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DeflateGate punishment let's Patriot's off the hook for cheating.


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So last nite I was watching the NFL Network coverage of the DeflateGate punishment's handed out to the Pats and Brady.The 15 minutes i watched it was mind boggling how each commentator went on air to say how harsh the punishment was OR how it was more than they expected OR it was tough on Brady and so on. It almost sounded like the NFL wanted to ensure that everyone watching the telecast was sufficiently indoctrinated into believing they had handed out death sentences in DeflateGate. It was funny to watch each and every commentator utter almost the same line when their number was called. It was a brilliant performance.


But with the punishment handed for DeflateGate, the NFL did anything but set an example. These are not punishments that will ever discourage any team from cheating. Heck a lot of teams have to look at this and say if this is all you lose for winning a Super Bowl, let's do it.


The punishments were just enough for the NFL to save face. It is Goodell letting of his cheating buddy Kraft and his organization of the hook once again with minimal possible damage while looking he was taking some action. The real loss to the Pats is the 2 draft picks. That is all.


The investigation never looked into Belichick's role from the start. Never asked for his cell phone. This is a head coach who has a history of cheating and has been punished by the league before. He also has a reputation of being a micro manager. We have lost count of the commentators, experts and talking heads who extoll the virtues of his micro management over and over again. But when there is a cheating scandal, one which could have been going on for years on end, the investigation just took Belichick  at his word and let him go scot free and completely off the hook. Why is the BIG question here ?  To top that in the past it's been Goodell who told us "ignorance was not an excuse" and sent Sean Payton off for one year. Why didn't that benchmark apply in this instance as well. So Bill Belichick who could very well have been the mastermind behind this scandal was let of the hook without as much as a slap on the wrist.


Brady was clearly implicated in this scandal to the standard's of proof required by the NFL to take action. But he was suspended just 4 games. He can appeal and have that sentencing reduced to ZERO. And even if he is suspended 4 games it's not enough to impact the Patriot's season as a whole.


The Pats organization had to pay a fine of 1 million dollars. It sound's steep. But they benefited from this cheating scandal and went to the Super Bowl. I wonder what the monetary windfall is when a team makes the Super Bowl. Logic dictates that the profits generated would be a lot higher than ONE million.


So it comes down to this, the real punishment is loss of draft picks. That too when you take into consideration that this report was released coincidentally in the week after the 2015 draft, and given the commissioner's favoring of the Patriot's team in the past scandal's,  it's not outside the realm of reality to conclude that the NFL let the investigation report release be delayed till the 2015 draft was over. So now all the Patriot's lose is a 1st round pick in 2016 and a 4th round pick in 2017. That's the ONLY real damage the Patriot's had to suffer for cheating that could have been taking place for years and that helped them accomplish some remarkable, unheard of results in ball protection thus impacting the outcome for multiple games.


So what we end up with is a lot of window dressing , a lot of effort to make the punishment look harsh, a lot of effort for the NFL to save face in the eye's of the average fan BUT the punishment handed out is by NO means even close to setting an example. Once again the NFL showed us saving their CHOSEN child was much more important. So instead of handing punishment's out that set an example and showing us that the NFL is serious about protecting the Shield and the integrity of the game what we have is an attempt to window dress the punishment and an all out effort to market the punishment as tough while ensuring the CHOSEN child got away with yet another cheating scandal with very little damage.

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Great post.  Well said.  Pretty much spot on.


I've said it in another thread but the real travesty, is that they allowed this cheater play to in the Super Bowl.  They had plenty of time to take action before the game.


The NFL went soft on them, again.  The NFL is a joke.  

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Pats will go 3-1 with Garoppolo and not end up missing that late 1st rounder.  And everyone in the media will applaud them for bouncing back from the scandal.  This changes nothing from a football perspective.


The real penalty is that everything the Patriots accomplished and will ever accomplish under Kraft/Belichichk/Brady is hollow.  Yes, they get to keep the money and the rings, and in the end that's all they probably ever cared about on the surface.  But somewhere in their heart of hearts, they know they chose the #PatriotWay over integrity.  And no amount of cognitive dissonance will ever allow them to forget that.  Not to mention, legions of fans who have hated the Patriots for more than a decade won't allow them to forget it either.


So at least we've got that going for us.

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Pretty cheap to steal a Lombardi if you ask me.  




And this time the douche bag has the audacity to sit there and act like he's clueless. 


It's almost like Roger Clemens vs. Andy Pettitte situation.  Andy came out and said he ****ed up.  Everyone forgave him.  Clemens is arrogant DBag liar and everyone hates him. 


All Brady had to say was, I like my balls at the lowest PSI possible.  If it went below, that wasnt my intention but I take full responsibility for that mistake.  My intention was to not break the rules and I apologize to my team, the league and the fans for my actions.


Instead, he's acting bigger than the game and has proven to be a lying cheating scumbag both on and off the field.  

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I agree with the opening Post.....


The problem is that the Pats were given a pass when Goodell destroyed the evidence from Spygate.


Yes Spygate!!!


As I said at that time NO ONE  in the WORLD destroys evidence that proves that they didn't do anything wrong NO ONE!!!  The fact that the NFL let the Pats get away with their cheating before and literally covered up for them has just let the Pats believe they can get away with anything and nothing will be said.


This is why they don't go after Bellicheat because he has the dirt on the past...  Yes it would hurt him but it could cause the destruction of the NFL as well.  So to end the risk for now they Bellicheat a free pass.


IMO I do look at yesterday's ruling as significant in only one regard. 


The punishment is clearly a message to the Pats that this is the LAST time they can do wrong and it will be covered up for in any way going forward.  The next time there is an infraction they will be treated like anyone else.....


The NFL will simply have no other choice....

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Pats will go 3-1 with Garoppolo and not end up missing that late 1st rounder.  And everyone in the media will applaud them for bouncing back from the scandal.  This changes nothing from a football perspective.


The real penalty is that everything the Patriots accomplished and will ever accomplish under Kraft/Belichichk/Brady is hollow.  Yes, they get to keep the money and the rings, and in the end that's all they probably ever cared about on the surface.  But somewhere in their heart of hearts, they know they chose the #PatriotWay over integrity.  And no amount of cognitive dissonance will ever allow them to forget that.  Not to mention, legions of fans who have hated the Patriots for more than a decade won't allow them to forget it either.


So at least we've got that going for us.


He wont need to.  They'll get this down to 2 games.  Why?  Because they're the Cheatriots and Goodell has changed this once great sport into the WWF.

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I think his upside is 2002 Chad Pennington.  Nice player, but not good enough for you to lose much sleep over. 


Depends, if he cheats he might be pretty good like Brady. I'm sure they have some other competitive advantages to explore for him. You don't really think the Pats are going cold turkey on the cheating, right?

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