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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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Listen, a lot of you know I've got a mountain of sh*t on top of me lately, between work and home. I spent my morning with a client in a situation where I was under the magnifying glass along with the rest of my team in a situation where I wasn't allowed to do things my way, and felt set up to fail. I'm not happy with the situations or how the meeting went. When I got back home and had to go right back to trying to untwist all the mangling of my words, I got aggravated, and when my wife asked me for something I snapped at her like a real mother****er.


No matter what kind of arguing I've done here in these games in the past, I've always been able to pull away from the screen as if nothing ever happened. I think the combination of sh*t made me talk to my wife in a way that just doesn't happen in our household. I know I'm capable of being a monstrous doosh, but that type of behavior is not a reflection of how I act in my life. Especially with my wife. So, naturally, I felt and still feel really sh*tty about it.


Being the guy that everyone tries to troll and argue with puts me in a position where I have to take on multiple arguments at once, which is exhausting. The sh*tty part, as I've tried to avoid having games go that way is that no matter what alignment I am, if I don't put on this argue with everyone act - then I die for not delivering my meta, a caricature of myself. In the few games where I'm able to avoid it, I play great. What I'm finding since the baby arrived is that I don't have the same tenacity and/or energy to juggle so much dispute. I enjoy playing, but today, letting it aggravate me to the point where I'm a dick to my wife, that sh*t is unacceptable. 


I feel bad that it brought wifom into the game, but I feel worse that it brought negativity into my home. I'm going to chew on this a bit tonight, I don't want to screw up DPR's game, since I'm the jagoff that convinced him to run it here.


My apologies to each of you, I honestly don't even remember if I said anything unnecessarily personal or not. Putting the game aside, I hope you all that know the type of person I am, when I'm not perpetrating the Ape persona, know where I'm coming from. 

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Btw I'm getting drunk tonight, need to unwind after this game went off the rails.

Anyone joining me?




Ape:  I apologize if anything I said bothered you. I'm still figuring out how to play mafia well (I don't) and logically (I don't) and smart (I don't) but I was trying to make a post of what my thoughts were, no matter how stupid think they are. I haven't been able to read anything in response yet just this page. Hope you have a better night.

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Ape you told me months ago. Don't let this game carry over to RL. Handle your business, say your sorry, give her a kiss and if you need to bow out there's not a person here that would hold it against you. Also you can pet PACs cat I heard it is therapeutic.

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I was expecting something longer and more profound. *yawn*

Let's just get a VC and move on. Ape will wander back in once he's cooled down.


That is profound for DPR ;)

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I've made numerous cases on Nolder.  Have you been reading, Leelou?  Nolder has twice derailed the game with belated and erroneous setup talk (regarding no lynch, and recruits respectively).  He has not done any scumhunting, instead preferring to spend his effort obfuscating, and repeating faulty arguments well after they have been addressed.  He did his stupid stealth joke unvote thing when he wanted to get off my train.  He is now pushing the Pac train with RL bullsh*t.  Nolder is the most anti-town player in this game, bar none.

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@Ape: It's cool. You pissed me off a little bit but a lot less than I let on in thread. That was mostly for show. I respect that sometimes mafia just isn't fun and that can roll over to RL and make us need to bail to preserve RL relationships and commitments. What bothered me about what you did was that you made it public and loud in the thread. A short post saying you want to pull out because the game is stressing you out too much would have been much more respectable imo but instead you rage quit in a very loud manner forcing everyone in game to react to it. I'm sorry if my trolling afterwards came off as more a$$hole than I intended. I was trying to draw you back in because I didn't want you to quit. I didn't know about the work/wife stuff and if I had I wouldn't have been such a dick. Anyway I hope you'll see it for what it was. No hard feelings here. If you need to bail that's fine but I hope you wont.

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I've made numerous cases on Nolder.  Have you been reading, Leelou?  Nolder has twice derailed the game with belated and erroneous setup talk (regarding no lynch, and recruits respectively).  He has not done any scumhunting, instead preferring to spend his effort obfuscating, and repeating faulty arguments well after they have been addressed.  He did his stupid stealth joke unvote thing when he wanted to get off my train.  He is now pushing the Pac train with RL bullsh*t.  Nolder is the most anti-town player in this game, bar none.

I've done less than I should but more than you're giving me credit for. Hell at the very beginning of the game I tried to get a read on Crusher and Ape derailed me. I've prodded LK, SMC, Lily, and a couple other people iirc. Maybe that's not enough for you and that's fine but it'd be cool if you gave me some credit for what I have done.

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Wait...I'm pushing Pac on RL bullsh*t? You mean the joke about the dog?


Oh come on are you serious? GFY I made a case when I originally voted Pac today. If you didn't read it tough sh*t.

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I've made numerous cases on Nolder.  Have you been reading, Leelou?  Nolder has twice derailed the game with belated and erroneous setup talk (regarding no lynch, and recruits respectively).  He has not done any scumhunting, instead preferring to spend his effort obfuscating, and repeating faulty arguments well after they have been addressed.  He did his stupid stealth joke unvote thing when he wanted to get off my train.  He is now pushing the Pac train with RL bullsh*t.  Nolder is the most anti-town player in this game, bar none.


Yes, I am reading, Wombat. Nolder is semi scummy, but not the scummiest thing in the game. And the Pac train has happened numerous times. Besides the two townie posts Pac made out of all of his posts, what would you say has been pro-town Pac? I'm not voting Pac because he's Pac. He's had numerous scum defense type posts that have been pointed out by numerous people. 

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I'm willing to vote: Verbal, noldor, crusher, halia.

We need lynch so I'll follow the pac on any of those 4 who I have a scum.

I'm on the fence about jif, 80,pac and I'm leaning town a bit on wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwombat now.

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@Ape: It's cool. You pissed me off a little bit but a lot less than I let on in thread. That was mostly for show. I respect that sometimes mafia just isn't fun and that can roll over to RL and make us need to bail to preserve RL relationships and commitments. What bothered me about what you did was that you made it public and loud in the thread. A short post saying you want to pull out because the game is stressing you out too much would have been much more respectable imo but instead you rage quit in a very loud manner forcing everyone in game to react to it. I'm sorry if my trolling afterwards came off as more a$$hole than I intended. I was trying to draw you back in because I didn't want you to quit. I didn't know about the work/wife stuff and if I had I wouldn't have been such a dick. Anyway I hope you'll see it for what it was. No hard feelings here. If you need to bail that's fine but I hope you wont.


i made one small post saying congrats, i'll play until dpr find a replace. no matter what manner i did it in, peoplw ere going to react - because its me


you missing the mpoint i'm not pissed about what was happening in game, i'm pissed that i acted like a dick to my wife. trust me, my work sh*t is far more responsible for my mood than this game, the game is just an unnedessary source of tension. in not taking personal, its not about you and verb or anyone in particular,


normally i'm like patrick swayze in roadhouse and can fight 20 guys at once, without breaking a sweat because pain don't hurt - worry about my job security has we really wound tight. i just need to cool off 

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Vote Pac


Last night I was unsure because I liked alot of your earlier posts and knew I didn't want Verbal lynched.

Today you're a goner. As the pressure mounts you keep throwing wider and wider nets to hook stupid townies into a distraction.

Whoops Nolder is scum oh now it's SMC and omg why are you all voting me. Wombats probably scum but at least he didn't go full retard.

Good night and RIP scumbag,



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And I'm not "laying down"..  I'm just not letting you guys get me angry when I've got to exude confidence in front of these beasts.  The meeting was a 4 hour ordeal and I played it by the book.  I intentionally did it with the LF in Albany so her angst wouldn't pollute the environment. 


I'm proud to report this has been a tremendous success thus far.  The cat has been staring for 2 hours but staring isn't attacking..  and the dog?  couldn't give a sh-t..  turned around and went to sleep lol.

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Those are the totality of your efforts?  You voted Crusher for making a fat joke on like page 2.  Prodding LK and Lily is next to useless.

My point is that you're not giving me any credit for what I have done.

A townie would make the case that I haven't done enough not lie and pretend like I'd done nothing at all.

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And I'm not "laying down".. I'm just not letting you guys get me angry when I've got to exude confidence in front of these beasts. The meeting was a 4 hour ordeal and I played it by the book. I intentionally did it with the LF in Albany so her angst wouldn't pollute the environment.

I'm proud to report this has been a tremendous success thus far. The cat has been staring for 2 hours but staring isn't attacking.. and the dog? couldn't give a sh-t.. turned around and went to sleep lol.

Scum tell!

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I've done less than I should but more than you're giving me credit for. Hell at the very beginning of the game I tried to get a read on Crusher and Ape derailed me. I've prodded LK, SMC, Lily, and a couple other people iirc. Maybe that's not enough for you and that's fine but it'd be cool if you gave me some credit for what I have done.


not for nothing but i was trying to get read on you - if you put havelf the effort into actually getting rad on crush, as you did into pointless grandstanding you would have gotten that read - you were more focused on convincing peolpe i was 'derailing' you, makes no sense

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Listen, a lot of you know I've got a mountain of sh*t on top of me lately, between work and home. I spent my morning with a client in a situation where I was under the magnifying glass along with the rest of my team in a situation where I wasn't allowed to do things my way, and felt set up to fail. I'm not happy with the situations or how the meeting went. When I got back home and had to go right back to trying to untwist all the mangling of my words, I got aggravated, and when my wife asked me for something I snapped at her like a real mother****er.


No matter what kind of arguing I've done here in these games in the past, I've always been able to pull away from the screen as if nothing ever happened. I think the combination of sh*t made me talk to my wife in a way that just doesn't happen in our household. I know I'm capable of being a monstrous doosh, but that type of behavior is not a reflection of how I act in my life. Especially with my wife. So, naturally, I felt and still feel really sh*tty about it.


Being the guy that everyone tries to troll and argue with puts me in a position where I have to take on multiple arguments at once, which is exhausting. The sh*tty part, as I've tried to avoid having games go that way is that no matter what alignment I am, if I don't put on this argue with everyone act - then I die for not delivering my meta, a caricature of myself. In the few games where I'm able to avoid it, I play great. What I'm finding since the baby arrived is that I don't have the same tenacity and/or energy to juggle so much dispute. I enjoy playing, but today, letting it aggravate me to the point where I'm a dick to my wife, that sh*t is unacceptable. 


I feel bad that it brought wifom into the game, but I feel worse that it brought negativity into my home. I'm going to chew on this a bit tonight, I don't want to screw up DPR's game, since I'm the jagoff that convinced him to run it here.


My apologies to each of you, I honestly don't even remember if I said anything unnecessarily personal or not. Putting the game aside, I hope you all that know the type of person I am, when I'm not perpetrating the Ape persona, know where I'm coming from. 



haha this is what I've been trying to say all game.  pussy.


You've been arguing with 2 people.  I've been attacked for 2 days by like 8..  and when I try to defend myself I'm "more scummy"..  I got a lot calmer when I just said f-ck them, I got RL sh-t to handle.

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