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Jets' Players Want Rex Extended


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Jets fire Rex and he will win a SB with his next team, not ours.  This guy thrives and feeds off of disrespect.  He is a fighter.  One of my favorite parts of Hard Knocks was when Rex stormed out of the conference call with Revis' agents telling them, I'LL SHOW YOU!!! he meant that sh!t, I felt that sh!t.  that was no act or bravado.



No doubt in my mind at some point he will win one somewhere.  Here if we give him a couple more years.  Good a chance as anyone.  Hell, I dare say if he had a little better QB the first two years we very might have.

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I don't disagree, but the O and D lines alone make this a decent roster. This is why before the season started I was laughing about the idiotic predictions of 4-12, it had no basis other than last years record, none.


There are no names because our talent is at the non skill positions, and that is not the glory positions.


I think this is a 7-9 to 10-6 type roster, I really do.


If Geno can be a top 15 NFL QB next year, and we can get him two receiving threats for next year, I think this team is a legit contender next year. 


I will say it again, this is nowhere near a horrible roster. It is a roster without any big time playmakers at the skill positions, but no terrible at all

I believe you have consistently been on this bandwagon, so I applaud you for your conviction, and thus far accurate prediction.

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The only area on the field where we have adequate NFL talent is on the D-Line.  We've been entirely dependent on that unit this season. 


As Bit pointed out, a sizable chunk of our cap is being spent on players who aren't here anymore.  Sure, other teams out there have put themselves in some form of cap hell at one time or another, but there are few teams who doled out such terrible contracts to Sanchez, Holmes, etc. 


We invested heavily in LB and CB, yes.  But that doesn't mean the talent is there.  Cromartie finally started to look like Cromartie on Sunday.  Milliner made his first good play or 2 of his career as well.  David Harris has looked good in spells, but we know he's a liability in pass coverage and is heavily overpaid.


It's why Idzik had to come in and mostly clean house.  He will finally be able to get rid of the bad contracts and get some cap space to bring in impact guys this offseason.  But you're a fool if you think we're operating with anything above a bottom-3rd roster.  It's why prognosticators had us as somewhere between a 2-6 win team this year, and rightfully so.  With a rookie QB and so many holes, and after facing the schedule we did, 5-4 is incredible.


Anyone who saw this team as a 2 win team is a flat out moron. The D alone was far too good for that. Not to mention we have a very, very soft schedule this year. I don't give a crap what the prognosticaters had to say, they are idiots. I am sure they all had the Chiefs as bad to average, the Ravens as good to great. They are lazy and don't do their homework, they look at last years results and fail to dig deep.


Not having Sanchez and Sparano alone were worth 3-4 wins over last year, easily. This is a middle of the road roster as it stands right now.

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There are bad contracts because we were delusional for a few years thinking we were legit contenders.

Our O-line is good if not very good by todays NFL standards, there is no way it is anything less than that.

We have decent LB'ers, and decent corners and our D line is top 3 in the NFL.

This is a middle of the road roster, nowhere near a bottom 3rd roster. If you want to call me a fool for thinking it is not bottom 3rd, find me 21 teams with better overall rosters, if not, your the fool.

No no no. Rex has taken this band of misfits onto his shoulders and carried them to +.500.

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There are bad contracts because we were delusional for a few years thinking we were legit contenders.


Our O-line is good if not very good by todays NFL standards, there is no way it is anything less than that.


We have decent LB'ers, and decent corners and our D line is top 3 in the NFL.


This is a middle of the road roster, nowhere near a bottom 3rd roster. If you want to call me a fool for thinking it is not bottom 3rd, find me 21 teams with better overall rosters, if not, your the fool.


they have an amazing DL. they have a good OL (B- grade in Cimini's article is accurate)


The ILB are above average, Demario Davis is an up and comer. 


but that's about it for good news. 


The RB are about average on a good day. The OLB are injured (Barnes, MacIntyre) and old (Pace). The CB, altho paid well, are among the league's worst statistically, the S are flat out atrocious (except for ANtonio ALlen who is good at covering TE) but they don't have a FS on the roster. The WR and TE are basically street free agents at this point. the QB is statistically the 29th rated in the league. 


Look around the league, most teams, even crappy ones have more on offense skills than the Jets. they are getting by on DL play and amazing coaching. to have this team at or above .500 is a miracle coaching job. 

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they have an amazing DL. they have a good OL (B- grade in Cimini's article is accurate)


The ILB are above average, Demario Davis is an up and comer. 


but that's about it for good news. 


The RB are about average on a good day. The OLB are injured (Barnes, MacIntyre) and old (Pace). The CB, altho paid well, are among the league's worst statistically, the S are flat out atrocious (except for ANtonio ALlen who is good at covering TE) but they don't have a FS on the roster. The WR and TE are basically street free agents at this point. the QB is statistically the 29th rated in the league. 


Look around the league, most teams, even crappy ones have more on offense skills than the Jets. they are getting by on DL play and amazing coaching. to have this team at or above .500 is a miracle coaching job. 

If you can win the trenches, you can win a lot

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they have an amazing DL. they have a good OL (B- grade in Cimini's article is accurate)

The ILB are above average, Demario Davis is an up and comer.

but that's about it for good news.

The RB are about average on a good day. The OLB are injured (Barnes, MacIntyre) and old (Pace). The CB, altho paid well, are among the league's worst statistically, the S are flat out atrocious (except for ANtonio ALlen who is good at covering TE) but they don't have a FS on the roster. The WR and TE are basically street free agents at this point. the QB is statistically the 29th rated in the league.

Look around the league, most teams, even crappy ones have more on offense skills than the Jets. they are getting by on DL play and amazing coaching. to have this team at or above .500 is a miracle coaching job.

Can you break down the Pats, Saints, Packers, and Giants roster right now? For comparisons sake?

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they have an amazing DL. they have a good OL (B- grade in Cimini's article is accurate)


The ILB are above average, Demario Davis is an up and comer. 


but that's about it for good news. 


The RB are about average on a good day. The OLB are injured (Barnes, MacIntyre) and old (Pace). The CB, altho paid well, are among the league's worst statistically, the S are flat out atrocious (except for ANtonio ALlen who is good at covering TE) but they don't have a FS on the roster. The WR and TE are basically street free agents at this point. the QB is statistically the 29th rated in the league. 


Look around the league, most teams, even crappy ones have more on offense skills than the Jets. they are getting by on DL play and amazing coaching. to have this team at or above .500 is a miracle coaching job. 


I think you and many others are kidding yourselves when you think there are so many other teams with so much better rosters. Its just false. Look at the Giants, going into the season everyone looked at them as an NFC contender because they have a QB and a few receivers. But both of their lines have regressed big time, and amazingly so has the QB and the offensive production, how about that, amazing huh.


Almost every team in the league you can look at their rosters and find glaring holes in multiple areas with the exception of maybe 3-4 teams. The wildcard is the QB as it makes up for a lot of other holes. That said, Geno has turned out to be far better than anyone could have hoped for.

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Want more examples of parity?


-The last 9 SB winners have not contained a repeat winner.

-In no other period of SB history, can you go 9 years without having a repeat champion

-The last 9 champions, include 8 different teams (NYG twice)


Not only is the league accordioning in terms of talent and results, but the top teams are constantly shuffling.


Parity is alive and well in the and statistics and results point it out more so. Rozelle wins.


Yeah, except nobody said there isn't parity. Nobody argued that there isn't parity.  This is a straw-man argument of yours.


What I doubted was your assertion that this year is so different, unlike other years before this one, that a new trend has just begun.  And it turns out, it really isn't all that different from prior years.


I "scoffed" at the results I asked for because they showed precisely what I expected: that there really isn't a significant difference at all.  There is nothing suddenly special about parity this year compared to last year or the year before or (as you provided as your "proof") 9 years ago.  Nothing that would suggest a new "trend" that just kicked into gear in 2013.


I see you're also twisting my words again regarding the best/worst team disparities.  You were the one who claimed that the talent gap between the best and worst teams this year is closer than it has ever been before.  This is another baseless claim that I merely doubted.


Now you're attempting to turn it on me to disprove something that you're claiming? You are the one who made a claim that things are suddenly different; that there is a sudden trend, starting here in 2013.  If someone doubts this claim, it is incumbent upon you to prove it, not for the doubter to disprove it.   And your "proof" is that there's like a 3% increase in the record 4th quarter instances where the score was within 7 points (which is an arbitrary number anyway; in football it is an "even" number because that's how much a TD is), over a 9-week stretch.  There is no statistical basis for showing that a 7 point margin is more indicative of parity than a 6 or 8 point difference.  Yet the 7 point number is not only used as though this was an empirical fact, but that this 3% difference compared to a season 9 years ago means BOOM! a new trend has begun in 2013!


There are only some 20 years since free agency began and less than that since it went into full gear (as most players were already under contract when it went into effect).  With such a sample size, not only is it unsurprising, but rather it is EXPECTED that periodically a new "record" will develop in any number of narrowly-analyzed statistics, particularly ones with arbitrary cutoff points, and this is merely one of them.  I expect over the next several years you will have years that are lower than this season and also the possibility that one or more years may exceed it.  If every year this keeps progressively going up and up, THAT is a league-wide trend.


If you wanted to show a "trend," as you put it, you'd show a general upswing over the last several years.  I suspect it is more random; that there are ups and downs and that is more a factor of the individual matchups than anything else, since every team does not play every other team at home and at away when they're both 100% healthy with 100% evenly-matched coaches to provide an ample control group.  Sometimes - particularly in a 9-week snapshot, more evenly-matched teams get 2 matchups against each other and none against a dominant team.  Sometimes it's the other way around.  Sometimes they have more injuries coinciding with an already-lopsided matchup and sometimes it's the opposite.  Anyone could deduce this.  


There is no general trend that the parity that has existed is ever-increasing, let alone that some significant new trend has suddenly sprung into action this year.  It is pretty much just as it's been for some time.  

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There are bad contracts because we were delusional for a few years thinking we were legit contenders.


Our O-line is good if not very good by todays NFL standards, there is no way it is anything less than that.


We have decent LB'ers, and decent corners and our D line is top 3 in the NFL.


This is a middle of the road roster, nowhere near a bottom 3rd roster. If you want to call me a fool for thinking it is not bottom 3rd, find me 21 teams with better overall rosters, if not, your the fool.



Our offense lacks playmakers at pretty much every skill position, and we have a rookie QB starting.  It was easy to assume we'd struggle offensively before the season began.


Defensively, we had talent, but are young and very inexperienced.


Getting this team halfway through the year to 5-4, where the first half of the schedule was widely accepted as being rather brutal, is a tribute to both the grit of our young team, and to the coaching staff.

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I think you and many others are kidding yourselves when you think there are so many other teams with so much better rosters. Its just false. Look at the Giants, going into the season everyone looked at them as an NFC contender because they have a QB and a few receivers. But both of their lines have regressed big time, and amazingly so has the QB and the offensive production, how about that, amazing huh.


Almost every team in the league you can look at their rosters and find glaring holes in multiple areas with the exception of maybe 3-4 teams. The wildcard is the QB as it makes up for a lot of other holes. That said, Geno has turned out to be far better than anyone could have hoped for.

Sperm told us there are "enormous talent gaps" between teams. Still waiting for a quantification of that.


I don't believe there is.

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There are bad contracts because we were delusional for a few years thinking we were legit contenders.


Our O-line is good if not very good by todays NFL standards, there is no way it is anything less than that.


We have decent LB'ers, and decent corners and our D line is top 3 in the NFL.


This is a middle of the road roster, nowhere near a bottom 3rd roster. If you want to call me a fool for thinking it is not bottom 3rd, find me 21 teams with better overall rosters, if not, your the fool.


This Sunday we were rolling out there with David Nelson (formerly cut by the Bills), Greg Salas (cut by the Rams) and Zach Sudfeld (cut by the Pats) as our primary receiving options.  That's awful.


And when you're saying we're "decent" at LB and CB, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement.  You can't be mediocre/bad in your starting Back 7 and have a winning record, generally. 


21 teams with better rosters?  Sure thing:























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Sperm told us there are "enormous talent gaps" between teams. Still waiting for a quantification of that.


I don't believe there is.


There are probably 3-4 teams at the top and bottom in which there are huge gaps between everyone else, other than that I just flat out disagree with that. Unless you want to weight the QB position as basically the only measure for talent, in which case your probably right.

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Yeah, except nobody said there isn't parity. Nobody argued that there isn't parity.  This is a straw-man argument of yours.



You said that there are "enormous talent gaps" between teams. I would have to assume that this is an anti-parity stance.


Please explain. Or were you just posturing because you did not like my premise?

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I think you and many others are kidding yourselves when you think there are so many other teams with so much better rosters. Its just false. Look at the Giants, going into the season everyone looked at them as an NFC contender because they have a QB and a few receivers. But both of their lines have regressed big time, and amazingly so has the QB and the offensive production, how about that, amazing huh.


Did Eli Manning suddenly forget how to play QB?  Did Jason Pierre-Paul and Justin Tuck forget how to rush the passer?  Are they suddenly talent-less?

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This Sunday we were rolling out there with David Nelson (formerly cut by the Bills), Greg Salas (cut by the Rams) and Zach Sudfeld (cut by the Pats) as our primary receiving options.  That's awful.


And when you're saying we're "decent" at LB and CB, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement.  You can't be mediocre/bad in your starting Back 7 and have a winning record, generally. 


21 teams with better rosters?  Sure thing:
























Very well thought out post, I love how you just throw these teams out as having better rosters than us with zero analysis whatsoever. It's pretty clear that your ONLY measure for roster talent is offensive skill players, so arguing with you is pretty much pointless.

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There are probably 3-4 teams at the top and bottom in which there are huge gaps between everyone else, other than that I just flat out disagree with that. Unless you want to weight the QB position as basically the only measure for talent, in which case your probably right.


We have a rookie QB and the 2nd youngest roster in the NFL.  Those are enormous factors. 


The youngest team, the Rams, were 3-4 with the NFL's youngest roster BEFORE veteran QB Sam Bradford went down.  They're talented but extremely young and their record showed it.  Yet the Jets, with a ROOKIE QB and an almost equally young roster, have looked far better.  I wonder why that is.

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Very well thought out post, I love how you just throw these teams out as having better rosters than us with zero analysis whatsoever. It's pretty clear that your ONLY measure for roster talent is offensive skill players, so arguing with you is pretty much pointless.


As Scott has pointed out, offense drives things in the NFL today.  Having a Drew Brees at QB is an enormous advantage.  Having a Calvin Johnson, who it takes 3 people to cover and they still cannot do so, is an enormous advantage. 

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Did Eli Manning suddenly forget how to play QB?  Did Jason Pierre-Paul and Justin Tuck forget how to rush the passer?  Are they suddenly talent-less?


Actually, Eli is stuck behind a crap line, and his play has been horrible this season, horrible. JPP has had serious back surgery and is still recovering, and Tuck is a shell of what he was. Unless you have Brady, P Manning, Brees, Rogers, you need more around you. Even the Saints last year who had the great Brees sucked last year.

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We have a rookie QB and the 2nd youngest roster in the NFL.  Those are enormous factors. 


The youngest team, the Rams, were 3-4 with the NFL's youngest roster BEFORE veteran QB Sam Bradford went down.  They're talented but extremely young and their record showed it.  Yet the Jets, with a ROOKIE QB and an almost equally young roster, have looked far better.  I wonder why that is.


But, but, but....Lovie Smith was fired in Chicago!

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This Sunday we were rolling out there with David Nelson (formerly cut by the Bills), Greg Salas (cut by the Rams) and Zach Sudfeld (cut by the Pats) as our primary receiving options. That's awful.

And when you're saying we're "decent" at LB and CB, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement. You can't be mediocre/bad in your starting Back 7 and have a winning record, generally.

21 teams with better rosters? Sure thing:






















Why doesn't the great coach and his staff just coach up Stephen Hill? Why doesn't the great head coach get Santonio Holmes to play hard? Why did the great head coach decide to stock his receiver position with Holmes, Plaxico, and Derrick Mason? What happened to The Rex Effect that was going to convince players to sign here on the cheap? Why does the great defensive coach need $40 million dollars of the salary cap dedicated to cornerbacks? Why does the great defensive head coach need three first round picks on the DL?

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As Scott has pointed out, offense drives things in the NFL today.  Having a Drew Brees at QB is an enormous advantage.  Having a Calvin Johnson, who it takes 3 people to cover and they still cannot do so, is an enormous advantage. 


Of course it does, but winning in the trenches can also have an enormous advantage as we saw Sunday against the great Drew Brees. Your argument is incredibly short sighted. The Lions were awful last year with the great Calvin Johnson and the great Matt Satfford.

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Actually, Eli is stuck behind a crap line, and his play has been horrible this season, horrible. JPP has had serious back surgery and is still recovering, and Tuck is a shell of what he was. Unless you have Brady, P Manning, Brees, Rogers, you need more around you. Even the Saints last year who had the great Brees sucked last year.


So the Jets, with a ROOKIE QB and the 2ND YOUNGEST ROSTER in the NFL, to you have adequate talent.  Interesting.

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We have a rookie QB and the 2nd youngest roster in the NFL.  Those are enormous factors. 


The youngest team, the Rams, were 3-4 with the NFL's youngest roster BEFORE veteran QB Sam Bradford went down.  They're talented but extremely young and their record showed it.  Yet the Jets, with a ROOKIE QB and an almost equally young roster, have looked far better.  I wonder why that is.


Well, for one we have a far better defense and O line than they do. They also play in a much tougher division than we do, and we had the good fortune of 2 game saving/winning calls go our way. It's really not rocket science, the D line and Oline have plenty of value, look at last years draft where most of the first round was linemen.

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Of course it does, but winning in the trenches can also have an enormous advantage as we saw Sunday against the great Drew Brees. Your argument is incredibly short sighted. The Lions were awful last year with the great Calvin Johnson and the great Matt Satfford.


I'm going to go out on a limb here, but..........maybe their coach sucks?

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So the Jets, with a ROOKIE QB and the 2ND YOUNGEST ROSTER in the NFL, to you have adequate talent.  Interesting.


Well, they beat the great Tom Brady and the great Drew Brees this year didn't they? Or did Rex strap up his old chin strap and play in place of our horrendous team?

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You said that there are "enormous talent gaps" between teams. I would have to assume that this is an anti-parity stance.


Please explain. Or were you just posturing because you did not like my premise?


Yes, I believe there are enormous talent gaps between the best and worst teams.  I notice you left that italicized part out to yet again attempt to make it appear like I said something I didn't. 


You claimed there weren't significant talent levels between the best and worst teams and I disagreed.  


The parity in this league is greater than it ever has been, and the gap in talent level from the best team to the worst team is probably closer than any time in league history. 




So I was responding to you when I said that:  


Anything else I've said that you'd like to distort the meaning of through omission and rewording?

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The only area on the field where we have adequate NFL talent is on the D-Line.  We've been entirely dependent on that unit this season. 


As Bit pointed out, a sizable chunk of our cap is being spent on players who aren't here anymore.  Sure, other teams out there have put themselves in some form of cap hell at one time or another, but there are few teams who doled out such terrible contracts to Sanchez, Holmes, etc. 


We invested heavily in LB and CB, yes.  But that doesn't mean the talent is there.  Cromartie finally started to look like Cromartie on Sunday.  Milliner made his first good play or 2 of his career as well.  David Harris has looked good in spells, but we know he's a liability in pass coverage and is heavily overpaid.


It's why Idzik had to come in and mostly clean house.  He will finally be able to get rid of the bad contracts and get some cap space to bring in impact guys this offseason.  But you're a fool if you think we're operating with anything above a bottom-3rd roster.  It's why prognosticators had us as somewhere between a 2-6 win team this year, and rightfully so.  With a rookie QB and so many holes, and after facing the schedule we did, 5-4 is incredible.


Basically a very good post, but I don't get where you or jacked get that the Jets have invested heavily at the LB position.  It simply isn't true.  In the past, yes, they had a lot of money tied up in Pace and Thomas, but no more.  Harris is overpaid as you say, but he's the only one making much money at LB.  Davis is the only mid-round or higher draft pick on the team other than Harris.  Barnes may have been, but he's older and on IR now.  One of the reasons the Jets D hasn't been any better than it has is because by and large Tanny ignored the LB spot for the Jets.  He drafted Gholston and Davis, and maybe Bellore and McIntyre, but I think Bellore was a UDFA and McIntyre a FA from the CFL.


Aside from that, your point stands...the DL is the only unit on the team that is talent rich.  The ILBs are above average and pretty good.  The OL is average or below average. The same goes for the RBs.   The OLBs are below average.  The Safeties are the worst. The WRs are probably 2nd worst, followed by the TEs, CBs and QBs.


I think the team needs to make a major investment (high draft picks and/or FAs) in the WR, OLB, TE, and FS positions.  They can afford a lesser investment (mid-to-lower round draft picks and/or FAs) in the OL, RB, CB, and ILB positions for another year or two, but then will need to make some major investment in those positions.  What helps is that Milliner is a rookie with a lot of potential, Hill still has a lot of room for growth/improvement & has a ton of talent and Colon, Winslow and Sudfelt look like excellent FA pickups.  Salas and Nelson could stick and help too.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here, but..........maybe their coach sucks?


I was told earlier this year in a thread I posted that its all about roster talent, and very little is about coaching. Many of the same ones chiming in here about how bad our roster is were right there calling me an idiot when I said coaching is a bigger part of the picture than they want to give credit for.


They all told me it's all about the Jimmy's and the Joe's, and not the x's and the o's.


I happen to think its about both.

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Why doesn't the great coach and his staff just coach up Stephen Hill? Why doesn't the great head coach get Santonio Holmes to play hard? Why did the great head coach decide to stock his receiver position with Holmes, Plaxico, and Derrick Mason? What happened to The Rex Effect that was going to convince players to sign here on the cheap? Why does the great defensive coach need $40 million dollars of the salary cap dedicated to cornerbacks? Why does the great defensive head coach need three first round picks on the DL?


If you want to cherry-pick the guys who have failed us, I'll point out some guys on the opposite end of the spectrum:


Jeremy Kerley:  5th round pick, slot receiver type was, before getting hurt, a valuable receiving option for our young QB.


Dawan Harrison:  Nothing really needs to be said here.  The best run-stuffer in the entire NFL.


Austin Howard:  A "plug-and-play" undrafted RT who is now a mainstay for the line.


Muhammad Wilkerson:  Taken in the back end of the 1st, has become maybe the best young 3-4 DE in the game other than perhaps JJ Watt.


Demario Davis:  3rd round pick.  Now the leader of the defense.


Antonio Cromartie:  This year he has struggled mightily, but for 3 straight years he was a Top 10 ranked corner according to ProfootballFocus.  If his performance Sunday is any indication, he might be back to his old self.  Overnight, he went from being a total pu$$y for the Chargers to actually being a pretty solid tackler and hard hitter here under Rex.  Weird.


Antonio Allen:  7th round pick.  Other than Jimmy Graham, he's done a pretty nice job covering TE's for us and pick 6'd Brady.


Kyle Wilson:  After originally thought to be a bust, has quietly become one of the league's best slot corners.


Bilal Powell/Chris Ivory:  Only cost us late-rounders, have turned into one capable guy (Powell) and one explosive guy (Ivory).


Geno Smith:  Has Rex stunted his growth yet?  No?  Ok, cool.


David Nelson/Greg Salas/Zach Sudfeld:  WHO????

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Basically a very good post, but I don't get where you or jacked get that the Jets have invested heavily at the LB position.  It simply isn't true.  In the past, yes, they had a lot of money tied up in Pace and Thomas, but no more.  Harris is overpaid as you say, but he's the only one making much money at LB.  Davis is the only mid-round or higher draft pick on the team other than Harris.  Barnes may have been, but he's older and on IR now.  One of the reasons the Jets D hasn't been any better than it has is because by and large Tanny ignored the LB spot for the Jets.  He drafted Gholston and Davis, and maybe Bellore and McIntyre, but I think Bellore was a UDFA and McIntyre a FA from the CFL.


Aside from that, your point stands...the DL is the only unit on the team that is talent rich.  The ILBs are above average and pretty good.  The OL is average or below average. The same goes for the RBs.   The OLBs are below average.  The Safeties are the worst. The WRs are probably 2nd worst, followed by the TEs, CBs and QBs.


I think the team needs to make a major investment (high draft picks and/or FAs) in the WR, OLB, TE, and FS positions.  They can afford a lesser investment (mid-to-lower round draft picks and/or FAs) in the OL, RB, CB, and ILB positions for another year or two, but then will need to make some major investment in those positions.  What helps is that Milliner is a rookie with a lot of potential, Hill still has a lot of room for growth/improvement & has a ton of talent and Colon, Winslow and Sudfelt look like excellent FA pickups.  Salas and Nelson could stick and help too.


RB argument is a bad one, very few teams have big time running backs anymore. Our combo of RB's is at least middle of the pack.


Our Oline is better than average and certainly better than below average. You want to see below average Oline, watch the first 8 Giants games of the season.


We have very weak WR's, our roster is a middle of the road roster, it is not a bottom tier roster.

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Well, they beat the great Tom Brady and the great Drew Brees this year didn't they? Or did Rex strap up his old chin strap and play in place of our horrendous team?


How do you think the phrase, "On any given Sunday..." came about?  Bad teams can and do upset good teams frequently through great game plans and execution, career days from players on the bad team, the good teams not taking the bad team seriously until it's too late or their having an off day.  Sometimes too, for whatever reason, matchups at key positions can actually help a bad team vs a better team.

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Well, they beat the great Tom Brady and the great Drew Brees this year didn't they? Or did Rex strap up his old chin strap and play in place of our horrendous team?


Rex's gameplans for both games were perfection.  Did you not read about how he used Quinton Coples on Sunday?  You know, the same Coples everyone was calling a bust a week ago and had a monster game.

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