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Zander and Nyn's Ebolaids Mafia Game

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5 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

Mrs. Play It Safe was afraid to slum it down
She packed her suitcase and kissed her kids babayeayeee
She waited her whole damn life to play ebolaids right
And as the game crashed down she thought
"Well, isn't this nice?"
And isn't it ironic, don't you think?

It's like no sex, on 80's wedding day
It's a free mow from Pac, when you've already paid
It's weight loss advice from Crush, that you just didn't take
Who would've thought, it figures.


Lissa has been lynched. She was...



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Barbie - who's life took a very ironic turn.... life is plastic indeed.


You are:

BAMFs Scum Roleblocker



Hot character @lissa ...but bad stroke of luck that @Leelou ninja'd u with that new avi...you'll get em next time 

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11 minutes ago, Lizard King said:

I Think it would appear to any objective person that town is rolling right now and we built ourselves a nice lead... so I propose we Lynch that smarmy @Jetsfan80 , who if were being totally fair adds no value to this game whatsoever...for the lulz....

@Pac @Verbal @The Crusher @Smashmouth

It also appears this scum team can recruit since they had a recruiter in Hallia. My concern is that the recruiter role may have passed to someone else on the scum team.

All the kills have happened during the day which means scum is in recruit mode rather than kill mode. They are obviously trying to build up their numbers so they can turn a larger vote count on the town and win the game. Being that 3 of them have died they will continue to recruit IMHO.

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2 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:

It also appears this scum team can recruit since they had a recruiter in Hallia. My concern is that the recruiter role may have passed to someone else on the scum team.

All the kills have happened during the day which means scum is in recruit mode rather than kill mode. They are obviously trying to build up their numbers so they can turn a larger vote count on the town and win the game. Being that 3 of them have died they will continue to recruit IMHO.

Easy now - it looked like Verbal was the recruit and there was no NK, so they most likely had te trade out to get that. If we get a NK tonight, we're looking for 1, maybe 2 more scum and then it's Miller time. If they choose to recruit again, we'll know it. And, the day kills have been vig shots. They've lost too many too fast - we got this. 

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28 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:

It also appears this scum team can recruit since they had a recruiter in Hallia. My concern is that the recruiter role may have passed to someone else on the scum team.

All the kills have happened during the day which means scum is in recruit mode rather than kill mode. They are obviously trying to build up their numbers so they can turn a larger vote count on the town and win the game. Being that 3 of them have died they will continue to recruit IMHO.

Fair point....I just think that when you progress towards goals so quickly...you need to reward yourself...sacrificing a virgin is a celebration as old as the world itself that brings many people great pleasure....

Side note...why do you think the recruit tool was passed down...?

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Also, because you know she stayed up late to work on this, a special atagirl to Nun: well played.

It's like no sex, on 80's wedding day
It's a free mow from Pac, when you've already paid
It's weight loss advice from Crush, that you just didn't take
Who would've thought, it figures.



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If the scum recruiters ability transfer to another person on their team is mod discretion from my experience (I have seen it not transfer more often though). But, no scum team can have endless recruits. 1-2 more and it should be over. But it should be 1 bc Hallia isnt alive to recruit tonight.

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1 hour ago, Lizard King said:

Fair point....I just think that when you progress towards goals so quickly...you need to reward yourself...sacrificing a virgin is a celebration as old as the world itself that brings many people great pleasure....

Side note...why do you think the recruit tool was passed down...?

just a feeling on the recruit power passing to another player. If not, then we could be looking at 4 or 5 scum 3 of which are already dead. so 1 or 2 left in game .

After giving the recruit role more thought it probably does not pass on to another player but it was what I was thinking at the time so I wanted to see what others thought

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14 minutes ago, Calder said:

If the scum recruiters ability transfer to another person on their team is mod discretion from my experience (I have seen it not transfer more often though). But, no scum team can have endless recruits. 1-2 more and it should be over. But it should be 1 bc Hallia isnt alive to recruit tonight.

that's what I was thinking Calder if it did pass that would mean there is a cap on the scum team probably 5 which would make sense in a 17 player game

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1 hour ago, D P R said:

Easy now - it looked like Verbal was the recruit and there was no NK, so they most likely had te trade out to get that. If we get a NK tonight, we're looking for 1, maybe 2 more scum and then it's Miller time. If they choose to recruit again, we'll know it. And, the day kills have been vig shots. They've lost too many too fast - we got this. 

what do you mean it looks like verbal was the recruit ? It makes no sense to take that kind of guess at this stage. That pings me big time Pirate.

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2 hours ago, Lizard King said:

I Think it would appear to any objective person that town is rolling right now and we built ourselves a nice lead... so I propose we Lynch that smarmy @Jetsfan80 , who if were being totally fair adds no value to this game whatsoever...for the lulz....

@Pac @Verbal @The Crusher @Smashmouth

I'm pretty sure Verbal is dead. 

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Bah, I was going to go back and quote Verbal's death scene where it lists him as town first, and then a BAMF. 

But then I realized your lazy ass should do it instead given it'll be the first time you've seen it and all.

You do realize tha your participation medal is in jeopardy, right?

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On 12/17/2016 at 2:02 PM, OH NO.....ITS ZANDER!!!!!! said:

Someone got kind of tired reading and rereding Verb's posts
First to last and up and down the thread
Maybe Verb living was never meant to be
But someone think of him once in awhile

Heading down that highway to hell
Leaving you all behind
Hardest thing he ever had to do
Broke his heart in two
But Baby, pay no mind
The price for playing in Zander's Ebolaids Mafia Game was high.

Grammar helps him hide his Spiderman fetish feelings
Far away from normal and feelin' low
It's gettin' late my friend, I will not miss you so
So go **** YOURSELVES, I've gotta go

Frands, if you've ever wondered
Wondered whatever became of Verb
He's no longer living on the air in this game, this game, JN

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Ewok- Just a common putz like the rest.


Where does it say he was town first? 

Wes, you scum, bro? 

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8 minutes ago, Leelou said:

Where does it say he was town first? 

Wes, you scum, bro? 

Ewok- Just a common putz like the rest.



I haven't noticed anyone else with a double entry. Granted, it looked like Zander was just smartassing over the pic he used, but now I think it's pretty indicative of a recruit.

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