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Marshall gave Fitz a copy of Keyshawn's book

nj meadowlands

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"Just Give me the Damn Ball", and... hilariously / predictably / mind-numbingly... Skip Bayless got on his case about it.

I always ignore Bayless because I fully recognize he's paid lots of money to, and it is his sole purpose on this earth to, rile people up.  But this one feels like he actually believes it, and has clearly no clue what the Jets locker room or what the Fitz / Marshall bromance is all about.





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Skip is on the Cimini, Mehta do not touch links list ... Sorry

I'd click on/listen to Cimini and Manish a thousand times before Skip Bayless. All that is wrong with CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, The big 4 networks, and sports media as a whole are summed up in those 2 jagoffs; Bayless and Stephen A. Racist. They are the epitome of Yellow Journalism. 


Bayless' Chef brother, Rick, comes off as such a nice guy on his shows. Not sure what happened there. 

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LOL.  He's got a smirk on face the entire time and says "I better give this to him before you guys (media) break the story".  Even the article states its a "gag gift".  Steven A and Bayless quote him as saying "I probably could have a hundred catches by now"  but never quote the full statement, "I probably could have a hundred catches by now and Deck' another 75 if he didn't, you know, break his thumb."  Which is actually a complement to Fitz.  Sadly most would rather click on a talking head than read the actual accompanying article.

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So Brandon gives them all a goof christmas gift and the two asswhipes on ESPN, with a bonus chime in by Semen"e" take it in, hook, line and sinker.

Bayless, takes it to the Nth degree dredging up Chicago days, blaming Marshall for Cutler, his Vanderbuilt boy, for throwing to him too many times.  

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