafia back then.

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And now we know Vic was not a spy in another life ... or he was a really bad one.

I knew that the minute I witnessed his first emo meltdown... pretty sure he had to have been a leaky faucet or a vagina in his previous life.

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Of all the people who play this game to treat like a lady, you pick Tran X?


And now we know Vic was not a spy in another life ... or he was a really bad one.

I'm the hispanic Maxwell Smart. Maximillano Inteligente.

I knew that the minute I witnessed his first emo meltdown... pretty sure he had to have been a leaky faucet or a vagina in his previous life.

And you were an a$$hole full of hemmroids.


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Right, you embraced the idea of carelessly lynching and getting through D1. Which was the first point I made about you. However, towards the end of D1 (after I made a push on you and Lily) you said you'd vote Nolder and me. You took 80 off your list. For anyone else that doesn't remember this, I'll be happy to bump the posts after my first re-read when day starts.

Oh yeah, you left out the part where you defended Lily. That was sort of a big deal.

Seen it... gives me half a chub knowing you watch it too... for the hawt gladiator sexy times...

I only merit half a chub?


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