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ESPN all picked the Steelers today


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Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Boy do I feel more comfortable being the underdog. Just never liked it when everyone would pick the Jets.

Carter even went as far as to say something like " what are they gonna do run a whole bunch of tebow wildcat today? I don't know"

HAHA!!! I love it!

Jets 27

Steelers 17

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Isn't it funny with the media?

Before Bills game: Bills will shock the Jets, Mario Williams will give Sanchez nightmares! Jets offense is the worst in NFL!

3 hours later... The Bills suck! Mark Sanchez got lucky because the Bills Defense sucks.

If Sanchez torches the Steelers, what excuse will the media come up with?

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Isn't it funny with the media?

Before Bills game: Bills will shock the Jets, Mario Williams will give Sanchez nightmares! Jets offense is the worst in NFL!

3 hours later... The Bills suck! Mark Sanchez got lucky because the Bills Defense sucks.

If Sanchez torches the Steelers, what excuse will the media come up with?

Tebow, he's pushing everyone to get better.
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Isn't it funny with the media?

Before Bills game: Bills will shock the Jets, Mario Williams will give Sanchez nightmares! Jets offense is the worst in NFL!

3 hours later... The Bills suck! Mark Sanchez got lucky because the Bills Defense sucks.

If Sanchez torches the Steelers, what excuse will the media come up with?

you already know the answer Harrrison and Polumalu didnt play. Meanwhile we are missing both Revis and Keller ESPN barely reported that while all five of those idiots were picking the Steelers all 5 on NFL network picked the Steelers as well and I guess 3 out of 4 on CBS so 13 out of 14 LOL .

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