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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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When someone reveals and the next post from 3 or more people is an unvote I'm sorry, but yes...it is extremely obvious why they unvoted.

Sorry you find it stupid, unlike JN, and unobvious.

4 people immediately recognized it ans he is the only one who didn't. It's scummy.

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Here's me "leaving Smash out to dry" and Nolder questioning me on it earlier in the game.

1. GFY because that has nothing to do with the fact that Ape supposedly figured out the same thing and didn't say sh*t.

2. GFY twice because saying "Smash made a faulty inference about game mechanics" is vague when you could have plainly stated "Smash thinks we're all town.


You can both try to wiggle around the ambiguities of what you both said but it was crystal clear that no one understood either of you and neither of you saw fit to correct that. Now tell me again how that was somehow unintentional and it's the rest of our faults for not understanding you the first time around.

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Holy sh*t I feel like I'm explaining quantum physics to children or something. Doesn't matter how simply you put sh*t they just give you dumb looks and shrug.


The issue between me and Ape was over. Done with. The thread moved on, the conversation shifted.

No one but apparently Ape gave two sh*ts about who said what in a pissing match about Smash or Crusher.

And in he comes responding to a retarded and incorrect jab at me from you.

Again he completely, and I believe intentionally, misunderstands the comment I made about the rhetoric surrounding the value of no lynch being pointless. Accusing me of "chastising everyone" which I guess kind of makes sense if you understand that Ape thinks the game revolves around him and anything said or done by anyone must somehow some way involve him but the truth is I "chastised" one person for not scum hunting. Lizzie. I also poked a couple people to participate more but that's about it. So, as I said, Ape is just flinging sh*t and I'm done engaging with it. I'll point it out when he does it but that's as far as I'll go. If you can't understand that it's ok. Go suck up to daddy Ape, I'm sure he'll fling a special pile of poo just for you.




I didn't misunderstand sh*t, you ******* twerp. You've been grandstanding most of the game about "pointless rhetoric" and "scum hunting". I wasn't associating those quotes with one statement you made about no lynch, but with your repetition of both as themes all game long. You've brushed off discussion and arguing a couple times as pointless, and tried to scold me or others to scum hunt. To which my responses have been "arguing is part of scum hunting", which you've brushed off as well.


What a crock of ******* sh*t. 

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No when I say share your thoughts I mean "I think Smash is NLing because he thinks there's no scum in the game today" not some cryptic bullsh*t.


It wasn't cryptic, you are just ******* stupid.

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1. GFY because that has nothing to do with the fact that Ape supposedly figured out the same thing and didn't say sh*t.

2. GFY twice because saying "Smash made a faulty inference about game mechanics" is vague when you could have plainly stated "Smash thinks we're all town.


You can both try to wiggle around the ambiguities of what you both said but it was crystal clear that no one understood either of you and neither of you saw fit to correct that. Now tell me again how that was somehow unintentional and it's the rest of our faults for not understanding you the first time around.


Doing it the way you suggest would basically have been info-dumping for the scum.  I gave enough reasoning for a townie to investigate further and figure out what I was talking about.

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Re-reading that exchange, Nolder looks like scum fishing for more info... and not surprisingly, now he's blowing it off for me. Just un-*******-real.

I really like how you put this because as I saw it Wombat was dangling info and, as I said in my post, I was willing to bite.


What he did was like someone saying "ok guys I have a special power in this game". It begs the question "what?" and I knew everyone else was going to be too pussy and try to preserve their own lives to ask so I did it.


Yeah if someone is gonna dangle bait like that I'm gonna bite.

Sorry but I'm not the fisherman you're looking for.

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You chastised someone earlier in the game for having more rhetoric than content and now you are doing the exact same thing.  That's called hypocrisy no matter how much BIG BAD APE window dressing you put on it.

I think you're missing the point that I don't want to discuss big bad ape and his sh*t flinging anymore. I indulged you because you seemed confused.

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He could have ended the debate on Smash. And for that matter so could you.


But you both didn't say a damn thing and instead opted to "let it play out".


So geniuses tell us, what did you learn that you couldn't have by just telling the rest of us wtf Smash was doing from the getgo?


Since when do I "end debates"? I said it earlier, let it play out - oh wait, that's another one of those things I said, I did, and then you and/or Verbal tried to say I contradicted myself on... right.


Also **** you and this hypocritical "end debates" position, when you've begged me to keep arguing with you all game. Every time you misrepresent my logic or statements, you are begging for me to keep at it.

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I really like how you put this because as I saw it Wombat was dangling info and, as I said in my post, I was willing to bite.


What he did was like someone saying "ok guys I have a special power in this game". It begs the question "what?" and I knew everyone else was going to be too pussy and try to preserve their own lives to ask so I did it.


Yeah if someone is gonna dangle bait like that I'm gonna bite.

Sorry but I'm not the fisherman you're looking for.


That's bullsh*t.  Everyone has a special power in this game.

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I think you're missing the point that I don't want to discuss big bad ape and his sh*t flinging anymore. I indulged you because you seemed confused.


For someone who doesn't want to discuss something, you sure spend a lot of time discussing it.

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Meanwhile Smash is 300 yards outside of the sh*t show he created without so much as a peep.


I think the PM talk is low budget and is giving scum info they don't need to see. 


I have many people I could vote for but the list includes:


Smash - lighting a bag of sh*t, putting it in front of our door, ringing the doorbell, and running away

Arsis - Either sloppy town or sacrificial lambing himself to get intel for the scum team - which has seemingly worked

Lia - "hi I'll be back in a bit"..  that was 10 hours ago.

AVM - Focused on getting Leelous approval..  saying Lily was being Lily by hiding then voting her next page

Wombat - Trying to play the role of retarded General


I think it's a mistake that everyone is seemingly vetting the majority of players in hopes the scum team is low in #'s to start.  The people doing it, (ie the ones advocating a no lynch), are also not taking into account what other anti-town roles are out there.  The people looking to buddy up on thread and talking about who they're looking to tag are playing dumb.



LOL perfect

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Sidenote, are you on a dial up? I swear to God I have never seen a name be in the "posting" italics longer than yours is

I'm on mobile. His whole "I don't know why people jumped off" thing is scimmy to me. It's also only the second vote on him. I want to see how he reacts to it.

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I didn't misunderstand sh*t, you ******* twerp. You've been grandstanding most of the game about "pointless rhetoric" and "scum hunting". I wasn't associating those quotes with one statement you made about no lynch, but with your repetition of both as themes all game long. You've brushed off discussion and arguing a couple times as pointless, and tried to scold me or others to scum hunt. To which my responses have been "arguing is part of scum hunting", which you've brushed off as well.


What a crock of ******* sh*t. 

Get a load of this sh*t! LOL


To the bold, I said it once and then you ran with it and I've been correcting you ever since. The "repetition" you claim is merely me proving you wrong over and over and you putting your fingers in your ears.

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Doing it the way you suggest would basically have been info-dumping for the scum.  I gave enough reasoning for a townie to investigate further and figure out what I was talking about.

How exactly does this information benefit scum?

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Since when do I "end debates"? I said it earlier, let it play out - oh wait, that's another one of those things I said, I did, and then you and/or Verbal tried to say I contradicted myself on... right.


Also **** you and this hypocritical "end debates" position, when you've begged me to keep arguing with you all game. Every time you misrepresent my logic or statements, you are begging for me to keep at it.

-I- bugged -you-.

-I- misrepresented -you-.


I had an irl lol when I read those gj.


All you seem capable of doing is projecting your actions onto me and then going "nuh uh" when I prove you wrong.

This is why I'd much rather just call you a sh*t flinger than debate with you, there is no real debate to be had.


Also you didn't answer my question.

What did you learn from letting the whole Smash issue dominate the game?

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How exactly does this information benefit scum?


I suggest you think about that for a minute.  Gifts being distributed is common knowledge.  That's all that's common knowledge as far as I know.


I'm leaning town on you but you you seem intent on picking up your skirt and showing the scum team all your goods.  I suggest you mix up one of those bottom shelf nancy drinks of yours and watch a fish tank for 20 minutes.  You need to calm yourself.

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Again Ape showing that he thinks he IS the entire game.


Are we scum hunting? Or are we grinding an axe for some stupid reason? What does this have to do with anything? 


1. GFY because that has nothing to do with the fact that Ape supposedly figured out the same thing and didn't say sh*t.

2. GFY twice because saying "Smash made a faulty inference about game mechanics" is vague when you could have plainly stated "Smash thinks we're all town.


You can both try to wiggle around the ambiguities of what you both said but it was crystal clear that no one understood either of you and neither of you saw fit to correct that. Now tell me again how that was somehow unintentional and it's the rest of our faults for not understanding you the first time around.


You're a ******* idiot. While you are worried about people "ending arguments" or "ending discussions", I am trying to start them. So, while the Smash stuff sat out there, I began beating the grass... because unlike you, I value arguments and discussions as part of scum hunting. But let's nevermind that, right?


So, all your wrist flapping nonsense about what I should have done about Smash is stupid. You are trying to leverage some sort of hindsight position, the reality is, I approach the game the way I do. At the time, I saw value in saying "I think Smash is town" and focusing on other people to pressure... because I wanted to scum hunt.


End of story. 


Doing it the way you suggest would basically have been info-dumping for the scum.  I gave enough reasoning for a townie to investigate further and figure out what I was talking about.


lol, but not enough for an idiot apparently.


I think you're missing the point that I don't want to discuss big bad ape and his sh*t flinging anymore. I indulged you because you seemed confused.


Every other word out of your mouth is Ape... and you've reached the point where you aren't even casing me, you are incriminating me for playing the way I always play, focusing almost entirely on making this all about Smash and the no lynch vote, and ignore everything else... in particular townie logic.

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That's bullsh*t.  Everyone has a special power in this game.

holy sh*tballs did I say THIS GAME?

No I said "it's like if someone said..."

It was an example to illustrate that what you said was begging to be questioned.

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For someone who doesn't want to discuss something, you sure spend a lot of time discussing it.

Tell me about. I have a problem and when I get riled up I can't stop.


However I'm quickly reaching my limit.

I can only take so much stupid before I realize I'm wasting my time.

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