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Jack has evolved...playing another game with him at MJ...definitely not as reckless as when he last played here...could be he's scum in both games...lol.

You play on sites other than JN? Heh. Had no idea... the play here is truly the best because the banter is the best.

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For those with children.. Make sure you make them eat lots of fruits and most importantly leafy green veggies when they are young... Studies show that the diet they have now is the most critical thing you can do to protect them against future disease, unfortunately, the Standard American Diet is largely manufactured garbage filled with toxic pesticides, unnatural hormone loads and genetically modified crops.... it's downright toxic..

//cue hippie jokes

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Not sure how you could say I was chasing momentum on Day 1...when I specifically stated my Top 3...and pretty much held to my board...now I did flip/flop on the Vic/Pac controversy but I was more confused than calculated.

The Vic/Pac flip was what I was referencing. You didn't seem to be trying to figure it out, just unvoted Vic, and when I poked around at Pac, you followed me there. So you chased momentum, or you were confused. Obviously one or the other.

Right now because of your top 3 being a list of opportunistic names with bad reasoning, I'm leaning toward you being opportunistic not confused.

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For those with children.. Make sure you make them eat lots of fruits and most importantly leafy green veggies when they are young... Studies show that the diet they have now is the most critical thing you can do to protect them against future disease, unfortunately, the Standard American Diet is largely manufactured garbage filled with toxic pesticides, unnatural hormone loads and genetically modified crops.... it's downright toxic.. //cue hippie jokes

This. 100% truth.

Also... you dirty ******* hippie.

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For those with children.. Make sure you make them eat lots of fruits and most importantly leafy green veggies when they are young... Studies show that the diet they have now is the most critical thing you can do to protect them against future disease, unfortunately, the Standard American Diet is largely manufactured garbage filled with toxic pesticides, unnatural hormone loads and genetically modified crops.... it's downright toxic..

//cue hippie jokes

Smoke weed, drinking booze and **** bitches with no jimmy hat as soon as possible = much more fulfilling life.

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You play on sites other than JN? Heh. Had no idea... the play here is truly the best because the banter is the best.

First played at MJ a couple of years ago...Lily invited me over...ignored it for a couple of years then returned for the game we are playing now. Just trying to sharpen the skills. The game there is relatively slow compared to here and I've already pissed off some of the regulars...not sure what I did. lol.

The JN mafia is the best.

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I'm really kinda doing Meta thing on Jack D. But Im almost sure he is Pete or Dragonburger (sp.) from DM. He is so crazy subdued this game. not scum hunting and just coasting like he is staying low. Pretty sure he is scum o. Would be my best bet.

Lulz you can't really expect me to play the same as I did a year ago. Just saying. I'm trying to be a less self obsessed a$$ like the ape and move more towards the center. I still get crazy ideas, and I have unconventional methods, but I'm trying to artfully play them, so I get taken serious and can be more effective.

Also Ape, sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I'll keep him in my prayers. Stay strong.

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First played at MJ a couple of years ago...Lily invited me over...ignored it for a couple of years then returned for the game we are playing now. Just trying to sharpen the skills. The game there is relatively slow compared to here and I've already pissed off some of the regulars...not sure what I did. lol.

The JN mafia is the best.

Don't worry about pissing off the regs. Every game I play I usually do.

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Cancer is so horrible. One of my all time favorite patients for about ten years only has weeks left from Pancreatic cancer. He took me to my first Nascar race in Richmond about 5 years ago. Hated the race loved the tailgating and biker lady boobies everywhere. Such a sad thing.. Been checking on him weekly and now he isn;t talking just hanging in their with his hospice nurse and kids, Such a horrible disease. I know this is weird but a book called "Creating Health" by Deepok Chopra has pretty awesome chapter visualization therapy for cancer people I have recomended hundreds of time that someone might want to do.

I will pick up the book and send it to him. Thanks for the advice.

Actually, there was one other time cancer hit close to home for me. A friend I worked with for about 2 months, late 50's, old Madison Ave copy writer, who was doing side-work in the Midwest. We were on a project together at a point where I was frustrated and contemplating career change. He talked me out of it. I remember conducting a brainstorming session and him standing because his back hurt too much to sit, he spent the weekend at the hospital, a week later he was gone. Pancreatic cancer.

Guy reminded me how talented I am. Pushed me to leave the Midwest and got back East where agencies would know what to do with me, rather than waste my ideas in an non-risk-taking environment. I owe him a lot.

Sorry to hear this, Ape.

Thank Leelou. Obviously this is a large part of why I've been non-committal on getting together.

Cancer is teh suck, really is...

Absolutely teh suck.

This. Damn, Ape, he must of lit up like a Christmas tree on his last scan. That is such a hollowing feeling. The same happened to my uncle. He stopped treatment, was sent home and waited. I hope your FIL is not in a lot of pain. My uncle was and all the doc could do was prescribe him a crapload of morphine.

So far, his pain is minimal. Doc's think they can get him to remission. My girl and I are playing the role of eternal optimists right now, because someone has to, and not all of her family is handling it well.

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Smoke weed, drinking booze and **** bitches with no jimmy hat as soon as possible = much more fulfilling life.

For a self-professed old school punk rock kid - you sure sound like a paint-chip eating frat boy at times.

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For those with children.. Make sure you make them eat lots of fruits and most importantly leafy green veggies when they are young... Studies show that the diet they have now is the most critical thing you can do to protect them against future disease, unfortunately, the Standard American Diet is largely manufactured garbage filled with toxic pesticides, unnatural hormone loads and genetically modified crops.... it's downright toxic..

//cue hippie jokes

Agreed. Funny the wife and I went strictly paleo. Caveman diet basically eliminated the junk food and pasta. Still working on the kids but last night my daughter and her friend were munching on our okra chips and loving it. Should have them converted soon. lol.

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So far, his pain is minimal. Doc's think they can get him to remission. My girl and I are playing the role of eternal optimists right now, because someone has to, and not all of her family is handling it well.

Seriously, someone has to and it's good that you & your fiance have taken up that role.

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The Vic/Pac flip was what I was referencing. You didn't seem to be trying to figure it out, just unvoted Vic, and when I poked around at Pac, you followed me there. So you chased momentum, or you were confused. Obviously one or the other.

Right now because of your top 3 being a list of opportunistic names with bad reasoning, I'm leaning toward you being opportunistic not confused.

Dude, I agreed with your logic that Pac was spinning the game dynamics...I just didn't see the trap...when he announced it I quickly removed my vote...since then you tried to see something devious in that...hence...your contradictory logic puts you up on my list.

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For a self-professed old school punk rock kid - you sure sound like a paint-chip eating frat boy at times.

My bad. Get drunk and high on your dad's stash, ride your skateboard while listening to Circle Jerks and **** bitches.


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Lulz you can't really expect me to play the same as I did a year ago. Just saying. I'm trying to be a less self obsessed a$$ like the ape and move more towards the center. I still get crazy ideas, and I have unconventional methods, but I'm trying to artfully play them, so I get taken serious and can be more effective.

Also Ape, sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I'll keep him in my prayers. Stay strong.

Cool story bro. I miss the Old Jack.

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Dude, I agreed with your logic that Pac was spinning the game dynamics...I just didn't see the trap...when he announced it I quickly removed my vote...since then you tried to see something devious in that...hence...your contradictory logic puts you up on my list.

I don't see where I'm being contradictory. I thought I've made it clear, I'm suspicious of you NOT because of what you said you did or didn't agree with, but because of your flaky, impulsive voting. Like the example you've given here and just about everything else we've discussed, you attention to detail is not where it usually is.

Our argument about your top 3 early on D1, JIF, 80 and Vic, you gave horrible reasons for those, which came across as disingenuous and that is why I suggested you were going after low-hanging fruit. The vote leader, Vic, and 2 easy D1 lynches in 80 and JIF.

When you unvoted Vic, it was after his reveal it looked very townie of you to do so, you said you'd come back later after re-reading, and get into details more. You never did. Instead, you quoted my post about Pac, and voted him and scurried off again. When Pac announced his trap, you unvoted quickly, but the way it came across is because the momentum was dead there.

Townie Jetscode usually stands pat on D1, knowing where the informative lynch is. Not attaching himself to other people's cases like you were doing. At least this is what I've come to expect from you, and you and I have this back-and-forth thing with reading each other, so I feel pretty good about my read on you.

Since D1 you've been listed by a handful of people as suspicious and I feel on D2 you've been putting on a fake scumhunting show to look more townie, and less opportunistic like you were D1.

My suspicion of you is not based on anything that contradicts my own logic, it's based on observing your play. If you are going to keep dropping the "contradictory logic" accusation about me, at least back it up with a better explanation, because I don't even understand what you are implying to be honest.

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I'm no different in real life than I am in Mafia.

So if there's a serial killer uncaught on the news, it's not you. Gotcha.

Leaving for Raleigh in 2 hours.

The one and only time I'll ever say this. Beat the living **** out of those sons a' *****es and their ****ing dip **** fans.


Everyone else in North Carolina


CTM (1) -- JF80

JC (2) -- Smash, Christine

Ape (1) -- Verbal

Tina (5) -- Jack, WWWombat, Hess, Leelou, CTM

JF80 (1) -- JC

Jack (2) -- Crusher, JiF

Nolder (2) -- Ape, AVM

With 16 Robert Fischers, it takes 9 to lynch out of the dream level

I don't know how this vote count was quoted...meant to quote CTM on one of the cancer posts. But here Verb...you can take the tampon out now, the count is here.

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