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Who Wins a race downhill - Francessa or a Man with no legs?


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Discuss. I think Francessa because he can roll...

Pardon me for my apparent lack of a sense of humor, but I am not getting the humor in this. The dude nodded off during a boring Sweeny report. Big deal. What is the connection between that and racing down hill with a man with no legs? I could have left it alone, but my curiosity got the better of me.

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Pardon me for my apparent lack of a sense of humor, but I am not getting the humor in this. The dude nodded off during a boring Sweeny report. Big deal. What is the connection between that and racing down hill with a man with no legs? I could have left it alone, but my curiosity got the better of me.

He just hates Francessa. It has nothing to do with him dozing off

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Thanks Thai Jet. FATCESSA is so Anti-Jet that if they were to win the SB he'd probably claim they were the WORST SB winner of all time just so he could sully the moment. He is just a POS. Anyway, when I can find more funny Fatcessa graphics I will post them...

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I honestly wouldn't know that Francesca hated the Jets if it weren't for this board. I HATE him so much that I have never listened to his pompus radio show and only see him on that abomination of a television show they used to do a half hour on Sundays. The moron can't pronounce baccala or HIS OWN ****ING NAME!

It's sad cause we keep him employed. I don't think Giants or Yankees fans even listen to him. It's all Mets and Jets fans who are pissed about what he'll sh*t on them for next.

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