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Tebow Would Replace Sanchez


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Nah, I don't love Tebow, but McElroy starting is just dumb.

And actually it is kind of relevant since Tebow kind of replaced Orton and turned that team around and I have to say, I'm a little bit sceptical about Greg McElroy's odds of doing the same. Call me crazy.

But your argument about my ass hurting because Tim Tebow doesn't throw too perty is valid too, I've taken that into consideration and have taken the necessary medication.

There is not one person in the world that doesn't root for the Jets that would not laugh at the idea of Greg McElroy being the obvious choice over Tim Tebow. Find me ONE.

In a second I would rather have McElroy. That's how bad Tebow is

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The Jets are going to hold on to both Mcelroy AND Simms this season. The reason why is that Tebow is not really the backup QB here. He is the secret RB that we are counting on to be the fuel behind the ground and pound game we want to use. The vanilla BS offense that the Jets have been showing is just that. It's BS. Sanchez has proven he's tough as nails whether you like him or not. The guy has been KILLED in many games especially last season and keeps standing up.

Having Mcelroy and Simms (even if we dump one of them and use tebow as the emergency) as the backups is not a concern because Sanchez is going to make it through this season fine. To ESPN and Cimimi's dismay, he's not getting pulled for tebow no matter what the Tebowtards yell all season.

We are going to see Sparano pull yet another original idea out of his pocket and have two "QB's" on the field at the same time. Tebow will get handoffs from Sanchez and run for large chunks of yardage effectively pulling the safeties up and leaving the downfield passing game open. Achieving the chunk yardage plays that come with the ground and pound.

Isn't it something that that no one on the Jets really seems all that concerned about the lack of offense this preseason? It's because we haven't even seen it yet.

You all heard it right here first. :D

Oh... I actually believe this by the way.

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The Jets are going to hold on to both Mcelroy AND Simms this season. The reason why is that Tebow is not really the backup QB here. He is the secret RB that we are counting on to be the fuel behind the ground and pound game we want to use. The vanilla BS offense that the Jets have been showing is just that. It's BS. Sanchez has proven he's tough as nails whether you like him or not. The guy has been KILLED in many games especially last season and keeps standing up.

Having Mcelroy and Simms (even if we dump one of them and use tebow as the emergency) as the backups is not a concern because Sanchez is going to make it through this season fine. To ESPN and Cimimi's dismay, he's not getting pulled for tebow no matter what the Tebowtards yell all season.

We are going to see Sparano pull yet another original idea out of his pocket and have two "QB's" on the field at the same time. Tebow will get handoffs from Sanchez and run for large chunks of yardage effectively pulling the safeties up and leaving the downfield passing game open. Achieving the chunk yardage plays that come with the ground and pound.

Isn't it something that that no one on the Jets really seems all that concerned about the lack of offense this preseason? It's because we haven't even seen it yet.

You all heard it right here first. :biggrin:

Oh... I actually believe this by the way.

I like that right there, I like that a lot.

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Nah, I don't love Tebow, but McElroy starting is just dumb.

And actually it is kind of relevant since Tebow kind of replaced Orton and turned that team around and I have to say, I'm a little bit sceptical about Greg McElroy's odds of doing the same. Call me crazy.

But your argument about my ass hurting because Tim Tebow doesn't throw too perty is valid too, I've taken that into consideration and have taken the necessary medication.

There is not one person in the world that doesn't root for the Jets that would not laugh at the idea of Greg McElroy being the obvious choice over Tim Tebow. Find me ONE.

Oh, so you're one of those people who thinks Tebow deserves endless praise for the so-called "rally" of the Broncos to a mighty 8-8 record? The fact that the Tebow-led Broncos won a grand total of two games where their opponents scored more than 15 points doesn't say anything to you, right? While I can certainly get somebody thinking McElroy isn't worth a damn, trying to make an argument that Tebow's play at QB is anything but pure garbage is laughable.

As far as Orton being better than Tebow, you do realize they went head to head in the last week of the regular season last year, and Tebow and the Broncos lost, don't you? And that loss would have cost the Broncos their playoff spot if it weren't for the Chargers beating the Raiders and the Broncos subsequently lucking their way into winning a three-team tiebreaker. The truth is the reason for some having interest in McElroy has to do with it being unknown how good or bad he truly is until he hits the field in a real game, and holding onto some hope in that regard. We've already been shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that Tebow sucks ass at playing QB.

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Oh, so you're one of those people who thinks Tebow deserves endless praise for the so-called "rally" of the Broncos to a mighty 8-8 record? The fact that the Tebow-led Broncos won a grand total of two games where their opponents scored more than 15 points doesn't say anything to you, right? While I can certainly get somebody thinking McElroy isn't worth a damn, trying to make an argument that Tebow's play at QB is anything but pure garbage is laughable.

As far as Orton being better than Tebow, you do realize they went head to head in the last week of the regular season last year, and Tebow and the Broncos lost, don't you? And that loss would have cost the Broncos their playoff spot if it weren't for the Chargers beating the Raiders and the Broncos subsequently lucking their way into winning a three-team tiebreaker. The truth is the reason for some having interest in McElroy has to do with it being unknown how good or bad he truly is until he hits the field in a real game, and holding onto some hope in that regard. We've already been shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that Tebow sucks ass at playing QB.

The McElroy starting over Tebow argument is stupid and the way for some people to get away from the Tebow vs. Sanchez debate.

If you want, we can start a new thread for the Sanchez vs. McElroy debate. That will round things out nicely, don't you think?

We've seen that beyond the shadow of a doubt that Mark Sanchez sucks ass at playing QB.

In five of OUR eight wins last year the opponent scored: 3, 6, 11, 10 and 19

****ing powerhouse! lol

LOL at Orton vs. Tebow head to head by the way. That was a funny one. For a few reasons, but I'm sure you know what they are.

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The McElroy starting over Tebow argument is stupid and the way for some people to get away from the Tebow vs. Sanchez debate.

If you want, we can start a new thread for the Sanchez vs. McElroy debate. That will round things out nicely, don't you think?

We've seen that beyond the shadow of a doubt that Mark Sanchez sucks ass at playing QB.

LOL at Orton vs. Tebow head to head by the way. That was a funny one.

What? It is true you know. That 7-3 game was a real barn-burner! :P

And yes, I hear what you're saying, but the truth of the matter is that Tebow is so unfathomably awful at throwing the football that it's really a matter of people wanting to see anyone but him step under center.

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I would rather Kerley plays QB then Tebow, he throws a better ball.

Yap - Yap - Yap - Tebow Sucks - Yap - Yap - Yap

But they still can't get around the actual 'On The Field' NFL Facts/Stats can they? (rhetorical)

Passing 20 TD's to 9 Ints. (for a 2.22 to 1 Ratio)

Rushing 13 TD's to 6 Lost Poss Fumbles (2.16 to 1 Ratio)

Total 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers (2.20 to 1 Ratio) with an 8-6 + 1-1 - 9-7 W/L record.

For a Top Quality Team that went 4-14 with a 7-8 year NFL Vet QB, + B.Lloyd + J.Gaffney + N.Moreno.

Or these 'factual' tidbits either.


P.Manning 28 Ints while going 3-13.


T.Tebow's 44 sacks with 3 and out punts instead,,,, while going 9-7.

(protect the football and win games, right?)

Saint John El' Dim-Way's 7 TD's to 14 Ints, 47.5% with a 54.9 PER

Harping on Tebow's Completions % but still saying Tim's enters 2012 camp as the starter.

Then instead (liar-liar) trading for Peyton by selling-out the donkey farm for years to come.

Tebow 20 TD's to 9 Ints, 46.5% with a 77.7 PER can't be an NFL QB but El' Dim-way was.

* However, Tim can break Elway's own donkey team records while chipping away at St. John's long lost legacy.

Sanchez is a world beater passing the ball with 12 TD's to 20 Ints in his 1st 16 NFL 'every advantage' starts.

While Tebow will NEVER be an NFL QB with 20 TD's to 9 Ints in his 1st 16 NFL 'every disadvantage' starts.

Bored-Way Joe with a sterling career TD/Int Ratio (76 to 116) of .65 to 1. (Career PER 59.9)

Bored-Way Joe NEVER had a single NFL season where he threw for more TD's than Ints.

His yearly Completion percentages ran from 46.7% to his best of 51.1% over his 8 year NFL career.

So Joe had one of the quickest releases in NFL history, trouble is most went to the wrong guy.

(I think that Joe just wants a piece of that NY City Jet's Pub that he's so busy sniveling about)

While can't read a defense, inaccurate, no-arm Tebow's TD/Int Ratio (20 to 9) is only a paltry 2.22 to 1.

P.Manning's Career TD/Int Ratio is (399 to 198) a 2.02 to 1.

And on and on and on the Idiot comparisons go, along with the constant moronic Yap-Yap-Yap.

This is what NFL football is all about, genius's showing what they really 'know' about the game.....

At first I thought that they were just lazy/ignorant of the facts.

Or maybe just to stupid to understand what the total picture was.

But I'm now starting to see things differently, with these has-been / long-lost-glory QB's,

along with the media-morons and idiot-commentators spewing out their constant diss on Tim,

I'm actually starting to believe that they all have a massive 'Good-Guy' BIAS concerning Tim as a QB.

And them using his religion against him is just another convenient excuse for them and any other religious bigots.

They really can't stand it that he can be both a quality NFL player and a decent 'roll model' human being.

One or the other is acceptable to them, but being able to do both is definitely not acceptable to them.

(prove me incorrect with some actual NFL facts)

Then if you throw in what he can do running the ball, even behind a crappy OL, 13 rushing TD's, 5.3 ypc,

with 950 yards while only having 6 LP-Fumbles on 580 plays,,,, then they really can't stand it/him.

And go ahead and diss on Tim, Tommy-boy (among others),

cause none of you can change the actual facts/stats with your constant Yapping bs either. :superman:

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What? It is true you know. That 7-3 game was a real barn-burner! :tongue:

And yes, I hear what you're saying, but the truth of the matter is that Tebow is so unfathomably awful at throwing the football that it's really a matter of people wanting to see anyone but him step under center.

I understand that, I do. And I was actually encouraged by what I saw from Sanchez this preseason, aside from the pick 6 (I know, I know. "Besides the gunshot, how did you like the play Mrs. Lincoln") without those two big drops his percentage would be like what, 80 or something and his ypa would be better than the 5. whatever it is now.

Maybe I'm making too much of the run the Broncos went on after he took control. Maybe I'm making too much of the Steeler game ( i know cover zero, got it) maybe I'm making too much of his YPA being the same as Sanchez or the fact that he'll run for almost as many yards as our lead tailback or that he doesn't sulk and instead lifts his teammates. Or making too much of the fact that he played with second stringers and had a few dropped balls of his own (mcknight, that white fullback/tight end kid and stephen hill come to mind) or that he played during a chinese fire drill against the Giants.

I honestly don't know what to make of any of it. But I do know that I'd feel better with him than with Greg McElroy, whom I know nothing about except he's got a crap arm and played in a preseason game that I recall in which he was very ummm... shifty(?)

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Only good news about having a mediocre/poor QB is that you don't have much to worry about when it comes to injury. The dropoff between Sanchez to Tebow to McElroy or Simms is minimal.

Much like the posting dropoff from stoicsenty, to T0m, to bleedingreen, to joe jets fan...... :winking0001:

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I understand that, I do. And I was actually encouraged by what I saw from Sanchez this preseason, aside from the pick 6 (I know, I know. "Besides the gunshot, how did you like the play Mrs. Lincoln") without those two big drops his percentage would be like what, 80 or something and his ypa would be better than the 5. whatever it is now.

Maybe I'm making too much of the run the Broncos went on after he took control. Maybe I'm making too much of the Steeler game ( i know cover zero, got it) maybe I'm making too much of his YPA being the same as Sanchez or the fact that he'll run for almost as many yards as our lead tailback or that he doesn't sulk and instead lifts his teammates. Or making too much of the fact that he played with second stringers and had a few dropped balls of his own (mcknight, that white fullback/tight end kid and stephen hill come to mind) or that he played during a chinese fire drill against the Giants.

I honestly don't know what to make of any of it. But I do know that I'd feel better with him than with Greg McElroy, whom I know nothing about except he's got a crap arm and played in a preseason game that I recall in which he was very ummm... shifty(?)

Oh yeah, I totally get you're saying. It's just that in this case, given what we've seen out of Tebow for these past 2+ years, he no longer gets the benefit of your typical backup QB from a lot of people, so by default that honor becomes bestowed upon McElroy. Truth be told, it has little to do with McElroy, but it just being a matter of many people rather seeing anyone but Tebow play QB. For me personally, the reason I've disliked the Tebow trade from day one is essentially you're looking at the one QB in the league who we already know is worse than what we've got. At least with some of these other unknown guys, there's at least a chance, albeit slim, you could get lucky.

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Oh yeah, I totally get you're saying. It's just that in this case, given what we've seen out of Tebow for these past 2+ years, he no longer gets the benefit of your typical backup QB from a lot of people, so by default that honor becomes bestowed upon McElroy. Truth be told, it has little to do with McElroy, but it just being a matter of many people rather seeing anyone but Tebow play QB. For me personally, the reason I've disliked the Tebow trade from day one is essentially you're looking at the one QB in the league who we already know is worse than what we've got. At least with some of these other unknown guys, there's at least a chance, albeit slim, you could get lucky.

Tebow's 'typical backup' history:

2010 no preseason 1st team work, cold on the bench for a 3-10 (.231) team, the thrown in cold and goes 1-2 (.333)

while breaking NFL records and some of El' Dim-way's 'team' records.


2011 no preseaon 1st team work, some claimed that he was the 3rd or 4th best donkey QB.

Top Quality Team starts 1-4 (.200), benches All NFL 8th year Passing QB Orton,

Trades away only team Pro Bowler, WR B.Lloyd, already traded away the #2 WR Gaffney,

1st Rnd and best receiving RB Moreno injured out for the season.

Tebow then goes 7-4 (.636) and 1-1 (.500) playoffs, for a season 8-5 (.613) record on a .200 Team.

Nope, that's certainly not a 'TYPICAL BACKUP QB' at all....

"you're looking at the one QB in the league who we already know is worse than what we've got"

And you obviously KNOW that because the actual stats prove it:

MS - 12 TD's to 20 Ints

TT -- 20 TD's to 9 Ints - (33 TD's to 15 Turnovers)

Plus I doubt that you ever get 'lucky' at all..... :winking0001:

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Tebow's 'typical backup' history:

2010 no preseason 1st team work, cold on the bench for a 3-10 (.231) team, the thrown in cold and goes 1-2 (.333)

while breaking NFL records and some of El' Dim-way's 'team' records.


2011 no preseaon 1st team work, some claimed that he was the 3rd or 4th best donkey QB.

Top Quality Team starts 1-4 (.200), benches All NFL 8th year Passing QB Orton,

Trades away only team Pro Bowler, WR B.Lloyd, already traded away the #2 WR Gaffney,

1st Rnd and best receiving RB Moreno injured out for the season.

Tebow then goes 7-4 (.636) and 1-1 (.500) playoffs, for a season 8-5 (.613) record on a .200 Team.

Nope, that's certainly not a 'TYPICAL BACKUP QB' at all....

"you're looking at the one QB in the league who we already know is worse than what we've got"

And you obviously KNOW that because the actual stats prove it:

MS - 12 TD's to 20 Ints

TT -- 20 TD's to 9 Ints - (33 TD's to 15 Turnovers)

Plus I doubt that you ever get 'lucky' at all..... :winking0001:

You do realize that the vast majority of your post is a list of excuses for why it's allegedly not Tebow's fault that he sucks, right? That is all while you cherry-pick the stats that you think make him look good (although they don't) while ignoring the ones that even you know make him look bad. You repeatedly try to compare the stats that are mostly of Tebow's second year to the rookie years of various other players, which has absolutely no validity whatsoever. It's invalid because, not only are you comparing Tebow's first 25 games against Sanchez's first 15, but because, as you've been told on countless occasions, there is vast historical evidence that shows that quarterbacks who start their career on the bench have a much better statistical start to their careers than those who start out of the gate their rookie years, and in that regard, Tebow's numbers are actually amongst the very worst out there in recent history.

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You do realize that the vast majority of your post is a list of excuses for why it's allegedly not Tebow's fault that he sucks, right? That is all while you cherry-pick the stats that you think make him look good (although they don't) while ignoring the ones that even you know make him look bad. You repeatedly try to compare the stats that are mostly of Tebow's second year to the rookie years of various other players, which has absolutely no validity whatsoever. It's invalid because, not only are you comparing Tebow's first 25 games against Sanchez's first 15, but because, as you've been told on countless occasions, there is vast historical evidence that shows that quarterbacks who start their career on the bench have a much better statistical start to their careers than those who start out of the gate their rookie years, and in that regard, Tebow's numbers are actually amongst the very worst out there in recent history.

You do realize that the vast majority of your post is a list of excuses for why it's allegedly not Tebow's fault that he sucks, right? That is all while you cherry-pick the stats that you think make him look good (although they don't) while ignoring the ones that even you know make him look bad. You repeatedly try to compare the stats that are mostly of Tebow's second year to the rookie years of various other players, which has absolutely no validity whatsoever. It's invalid because, not only are you comparing Tebow's first 25 games against Sanchez's first 15, but because, as you've been told on countless occasions, there is vast historical evidence that shows that quarterbacks who start their career on the bench have a much better statistical start to their careers than those who start out of the gate their rookie years, and in that regard, Tebow's numbers are actually amongst the very worst out there in recent history.

While you do realize that most of your own drivel bs is just unfounded/biased opinion with ZERO to back it up,

making your posts suck, right?

I make QB comparisons to some of the NFL's all time greats, but you would like to just ignore that, or make constant

excuses for ALL of those other QB's crappier NFL beginnings.

I compare stats to QB's that came into the NFL with a silver spoon stuck up their butts,

and then given every starter advantage, to Tebow's split season by a LOCKOUT 16 starts,

and you somehow see that as an advantage for Tebow? WTF-over??? :sign0103:

You cherry pick your own baseless opinions to fit your already biased positions,

while claiming to be totally objective and fair minded..... lmfao :sign0151:


And I'm still waiting for you to list ALL of those many and VAST terrible Tebow stats

that you keep drivelling on about. Either put-up, or just STFU.

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I make QB comparisons to some of the NFL's all time greats, but you would like to just ignore that, or make constant

excuses for ALL of those other QB's crappier NFL beginnings.

The only problem is that there is absolutely NO basis for your comparison. You're comparing one player's first TWENTY FIVE GAMES, at which he began his rookie season on the bench (which all evidence says gives him a significant statistical advantage at the start of his career) compared to these other QB's rookie years from day one. These sets of numbers have absolutely no relevancy to each other, and therefore a comparison means absolutely nothing.

I compare stats to QB's that came into the NFL with a silver spoon stuck up their butts,

and then given every starter advantage, to Tebow's split season by a LOCKOUT 16 starts,

and you somehow see that as an advantage for Tebow? WTF-over???

Again, this is all simply excuses. All statistical evidence shows that QBs who begin their careers on the bench have a better statistical start to their careers. That's not even up for debate. As far as the "first 16 starts" goes, that is a complete and blatant lie. Your numbers are absolutely not based on Tebow's 16 starts, but rather are including all of the statistics Tebow has accumulated over his career, regardless of if he started. That means, in order for these numbers to even be what you claim they are, you'd have to start off by eliminating 6 TDs from his numbers that were scored in games that he did not start.

You cherry pick your own baseless opinions to fit your already biased positions,

while claiming to be totally objective and fair minded..... lmfao :sign0151:


And I'm still waiting for you to list ALL of those many and VAST terrible Tebow stats

that you keep drivelling on about. Either put-up, or just STFU.

What exactly did I cherry pick? I'm not the one blatantly lying about the source of the numbers I'm providing or trying to compare two sets of numbers that have absolutely no basis for comparison. The fact that you've repeatedly ignored every statistic that makes Tebow look bad doesn't mean they don't exist. Let's just stick with the most blatant example and point out that Tebow, as a second year QB, had far and away the league's worst completion percentage last season (a number worse than any other, except Tebow's own rookie season, in recent NFL history). The bottom line is, it's pretty clear that your entire argument really has no merit to it, and you've repeatedly failed to prove otherwise, but feel free to keep acting like a little tantrum-having child in all of your posts, because people dare not concede to everything you say, regardless of how misguided it may be.

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Yap - Yap - Yap - Tebow Sucks - Yap - Yap - Yap

But they still can't get around the actual 'On The Field' NFL Facts/Stats can they? (rhetorical)

Passing 20 TD's to 9 Ints. (for a 2.22 to 1 Ratio)

Rushing 13 TD's to 6 Lost Poss Fumbles (2.16 to 1 Ratio)

Total 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers (2.20 to 1 Ratio) with an 8-6 + 1-1 - 9-7 W/L record.

For a Top Quality Team that went 4-14 with a 7-8 year NFL Vet QB, + B.Lloyd + J.Gaffney + N.Moreno.

Or these 'factual' tidbits either.


P.Manning 28 Ints while going 3-13.


T.Tebow's 44 sacks with 3 and out punts instead,,,, while going 9-7.

(protect the football and win games, right?)

Saint John El' Dim-Way's 7 TD's to 14 Ints, 47.5% with a 54.9 PER

Harping on Tebow's Completions % but still saying Tim's enters 2012 camp as the starter.

Then instead (liar-liar) trading for Peyton by selling-out the donkey farm for years to come.

Tebow 20 TD's to 9 Ints, 46.5% with a 77.7 PER can't be an NFL QB but El' Dim-way was.

* However, Tim can break Elway's own donkey team records while chipping away at St. John's long lost legacy.

Sanchez is a world beater passing the ball with 12 TD's to 20 Ints in his 1st 16 NFL 'every advantage' starts.

While Tebow will NEVER be an NFL QB with 20 TD's to 9 Ints in his 1st 16 NFL 'every disadvantage' starts.

Bored-Way Joe with a sterling career TD/Int Ratio (76 to 116) of .65 to 1. (Career PER 59.9)

Bored-Way Joe NEVER had a single NFL season where he threw for more TD's than Ints.

His yearly Completion percentages ran from 46.7% to his best of 51.1% over his 8 year NFL career.

So Joe had one of the quickest releases in NFL history, trouble is most went to the wrong guy.

(I think that Joe just wants a piece of that NY City Jet's Pub that he's so busy sniveling about)

While can't read a defense, inaccurate, no-arm Tebow's TD/Int Ratio (20 to 9) is only a paltry 2.22 to 1.

P.Manning's Career TD/Int Ratio is (399 to 198) a 2.02 to 1.

And on and on and on the Idiot comparisons go, along with the constant moronic Yap-Yap-Yap.

This is what NFL football is all about, genius's showing what they really 'know' about the game.....

At first I thought that they were just lazy/ignorant of the facts.

Or maybe just to stupid to understand what the total picture was.

But I'm now starting to see things differently, with these has-been / long-lost-glory QB's,

along with the media-morons and idiot-commentators spewing out their constant diss on Tim,

I'm actually starting to believe that they all have a massive 'Good-Guy' BIAS concerning Tim as a QB.

And them using his religion against him is just another convenient excuse for them and any other religious bigots.

They really can't stand it that he can be both a quality NFL player and a decent 'roll model' human being.

One or the other is acceptable to them, but being able to do both is definitely not acceptable to them.

(prove me incorrect with some actual NFL facts)

Then if you throw in what he can do running the ball, even behind a crappy OL, 13 rushing TD's, 5.3 ypc,

with 950 yards while only having 6 LP-Fumbles on 580 plays,,,, then they really can't stand it/him.

And go ahead and diss on Tim, Tommy-boy (among others),

cause none of you can change the actual facts/stats with your constant Yapping bs either. :superman:

Are you really using QB stats from the 60's and early 70's to make your comparison?? When DB's could do almost anything short of knifing a WR. Keep that up.

And no he can not be a quality NFL QB. RB, punt team, yea, I will give you that, he could be good at those. QB, never gonna happen.

and you keep saying he sucked because he was playing with 2nd string players, well he was playing against 2nd string players also, and he SUCKED!

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The only problem is that there is absolutely NO basis for your comparison. You're comparing one player's first TWENTY FIVE GAMES, at which he began his rookie season on the bench (which all evidence says gives him a significant statistical advantage at the start of his career) compared to these other QB's rookie years from day one. These sets of numbers have absolutely no relevancy to each other, and therefore a comparison means absolutely nothing.

Again, this is all simply excuses. All statistical evidence shows that QBs who begin their careers on the bench have a better statistical start to their careers. That's not even up for debate. As far as the "first 16 starts" goes, that is a complete and blatant lie. Your numbers are absolutely not based on Tebow's 16 starts, but rather are including all of the statistics Tebow has accumulated over his career, regardless of if he started. That means, in order for these numbers to even be what you claim they are, you'd have to start off by eliminating 6 TDs from his numbers that were scored in games that he did not start.

What exactly did I cherry pick? I'm not the one blatantly lying about the source of the numbers I'm providing or trying to compare two sets of numbers that have absolutely no basis for comparison. The fact that you've repeatedly ignored every statistic that makes Tebow look bad doesn't mean they don't exist. Let's just stick with the most blatant example and point out that Tebow, as a second year QB, had far and away the league's worst completion percentage last season (a number worse than any other, except Tebow's own rookie season, in recent NFL history). The bottom line is, it's pretty clear that your entire argument really has no merit to it, and you've repeatedly failed to prove otherwise, but feel free to keep acting like a little tantrum-having child in all of your posts, because people dare not concede to everything you say, regardless of how misguided it may be.

Tebow is like no other QB in NFL history, so any comparison that you make is invalid from the start.

The Most Basic Facts that YOU can't get around as an NFL QB:

For a team that was 4-14 in 2010-11 without Tim,

he took them to a 9-7 W/L record while being stuck with every DIS-ADVANTAGE possible.

And the 'Take care of the ball to Win' formula = 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers is staring you in the face.

Tebow 'ALL of his NFL Career include 16 starts plus 23 plays as a 1-2 play a game rookie backup.

Since you claim that rookies thrown in don't do well, then his 6 TD's are amazing on just 23 plays, right?

So Yep, those addition 23 plays certainly skew Tim's career stats right off the charts.

I'd be happy for you to circumvent the '16 start stats' with any NFL QB's first 580 NFL plays,

regardless of how many games or years it took them to accumulate them. (crickets)

And if you claiming that A.Rogers sitting for 4-5 years behind Farve while being helped in every way to learn,


Tim being laughed at and constantly dissed on with liar El' Dim-way's donkeys,

and having to learn/run 2 different offenses in 2 lockout split seasons,

then I'm just going to call BS on you yet again.

Yep, just as I thought, you're attempting to base your entire opinion on NOTHING but the comp% while YOU IGNORE

every stat that shows that Tebow is an NFL WINNING QB.

Joe Namath never had better than a 51.1 completion % in his 8 year NFL career.

Joe Namath never had a single season where he threw more TD's than Int's in is 8 year NFL Career.

Joe Namath would cut Tebow, and so would you.

Oh btw, you can put all of those other QB's jocks down now..... :sign0151:


Slappin' baseless id----s around with the facts is not a trantrum, it's just good clean fun to me.

But you are welcome to continue with your own bias tirades unabated,,,

cause I find them amusing as heck.... :sign0151:

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Tebow is like no other QB in NFL history, so any comparison that you make is invalid from the start.

If he's like no other QB in NFL history that's not a particularly good sign. And you're the one trying to use comparisons as a means to justify Tebow's play, so at least you now admit they have absolutely no validity whatsoever. That's a start.

The Most Basic Facts that YOU can't get around as an NFL QB:

For a team that was 4-14 in 2010-11 without Tim,

he took them to a 9-7 W/L record while being stuck with every DIS-ADVANTAGE possible.

The so-called "disadvantage" is, once again, nothing but an excuse. Just about every year we watch rookie QBs take over teams who had the #1 overall pick, meaning they were the league's very worst team. Tebow had no such situation. The fact that the Bronco's dare change their roster (just like every single team does in every single season), doesn't mean anything.

And the 'Take care of the ball to Win' formula = 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers is staring you in the face.

Tebow 'ALL of his NFL Career include 16 starts plus 23 plays as a 1-2 play a game rookie backup.

Since you claim that rookies thrown in don't do well, then his 6 TD's are amazing on just 23 plays, right?

So Yep, those addition 23 plays certainly skew Tim's career stats right off the charts.

So really, the bottom line is that he's a gimmick player who needs to have his time on the field extremely limited in order to avoid his inability to consistently play the position of QB? Yeah, that's kind of been the point all along. So either you're conceding that it's exactly what he is, or you have to stop trying to lie your way through crediting Tebow with stats compared being within a number of starts that they did not take place in.

I'd be happy for you to circumvent the '16 start stats' with any NFL QB's first 580 NFL plays,

regardless of how many games or years it took them to accumulate them. (crickets)

Ignoring for a moment the completely absurd nature of this request (or your illusion that it somehow proves anything), when those plays took place has a relevance that you are once again trying to ignore, seeing as how it proves you wrong.

And if you claiming that A.Rogers sitting for 4-5 years behind Farve while being helped in every way to learn,


Aaron Rodgers, Philip Rivers, Carson Palmer, Jay Cutler, Michael Vick, Donovan McNabb, Daunte Culpepper, and even Chad Pennington (ugh). That's just sticking to the past decade or so and I'm probably missing some on top of that. I'm sure you have a list of excuses as to why sitting on the bench helped them all to have far greater statistical success at the start their careers, right?

Tim being laughed at and constantly dissed on with liar El' Dim-way's donkeys,

This has nothing to do with anything.

and having to learn/run 2 different offenses in 2 lockout split seasons,

then I'm just going to call BS on you yet again.

So, more excuses?

Yep, just as I thought, you're attempting to base your entire opinion on NOTHING but the comp% while YOU IGNORE

every stat that shows that Tebow is an NFL WINNING QB.

I don't ignore them, I just see nothing overly impressive about the rest of his stats, given the statistical advantage that comes with sitting on the bench at the start of the career and the fact that they were accumulated over 25 games, while his completion percentage is so bad it is unmatched in the modern era of the NFL. Besides, at 9-7, he is BARELY a winning QB. Of his allegedly great 2011 season, a grand total of 2 of those wins came when his opponents scored more than 15 points, which would suggest the performance of the Broncos defense had far more bearing on the outcome than anything else.

Joe Namath never had better than a 51.1 completion % in his 8 year NFL career.

Joe Namath never had a single season where he threw more TD's than Int's in is 8 year NFL Career.

Joe Namath would cut Tebow, and so would you.

Joe Namath played in the 1960s.

Oh btw, you can put all of those other QB's jocks down now..... :sign0151:


Slappin' baseless id----s around with the facts is not a trantrum, it's just good clean fun to me.

But you are welcome to continue with your own bias tirades unabated,,,

cause I find them amusing as heck.... :sign0151:

Thanks for proving my point.

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For a team that was 4-14 in 2010-11 without Tim,

4-14.... 4-14.... Why does that sound familiar?

Oh yeah, that was Tebow's comp/att line from last Sunday! 4/14 with an ugly pick against the Panthers backups.

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Can't someone just send Tebow a pound of blow, some Xanax, a hooker and a camera ?

I just want the Tebow hysteria to just go away.

F'n hate him and his whole douchebag fan base

**** that, send the sh*t to me. He's got Jesus, unfortunately I put my faith in Mike Tannenbaum and the Jets....... I need it more

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