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Hunger Games Mafia GAME THREAD


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The tributes slowly volunteered until finally the Gamemaker was satisfied.

Every tribute followed the pathway to board the train that would take them to the games. When they finally all board, the door slammed behind them.

The Hunger Games will start in 72 hours. In the mean time, feel free to walk around the train and introduce yourself... and plot.

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1. 18 Tributes. Every player is a survivor that wins by being the last player alive.

2. Players are allowed to make their own alliances. Any player can feel free to PM any other player,

and groups of players are allowed to create QT's so that they can speak more efficiently.

- Spirit of the Game issues are involved here. Obviously the Mod will not be able to track all these

communications, so players need to be respectful of the fundamentals of the game. This means not doing things

like secretly sending players a link to another QT so they can spectate. QT's should be protected to only

the people approved by the group. If players feel like their QT is corrupt, or they want to start a double-

secret QT with someone in that group, then just start a new QT.

3. Each night, players have the option of NKing, or obtaining an item.

Night Kills: Every player has a natural 25% success rate to kill. However, this success rate stacks when 1

target is chosen multiple times.

Example: Ape, Hess, and CTM have an alliance and choose to kill Jif. All 3 members PM mod that night

that they want to NK Jif. Jif then has a 75% chance of being killed.

This also stacks with other parties choosing the same person.

Example: Ape, Hess, and CTM have an alliance and choose to kill Jif. Nae and Lily also have an alliance

and each choose to kill Jif. Jif now has a 100% chance of dying.

4. Obtaining an Item:

Instead of using a NK, a player can PM the mod saying they would rather have an item. Item's will be randomly

selected for the player using the following distribution:

25% Chance - Melee Weapon - Player now has a permanent +10% chance success rate in NK's

25% Chance - Body Armor - Player now has a permanent -10% chance success to opponent when being NK'd

25% Chance - First Aid Kit - Player will survive 1 successful NK attempt (blocks bow)

25% chance - Bow and Arrow - Player gets 1 100% success NK attempt

To be used at ANY time, day or night, can be used concurrently with a NK attempt.

5. Losing Items

When a player dies, his/her items will be randomly distributed to all the players that participated in that kill.

A player will collect NO items when killing a player with a Bow and Arrow.

6. Lynches

Lynches will happen each day phase. No lynching is not an option.

7. Tie-Breaker

If 2 players are alive at end game, the winner will be selected by the following:

1st Tie Breaker - Player with the most kills.

NOTE: You can PM me at any time to ask how many kills you have. But quick rule of thumb is...

If you chose to NK, or Bow, somebody, and they died, you have a kill.

2nd Tie Breaker - Most kill attempts

3rd Tie Breaker - Participated in the most lynches.

4th Tie Breaker - Highest Post count.

MODERATOR INVOLVEMENT: I will be tracking vote counts, distributing items, and received all night actions.

I will not be involved in QT's and PM's between teams, so if you have any questions


Sponsor Thread: Once killed, there is no more participating via PM or QT with live players, you will be given a dead thread

to post in. Starting each night phase, dead players can vote for a player to receive an item... when the day phase starts, the player with the most votes wins. If there is a tie, both win.

Have fun with this. Secret alliances, back stabbing, going rogue, its all part of the game. This is a totally new

type of Mafia set-up so put a mark on it. Just follow the spirit of Mafia, or the game maker (me) will kill you in

a gruesome death.

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Mode Note PT 2: There are no role PM's to send out so don't be sitting around waiting for one. Or if you really want one, here...

"You are <insert name here>, tribute from District 12. You win by being the last surviving tribute of the 75 Annual Hunger Games. For more information on game play, read here

Oh, and pre-emptive GFY.

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I was going to co mod but Brett kept trying to stick it in my butt. I was like, "Who you think I am bitch, CTM.?" So Im gonna play instead. Still thinking the butt thing over.

Did he try to put a blonde wig on you?

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A word of advice, don't take anything anyone on this site says seriously... ever. Doing so will just drive you nuts.

Oh dear... You clearly have no idea who I am. I am quite certain that I can handle you boys! ;)

Would it ruin your night if I told you I've seen him say that to boys?


Thanks for ruining my night, JiF.

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