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Young Guns Mafia


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Blood was a good movie but I've heard the series is not so good. And yeah Champloo is bomb. Remember downloading that as it was coming out in Japan back in the day.

Series sucked. Do not recommend. They took the brutalness out of the series and made

It bubble gum. Elfen lied is a better series. Also enjoyed the songs from rahxephon

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Elfen Lied I've heard decent things about but never watched. Rahxephon I've tried to watch four or five times. I enjoy it but for some reason I get bored somewhere between episode 5 and 10 and can't make myself watch anymore.

Oh well

I kind of feel that way about all anime now

I haven't watched a full series in like probably 5 years now

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Elfen Lied I've heard decent things about but never watched. Rahxephon I've tried to watch four or five times. I enjoy it but for some reason I get bored somewhere between episode 5 and 10 and can't make myself watch anymore.

Oh well

I kind of feel that way about all anime now

I haven't watched a full series in like probably 5 years now

what about Hellsing? I bought the DVD but not watched yet.
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The Regulators were deputized today with the intent to serve warrants out to all the men who killed John. However, they had to decide who to serve up for a hanging before getting to work. There was a lot of back and forth and arguing over who deserves the noose. 2 of the boys got caught in heated battle.

"You're omgus"

"No you are"

"You're dumb and obsessed with me"

"No, I just really hate you"

This went on for an entire day with the rest of the town just sitting in awe that 2 grown ass men could act like a couple of teenage girls fighting over a tampon. Finally, Wed arrived. And Wed is a special day in Lincoln County. There's a tradition if you will that saved the town from more suffering.

"Again?" This is getting old guys"

"STFU. Yes. Its tradition"

"A Horse? You want to hang a horse? We've got Murphy Men to arrest!"

And with that, one of the crew walked over to a horse, grabbed its rein's and tied a noose around its neck.

Nolderp, a Horse, Town, has been lynched:


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