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11 minutes ago, gEYno said:

My argument isn't that a woman hitting a man isn't excessive.  My argument is about the goal of the retaliation.  If my wife punches me in the face, is my goal to ensure my safety, or to do her harm?  I personally don't need to engage in "an eye for an eye."  In order for me to ensure my safety, I don't need to punch her back in the face.  I can ensure my safety in a number of ways.

If you punched me in the face, in order for me to ensure my safety, I might need to punch you back in the face to ensure my safety, because the damage you're capable of doing to me is likely far greater than my wife, based on the physical differences.

And honestly, if your goal is anything but ensuring your safety, where do you draw that line, if a mentally disabled person hits you, do you knock them out?  How about a child?

And speaking of "safety" I havent seen any of these women in a "flight to safety" situation given that the "damage men are capable of doing is likely far greater than another woman" right? 

So if that wasnt the case, why is she hitting them, and by doing so, provoking them? 


The sh*t is called "responsibility" EY. 

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4 minutes ago, Villain The Foe said:

Point being, to conclude the back and forth, women need to stop hitting men because the possible reaction could be excessive given that by nature, he's a man. 

Which is exactly my other point... This argument perfectly parallels one that says that Garner et al. "should have complied" with the police because the "possibel reaction could be excessive given that by nature," they're cops (and have guns).

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2 minutes ago, Villain The Foe said:

And speaking of "safety" I havent seen any of these women in a "flight to safety" situation given that the "damage men are capable of doing is likely far greater than another woman" right? 

So if that wasnt the case, why is she hitting them, and by doing so, provoking them? 

Villian, you've won the argument that no one is making, you are correct that the woman was wrong.

You're problem is that you're somehow defending that two wrongs make a right.

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1 minute ago, gEYno said:

Which is exactly my other point... This argument perfectly parallels one that says that Garner et al. "should have complied" with the police because the "possibel reaction could be excessive given that by nature," they're cops (and have guns).

Though I see your point you're making, I dont personally correlate the right for someone to live and be left alone from police harassment to a woman provoking and hitting a man. 


I just dont see the mutual connection. 

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10 minutes ago, Villain The Foe said:

Im not sure if you would treat a stranger woman the same as your wife.

And, for the record, if it's a stranger, I'm getting the **** out of the situation as fast as possible.  That "stranger woman" may very well have a much bigger man behind her, or someone with a weapon nearby.  Again, ensuring my safety is the only goal.

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7 minutes ago, gEYno said:

Villian, you've won the argument that no one is making, you are correct that the woman was wrong.

You're problem is that you're somehow defending that two wrongs make a right.

Not when my original statement said that "I disagree with Mixon's method of retaliation". That right there show's that im not defending that two wrongs make a right. What im debating here is the pedestal that woman have been put on and im simply saying that they should step off the pedestal because the pedestal is a societal contradiction.  

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Just now, Villain The Foe said:

Not when my original statement said that "I dont disagree with Mixon's method of retaliation". That right there show's that im not defending that two wrongs make a right. What im debating here is the pedestal that woman have been put on and im simply saying that they should step off the pedestal because the pedestal is a societal contraction. 

I don't think anyone is saying that what this woman did was okay nor putting her on a pedestal.  They're saying that what this woman did was wrong, but Mixon could have handled the situation in a million ways that weren't this one.  Because he chose this one, he's a problem.

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5 minutes ago, Villain The Foe said:

Though I see your point you're making, I dont personally correlate the right for someone to live and be left alone from police harassment to a woman provoking and hitting a man. 


I just dont see the mutual connection. 

The outcomes are different, but the victim blaming is the same.  Garner it seems pretty well known, was selling loose cigarettes, a minor crime, and resisted arrest, a larger crime.  Had he not, he wouldn't have given the cop the opportunity to kill him.  The woman punched a man who she couldn't possibly have done any meaningful harm.  Had he not, the man, who, by the way, could have easily killed her with one punch, in all likelihood would not have hit her.

By defending the man, you're essentially defending the cop.  But it seems like you're looking for a difference in the severity of outcomes and nature of the offense, because you don't want to defend the cop (rightfully so).

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41 minutes ago, gEYno said:

I don't think anyone is saying that what this woman did was okay nor putting her on a pedestal.  They're saying that what this woman did was wrong, but Mixon could have handled the situation in a million ways that weren't this one.  Because he chose this one, he's a problem.

This ^^^^^^^^ I have no problem with. But when I read things like "Aaron Hernandez just killed himself, we have room in a cage for Mixon" is just ridiculous. People generally arent making that argument which you nicely stated. I can agree with that. Im not saying that what you just said is something to disagree with. Im saying that dismissing what she did is a societal problem. Let me give you the perfect example of this. 

You dont have to view the entire video, but just listen to the beginning words of the reporter. She clearly says that there was a fight caught on video, but continues on to talk about how "the man slapped a woman after the women ALLEGEDLY taunted him and hit him with her high heels". How the hell is that "alleged" when you have video? sh*t like this is what society does bro. The video tape show clear as day what happened, yet what the news did was edit the video and only showed the response by the man. 


And the craziest thing about this EY is that the guy was interviewed and he said "If he had an opportunity he would say sorry to the woman because no man should hit a woman, but she left him NO CHOICE". The entire clip is edited by the news crew and her actions are stated as "alleged" and his actions are put for all to see and presented as clear and confirmed actions. 


In a nutshell, this is how society deals with this issue. The reason why women are not getting it is because of this type of treatment on the subject. It's always handled with white gloves and sugar coated in favor of woman by dismissing their actions. I cant find the video but I remember another news video where a female reporter basically said that no matter what a woman does he shouldnt hit her and a woman should have "as long a leash" as needed to basically do whatever she want without the possibility of consequence. 


This is why you see so many situations like this. It's because women have zero fear of any consequences. To prove that. Look how excited this woman is below to hit this guy but then look how shocked she becomes when he simply taps her back. She totally couldnt fathom that this could possibly happen. 

This girls reaction embodies everything that I've ever said. 

Women need to keep their hands to themselves and stop initiating violence towards these men, because they're doing it with the thought that these men will not hit them back. That's the definition of trying to take advantage of a situation. 

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48 minutes ago, Villain The Foe said:

I read your prior statement, and I did receive the "**** you" part that was directed towards me lol. Look, someone else is most likely going to say "**** you villain" before my day is done. It comes with the territory I guess so I dont take it personal. ;)

Im not defending Mixon, however, anyone who reads what im saying without their own triggers getting involved would know that. Women need to stop hitting men, period. End of story. 

Yep, you make moronic commenets, and people call you a moron.  Imsure you are used to it.

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2 minutes ago, Villain The Foe said:

This ^^^^^^^^ I have no problem with. But when I read things like "Aaron Hernandez just killed himself, we have room in a cage for Mixon" is just ridiculous. People generally arent making that argument which you nicely stated. I can agree with that. Im not saying that what you just said is something to disagree with. Im saying that dismissing what she did is a societal problem. Let me give you the perfect example of this. 

You dont have to view the entire video, but just listen to the beginning words of the reporter. She clearly says that there was a fight caught on video, but continues on to talk about how "the man slapped a woman after the women ALLEGEDLY taughted him and hit him with here high heels". How the hell is that "alleged" when you have video? sh*t like this is what society does bro. The video tape show clear as day what happened, yet what the news did was edit the video and only showed the response by the man. 


And the craziest thing about this EY is that the guy was interviewed and he said "If he had an opportunity he would say sorry to the woman because no man should hit a woman, but she left him NO CHOICE". The entire clip is edited by the news crew and her actions are stated as "alleged" and his actions are put for all to see and presented as clear and confirmed actions. 


In a nutshell, this is how society deals with this issue. The reason why women are not getting it is because of these type of treatment on the subject. It's always handled with white gloves and sugar coated. I cant find the video but I remember another news video where a female reporter basically said that no matter what a woman does he shouldnt hit her and a woman should have "as long a leash" as needed to basically do whatever she want without the possibility of consequence. 


This is why you see so many situations like this. It's because women have zero fear of any consequences. To prove that. Look how excited this woman is to hit this guy but then look how shocked she becomes when he simply taps her back. She totally couldnt fathom that this could possibly happen. 

This girls reaction says everything that I've ever said. 

Women need to keep their hands to themselves and stop initiating violence towards these men, because they're doing it with the thought that these men will not hit them back. 

Wow.  You have major issues.

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1 hour ago, HessStation said:

*takes a deep ******* breath can't believing I even have to explain this...


The girl is already clearly upset.

Mixon walks in to confront the situation

Mixon clearly antagonizes the situation

the girl is clearly distraught over Mixon antagonizing the situation 

the girl looks about 5'3 120lbs

the girl lunges and flails at Mixon after clearly being antagonized 

(if you think that's an attack you're a ******* pussy w zero class, chivalry or manhood)

Mixon does not push or grab her in restraint


MIXON THEN, w no regard for her OUT on the floor flees the scene, LIKE THE ******* LOSER HE IS

**** Joe Mixon and **** you for defending him.

Personally I find angry aggressive woman sexy. 

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2 hours ago, gEYno said:

My argument isn't that a woman hitting a man isn't excessive.  My argument is about the goal of the retaliation.  If my wife punches me in the face, is my goal to ensure my safety, or to do her harm?  I personally don't need to engage in "an eye for an eye."  In order for me to ensure my safety, I don't need to punch her back in the face.  I can ensure my safety in a number of ways.

If you punched me in the face, in order for me to ensure my safety, I might need to punch you back in the face to ensure my safety, because the damage you're capable of doing to me is likely far greater than my wife, based on the physical differences.

And honestly, if your goal is anything but ensuring your safety, where do you draw that line, if a mentally disabled person hits you, do you knock them out?  How about a child?

No disrespect but if your wife slaps you the goal is make up sex. 

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5 minutes ago, Butterfield said:

No, but you are an enabler, and by your attitude, probably violent yourself.  

LMAO Im an enabler for violent women because im saying that violent women need to keep their hands to themselves and offer the the same respect that they expect from men. You're a butterfield alright lol. 

You're just salty because im not following the hypocrisy.  **** the hypocrisy, the sh*t is wrong. 

And yes, i can be violent, but only when I need to be. Kinda like when trapping a Dog into a corner. 

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Couple of different issues involved here.  Isolating the Mixon situation for what it is as a football matter.  If I were a GM with a top 10 pick who was considering Mixon the video would probably change my mind.  Mixon, even though he was assaulted first used very poor judgement in his situation.  IMO used an excessive amount of force, and indicated a quick flash to serious violence.  I wouldn't be willing to invest $20+ million dollars in him.  He wouldn't come off the board completely, but I wouldn't take him that early.

In the video with the poor guy in the straw hat, "lady" probably would have gotten away with the first punch, just because.  After the attack continued it should have ended very badly for her.

In the one with the baby, that was a very tragic one.  Kid learned something very negative there.  I have a feeling that isn't the first time the kid was subjected to that level of violence from her mom.

In the end IMO, Villians point is accurate.  Ladies keep your hands to yourself.

If you violently attack someone, expect for them to defend themselves with force.  When woman are acting like thugs, they can't expect to be treated as ladies.  Public opinion has really gotten bizarre on  how an out right battery is some how protected by chivalry.   


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2 minutes ago, flgreen said:


Couple of different issues involved here.  Isolating the Mixon situation for what it is as a football matter.  If I were a GM with a top 10 pick who was considering Mixon the video would probably change my mind.  Mixon, even though he was assaulted first used very poor judgement in his situation.  IMO used an excessive amount of force, and indicated a quick flash to serious violence.  I wouldn't be willing to invest $20+ million dollars in him.  He wouldn't come off the board completely, but I wouldn't take him that early.

In the video with the poor guy in the straw hat, "lady" probably would have gotten away with the first punch, just because.  After the attack continued it should have ended very badly for her.

In the one with the baby, that was a very tragic one.  Kid learned something very negative there.  I have a feeling that isn't the first time the kid was subjected to that level of violence from her mom.

In the end IMO, Villians point is accurate.  Ladies keep your hands to yourself.

If you violently attack someone, expect for them to defend themselves with force.  When woman are acting like thugs, they can't expect to be treated as ladies.  Public opinion has really gotten bizarre on on how an right battery is some how protected by chivalry.   


thanks for seeing the point for what it was. 

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“My daughter went to Freedom High School with Joe, and they have been friends for much of their lives. Once, when they were in school together, my daughter had a minor disagreement with some of her classmates that got blown out of proportion. Like any father would, I reacted emotionally. Unfortunately, I did so before I had all the facts. Now, having talked to my daughter and investigated the whole story, I realize that I was mistaken about Joe’s involvement. I definitely overreacted, and I regret that my words might have given some people the wrong impression about Joe. I know that Joe did not hurt my daughter, did not intend to, and would not do so.

“Joe and my daughter are still good friends. Joe is a great kid with a bright future in front of him, and he is welcome in my home anytime.


good try tho 

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14 hours ago, Kevin L said:

Is the golem made of mud, or clay?

Oh for gods sakes, didn't any of you mooks play Dungeons and dragons in your youth?

There are clay golems, stone golems, iron golems and even flesh golems.

I suppose ya'll were captains of your high school football teams or something instead of playing that highly creative and social game of D&D????

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3 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Oh for gods sakes, didn't any of you mooks play Dungeons and dragons in your youth?

There are clay golems, stone golems, iron golems and even flesh golems.

I suppose ya'll were captains of your high school football teams or something instead of playing that highly creative and social game of D&D????

Lol. I'll have you know that not only was I the backup TE on my HS team that won 2 games in 4 years, I was also a 12th level Paladin.

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9 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Oh for gods sakes, didn't any of you mooks play Dungeons and dragons in your youth?

There are clay golems, stone golems, iron golems and even flesh golems.

I suppose ya'll were captains of your high school football teams or something instead of playing that highly creative and social game of D&D????

Cheap 3rd world knock offs. In the original golem user manual it clearly states that using any material other then clay or mud voids the warenty.

If your going to invest in a golem , buy the best.

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Villan: I don't care what Geno did, said or anything else he may have done to IK, IK never, ever should have punched Geno out, its 100% on IK, and Geno takes zero responsibility. I don't care if Geno taunted him, or stuck his finger in his face, it doesn't matter, Geno did nothing wrong and IK is 100% at fault.

Villan: If a women starts something with a man, she is responsible, not the man who is merely trying to protect himself. She should not start anything with bigger men and then cry foul.



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12 minutes ago, NoBowles said:

Villan: I don't care what Geno did, said or anything else he may have done to IK, IK never, ever should have punched Geno out, its 100% on IK, and Geno takes zero responsibility. I don't care if Geno taunted him, or stuck his finger in his face, it doesn't matter, Geno did nothing wrong and IK is 100% at fault.

Villan: If a women starts something with a man, she is responsible, not the man who is merely trying to protect himself. She should not start anything with bigger men and then cry foul.



If you change the bolded to "hits" then you'd be closer to what I would have probably said.  


I really got you triggered. You still holding on to yesterday brah? Dont go trying to push violence towards me and hit me. As I said, you ladies should keep your hands to yourselves. 


Sick burn...I know. :P 


And Im glad that you brought up the Geno situation. Goes to show that when it comes to both men and women, I'm consistent with people keeping their hands to themselves. Because the last time I checked, Geno never laid a hand on IK, so thanks for that. 

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4 minutes ago, NoBowles said:

Villan: I don't care what Geno did, said or anything else he may have done to IK, IK never, ever should have punched Geno out, its 100% on IK, and Geno takes zero responsibility. I don't care if Geno taunted him, or stuck his finger in his face, it doesn't matter, Geno did nothing wrong and IK is 100% at fault.

Villan: If a women starts something with a man, she is responsible, not the man who is merely trying to protect himself. She should not start anything with bigger men and then cry foul.




And the winner of today's addition of, "mention Geno, or Fitz, in an unrelated thread contest"  is.................Drum roll please.....................

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