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Merged: The Wayne Hunter Thread


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actually signing tebow was brilliant. only chance of putting butts in the seats during a lost season.

Woody underestimates Jets fans/New Yorkers....most see right through this gimmick. If the Jets have 4 wins in December...no one is showing up to watch Tebow throw for 90 yards and run around like Popke.

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would i be a fair weather fan if I decided not to watch another season of Wayne Fvcking Hunter giving up sacks/jumping off sides/holding penalties and just generally sh*tting on the majority of our offensive drives? Really, I watched it last season and I am not looking forward to wayne sucks 2.0...

On the other hand, will we be able to find a servicable tackle at this time of the year? If we are planning on picking up a roster cut, how good can they be? We will be schladeraffed. We obviously dont have anyone on the roster ATM because there is no way we leave Hunter in to get repeated loads blown onto his face by every DL on the giants for the entire 1st half. That is unless they want Sanchez hurt, i mean that could be a plausable reason...

C'MON MIKE T!!! Work some fvcking magic!!!!!

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well worth the read i could not have summed it up better

this paragraph was so dumb

Yes, Sanchez threw an interception that was returned for a touchdown, a trait that plagued and doomed both him and the team in the regular season last year. Yes, it was a poor decision, made worse by poor fundamentals. But Sanchez was spooked by a couple of quarters of being treated like a ragdoll because of Hunter's wretched play.

so let's get this straight they pay Mark Sanchez 10 million dollars a year that's like $750,000 per week and now we are supposed to say he's spooked by previous pressure into a pick 6? Imaginary Pressure is an excuse?


yeah Wayne Sucks there are alot of sucky right tackles out there. Get the ball out faster Mark.

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anyone hear mark schlereth on with stephen A today ?

he was honest about hunter. said he just doesn't have the side to side skills to play outside, and like other OT's drafted (raider and a cowboy) to play outside, might be moved inside to guard. he said he is a problem, and the jets need to move on from him


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Did he really say that?? Really? Cause as much as I hate him I don't want to believe he would say something like that cause man... That's just dick...

well he said that if he didnt play he would get benched etc...it was my own interpretation that since he got paid he doesnt really care that he sucks and not making the extra effort ....look at what our new starter just did, trying to earn that next contract, saving sanchezs alll night against CAR...and hunter well he came in a let sanchez get sacked again...


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so here we are a week later, Hunter is replaced with Howard, he looks good and the offense still struggles.

Say it with me: It's not the OL. It never was the OL.

In fact, the line is easily the best part of the offense. (Not saying much). but still, the Jets are the only team in football with 3 2011 pro bowlers on the line.

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so here we are a week later, Hunter is replaced with Howard, he looks good and the offense still struggles.

Say it with me: It's not the OL. It never was the OL.

In fact, the line is easily the best part of the offense. (Not saying much). but still, the Jets are the only team in football with 3 2011 pro bowlers on the line.

So it was Sanchez' fault last night as well, as you have been saying.

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So it was Sanchez' fault last night as well, as you have been saying.

Sanchez was better and that's a positive step. But I feel like there's open receivers he's missing, there's reads he could be making faster. But overall it was better.

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well he said that if he didnt play he would get benched etc...it was my own interpretation that since he got paid he doesnt really care that he sucks and not making the extra effort ....look at what our new starter just did, trying to earn that next contract, saving sanchezs alll night against CAR...and hunter well he came in a let sanchez get sacked again...


Your interpretation of I wasn't playing well and will do whatever I can to help the team is that he doesn't care? He said he was going back to a position he had already excelled at (jumbo blocking TE) and he was going to concentrate on doing whatever he could to help the team and just work on getting better. Not sure what quote you are talking about, but I saw him talking and he gave a Tebow level interview. "I just want to help the team and keep improving".

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But I feel like there's open receivers he's missing, there's reads he could be making faster.

The scary thing is that I'm not sure he can. You know how every other quarterback in the entire goddamn league has to make throws where the ball comes out before the receiver comes open out of his break? Sanchez never does that. Ever. He needs to see his guy open before he'll pull the trigger and he doesn't seem to pay any attention to anything else while he's standing there gawking. So what happens is that the entire passing offense has to be made up of routes where the receiver comes open at the snap and stays open until the ball gets there like quick slants and outs, plus downfield heaves. We're working with half a playbook here.

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The scary thing is that I'm not sure he can.

With the volume of starts and experience he has by now, the little things that he still hasn't gotten down don't seem like matters of just waiting for it to happen anymore. He shouldn't be locked in like he still is on every play. It's excruciating to watch. This franchise couldn't have handled him any worse to boot. Damaged goods me thinks.

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so here we are a week later, Hunter is replaced with Howard, he looks good and the offense still struggles.

Say it with me: It's not the OL. It never was the OL.

In fact, the line is easily the best part of the offense. (Not saying much). but still, the Jets are the only team in football with 3 2011 pro bowlers on the line.

It is and it isn't. At least with Howard, Sanchez had time to get the ball down field. With Hunter in there he's eating turf or, at best, dumping the ball off. But I agree, there are other glaring weaknesses. I am trying to figure out how Greene is getting a pass here. He looks horrendous -- a #1 back in no way, shape or form. He sucks bad enough to make me miss Thomas Jones. And, the receiving corps is a joke -- but not the funny, ha-ha kind. Sanchez has his own warts.

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