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The Walking Dead Mafia GAME OVER TOWN WINS


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That's not my case. I don't even know what you're talking about. My case is based on the fact you've been largely quiet sans for when you are being questioned.

It was solidified once you claimed deputy in a game that seems fairly vanilla. If we had seen any kind of roles or double kills etc there might be need for a dep. otherwise it's just overkill.

It was further bolstered by your hysterics the last few pages. Town is in command. You're trying too hard to defend yourself when we're in a position to be able to absorb a mislynch or 2. In the past you've just said to go ahead and kill you in this situation.

I'm stunned by the stupidity of you and previously Ishy and Leelou. Absolutely stunned.

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You see what I did there Pac? You typed Rick in italics because I say I am, yet you're not so sure. So I typed douche in italics because I'm sure you are, yet you don't realize it.

Just figured I should spell it out for you, as comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong suit.

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This is true.

AVM wants us to draw the conclusion that Rick would not be a symp, which I have to agree with, but the reality is just because we've talked a lot about AVM as symp, there's NO guarantee that there was a symp at all. It could have just been a situation where they were allowed one conversion.

Hell, it could be a 50/50 thing where they've just gotten unlucky and had nothing but kills since N1.

No guarantees of anything.

Btw, this is something I hadn't thought of but a great point.

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You're talking in circles...and you are saying exactly what I said to you earlier, dumbass.

The entire case against me is based off my interactions with Hess and Lily...before there was a conversion. So, for the 12th time (since you're too stupid to get it to this point) the only explanation is that I'd be a symp. For those of you who hadn't noticed, our mod's new profile pic is of Daryl. I further seem to remember her mentioning something about him in the signup thread. I don't understand the talk from you and the Ape that assumptions are pointless. Personally I wouldn't have expected any two to be masons aside from the 80/Pacs characters. Hershel was obviously the doc. The mod likes Daryl, so she elevated him to cop and made Rick the #2.

Funny how you didn't have a problem with anyone doing the character reveals up until now. Every person who has revealed save you (and it was obvious who you were) has revealed their character during the game. And the reason that character reveals are frowned upon are because we have had mods rule that they couldn't be done or not say anything...then midgame chime in to not do it. This mod said in the opening post feel free to reveal your character. But hey, don't let facts get in the way.

This is my logic.

We were casing you as symp based on how you played D1. Rick makes no sense as symp. Nobody has counter-claimed the Rick character. Rick has to be in the game, he's the shows lead character.

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continuing to hang onto your character name even though the logic is flawed is not becoming of you.

just die with your dignity in tact... Rick.

Explain why the logic is flawed. Please. I'm not seeing it the same way.

I didn't spin anything. I quoted you and pointed out how it was a direct contradiction to what you said yesterday.

don't get your panites in a wad. I'm going to categorize it as an idiotic mistake for the time being. Don't give me a reason to go back and see what other mistakes I might find.

You cut a sentence of mine in half, and in doing so it took on different meaning. That I was implying having more info than others. There's no contradiction, or mistake, you are just a ****ing sh*t-for-brains moron.

The fact I have to tell you don't assume everything I write out loud, is what I am truly thinking. Any decent mafia player knows when to keep their thoughts close to the vest, and when to put raw thoughts out to see who does and doens't glom onto them or try to manipulate them.

Now STFU. If you want to try to come at me. Do so. Otherwise you are just embarrassing yourself.

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I'm assuming JIF was at the game today? I'd like him to chime in here.

Very disappointed with the inactivity at this stage of the game. Yeah, know it's a weekend, but in general we are stuck with a situation where the active are cannibalizing the active.

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Explain why the logic is flawed. Please. I'm not seeing it the same way.

You cut a sentence of mine in half, and in doing so it took on different meaning. That I was implying having more info than others. There's no contradiction, or mistake, you are just a ****ing sh*t-for-brains moron.

The fact I have to tell you don't assume everything I write out loud, is what I am truly thinking. Any decent mafia player knows when to keep their thoughts close to the vest, and when to put raw thoughts out to see who does and doens't glom onto them or try to manipulate them.

Now STFU. If you want to try to come at me. Do so. Otherwise you are just embarrassing yourself.

well the logic is flawed, you pompous horses ass, because there has been a conversion. therefore, his emphatic pleas for mercy due to the fact that he's Rick mean jack sh-t.

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At this point, I don't think it matters whether he was a symp or not. We know "someone" was recruited, the exact mechanics don't matter in the grand scheme of things. And from his dialogue with more than one confirmed scum the day of the recruit, he's the best candidate imo.

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It does matter if he was a symp because the basis of your recent case on him was that he was symp signaling to get himself converted. If he were a douchebag townie trying to get his ass converted, he would have had to guess at who the mafia were. That's possible I guess, but the case on AVM seems weak as hell to me right now.

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Well, if it wasn't him, and there was a symp, the odds of scum guessing correctly on N1 with no signals whatsoever is pretty remote. It seems that if there was a symp, it would have to be him, otherwise, we have to assume they could recruit whoever they liked.

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Yeah, I have the same doubts, I don't know the show at all, but being based on zombies, it would seem obvious that we could be changed, it just fits the theme and we've already seen it happen.

But the biggest thing keeping me from voting him at this point isn't his character but his roleclaim. I KNOW I'm dying tonight, and if he is a deputy he'd be a big help. I just don't know that I believe it or not.

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Well, his.character claim at least is easily vettable. Like everyone keeps telling me, no way is he not in the game. Once everyone has checked in, we'll know if he's lying or not and go from there.

Much more important point, RGIII's hurt. Bad news for us Skins fans.

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Well, his.character claim at least is easily vettable. Like everyone keeps telling me, no way is he not in the game. Once everyone has checked in, we'll know if he's lying or not and go from there.

Much more important point, RGIII's hurt. Bad news for us Skins fans.

I heard he said he was gonna be ok. I don't take what players say at face value, but I don't think he's be saying that if it were an ACL or something like that so there's that.

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Oh my god. I don't even.

Why are you all still fighting? Wait till we hear from Mod about reveal. Pac you are a ****in idiot. Shut your whore mouth. Be glad you are vetted.

Avm, seriously? Deputy? How the **** is there a cop and a deputy?

If this 50/50 thing and no symp is legit, then this means reveals are pointless. Wouldn't whoever got converted have a character to claim? Or if there is a symp, they would have a character, right?


Avm, seriously, deputy? I want to vote you so hard, but I will wait to hear from kae about reveals.

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well the logic is flawed, you pompous horses ass, because there has been a conversion. therefore, his emphatic pleas for mercy due to the fact that he's Rick mean jack sh-t.

I'm pompous?

That's all you are getting at? I and a number of others have already covered off on this, you either aren't reading what others say - or just that enamored with yourself that you don't realize how horrible you are at getting basic points across.

The conversion occurred N1. Most of what has been used to case AVM came from D1 and is therefore irrelevant.

Untrue. Most of what we've used to case AVM as symp comes from D1, and his reveal as Rick suggests he couldn't possibly be a symp. Which is fine, and agreeable. The issue is, and this is what Pac is getting at, AVM's play since his chatty D1 wherein he talked about being converted with Lily (known scum) has been elusive and silent, except for when called out and run up. Then he shows up with a nearly bulletproof claim.

Pac is right about the sudden re-surgence, but that doesn't always indicate scum play. Pac just thinks he solved the riddles of the universe... the thing is, Pac sits to pee... so what the **** does he know?

How so? According to the prevelant theory, it was AVM's actions on D1 that led to his supposed conversion.

There's this. The debate is, would Rick be a symp. Probably not. Do we want to assume things about the setup? I don't.

Hell, the symp role could have been handed out randomly, regardless of character assignment. Frankly, the way AVM spoke, there was very little doubt in my mind that he was symp. Wombat would be my second guess for that role.

Pac is my first guess for biggest asshat here.

AVM is arguing that Rick would not have started out as a symp and therefore the only way he could be scum is if he was converted from town.

Again, too dangerous to make assumptions about the setup.

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Basically, we have to decide if we want to roll the dice on killing our deputy in order to make sure AVM wasn't a symp, as Rick. From a pure strategy standpoint, given that this isn't end game, that makes no sense to me.

The alternative is we lynch someone else, reduce the size of the pool for the next day. Leave AVM alive so he presumably gets Ishy's results. Ishy should tells us who he views, so AVM can lie, and if AVM produces no results on Ishy's viewing tomorrow, we lynch AVM.

This guarantees us another viewing, and a way to put AVM's feet to the fire if he's lying without letting AVM dictate who gets viewed.

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Oh my god. I don't even.

Why are you all still fighting? Wait till we hear from Mod about reveal. Pac you are a ****in idiot. Shut your whore mouth. Be glad you are vetted.

Avm, seriously? Deputy? How the **** is there a cop and a deputy?

If this 50/50 thing and no symp is legit, then this means reveals are pointless. Wouldn't whoever got converted have a character to claim? Or if there is a symp, they would have a character, right?


Avm, seriously, deputy? I want to vote you so hard, but I will wait to hear from kae about reveals.

Presumably, original scum didn't get a safe character claim - considering how bad Hess ****ed up.

I would imagine whomever was converted did start off as someone, and it would be a safe character claim.

Anyway, as I stated above, there's no real reason to lynch AVM today. There's still quite a few people left in the game, and if he's deputy, we can run with the plan I just proposed.

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Basically, we have to decide if we want to roll the dice on killing our deputy in order to make sure AVM wasn't a symp, as Rick. From a pure strategy standpoint, given that this isn't end game, that makes no sense to me.

The alternative is we lynch someone else, reduce the size of the pool for the next day. Leave AVM alive so he presumably gets Ishy's results. Ishy should tells us who he views, so AVM can lie, and if AVM produces no results on Ishy's viewing tomorrow, we lynch AVM.

This guarantees us another viewing, and a way to put AVM's feet to the fire if he's lying without letting AVM dictate who gets viewed.

Yeah; I don't like the idea of lynching AVM. Right now I am thinking Nae or Christine.

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