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Really? Have you seen his team against the run this preseason? ugly. Rex is overrated as a DC and never was any good as a HC. He made his bones in Baltimore with HOF type players everywhere. It has turned mighty stale in NY. Jets have NO speed at LB and Giants gashed them in run game. First play Davis takes wrong gap and David Wilson of all people goes 85 yards. Yeah, great defense.


Meh, I can get not liking the guy as a HC but questioning his ability as a defensive coach is a bit much.  In his first year Rex turned a rather piss poor 2008 defense which was one of the very worst against the pass (even with Revis) to the league's top rated defense with the top rated pass D.  Based on your earlier posts, I would take it you don't credit Scott for that turnaround and it sure as hell wasn't Lito Sheppard, so what does that leave us with?  Jim Leonhard and Marques Douglas?  Solid players no doubt, but hardly top notch difference-makers.  Once the Jets eventually send him packing, Rex is going to have himself a DC job in this league for as long as he wants it.

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They needed a QB and they drafted one. Who would you have preferred? They werent winning a SB with Kyle Orton or Josh Freeman either.


As far as holy sh*t this team is good, both the 2008 and 2009 teams were better than the 2010 team. And Sanchez was better in 2010 than 09. And we've been over it a million times, but the #1 ranked defense got absolutely cut up by the Colts in the second half of the AFC title game.


Blaming Sanchez for everything is really, really starting to get old.


They didn't get cut up in the 2nd half any more than the defense (and special teams) got cut up for Baltimore.  If they had Sanchez they would have no superbowl ring.  Hell, they wouldn't have made it there even to lose it.


San Fran's defense let Atlanta get out to a 17-0 lead in the first half.  Sound familiar? Same as Jets/Pittsburgh.  Difference is the Jets didn't give up any more points (San Fran let up another TD on defense), the Jets defense actually scored points (SF's didn't), and the Jets' QB spotted the other team another TD while scoring 17 total on offense (SF scored 28 behind Kaepernick's 80% completion rate and zero picks/fumbles).


It's also easy to point to the defense when the offense continually puts them back onto the field 3 minutes after they got off it.


It's unrealistic to expect the defense to shut down the opposition literally every single game.  Baltimore, this past year, had to overcome the defense & special teams letting up  31 and 35 points in 2 playoff games. Their D gave up 25 points in the 2nd half of the SB alone.  But their QB doesn't become a useless sack of garbage because one Shonn Greene gets injured.

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They didn't get cut up in the 2nd half any more than the defense (and special teams) got cut up for Baltimore.  If they had Sanchez they would have no superbowl ring.  Hell, they wouldn't have made it there even to lose it.


San Fran's defense let Atlanta get out to a 17-0 lead in the first half.  Sound familiar? Same as Jets/Pittsburgh.  Difference is the Jets didn't give up any more points (San Fran let up another TD on defense), the Jets defense actually scored points (SF's didn't), and the Jets' QB spotted the other team another TD while scoring 17 total on offense (SF scored 28 behind Kaepernick's 80% completion rate and zero picks/fumbles).


It's also easy to point to the defense when the offense continually puts them back onto the field 3 minutes after they got off it.


It's unrealistic to expect the defense to shut down the opposition literally every single game.  Baltimore, this past year, had to overcome the defense & special teams letting up  31 and 35 points in 2 playoff games. Their D gave up 25 points in the 2nd half of the SB alone.  But their QB doesn't become a useless sack of garbage because one Shonn Greene gets injured.


Who's this elite QB we missed out on because of Mark Sanchez?

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I tend to think they never had confidence. I think good veteran leadership helped Rex to winning seasons in his first 2 years, but this team never had confidence. Once the veteran leadership was ousted, the team became reliant on Rex's leadership... and that's when the true character of Rex's team was exposed.


Schoolyard bully.


True confidence doesn't need to be a talking point or a sound byte. This team lacked true confidence, and did nothing but perch themselves on shock, awe and bluster (with a dash of luck, like the Colts benching their starters in a game that put us in the playoffs). When teams actually rose up, smacked us in the mouth, the facade of false confidence crumbled and the schoolyard bully has done nothing but whimper since.


I think Rex and his Jets were too dumb to realize it when the Colts did it to us, and were able to keep people fooled a bit longer... but when the Steelers did it, a truly tough organization, we were exposed as a bunch of Sally's and it has been downhill since that AFC Championship game.


Blah, those first 3 seasons they had a ton of confidence.  You dont lead the league in rushing and defense, playing with no confidence.  Maybe I'm harping to hard on your choice of words too much, but this is a little ridiculous.  Revis wasnt a confident player?  That OL wasnt confident when they were man handling 9 in the box game after game leading the league in rushing with Thomas ******* Jones as their primary back and with zero passing game? 


Even the 8-8 year that team played with confidence, Sanchez just fell apart down the stretch.


I just disagree that this is "false bravado".  Rex knows damn well he's one of the best in the biz.  He just doesnt make predictions anymore because he knows he doesnt have the team. 

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Blah, those first 3 seasons they had a ton of confidence.  You dont lead the league in rushing and defense, playing with no confidence.  Maybe I'm harping to hard on your choice of words too much, but this is a little ridiculous.  Revis wasnt a confident player?  That OL wasnt confident when they were man handling 9 in the box game after game leading the league in rushing with Thomas ******* Jones as their primary back and with zero passing game? 


Even the 8-8 year that team played with confidence, Sanchez just fell apart down the stretch.


I just disagree that this is "false bravado".  Rex knows damn well he's one of the best in the biz.  He just doesnt make predictions anymore because he knows he doesnt have the team. 


If he knew he was the best in the business, then he wouldn't need to say it constantly. Behaviour like that is a signature of low self-esteem, hence why I've attributed it to false bravado.


That same low self-esteem may be what gives Rex the drive to work to BE one of the best in the business, but I can assure you, deep inside he's not as confident as his exterior personality lets on.


Regardless, he's here - and I want to see him succeed. In general, I like him. Which is why he pisses me off so much when he falls on his face constantly.

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Really? Have you seen his team against the run this preseason? ugly. Rex is overrated as a DC and never was any good as a HC. He made his bones in Baltimore with HOF type players everywhere. It has turned mighty stale in NY. Jets have NO speed at LB and Giants gashed them in run game. First play Davis takes wrong gap and David Wilson of all people goes 85 yards. Yeah, great defense.

You obviously don't know anything about football if you think Rex isn't a damn good DC.

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If he knew he was the best in the business, then he wouldn't need to say it constantly. Behaviour like that is a signature of low self-esteem, hence why I've attributed it to false bravado.


That same low self-esteem may be what gives Rex the drive to work to BE one of the best in the business, but I can assure you, deep inside he's not as confident as his exterior personality lets on.


Regardless, he's here - and I want to see him succeed. In general, I like him. Which is why he pisses me off so much when he falls on his face constantly.


^^^^^This x 1,000,000

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Will never understand why they were so quick to dump Cotchery. He may not be the ideal #1 WR, but a tandem  of Cothchery and Kerley would be decent. All we ever hear is how the jets have no weapons, but you dump serviceable people like Cotchery.  It's akin to the kid killing his parents and then complaining he's now an orphan. 


Same thing with Rob Turner.Instead they dump a decent vet to play Vlad. WTF?


You have a point with Cotchery, but seriously,  Rob Turner?

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Not sure school yard bully is the correct read.  Rex appears more pretentious than mean spirited.  Yes, he tried to instill confidence in his players with his bluster but his biggest downfall is his intellect.  It appears he didn't realize how much his credibility took a hit when he went over the top with false bravado.  We started seeing the fissures when the vets left the locker room and moved into the media.  All of sudden the dirty laundry (not holding players accountable, praising average performance) became open knowledge.  Then the whole foot fetish episode took it to another level.  To me, that's when the whole atmosphere changed. Rex seemed to lose his mojo.  Never been the same since. 


I agree.  Rex is really a pussy.  He talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk.  Hit him or his team in the mouth and they fold.

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They didn't get cut up in the 2nd half any more than the defense (and special teams) got cut up for Baltimore.  If they had Sanchez they would have no superbowl ring.  Hell, they wouldn't have made it there even to lose it.


San Fran's defense let Atlanta get out to a 17-0 lead in the first half.  Sound familiar? Same as Jets/Pittsburgh.  Difference is the Jets didn't give up any more points (San Fran let up another TD on defense), the Jets defense actually scored points (SF's didn't), and the Jets' QB spotted the other team another TD while scoring 17 total on offense (SF scored 28 behind Kaepernick's 80% completion rate and zero picks/fumbles).


It's also easy to point to the defense when the offense continually puts them back onto the field 3 minutes after they got off it.


It's unrealistic to expect the defense to shut down the opposition literally every single game.  Baltimore, this past year, had to overcome the defense & special teams letting up  31 and 35 points in 2 playoff games. Their D gave up 25 points in the 2nd half of the SB alone.  But their QB doesn't become a useless sack of garbage because one Shonn Greene gets injured.

Niners/Ravens, 2 good defenses, was a 34-31 game. The Jets cannot score 30 points unless you count by 3s. The idea you can win anything expecting 13-10 games each week and into the playoffs is idiocy. And that unltimately is why Wrecks is never getting another HC job. It's one thing to buck industry trends on the amrgins  quite another to go back to anitquated ideas that are long discarde for your whole program.

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You have a point with Cotchery, but seriously,  Rob Turner?

He's been servicable with the Rams, even played some center. Not saying he's an All pro, merely the jets under Tannenbaum were a little quick to dump decent roster filler like Cotchery and Turner. Was either much worse or much more expensive than Edwards and Vlad?

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Yes he is, but newsflash...he's NOT the DC of the NY Jets, he's the HC.

News flash i wasn't saying he was, but if you think he's not coordinating the D right now you are mistaken. He is a damn good defensive minded coach.....there is that better for you?

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He's been servicable with the Rams, even played some center. Not saying he's an All pro, merely the jets under Tannenbaum were a little quick to dump decent roster filler like Cotchery and Turner. Was either much worse or much more expensive than Edwards and Vlad?


I never thought Turner was as good as many other Jets fans.  Even so, at the time they allowed him to walk, they were changing their OL blocking scheme, and the new scheme didn't fit Turner's skillset and type of play.  I may be mistaken and have it backwards, but believe they were changing from a zone blocking scheme to a man blocking scheme under Sparano and Turner wasn't big or strong enough to handle the man blocking scheme, so it totally made sense to let him walk.  The point could fairly be made that the blocking scheme shouldn't have been changed and thus Turner kept, however.  The Jets OL had been at their best in a zone blocking scheme in 2009 and 2010, and they didn't have big, mauling type OL that excel in a man scheme.

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News flash i wasn't saying he was, but if you think he's not coordinating the D right now you are mistaken. He is a damn good defensive minded coach.....there is that better for you?


Sorry if I misunderstood you or was mistaken, but it seemed that you, like a number of Jets fans, seem to think that because he's a great defensive coach that makes him a great HC, and I disagree with that notion.


I agree that he's a damn good defensive coach, and have said so on many occasions.  I also never said that he wasn't coordinating the D now.  In fact, that's part of the problem imo.  He focuses too much on the D, to the exclusion of the offense.

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Sorry if I misunderstood you or was mistaken, but it seemed that you, like a number of Jets fans, seem to think that because he's a great defensive coach that makes him a great HC, and I disagree with that notion.


I agree that he's a damn good defensive coach, and have said so on many occasions.  I also never said that he wasn't coordinating the D now.  In fact, that's part of the problem imo.  He focuses too much on the D, to the exclusion of the offense.


The part about Ryan's role with the Jets that I do not have an adequate understanding on is the role he has, or has not, played in the drafts.  Whatever role it has been, the Jet drafts have spent a lot of focus on D, other than the Sanchez pick, and relatively less on O.  This has been a huge part of the problem for the O.  Looking at the few key players on O, Mangold and Ferguson predate the Ryan era, and Holmes was picked up in a bargain basement trade.  Seems like ages ago, but the Jets regime did well picking up LT, but he was running out of gas in his second season, and is now only a fading memory.  There really is no one else of quality on the team on O, and even the Holmes move is controversial to say the least.  I do not say this as an excuse for Sanchez, who has been woeful, and I think the worst draft pick in terms of the investment made since... Blair Thomas?  Maybe.  But there's precious little talent on the offense's roster right now.  Maybe Colon will turn out to be a good move, and Howard is improving.  Still like kerley, but the reality is he's maybe average.


Not that the Ryan era picks on D have been so great.  Wilkerson is probably the best, and picking up Cromartie is arguably the best personnel move made since Rex came to NY.   Coples also shows much promise, and I like what we see so far from Richardson.  But after that?


I do think Rex is a great Defensive coach when it comes to using the personnel he has to best advantage.  But that needs to be tempered a bit with the realization that he has not made much of a positive contribution on personnel moves, on either side of the ball but yes including D as well.

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People dont like his bafoonary - but he is deflecting attention from his players when it needs to be done. Every great HC does this in different ways then Rex - but they do it.



Hmmm...interesting spelling. Rex is not deflecting anything....he is absorbing direct hits....and being chopped to pieces. 

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Blah, those first 3 seasons they had a ton of confidence.  You dont lead the league in rushing and defense, playing with no confidence.  Maybe I'm harping to hard on your choice of words too much, but this is a little ridiculous.  Revis wasnt a confident player?  That OL wasnt confident when they were man handling 9 in the box game after game leading the league in rushing with Thomas ******* Jones as their primary back and with zero passing game? 


Even the 8-8 year that team played with confidence, Sanchez just fell apart down the stretch.


I just disagree that this is "false bravado".  Rex knows damn well he's one of the best in the biz.  He just doesnt make predictions anymore because he knows he doesnt have the team. 

It was pure luck that Rex's team got in the playoff his first year, though.

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Sorry if I misunderstood you or was mistaken, but it seemed that you, like a number of Jets fans, seem to think that because he's a great defensive coach that makes him a great HC, and I disagree with that notion.

I agree that he's a damn good defensive coach, and have said so on many occasions. I also never said that he wasn't coordinating the D now. In fact, that's part of the problem imo. He focuses too much on the D, to the exclusion of the offense.

I know in past it was a big issue with Rex focusing a lot on D and not the whole team. But, maybe with a competent OC who seems to have a system where receivers are actually open it can actually work. There's a lot of HCs in the league who focus on their strong side and let the other coordinator handle most of that side. You just have to have someone that knows what they are doing to allow that. If we can just have a QB not turn the ball over at record rates maybe this team won't be half bad this yr. I would really like for the Jets to have a system work where Rex handles D and other team duties, Morningwheg handles O, and maybe better personnel decisions will come with Idzik. Hopefully It's turns out to be more than just a wish.

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I know in past it was a big issue with Rex focusing a lot on D and not the whole team. But, maybe with a competent OC who seems to have a system where receivers are actually open it can actually work. There's a lot of HCs in the league who focus on their strong side and let the other coordinator handle most of that side. You just have to have someone that knows what they are doing to allow that. If we can just have a QB not turn the ball over at record rates maybe this team won't be half bad this yr. I would really like for the Jets to have a system work where Rex handles D and other team duties, Morningwheg handles O, and maybe better personnel decisions will come with Idzik. Hopefully It's turns out to be more than just a wish.


I agree that a number of HCs focus on their strength and let the other coordinators handle the other units, but they still have to know how to handle and manage the whole team, and should know enough to be able to help shape the approach and game plan with those other units.  Rex doesn't.

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