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Cannizzaro: Gang Green's New World Order


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Gang Green’s new world order

Jets Blog

Last Updated: 5:44 AM, May 25, 2012

Posted: 12:53 AM, May 25, 2012

mark_cannizzaro.pngMark Cannizzaro

Organized team activities — OTAs as they’re termed in NFL vernacular — are usually non-events.

They are voluntary pad-less practices, lost in the soft part of the league’s offseason calendar between the April draft and June veteran mini-camp and long before the arrival of training camp in late July.

Yet yesterday’s Jets OTA at their practice facility in Florham Park, N.J., where reporters were given a first look at newcomer Tim Tebow in a Jets uniform, felt like a main event. If you didn’t know any better, the overcrowding of media could have convinced you there was a game scheduled for Sunday.


Anthony J. Causi

GREEN TEAM: Quarterbacks Mark Sanchez (left) and Tim Tebow work together at the Jets’ organized team activity yesterday. Tebow struggled, throwing a pair of interceptions.

Consider this: The players had not yet filed into the locker room after completing their two-hour OTA session yesterday when the news bulletin had already aired on ESPN — Tebow had thrown two interceptions.

In a 7-on-7 drill. This was news. Honest.

We all need to get used to it.

Mark Sanchez certainly had better get used to it, because Tebow’s presence amps up the pressure on the Jets’ incumbent quarterback immeasurably.

Despite the hear-no-evil, see-no-evil tones coming from Sanchez, Tebow and Rex Ryan yesterday, this is the way it’s going to be until further notice: There will be an overblown reaction to everything Tebow does from brushing his teeth to choosing which breakfast cereal to eat to whom he’s spotted hanging out with off the field to every play he makes on the field.

The polarizing Tebow dynamic places enormous pressure on Sanchez, who has already been the most scrutinized player in New York since his arrival as the Jets’ first-round pick four years ago.

How Sanchez handles the pressure of Tebow’s presence and all that comes with it will be as much a determining factor to the Jets’ success as any this season.

Yesterday was a good day for Sanchez, who threw the ball well — better by a long shot than Tebow did.

But there will be bad days, too, rough patches during the season when anxious Jets fans will be chanting Tebow’s name.

Those days will come and Sanchez will either be tough enough to stave them off and show he is the better quarterback or he will be swallowed up by it.

“His popularity draws a lot [of attention], but at the same time I wouldn’t be in this position if I couldn’t handle it,’’ Sanchez said yesterday. “I’m prepared for it. It’s a new experience, but I have plenty to draw on — ups and downs, highs and lows of seasons and understanding this thing is a marathon not a [sprint] and not to get caught up in who completed what ball and who didn’t.’’

Fortunately, for Sanchez, he didn’t have to come home last night, plop onto his couch and watch ESPN report on the picks he threw right into the arms of linebacker Bart Scott and safety Yeremiah Bell in 7-on-7 drills. Tebow did.

Sanchez didn’t have an answer to questions about interceptions — “Tim, what did you see on that Bart Scott pick?’’ — even though it was a mere blip-on-the-screen mistake in a practice four months before a real game will be played.

Tebow seems less affected by it all than Sanchez, probably because he has been dealing with the circus around him longer than Sanchez has. The fact is, despite Sanchez being the Jets’ starter entering his fourth season in New York, this is a new world he and the Jets live in and it’s Tebow’s world.

“I know it’s a different and a tough situation for him,’’ said tight end Dustin Keller, one of Sanchez’ closest friends on the team. “But I think he’s going to be better for it. There was already all the pressure in the world on him being a starting quarterback in New York and now it’s going to get that much worse.

“But I feel like when the pressure is on him most that’s when he performs his best, so I think it will bring out the best in him.’’

It better, or the 2012 Jets will be doomed.


Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/jets/gang_green_new_world_order_XLlQOuzdwxyiWHW4UnK4OL#ixzz1vszipLS3

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Sorry for the double post. When I posed it first time I got an error message so I hit send again.

This Tebow thing has really gotten out of hand. Kind of funny really.

Yesterday I was watching ESPN right after the Jets OTA's ended. They actually had a live report from Jets camp, and the BIG story was that Tebow had thrown 2 pics in OTA's. Big national news.

This has really gotten crazy. I hope Mark does the rest of the preseason, just what he did yesterday. Just come out, and quietly do his job.

If Sanchez had thrown the two pic's in the OTA (which will happen soon) ESPN would have used it as their lead story. Screw the NBA, and NHL's playoffs, Tebow's ahead in the pre camp, pre camp, OTA's.

This is really funny

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Sorry for the double post. When I posed it first time I got an error message so I hit send again.

This Tebow thing has really gotten out of hand. Kind of funny really.

Yesterday I was watching ESPN right after the Jets OTA's ended. They actually had a live report from Jets camp, and the BIG story was that Tebow had thrown 2 pics in OTA's. Big national news.

This has really gotten crazy. I hope Mark does the rest of the preseason, just what he did yesterday. Just come out, and quietly do his job.

If Sanchez had thrown the two pic's in the OTA (which will happen soon) ESPN would have used it as their lead story. Screw the NBA, and NHL's playoffs, Tebow's ahead in the pre camp, pre camp, OTA's.

This is really funny

This is just the start.....

I'll stand by my feelings that bringing in Tebow was the worst thing this franchise could have done. The media circus and the Tebow followers are going to be a major distraction the first time the Jets lose or struggle.

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Sorry for the double post. When I posed it first time I got an error message so I hit send again.

This Tebow thing has really gotten out of hand. Kind of funny really.

Yesterday I was watching ESPN right after the Jets OTA's ended. They actually had a live report from Jets camp, and the BIG story was that Tebow had thrown 2 pics in OTA's. Big national news.

This has really gotten crazy. I hope Mark does the rest of the preseason, just what he did yesterday. Just come out, and quietly do his job.

If Sanchez had thrown the two pic's in the OTA (which will happen soon) ESPN would have used it as their lead story. Screw the NBA, and NHL's playoffs, Tebow's ahead in the pre camp, pre camp, OTA's.

This is really funny

Its is funny. The Tebow stuff I'm used to...but it would be refreshing to read something about how his presence is positive, which I believe it is. All you read is the doom and gloom QB controversy stuff. The reality is, if Mark is any bit of a QB, there is no controversy. I'd just like read a different take. The teammate Tebow can be, the versatility he brings to the field, the leadership in a broken locker room, the fact if Sanchez goes down he can win games for a sustained period of time, the fact his attention may actually take some pressure off Mark for a change. It just getting old to read how this is going to be disaster when nobody has a ******* clue. Why not be the writer who takes a different stance?

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Sorry for the double post. When I posed it first time I got an error message so I hit send again.

This Tebow thing has really gotten out of hand. Kind of funny really.

Yesterday I was watching ESPN right after the Jets OTA's ended. They actually had a live report from Jets camp, and the BIG story was that Tebow had thrown 2 pics in OTA's. Big national news.

This has really gotten crazy. I hope Mark does the rest of the preseason, just what he did yesterday. Just come out, and quietly do his job.

If Sanchez had thrown the two pic's in the OTA (which will happen soon) ESPN would have used it as their lead story. Screw the NBA, and NHL's playoffs, Tebow's ahead in the pre camp, pre camp, OTA's.

This is really funny

I dont think that it is even close to being out of hand yet. When there are full Jet fan on Jet fan brawls in the meadowlands parking lots due to tebow vs sanchize I will concede it has gotten out of hand.

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PS; This was supposed to be quoting JiF's post. For some reason the board hates me today and refuses to do what I tell it to

Agree 100%

Except for the media blitzkrieg. I can't think of a negative result of Tebow being a Jet. I'm not a Tebow guy, I'm a Canes fan, I hated Tebow when he was with the Gators. I hated him because he was so FN good.

I have grown to like Sanchez, his main problem is he is immature, and makes bad decisions. Perhaps this will help him develop, and mature. He is out of the spot light for right now. If he can play within himself i think this will in the long haul be a good thing for the Jets.

The optimum situation for the Jets is that Mark just comes out and plays to his skill set, which I think is fairly high. Moves the ball, once or twice a game hits Hill or Schillens for a bomb, doesn't turn the ball over.

No other back up QB brings to the field what Tebow does. Maybe ever. He won't cause problems. The only problem is the fickle fans. If the FO is smart, the fans won't have a voice in it. If they come out 4-1 first 5 games, Sanchez does his job, Tebow does his job, All is good in Jets land.

If Sanchez can't handle the pressure, throws 8 picks in first 5 games, and starts out 1-4 then he doesn't deserve to be the starting QB. Period.

PS; This was supposed to be quoting JiF's post. For some reason the board hates me today and refuses to do what I tell it to

Then I'm really glad Tebow is here. With the Jets D, and a decent running game they can still win with Tebow. He'll do what he is coached to do.

I'm hoping the rest of camp goes just the way yesterday went.

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the media over blows everything and then comments on how everything is overblown, and then more or less says the jets are lying when they say they aren't being impacted buy the media

so the media writing about the media


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