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Who Loves Mark Sanchez?


Who Loves Mark Sanchez?   

81 members have voted

  1. 1. My opinion of Mark Sanchez is....

    • He's a very good QB or better who's been hamstrung by Schottenheimer and Tannenbaum's ineptitude
    • He generally sucks, but I still haven't given up on him. He does start for the team I root for and stuff.
    • Maybe he'll get it in his 30's like Gannon or Plunkett, but he'll never be a good QB on the Jets.
    • He was born sucking and he'll suck until the day he dies.

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In a lot of threads here, whether people are just bashing Sanchez, or clamouring for Tebow to start over him, there seems to be this common theme... Apparently, there's a bunch of Sanchez lovers, worshippers, etc., who need to be told repeatedly, over and over again, just how terrible Mark Sanchez really is in order to be effectively cured or deprogrammed of said love or worship.

Who are these people? I've counted two. I wonder if they'll even step up, or if there are more of them, and this public service the deprogrammers are providing is really necessary.

What you should hav said slats is two that bother to argue the point. Just because all the Sanchez supporters do not get into heated debates with the haters does not mean they do not exist. The number is 13 and counting and if you made the poll a little more realistic the number would have been even more.

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Not for nothing, but O'Brien's slow release was the main reason he got mugged. The rules didn't have all that much to do with it.

O'brien got mugged because he held onto the ball way way too long ha nothing to do with his release which was damn good .

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He's better than most people on this board give him credit for.

He's a good young NFL QB, who like most other good young NFL QB's, needs 3-5 years in this league to be VERY good, if not elite. He makes mistakes, but that's normal.

That said, the Jets management and coaching staff have not helped his development.

If he doesn't develop here, he will somewhere else.

He's a talented kid and he's tougher than most people think.

In my 45 years of watching NFL football, I've never seen a 3rd year QB who has had as much success as he has, been so maligned by his own team's fanbase.

Only Jet fans.

JW what your seeing for the most part are the same 5-7 posters who blame everything offense on the QB no matter what the circumstances its all they understand. They quote one sided arguements generated by the PFF and FO and that means it must be right. When none of those sites offer information on what surrounds the QB's in question. Then the arguement becomes the QB makes everyone around him better. The arguements are comical and most who support their QB choose not to bother with said posters because most of the time the arguements turn into trolling and joking and who can be the bigger jokester when refering to our QB.

You can bet this year they will get more ammo claiming that Manning made the Broncos better which we all know he will because in the case of Tim Tebow he actully does suck at the position. But that will become irrelevant. They cant differentiate between an offense that ALWAYS throws the football and has just about every skill player capable of receiving those passes. Its a lot different when you have a team that wants to run the football because the coach wants the emphasis put on the defense and controling the football. The biggest problem Sanchez has faced IMO has been the lack of talent around him at one level or another on offense and people thinking he can just flip a switch and get into a rhythm when we've been pounding the ball for most of the game.

I happen to think Sparano will be different than Shott who made some really stupid calls at times when Sanchez seemed to be getting on a roll. I think Sparano is better than that and while I was opposed to bringing in Tebow and Im opposed to the wildcat since I feel it is a disruption all we can hope for is that if Mark is on a roll just let him go and see what he can create rather than becoming one dimentional with the wildcat. bringing in Tebow for a few plays a game does not guarantee he will be accurate if he decides to throw the football out of the wildcat formation he wont be in the same situation he was last year by being on the field every play. He will be coming in cold and might just miss his receiver by 10 yards like we have seen so far on his intermeadiate passes in the preseason so far.

What this team needs more than Tim Tebow right now is a real threat out of the back field and once again the Jets chose to ignore that and draft a running back in the 6th round. If we are going to be Ground and Pound and that portion of th offense fails it will once again render this team one dimentional. We saw 5 drops last night I hope that changes during the season but Im not sure it will.

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JW what your seeing for the most part are the same 5-7 posters who blame everything offense on the QB no matter what the circumstances its all they understand. They quote one sided arguements generated by the PFF and FO and that means it must be right. When none of those sites offer information on what surrounds the QB's in question.

You quite literally could not be more wrong about this.


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You quite literally could not be more wrong about this.


Well then does it not become what their opinion is of said talent ? Are these guys breaking down every play of every QB in the NFL to see exactly whats happening ? I doubt it. I mean how many times did we see Shotty call plays on 3rd and 8 and have all 5 Receivers run 5 yards curl routes ? The only way you can get a true evaluation of an offense and a player in general is to have access to the playbook and the coaches film. The coaches have the best vantage point as to whats going on and your not going to get the truth either way out of them.

I remember a few times last year when Mangold was hurt and Sanchez was getting killed up the middle and the commentator showed all the receivers backs to the QB . While I know this was not every play it certainly seemed to happen a lot. Im not sure how a Qb can function under those circumstances and it boggles my mind how a OC cant make an adjustment to run more screens and shorten some of the routes, or even teach a WR how to read a freakin blitz.

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Well then does it not become what their opinion is of said talent ? Are these guys breaking down every play of every QB in the NFL to see exactly whats happening ? I doubt it. I mean how many times did we see Shotty call plays on 3rd and 8 and have all 5 Receivers run 5 yards curl routes ? The only way you can get a true evaluation of an offense and a player in general is to have access to the playbook and the coaches film. The coaches have the best vantage point as to whats going on and your not going to get the truth either way out of them.

I remember a few times last year when Mangold was hurt and Sanchez was getting killed up the middle and the commentator showed all the receivers backs to the QB . While I know this was not every play it certainly seemed to happen a lot. Im not sure how a Qb can function under those circumstances and it boggles my mind how a OC cant make an adjustment to run more screens and shorten some of the routes, or even teach a WR how to read a freakin blitz.

WR read a blitz, that is the qb's job. Your making it out as if the qb is not the single most important position in the team. An elite qb can turn the whole team into a monster, look at the Colts, perfect example of a crap team that was only dominant because of a legendary qb.

JW what your seeing for the most part are the same 5-7 posters who blame everything offense on the QB no matter what the circumstances its all they understand. They quote one sided arguements generated by the PFF and FO and that means it must be right. When none of those sites offer information on what surrounds the QB's in question. Then the arguement becomes the QB makes everyone around him better. The arguements are comical and most who support their QB choose not to bother with said posters because most of the time the arguements turn into trolling and joking and who can be the bigger jokester when refering to our QB.

You can bet this year they will get more ammo claiming that Manning made the Broncos better which we all know he will because in the case of Tim Tebow he actully does suck at the position. But that will become irrelevant. They cant differentiate between an offense that ALWAYS throws the football and has just about every skill player capable of receiving those passes. Its a lot different when you have a team that wants to run the football because the coach wants the emphasis put on the defense and controling the football. The biggest problem Sanchez has faced IMO has been the lack of talent around him at one level or another on offense and people thinking he can just flip a switch and get into a rhythm when we've been pounding the ball for most of the game.

I happen to think Sparano will be different than Shott who made some really stupid calls at times when Sanchez seemed to be getting on a roll. I think Sparano is better than that and while I was opposed to bringing in Tebow and Im opposed to the wildcat since I feel it is a disruption all we can hope for is that if Mark is on a roll just let him go and see what he can create rather than becoming one dimentional with the wildcat. bringing in Tebow for a few plays a game does not guarantee he will be accurate if he decides to throw the football out of the wildcat formation he wont be in the same situation he was last year by being on the field every play. He will be coming in cold and might just miss his receiver by 10 yards like we have seen so far on his intermeadiate passes in the preseason so far.

What this team needs more than Tim Tebow right now is a real threat out of the back field and once again the Jets chose to ignore that and draft a running back in the 6th round. If we are going to be Ground and Pound and that portion of th offense fails it will once again render this team one dimentional. We saw 5 drops last night I hope that changes during the season but Im not sure it will.

Schotty contrary to popular belief wasn't that bad of an oc. He knew that to win in this league you have got to be able to pass the ball. Hence his emphasis on passing the ball. Mark Sanchez has been sucking for the last couple of years and he was a victim of having a crappy qb. Whether or not Sanchez will suck this year is up in the unknown after last game, but one game is not going to change my opinion of him sucking.

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He's better than most people on this board give him credit for.

He's a good young NFL QB, who like most other good young NFL QB's, needs 3-5 years in this league to be VERY good, if not elite. He makes mistakes, but that's normal.

That said, the Jets management and coaching staff have not helped his development.

If he doesn't develop here, he will somewhere else.

He's a talented kid and he's tougher than most people think.

In my 45 years of watching NFL football, I've never seen a 3rd year QB who has had as much success as he has, been so maligned by his own team's fanbase.

Only Jet fans.

Success was more a part of his team, then him. Plus, when you see rookie qb's blowing it up in the league, Cam newton, Andy Dalton, and soon to be Russell Wilson, it doesn't help.

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WR read a blitz, that is the qb's job. Your making it out as if the qb is not the single most important position in the team. An elite qb can turn the whole team into a monster, look at the Colts, perfect example of a crap team that was only dominant because of a legendary qb.

Ahh ok so WR's dont read blitz's I can see you have some real football knowledge.

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Sweet merciful crap.

Sweet merciful crap ? You think these guys are breaking down every single play of every game on both sides of the ball and seeing how QB's and WR's react in real time ? I guess all the NFL coaches provide these guys with playbooks as well.

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WR read a blitz, that is the qb's job. Your making it out as if the qb is not the single most important position in the team. An elite qb can turn the whole team into a monster, look at the Colts, perfect example of a crap team that was only dominant because of a legendary qb.

Schotty contrary to popular belief wasn't that bad of an oc. He knew that to win in this league you have got to be able to pass the ball. Hence his emphasis on passing the ball. Mark Sanchez has been sucking for the last couple of years and he was a victim of having a crappy qb. Whether or not Sanchez will suck this year is up in the unknown after last game, but one game is not going to change my opinion of him sucking.

Not without an offensive line, he can't.

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Success was more a part of his team, then him. Plus, when you see rookie qb's blowing it up in the league, Cam newton, Andy Dalton, and soon to be Russell Wilson, it doesn't help.

Who exactly did Sanchez have his rookie year that even remotely compared to Steve Smith , and AJ Greene and dont mention Russell Wison in this comparision since he has nothing to show yet. if we based play on preseason Brett Ratliff would have gotten a chance to play in a t least a few games as a Jet

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Success was more a part of his team, then him. Plus, when you see rookie qb's blowing it up in the league, Cam newton, Andy Dalton, and soon to be Russell Wilson, it doesn't help.

Rookie QB's blowing it up in the league?

Cam Newton? Andy Dalton?

Good God.

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Rookie QB's blowing it up in the league?

Cam Newton? Andy Dalton?

Good God.

Really, both pro bowler qb's in their rookie years and they were not blowing it up? I guess Sanchez was definitely much better than them right?

you realize what your dealing with here right ?

I know you do

Going to insults cause you know you have a failing argument.

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Not without an offensive line, he can't.

Well considering that Manning was playing with pretty god awful o line for most of his career, yes, yes he can blow it up with a crap o line. BTW, I said single most important position, I never knew O line was a single position.

Ahh ok so WR's dont read blitz's I can see you have some real football knowledge.

Oh, so I guess the wr is calling the plays reading the blitzes and adjusting line covers to huh. Apparently the qb doesn't read the blitz though, so I guess that shouldn't be put on Sanchize.

Who exactly did Sanchez have his rookie year that even remotely compared to Steve Smith , and AJ Greene and dont mention Russell Wison in this comparision since he has nothing to show yet. if we based play on preseason Brett Ratliff would have gotten a chance to play in a t least a few games as a Jet

Well he had the number one rushing offense, the number one defense, a beast o line and decent receivers so yes, compared to Cam I would expect him to be doing well.

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Really, both pro bowler qb's in their rookie years and they were not blowing it up? I guess Sanchez was definitely much better than them right?

Going to insults cause you know you have a failing argument.

Not insults at all, I just dont think you know much about the game based on a few pretty bad comments.

What exactly is my failing arguement ? Also how many of the real QB's didnt show up for the pro bowl so newton and daulton could be selected ? Im guessing since newton made the pro bowl He had a better season than Rodgers, Brees, Ryan, Smith , Romo, and Eli right ??? Is this what your pushing ? Shall I name the AFC QB's that Daulton outplayed as well ? Give it up

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Well he had the number one rushing offense, the number one defense, a beast o line and decent receivers so yes, compared to Cam I would expect him to be doing well.

This is not even the same concept how do you bring Defense into the arguement on how a QB performed ? Sanchez has had has been cast off garbage talent around him since he got into the league.

I really have to stop wasting my thime with this.

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Not insults at all, I just dont think you know much about the game based on a few pretty bad comments.

What exactly is my failing arguement ? Also how many of the real QB's didnt show up for the pro bowl so newton and daulton could be selected ? Im guessing since newton made the pro bowl He had a better season that Rodgers, Brees, Ryan, Smith , Romo, and Eli right ??? Ids this what your pushing ? Shall I name the AFC QB's that Daulton outplayed as well ? Give it up

4,000 yards passing and 3,400 yards passing in their rookie season and they weren't blowing it up. Hah, how many other rookie qbs have done what they have done. Wow, I never knew rodgers and brees didn't show up. Odd I could've sworn I saw them their. Your failing argument is that the qb shouldn't be responsible for the blitz and yet I make bad football comments. Hah, that is probably the stupidest thing I ever heard, I guess like what you said the wr should be the one reading the blitzes.

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This is not even the same concept how do you bring Defense into the arguement on how a QB performed ? Sanchez has had has been cast off garbage talent around him since he got into the league.

I really have to stop wasting my thime with this.

I bring defense into it because it puts less pressure on the qb to perform. Basically, he can get away with making more mistakes without feeling like he just lost the game for the team. Also, it doesn't put pressure on him to score so he can play to his pace.

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4,000 yards passing and 3,400 yards passing in their rookie season and they weren't blowing it up. Hah, how many other rookie qbs have done what they have done. Wow, I never knew rodgers and brees didn't show up. Odd I could've sworn I saw them their. Your failing argument is that the qb shouldn't be responsible for the blitz and yet I make bad football comments. Hah, that is probably the stupidest thing I ever heard, I guess like what you said the wr should be the one reading the blitzes.

Show me where exactly I said the QB is not responsible for the blitz I'll allow you to quote me on it too. Your making up bullsh*t to support a bogus arguement . You have no idea what the hell your talking about and your trying to make It look Like I said something I NEVER said.

Let me explain something to you, sometimes more than one player has to actully read what the defense is showing them and react. This is actully why you practice many variations of a given play its not ALL just on the QB. So go ahead and quote me I'll wait patiently.

Also when it comes to Daulton and Newton i thin both players had very nice years but to call them pro bowlers is a joke along with the fact the pro bowl itself is a hot joke. When I think of a pro bowler I think of the best 1 or 2 players at their respective position for that season and Newton and Daulton were not close in that respect. Newton is an exciting player I think he has a shot to be a great player but just because he broke a rookie passing record does not mean he can sustain a high level of play his entire career.

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Well then does it not become what their opinion is of said talent ? Are these guys breaking down every play of every QB in the NFL to see exactly whats happening ? I doubt it. I mean how many times did we see Shotty call plays on 3rd and 8 and have all 5 Receivers run 5 yards curl routes ? The only way you can get a true evaluation of an offense and a player in general is to have access to the playbook and the coaches film. The coaches have the best vantage point as to whats going on and your not going to get the truth either way out of them.

I remember a few times last year when Mangold was hurt and Sanchez was getting killed up the middle and the commentator showed all the receivers backs to the QB . While I know this was not every play it certainly seemed to happen a lot. Im not sure how a Qb can function under those circumstances and it boggles my mind how a OC cant make an adjustment to run more screens and shorten some of the routes, or even teach a WR how to read a freakin blitz.

'or even teach a WR how to read a freakin blitz" is an excuse your using to play it off like Mark Sanchez isn't responsible for the crap numbers he's putting up. So yes, you did play it off like the qb isn't responsible for the blitz but the wr is. So tell me how a wr knowing how to read a blitz is meant to make up for how the QB IS THE ONE WHO IS SUPPOSED TO READ THE BLITZ/READ THE DEFENSE which Mark is unable to do. Your making excuses for Mark and expecting the team to read the blitz for him. That is not the WR JOB, that is the QB's job, the QB is supposed to read the defense, not the receivers. As for the crickets part, sorry that I have a life outside of Jetnation.

A better statement which you should have made is, "teach Mark how to read a freakin blitz or better yet the defense"

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Well he had the number one rushing offense, the number one defense, a beast o line and decent receivers so yes, compared to Cam I would expect him to be doing well.

He did much better than Cam in his rookie year! He made it to the AFC Championship game in his rookie year! Who cares about individual stats when you're making a deep playoff run in your rookie year? :winking0001:

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'or even teach a WR how to read a freakin blitz" is an excuse your using to play it off like Mark Sanchez isn't responsible for the crap numbers he's putting up. So yes, you did play it off like the qb isn't responsible for the blitz but the wr is. So tell me how a wr knowing how to read a blitz is meant to make up for how the QB IS THE ONE WHO IS SUPPOSED TO READ THE BLITZ/READ THE DEFENSE which Mark is unable to do. Your making excuses for Mark and expecting the team to read the blitz for him. That is not the WR JOB, that is the QB's job, the QB is supposed to read the defense, not the receivers. As for the crickets part, sorry that I have a life outside of Jetnation.

A better statement which you should have made is, "teach Mark how to read a freakin blitz or better yet the defense"

LOL _ how can you continue to defend yourself on something I never said ? Then use your having a life as an excuse ? Get a grip man

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LOL _ how can you continue to defend yourself on something I never said ? Then use your having a life as an excuse ? Get a grip man

You never said it, but you implied that the wr should be reading blitzes to take the pressure off Mark for his inablility of read the defense. Tell me what position does Mark play? QB now that we have came to that conclusion, we can infer that you used the wr's as an excuse for qb's not being able to read the defense. Thus, from deductive reasoning we can infer that you believe that the wr is more responsible for reading the defense then the qb, because they deserve more criticism (in your opinion) than the qb does for not being able to read the blitz. As for the life part, sorry I have a life, I left right after I replied to your post to go out golfing in reality, I know its hard to understand that theirs something outside of jetnation, but their is.

And I replied to your comment now, I don't see why your making out the big deal that I didn't reply to your comment right ****ing away.

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I'm not getting sappy over this topic. Mark's a great qb and has potential to be even better. Jets need to let him throw more this year. He needs to receivers who can catch.

Maybe the Jets are not going to be Ground and Pound this year and Let Mark open it up a bit. The moves they have made certainly do not support Ground and Pound.

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Sweet merciful crap ? You think these guys are breaking down every single play of every game on both sides of the ball and seeing how QB's and WR's react in real time ? I guess all the NFL coaches provide these guys with playbooks as well.

Break plus down? Like getting the ball with about 4 minutes left vs. the Giants with the game on the line and throwing 3 incompletions, to starting himself all 4th quarter vs, the Broncos? Did you break those series down? Because a real NFL QB goes out and gets the score in those situations instead of letting his defense get worn down by 3 and outs.
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