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Karate Kid Mafia - Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy


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I'll keep my response to Ape's points about me short and sweet: what I point out as a lie was exactly that, so not sure what to tell you there. Beyond that, yes we did carry on endlessly between the two of us, but he's just as responsible for that as I was, besides I seriously doubt us bitching each other out was really swaying votes. I made my points crystal clear from the beginning of where my vote was going and why, and never wavered on that.

The Hess situation doesn't strike me as much, but I know a lot of that is meta-based and I can admit that can be dangerous. For example, his claim of being shot at it I had disregarded as meaningless the moment I read it. I'm not convinced of his innocence but I guess I need something more than Hess being a spaz to grab my attention.

Lily I've previously made a point about what I haven't liked about her play. She did eventually go back and dig up a case for her supposed previous suspicions of Hess, but only after getting pushed on the matter, and I still don't remember seeing anything from her to support the idea she had these suspicions prior to throwing out her vote based on Ape saying Hess lied about being shot at. Still felt like she was trying to hop on what was going to be a potentially easy lynch without getting her hands too dirty.

JVOR I don't feel like I have much of a read on either way. He hasn't provided much and his few posts didn't seem to strike me quite as hard as it did others. I'll be honest, it's kind of tough to get a read on a bunch of people given the huge gap we're seeing in participation levels. With that said, considering how many questions there have been from those others who have actually been active, I would like to hear him step up and address some of the points made against him.

Crusher worries me a bit just because, up until he stepped back yesterday because of being sick, he seemed to be a doing a good job of being actively involved in terms of posts, without committing to much of anything. That is something that always concerns me a bit. Let's be honest, it's pretty much exactly what I did in the early JN days when I had my nice little scum streak going. That said, that's something we'll have to come back to later with him being sick.

Given all of that, I agree it makes sense to get some trains going, especially with a deadline coming, and one of my top suspects seems to be a good candidate.

Vote: Lily


No, I actually truly appreciate guys like you, SMC, Slats, Verb, JVOR type of players who actually use more of lucid, practical reasoning in these games.

Without you guys these games are honestly a mess. I just wish you'd post more like I feel you guys sorta used too.

Without the contrast in styles the games suck. IMO

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I'm still pretty convinced that ape is scum. CTM was scum traitor and not just scum. If he was trying to make it to end game ftw why would he claim miller? How would he survive to end game that way? It makes no sense with that claim imo.

Moreover, If ape was town and ctm was scum with his team not knowing he was traitor, why was ape so difficult to lynch in the faceoff? You'd think more of an effort would be made on d1 by ctm's teammates to try to go for the "townie".

vote ape



Just realized that this post came from JVOR during the current day phase, not during the CTM-Ape gladiator battle.  Makes me want to hear from JVOR.  Him and Hess are both voting Ape currently.  Hess, because Ape annoyed him.  JVOR, because he thinks all of this is one big gimmick? 

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Few things stand out on my read:

1) Ape is hyperactive with his posting this game. I don't just mean quantity of posts, he actually sounds really juiced up to be playing in this game. That being said, why is he selling the 80 as cop reveal thing so hard and then being so defensive about it after the fact when he clearly mentioned it without provocation several times. It almost feels like he's trying to bait out from 80 to say one way or the other whether he was kidding or not, which is anti-town.

2) I have no problem lynching CTM as a miller, since it's basically a gymped role that's best to vet earlier rather than later, but why waste a "challenge" on it to get it out now. I hardly think that on its face that this is a game-breaking decision that needed to be "him or me". I feel like the last time Pac modded Ape and CTM had to get the other lynched and Ape's play in this feels very very reminiscent of the way he went after CTM like a mad dog to get him lynched when they were both anti-town.

Vote Ape



Btw, If Ape is somehow a jester, I'm going to seppuku.



THESE posts come from the Ape-Gladiator battle.  Sooooo scummy. 

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No, I actually truly appreciate guys like you, SMC, Slats, Verb, JVOR type of players who actually use more of lucid, practical reasoning in these games.

Without you guys these games are honestly a mess. I just wish you'd post more like I feel you guys sorta used too.

Without the contrast in styles the games suck. IMO


I don't think it's a lack of interest, it's just that we're just all getting old, man.  I'm real busy at work with the winddown at the firm, but I'm trying for the quality approach over quantity.  I know others have similar commitments.


As to BG's post, I got to be honest, I didn't read it. LOL

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I don't think it's a lack of interest, it's just that we're just all getting old, man. I'm real busy at work with the winddown at the firm, but I'm trying for the quality approach over quantity. I know others have similar commitments.

As to BG's post, I got to be honest, I didn't read it. LOL

I liked it when me and 80 were the only ones who didn't read sh*t. Now it's just a free for all. Oh well lol.
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BG, all I can say in response to your case is that I had commitments yesterday and got to finding quotes as soon as I could. I had warned y'all ahead of time that I had things to do yesterday. My being pushed had little if anything to do with it. 

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Somewhere in South Central LA a man-child who has perfected the infamous crane kick sleeps.  No one is sure who he'll kick or why he'll kick them.


All he knows is he's come to Reseda to chew bubblegum and kick ass.. 


and he's all out of Juicy Fruit.




I can't believe you messed up that quote from They Live. Unreal how lame you are.

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BG, all I can say in response to your case is that I had commitments yesterday and got to finding quotes as soon as I could. I had warned y'all ahead of time that I had things to do yesterday. My being pushed had little if anything to do with it. 



This is true.


And you did eventually go back and find those quotes, eh? The ones where Hess breadcrumbed being the Doc?


Why is it good idea to vote for Doc breadcrumber?

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Piper said he's all out of bubblegum..  I edited it to bring it into the new millennium.


Juicy Fruit was at it's peak as a relevant brand when that movie was made, and even they chose not to say it. 


You just made it gay. Like everything you touch.

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I think people that voted CTM and didn't waiver are more likely scum. CTM endorses busing, and though he would never say so in the thread, he knows damn well that the pragmatic thing to do was lynch him in that challenge. I'm sure that he had mates voting him with confidence.


The most likely scenario is scum coming out voting CTM, and then seeing that there was early, fast votes on me, it would behoove scum to see if they could push an Ape lynch over the top if they thought town might just be playing dumb.


BG voted CTM, keeps drawing attention to how he voted CTM, but like I've said now a couple times, BG never bothered to case CTM at all, all of BG's energy went into trying to discredit me, thus pushing my train.


Leelou also voted CTM, nice and clean. But then spent the rest of the challenge not casing CTM, but instead floating "I might switch to Ape" comments out there, not because she thought I was scum, but because she had mock outrage over the gladiator challenge.


BG and Leelou. I firmly believe at least one of them is scum, therefore one or both of them should be one of the competing trains.

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I'd also point out that 80 has been horribly anti-town in his efforts so far. I know we are stuck with him for now, but don't let it be lost on you that 80 is usually willing to vote anyone, anytime. Hell he just told us he viewed Smash, and got innocent, but then suggested the guy is GF. 


However, at the mention of BGs name, 80 dug in and refused to vote him. I've never seen 80 refuse to vote anyone.

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