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My two sons (picture)


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cool pic alk, good to see that even the dip**** posters here have good family values & are proud enough of their children to post them here. here's wishing you all the best in your struggles to bring em up right

By "bring em up right" you mean make them Jets fans don't you? :)

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A more recent picture of Sawyer without all of the tubes along with big brother Grant.


Alk, great looking kids, you should be a proud papa. Now here's the thing-They don't even have to be Jets fans, just don't let them listen to that garbage Nirvana when they grow up. That mistake should end with you. Trust me.

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Alk, great looking kids, you should be a proud papa. Now here's the thing-They don't even have to be Jets fans, just don't let them listen to that garbage Nirvana when they grow up. That mistake should end with you. Trust me.

THAT'S 2!! :Cuss:

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good lookin kids, thank god they have straight hair and not that mugato doo you have....

Yeah, just give them 30 years. My (mugatu) doo is long gone. My hair was just getting ridulously long at the time and was just out of control.

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Glad to see little Sawyer Brown is doing so well.

:) When we decided on Sawyer, that was the one thing my wife was worried about. She was afraid everyone would call him Sawyer Brown. I told her if we were going to worry about what people called him because of his name then we might as well just not give him a name at all because there will always be something.

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